OPINION-Why Trump desperately NEEDS the "illegal" immigrants' rhetoric...

If you really and objectively think about it, illegal immigration is the ONLY card left for Trump to keep playing......and we can certainly see this in his on-going campaign speeches (but, of course, we should also include in his campaign "strategy" the same childish name-calling of his opponents......rule number one of bullies.)

But, lets review Trump's on-going failures that he neglects to mention:

His tax scam has proven a bust with an estimated 86% of the windfall going to him and his rich cronies....leaving the middle class with the remainder and a huge bill to pay of the Trillions borrowed to finance the scam.

Trump's trade deals have also proven a bust......For example, dairy and soy beans' farmers are going broke.

Trump's "repeal and replace" the ACA has turned into a cruel joke

Trump's "amazing" rebuilding our infrastructure promises are seldom mentioned

Trump's wall ....financed by Mexico......has also become a world-wide joke

So, what is left for Trump to rally his cult-base???

ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION.......and we can see that actually, Trump's latest statements that families of these undocumented folks will NOT be separated.......is spurring on additional influxes of immigrants, playing right into Trump's "national emergency" scare-tactic........making this issue the ONLY one left for Trump to keep his loyal base fired-up.

(Of course, the stonewalling in keeping the Mueller report from fully shocking this nation will come around as a tsunami later on this summer and fall.....)
I'm pretty sure one of his cronies is encouraging the flow of immigrants. It's far to coincidental for it to spike just as he needs the publicity.
If you really and objectively think about it, illegal immigration is the ONLY card left for Trump to keep playing......and we can certainly see this in his on-going campaign speeches (but, of course, we should also include in his campaign "strategy" the same childish name-calling of his opponents......rule number one of bullies.)

But, lets review Trump's on-going failures that he neglects to mention:

His tax scam has proven a bust with an estimated 86% of the windfall going to him and his rich cronies....leaving the middle class with the remainder and a huge bill to pay of the Trillions borrowed to finance the scam.

Trump's trade deals have also proven a bust......For example, dairy and soy beans' farmers are going broke.

Trump's "repeal and replace" the ACA has turned into a cruel joke

Trump's "amazing" rebuilding our infrastructure promises are seldom mentioned

Trump's wall ....financed by Mexico......has also become a world-wide joke

So, what is left for Trump to rally his cult-base???

ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION.......and we can see that actually, Trump's latest statements that families of these undocumented folks will NOT be separated.......is spurring on additional influxes of immigrants, playing right into Trump's "national emergency" scare-tactic........making this issue the ONLY one left for Trump to keep his loyal base fired-up.

(Of course, the stonewalling in keeping the Mueller report from fully shocking this nation will come around as a tsunami later on this summer and fall.....)

I don't know.

This morning I had a friend on FB post this;

Trump: Mothers And Doctors Are Working Secretly Together To Kill Babies
Trump: Mothers And Doctors Are Working Secretly Together To Kill Babies - The Intellectualist

I could not believe how much the far left is shooting themselves in the foot over this issue. Are there laws already on the books against murder? Yes. Is Trump purposely goading his base? Yes. Is he being hyperbolic, of course.

OTH, The left should run from any association with infanticide like the plague. Who gives a shit if "IT NEVER HAPPENS," as the left tell us;

I posted this,

Tony Evers will veto 'born alive' abortion bill advanced by GOP lawmakers
Tony Evers will veto 'born alive' abortion bill advanced by GOP lawmakers

. . . and then her and all her friends had a conniption. NOPE, the only thing that was important was the Trump was lying, no law change was needed, and that the left was RIGHT!


I'm telling you. I just was at a family Easter dinner, with over 30 liberal leaning Catholic family members, who thought that whole Mueller report was silly, but they are tired of Trump's shit.

It is shit like that, which will make the Democrats lose in 2020. I GUARANTEE YOU. That, and, as you say, immigration. Keep it up bone heads.
Of course, they all gloss over the fact that the employment numbers haven't been better in decades....People with jobs really don't GAF about all the peripheral shit.

It was the first time we were having dinner at my cousins new house. She and her husband were showing off new wealth gained during the Trump era. It was pretty clear where the new generation was standing. It is all about the prosperity and the market. . .

My great grandmother, an FDR democrat, was even loath to say anything bad about Trump policies. No one debates what a loathsome scoundrel he is, it is joke. But meh. . :dunno: Carter was a nice guy, fat lot a good that did us. We knew even she didn't vote for either Trump or Hillary. I found out it was the first time in her 90 plus year of life she didn't vote.

She couldn't bring herself to vote for the Democrat representative after the Wikileaks exposed their corruption, but she loathed Trump. For folks like that, there was no good poison.

