Opioid deaths skyrocket in PA as Trump is unable to contain crisis (but he can golf and tweet)

opoid iditos can be managed very easily

they are addicted and they need the drug ....they are total weak scum

that's what the Hillary Demrats were counting on......on all these poor weakling idiots....drug addicts nothing more scum

no way they are going to have a say....they are all poor addicts.....scum of the earth in other words...

I sometimes wonder if thats not whats behind the legalization of weed.
A stoned populace is an easily controlled populace. Not to mention they can tax the shit out of it.

oh yeah....the sheep can be controled more easily with drugs....absolutely....

that's why poor Cali is all controlled now

but the sheep are not supposed to now all this! :laugh:

the sheep have to submit

poor Cali
I have read that once the population over there is all addicted......then it's ok, then you can breath ....that means they are under your control....they have become total idiots ....sad but true

I do not feel sorry for them.....that's the path they chose, now they pay,

hey, it is what it is
Drugs are a personal choice...
Is addiction a personal choice too?
It is

no. it's a disease.

I don't buy the disease route for drugs or alcohol. Saying it is a disease, to me personally, is trying to take an easy way out. Yes, some folks are hereditarily inclined to addiction. The rest, to me, is personal responsibility.

You're exactly right.
I come from a long line of alcoholics with addiction weaknesses.
They were all highly functional drinkers that exceeded the average person when it came to success.
I credit my Mother for breaking the cycle and teaching me what to look out for before you reached the point where denial was an afterthought.
Drugs are a personal choice...
Is addiction a personal choice too?
It is

no. it's a disease.

I don't buy the disease route for drugs or alcohol. Saying it is a disease, to me personally, is trying to take an easy way out. Yes, some folks are hereditarily inclined to addiction. The rest, to me, is personal responsibility.

That's about the only way they can say it's not their responsibility and not their fault.
No to the public that went insane due to Obamas lack of care

For some reason you seem to think I'm a liberal.

Not true, I know however that you are an addict in denial

Which of course is why I turned down that second script of NORCO.
Recovering addicts will always turn down drugs, as they are not mentally equipped to handle them

LOL...I'm a fan of micro brews and high end liquor.
I'll leave the pill high to you and yours.
Alcohol is a drug and you are a mentally defective ignoramus.......................
Drugs are a personal choice...
Is addiction a personal choice too?
It is

no. it's a disease.

I don't buy the disease route for drugs or alcohol. Saying it is a disease, to me personally, is trying to take an easy way out. Yes, some folks are hereditarily inclined to addiction. The rest, to me, is personal responsibility.
Drug addiction is a disease, if you knew just one person who wanted to stop and could not you would know.
Drugs are a personal choice...
Is addiction a personal choice too?
It is

no. it's a disease.

I don't buy the disease route for drugs or alcohol. Saying it is a disease, to me personally, is trying to take an easy way out. Yes, some folks are hereditarily inclined to addiction. The rest, to me, is personal responsibility.

You're exactly right.
I come from a long line of alcoholics with addiction weaknesses.
They were all highly functional drinkers that exceeded the average person when it came to success.
I credit my Mother for breaking the cycle and teaching me what to look out for before you reached the point where denial was an afterthought.
In other words you come from a drug addicted family, and you are dysfunctional because your mother spent her pregnancy with you boozing....................Which is why you did not form mentally Look it up, it's sad
Drugs are a personal choice...
Is addiction a personal choice too?
It is

no. it's a disease.

I don't buy the disease route for drugs or alcohol. Saying it is a disease, to me personally, is trying to take an easy way out. Yes, some folks are hereditarily inclined to addiction. The rest, to me, is personal responsibility.

That's about the only way they can say it's not their responsibility and not their fault.
Name one person who chose to be an addict
Summing Up
Addiction involves an initial “honey moon” period, followed by alternating periods of remission and relapse, and then an eventual return to a more sober life. Most addicts quit using drugs at clinically significant levels, they typically quit without professional help, and in the case of illicit drugs, they typically quit before the age of 30. The correlates of quitting include many of the factors that influence voluntary acts, but not, according to Figure Figure1,1, drug exposure once drug use meets the criteria for dependence. Thus, we can say that addiction is ambivalent drug use, which eventually involves more costs than benefits (otherwise why quit?). Behavioral choice principles predict ambivalent preferences, semi-stable suboptimal behavior patterns, and the capacity to shift from one option to another. In contrast, the brain disease account of addiction fails to predict the high quit rates; it fails to predict the correlates of quitting; it fails to predict the temporal pattern of quitting; and it is tied to unsupportable assumptions, such as the claims that neural adaptations, heritability, and irrationality are prima facie evidence of disease. To be sure “compulsion” and “choice” can be seen as points on a continuum, but Figure Figure11 and research on quitting make it clear that addiction is not a borderline case.

