Opinions about the constitutionality of socialized healthcare

Well it is my opinion that much, if not most, of what the federal government funds is unconstitutional, including this health care bill. I'm also aware that case law doesn't agree with me. However, I'm also of the opinion that case law has very little to do with the Constitution, and more to do with the opinion of what judges think the Constitution should be.

The Constitution gives no express power to the federal government to provide health care for anyone, therefore, under the 10th Amendment, socialized health care would have to be unconstitutional.

You are at odds with the total history of the United States. Your arguments always go back to the beginning. Yet in the beginning the majority and the courts disagree with you. To have a country you would want, would have us looking very different as a nation. We might never have been able to win WWII or more? Why do you dislike America?

The Constitution means today exactly what it meant when it was written over 200 years ago. They provided us with a process for amending it to fit the changing times. They did not say that judges could just change the meaning of what the Constitution says at their mere whim to satisfy their own political ideology.

Word for word .:clap2:
Seat belt laws are state laws and have nothing to do with the federal constitution.

If it weren't for the Palinatics you would be the dumbest fuck on this board.

Now you want to tell us that the SCOTUS can't declare a state law unconstitutional.

btw, YOU brought up seat belt laws and constitutionality, you tard.

Please find for me where I brought up seat belt laws.

I was part of the seatbelt discussion it was hortysir who first mentioned it.
So what happens when the other 97% says fuck you to the 3%'rs?
So what happens when the other 97% says fuck you to the 3%'rs?

The 97% will not have their guns to have a say when the time comes. They will be the ones that submit.

You're out of your mind if you think the other 97% of gun owners are just gonna stand idle while you and your rebel comrades try to plunge the country into civil war and overthrow the government. That is, if you really believe that. Somehow I doubt that you do.
So what happens when the other 97% says fuck you to the 3%'rs?

The 97% will not have their guns to have a say when the time comes. They will be the ones that submit.

You're out of your mind if you think the other 97% of gun owners are just gonna stand idle while you and your rebel comrades try to plunge the country into civil war and overthrow the government. That is, if you really believe that. Somehow I doubt that you do.

I suggest that you do some investigating look to the UN small arms treaty. If that is approved and signed the 97% ers will not have any guns to have a say one way or another.
Then put your money where your mouth is, bigrebnc1775, and fire the first shot.

I triple-dog-dare ya!

REALLY? Are you a government plant that would like for me to make a statement against the government? A wise man said let them make the first move.

So you are a pussy and a coward. Figures.

Yep your right Mr. Government plant I am a coward. Please don't send the black suit guys to my house, but if you do bring a couple extra body bags. One for me and three for the first three that bust through my door.
REALLY? Are you a government plant that would like for me to make a statement against the government? A wise man said let them make the first move.

So you are a pussy and a coward. Figures.

Yep your right Mr. Government plant I am a coward. Please don't send the black suit guys to my house, but if you do bring a couple extra body bags. One for me and three for the first three that bust through my door.

So you talk a big game behind a computer but when challenged on it you turn into a limp noodle.


So you are a pussy and a coward. Figures.

Yep your right Mr. Government plant I am a coward. Please don't send the black suit guys to my house, but if you do bring a couple extra body bags. One for me and three for the first three that bust through my door.

So you talk a big game behind a computer but when challenged on it you turn into a limp noodle.



Sure Yep I am all talk. Mr. Government plant.
So you talk a big game behind a computer but when challenged on it you turn into a limp noodle.



Sure Yep I am all talk. Mr. Government plant.

I know.
One day not too far in the distant future you will say to yourself that silly fucker was right. OH by the way why do I need to do something now? The constitution is still intact we still have the bill of rights are you suggesting they we are going to lose those rights? is that why Mr. Government plant wants me to make a move?
Is there something going on that you are not supposed to tell Mr. government plant?
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Ground rules:

1. You must agree that this is a discussion of opinions, including your own. If constitutional history shows us anything, at then end of the day all matters of constitionality rest upon the opinion's of men.

I define socialized medicine very simply as spending tax dollars to provide healthcare to anyone who needs it and asks for it. My opinion is that socialized healthcare is absolutely constitutional. If much of what the federal government pays for with public funds is constitutional, then this must be as well. So unless your position is that much, if not most, of what the federal government funds is also unconstitutional, you really don't have much of a case. And even if that's your case, caselaw kicks your ass (pun intended).

So far my opinion remains unchallenged, in my opinion.

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