The boomers? They were all retirees, somewhere in between. . . All depended on how much they read, and how much they just watched TEE VEE. . . .

If Bubba Clintoon proved one thing, it's that people don't GAF if their prez is a scoundrel, as long as their lives and economic circumstances are acceptable.

The rest is just fodder for the hacks to obsess and lose sleep over.
If you really and objectively think about it, illegal immigration is the ONLY card left for Trump to keep playing......and we can certainly see this in his on-going campaign speeches (but, of course, we should also include in his campaign "strategy" the same childish name-calling of his opponents......rule number one of bullies.)

But, lets review Trump's on-going failures that he neglects to mention:

His tax scam has proven a bust with an estimated 86% of the windfall going to him and his rich cronies....leaving the middle class with the remainder and a huge bill to pay of the Trillions borrowed to finance the scam.

Trump's trade deals have also proven a bust......For example, dairy and soy beans' farmers are going broke.

Trump's "repeal and replace" the ACA has turned into a cruel joke

Trump's "amazing" rebuilding our infrastructure promises are seldom mentioned

Trump's wall ....financed by Mexico......has also become a world-wide joke

So, what is left for Trump to rally his cult-base???

ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION.......and we can see that actually, Trump's latest statements that families of these undocumented folks will NOT be separated.......is spurring on additional influxes of immigrants, playing right into Trump's "national emergency" scare-tactic........making this issue the ONLY one left for Trump to keep his loyal base fired-up.

(Of course, the stonewalling in keeping the Mueller report from fully shocking this nation will come around as a tsunami later on this summer and fall.....)
I'm pretty sure one of his cronies is encouraging the flow of immigrants. It's far to coincidental for it to spike just as he needs the publicity.

If you really and objectively think about it, illegal immigration is the ONLY card left for Trump to keep playing......and we can certainly see this in his on-going campaign speeches (but, of course, we should also include in his campaign "strategy" the same childish name-calling of his opponents......rule number one of bullies.)

But, lets review Trump's on-going failures that he neglects to mention:

His tax scam has proven a bust with an estimated 86% of the windfall going to him and his rich cronies....leaving the middle class with the remainder and a huge bill to pay of the Trillions borrowed to finance the scam.

Trump's trade deals have also proven a bust......For example, dairy and soy beans' farmers are going broke.

Trump's "repeal and replace" the ACA has turned into a cruel joke

Trump's "amazing" rebuilding our infrastructure promises are seldom mentioned

Trump's wall ....financed by Mexico......has also become a world-wide joke

So, what is left for Trump to rally his cult-base???

ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION.......and we can see that actually, Trump's latest statements that families of these undocumented folks will NOT be separated.......is spurring on additional influxes of immigrants, playing right into Trump's "national emergency" scare-tactic........making this issue the ONLY one left for Trump to keep his loyal base fired-up.

(Of course, the stonewalling in keeping the Mueller report from fully shocking this nation will come around as a tsunami later on this summer and fall.....)

Disclaimer: Opinion

What you're missing; inconvenient and telltale truths: why tens of millions of us rally around our great and terrible President (terrible means badass, by the way.)

Because your ideological side campaigns on, pushes, teaches, forces, and preaches:

- Mass murder of the unborn and recently born
- Mass mutilation of our children to sate transgender ideology
- Historical revisionism
- Anti-patriotism
- Self-hatred for being Christian, white or of any descent imaginable and Christian, pro-American
- Hatred of Christian, Western, American and European Historical figures of prominence and heroes.
- Moral Relativism (for the uneducated: "do as thou wilt and to hell with any consequences")
- Self-hatred for being a real alpha male or male at all
- The religion of being a victim and thus entitled to reparations and/or special societal and legal treatment.
- Not standing on your own two feet.
- Anti-personal responsibility.
- Anti-Semitism
- Moral Nihilism
- Suicide is cool culture
- On and on and on and on and on . . .

Damn right we will rally around our man, President Trump. We will D-Day your ideological madness whatever the cost may be. (Partial shoutout to Iron Maiden and Winston Churchill for that last bit)

Go "light: a cross on someone else's yard........and don't forget to wear your pointy hood.
If you really and objectively think about it, illegal immigration is the ONLY card left for Trump to keep playing......and we can certainly see this in his on-going campaign speeches (but, of course, we should also include in his campaign "strategy" the same childish name-calling of his opponents......rule number one of bullies.)

But, lets review Trump's on-going failures that he neglects to mention:

His tax scam has proven a bust with an estimated 86% of the windfall going to him and his rich cronies....leaving the middle class with the remainder and a huge bill to pay of the Trillions borrowed to finance the scam.