It is time to think about addiction in terms of what the research shows, particularly the more recent epidemiological studies, and it is time to abandon the medical model of addiction. It does not fit the facts. The matching law, melioration, and hyperbolic discounting predict that drugs and similar commodities will become the focus of destructive, suboptimal patterns of behavior. These same choice models also predict that individuals caught in a destructive pattern of behavior retain the capacity to improve their lot and that they will do so as a function of changes in their options and/or how they frame their choices. This viewpoint fits the facts of addiction and provides a practical guide to measures that will actually help addicts change for the better.

Addiction and Choice: Theory and New Data

Tell us what you are using that you are not addicted to?
The democrats caused this problem by letting drug smugglers come in from Mexico

You got that kid?

No they didn't, the opioid crisis was started by big pharma as both parties turned their back and let them make yuuuuge profits while hooking millions of people on that shit! This is a problem shared by both parties!
Big pharma does not make heroin, cocaine and meth................

Grow up
Opioid drugs and fentynol, did they over prescribe those for the better part of 15 years or not? Remember your hero Rush was hooked on them!

Rush was using 20 doctors, this is not the fault of any one of those doctors, it was his fault. I have been prescribed Tylenol with Codeine, Percocet, Talwin and morphine sulfate narcotics in my life, they all treated the pain at the time and I was never once addicted. Are you planning to ban all painkillers? because of drug users

My understanding is that they have cut WAY back on writing scripts for them yes. And why did your hero go to 20 different Drs for those scripts? Yes because they got him addicted to them.

actually he got himself addicted to them

addiction is a behavior
Summing Up
Addiction involves an initial “honey moon” period, followed by alternating periods of remission and relapse, and then an eventual return to a more sober life. Most addicts quit using drugs at clinically significant levels, they typically quit without professional help, and in the case of illicit drugs, they typically quit before the age of 30. The correlates of quitting include many of the factors that influence voluntary acts, but not, according to Figure Figure1,1, drug exposure once drug use meets the criteria for dependence. Thus, we can say that addiction is ambivalent drug use, which eventually involves more costs than benefits (otherwise why quit?). Behavioral choice principles predict ambivalent preferences, semi-stable suboptimal behavior patterns, and the capacity to shift from one option to another. In contrast, the brain disease account of addiction fails to predict the high quit rates; it fails to predict the correlates of quitting; it fails to predict the temporal pattern of quitting; and it is tied to unsupportable assumptions, such as the claims that neural adaptations, heritability, and irrationality are prima facie evidence of disease. To be sure “compulsion” and “choice” can be seen as points on a continuum, but Figure Figure11 and research on quitting make it clear that addiction is not a borderline case.

It is time to think about addiction in terms of what the research shows, particularly the more recent epidemiological studies, and it is time to abandon the medical model of addiction. It does not fit the facts. The matching law, melioration, and hyperbolic discounting predict that drugs and similar commodities will become the focus of destructive, suboptimal patterns of behavior. These same choice models also predict that individuals caught in a destructive pattern of behavior retain the capacity to improve their lot and that they will do so as a function of changes in their options and/or how they frame their choices. This viewpoint fits the facts of addiction and provides a practical guide to measures that will actually help addicts change for the better.

Addiction and Choice: Theory and New Data

Tell us what you are using that you are not addicted to?
No they didn't, the opioid crisis was started by big pharma as both parties turned their back and let them make yuuuuge profits while hooking millions of people on that shit! This is a problem shared by both parties!
Big pharma does not make heroin, cocaine and meth................

Grow up
Opioid drugs and fentynol, did they over prescribe those for the better part of 15 years or not? Remember your hero Rush was hooked on them!

Rush was using 20 doctors, this is not the fault of any one of those doctors, it was his fault. I have been prescribed Tylenol with Codeine, Percocet, Talwin and morphine sulfate narcotics in my life, they all treated the pain at the time and I was never once addicted. Are you planning to ban all painkillers? because of drug users

My understanding is that they have cut WAY back on writing scripts for them yes. And why did your hero go to 20 different Drs for those scripts? Yes because they got him addicted to them.

actually he got himself addicted to them

addiction is a behavior

Addiction is not a behavior that is controlled by the individual...............

Look up the word retard
Another massive failure by the Orange Clown after the Democrats did so much to prevent it. Next tweet: Donald Trump fails to reign in space junk falling in from outer space.
The democrats caused this problem by letting drug smugglers come in from Mexico

You got that kid?

No they didn't, the opioid crisis was started by big pharma as both parties turned their back and let them make yuuuuge profits while hooking millions of people on that shit! This is a problem shared by both parties!
Big pharma does not make heroin, cocaine and meth................