Trump's trade deals have also proven a bust......For example, dairy and soy beans' farmers are going broke.

Trump's "repeal and replace" the ACA has turned into a cruel joke

Trump's "amazing" rebuilding our infrastructure promises are seldom mentioned

Trump's wall ....financed by Mexico......has also become a world-wide joke

So, what is left for Trump to rally his cult-base???

ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION.......and we can see that actually, Trump's latest statements that families of these undocumented folks will NOT be separated.......is spurring on additional influxes of immigrants, playing right into Trump's "national emergency" scare-tactic........making this issue the ONLY one left for Trump to keep his loyal base fired-up.

(Of course, the stonewalling in keeping the Mueller report from fully shocking this nation will come around as a tsunami later on this summer and fall.....)

Flailing away. The Russia thing really fucked y’all up diddnt it?
If you really and objectively think about it, illegal immigration is the ONLY card left for Trump to keep playing......and we can certainly see this in his on-going campaign speeches (but, of course, we should also include in his campaign "strategy" the same childish name-calling of his opponents......rule number one of bullies.)

But, lets review Trump's on-going failures that he neglects to mention:

His tax scam has proven a bust with an estimated 86% of the windfall going to him and his rich cronies....leaving the middle class with the remainder and a huge bill to pay of the Trillions borrowed to finance the scam.

Trump's trade deals have also proven a bust......For example, dairy and soy beans' farmers are going broke.

Trump's "repeal and replace" the ACA has turned into a cruel joke

Trump's "amazing" rebuilding our infrastructure promises are seldom mentioned

Trump's wall ....financed by Mexico......has also become a world-wide joke

So, what is left for Trump to rally his cult-base???

ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION.......and we can see that actually, Trump's latest statements that families of these undocumented folks will NOT be separated.......is spurring on additional influxes of immigrants, playing right into Trump's "national emergency" scare-tactic........making this issue the ONLY one left for Trump to keep his loyal base fired-up.

(Of course, the stonewalling in keeping the Mueller report from fully shocking this nation will come around as a tsunami later on this summer and fall.....)
I'm pretty sure one of his cronies is encouraging the flow of immigrants. It's far to coincidental for it to spike just as he needs the publicity.

View attachment 258467
You got another explanation for this amazing coincidence?
If you really and objectively think about it, illegal immigration is the ONLY card left for Trump to keep playing......and we can certainly see this in his on-going campaign speeches (but, of course, we should also include in his campaign "strategy" the same childish name-calling of his opponents......rule number one of bullies.)

But, lets review Trump's on-going failures that he neglects to mention:

His tax scam has proven a bust with an estimated 86% of the windfall going to him and his rich cronies....leaving the middle class with the remainder and a huge bill to pay of the Trillions borrowed to finance the scam.

Trump's trade deals have also proven a bust......For example, dairy and soy beans' farmers are going broke.

Trump's "repeal and replace" the ACA has turned into a cruel joke

Trump's "amazing" rebuilding our infrastructure promises are seldom mentioned

Trump's wall ....financed by Mexico......has also become a world-wide joke

So, what is left for Trump to rally his cult-base???

ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION.......and we can see that actually, Trump's latest statements that families of these undocumented folks will NOT be separated.......is spurring on additional influxes of immigrants, playing right into Trump's "national emergency" scare-tactic........making this issue the ONLY one left for Trump to keep his loyal base fired-up.

(Of course, the stonewalling in keeping the Mueller report from fully shocking this nation will come around as a tsunami later on this summer and fall.....)

Of course he's talking about it dumbass. Its an ongoing crisis. We have thousands at the border using fake asylum to get in. There are so many that border patrol is releasing them into the US streets.

We have thousands coming across the border with Mexico. And 20 million in our country right now that cost we tax payers billions every year.

Not to mention the Americans who are robbed, raped and killed by illegals every year.

If that's not an emergency I sure don't know what is. Its an emergency that needs to be talked about and needs to be solved.

Hell Border Patrol had hearings and not one Democrat showed up to hear what the people that are right there had to say.

If you don't consider it an emergency then you are one dumb fuck.
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There is a reason it was not an emergent when his party held both sides of congress...POLOTICS

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Nope. Too many Democrats and would-be Democrats in Congress.

Look, I realize you are not allowed to ever say an ill word about Trump

He needs to learn to tie his tie the proper length.

He thinks it hides his big belly.

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Time to discuss the topic kiddies. A whole lot of off topic trolling and flaming has been removed and warnings distributed. Please note, those who live in glass houses...dont be co tributing to the mess.

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