Grow up

The biggest opioid problem is pharmaceutical related.
They bust pill Docs on a regular basis.

Pharmacies do not prescribe drugs, doctors do, so pharmacies and drug companies are not at fault in any way.

Well, pharmacies might be, if they're accommodating people using illegal methods of obtaining drugs, such as doctor-hopping or refilling prescriptions too often. Pharmacies are supposed to keep close track of such things, and there are some that don't.
Big pharma does not make heroin, cocaine and meth................

Grow up

The biggest opioid problem is pharmaceutical related.
They bust pill Docs on a regular basis.

Pharmacies do not prescribe drugs, doctors do, so pharmacies and drug companies are not at fault in any way.

I was referring to pharmaceutical drugs.
Had I meant companies or..LOL..your local Walgreens,I would have said so.

I know what you are saying, but drug makers are not at fault unless they are selling without doctors prescriptions...............................

Who makes them addictive?

In the case of opioids, that would be Mother Nature.
Addiction is not a choice, the ramblings of an addict are hardly evidence of reality.

No one is forced into addiction

No one is forced into schizophrenia either, so is it their fault?

Think, if you can

Thats a ridiculous analogy.

Blaming pharmaceutical companies for doctors prescribing medication is ridiculous
Why make them addictive?

Opium, by its very nature, is addictive. It's not possible to formulate it into medication without it being addictive. It's not like the pharmaceutical companies are deliberately adding something to them with the intention of making it addictive.
Pharmacies do not prescribe drugs, doctors do, so pharmacies and drug companies are not at fault in any way.

I was referring to pharmaceutical drugs.
Had I meant companies or..LOL..your local Walgreens,I would have said so.

I know what you are saying, but drug makers are not at fault unless they are selling without doctors prescriptions...............................

Who makes them addictive?

Narcotics do save a lot of lives you know, they also improve the quality of life for millions of people. Why do you want people to suffer?
I was referring to pharmaceutical drugs.
Had I meant companies or..LOL..your local Walgreens,I would have said so.

I know what you are saying, but drug makers are not at fault unless they are selling without doctors prescriptions...............................

Who makes them addictive?

Narcotics do save a lot of lives you know, they also improve the quality of life for millions of people. Why do you want people to suffer?
Yes but sometimes prescribing narcotics creates more problems then it solves.
I'm Belgian, my wife's American. My mother in law died while being addicted to Oxicoton. An addiction she picked up after a surgery. My wife just had surgery here. The pain meds she got prescribed was a form of Tylenol. My mother in law was pain free but addicted when she left the hospital. My wife was in pain a few days after her surgery but not addicted. Which of these you think is preferable?
for crying out loud. I have had many surgeries, injuries, and broken my knee twice. I received narcotics each time for pain. I have never been addicted.

I'm betting you had good doctors who carefully did not allow you to take the narcotics for too long.

People always forget their own responsibility to manage their own health, and choose good, responsible doctors who think about the consequences, instead of just dashing off a prescription to get you out of the office so they can clear as many patients a day as possible.
I was referring to pharmaceutical drugs.
Had I meant companies or..LOL..your local Walgreens,I would have said so.

I know what you are saying, but drug makers are not at fault unless they are selling without doctors prescriptions...............................

Who makes them addictive?

Narcotics do save a lot of lives you know, they also improve the quality of life for millions of people. Why do you want people to suffer?
Yes but sometimes prescribing narcotics creates more problems then it solves.
I'm Belgian, my wife's American. My mother in law died while being addicted to Oxicoton. An addiction she picked up after a surgery. My wife just had surgery here. The pain meds she got prescribed was a form of Tylenol. My mother in law was pain free but addicted when she left the hospital. My wife was in pain a few days after her surgery but not addicted. Which of these you think is preferable?

I've been through multiple serious surgeries over the last three years.
Hip replacement,cancer and back surgery to be exact,and I'm here to tell you Tylenol didnt dent the pain.

I had an antibiotic-resistant ear infection once. By the time the doctors found something that would cure it, the infection had spread into my head around the ear and the only way to manage the pain was narcotics. But my doctor very carefully stepped me down to lesser and lesser pain meds as soon as he could to avoid causing more problems than he was solving.
No one is forced into schizophrenia either, so is it their fault?

Think, if you can

Thats a ridiculous analogy.

Blaming pharmaceutical companies for doctors prescribing medication is ridiculous
Why make them addictive?
You do not understand drugs in general. Heroin is a natural chemical, it is not made addictive, it is addictive, there is a difference. Many people get addicted to being pain free, as the pain that Obama induced on society is unbearable
Do pharmaceutical companies make heroin?

Most opioid addiction in the US involves prescription meds, not street heroin.

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