Opponents in LGBT case agree: It's not about wedding cake

Its about treating people as equals. Kind of like Treating blacks as equal before.
Fags aren't my equal.
Very true.
Gays are superior to you.
Farm Animals are superior to you.
Cockroaches are superior to you.

Saying gays are equal to you is an insult to gays.
Lmao! They're not worth a damn. Fags give nothing of value to society. And when they go, shriveled up dying from the new super strain of AIDS that drugs can't even treat....that is the only time they have ever done anything good for society.

Only good fag is a dead fag.
Thank you for clearing putting out evidence that we are better than you.
You're not though. That's the thing.
Oh, quite clearly we are....and your posts go a long way towards proving that.
Why don't gays agree to the grand bargain? You leave others alone and others will leave you alone.
I'll tell you why. Because most gays and lesbians believe the false premise that their behaviors make them a protected class

You really have to stop listening to the voices in your head- they are lying to you.

You have no idea what any gays or lesbians believe- you project your fantasies on everyone else.

Gay couples shouldn't be able to adopt because they are a 'protected class' but because we should applaud those heroic people who volunteer to raise the children abandoned by the children's own biological parents.

You oppose that.
Do you take pride in your bigotry? People who hate other people they do not know, choose to suppress the rights of those who are different. The one exception is homophobia, a condition usually a result of:
  1. Persons who have experimented (gay curious) and enjoyed the experience and thus hate themselves for it;
  2. Or, were molested at a young age and hate themselves for enjoying it.
Which one are you?

So, the extreme hatred that you have toward those who hold to basic standards of morality and decency. Does this mean that you harbor some self-hating pull toward decency yourself? Did you experiment with acting like amoral, decent person, find you liked it, and now hate yourself for it? Did someone force you to do something decent,and you hate yourself for liking it?

Or is it only your sick sexual perversions, that one cannot find repugnant without somehow harboring some secret, self-loathing affinity for it?

None of the above, but I enjoy reading a post which is nothing more than flattery. You get an "F" for Plagiarism.

For the Record:

Opinion | Homophobic? Maybe You’re Gay

So, then, what is it about homosexuality, that sets it apart from all other forms of madness and evil,

What sets homosexuality apart from the evil and madness you support?

Homosexuality doesn't applaud murder and torture like you do.
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Do you take pride in your bigotry? People who hate other people they do not know, choose to suppress the rights of those who are different. The one exception is homophobia, a condition usually a result of:
  1. Persons who have experimented (gay curious) and enjoyed the experience and thus hate themselves for it;
  2. Or, were molested at a young age and hate themselves for enjoying it.
Which one are you?

So, the extreme hatred that you have toward those who hold to basic standards of morality and decency. Does this mean that you harbor some self-hating pull toward decency yourself? Did you experiment with acting like amoral, decent person, find you liked it, and now hate yourself for it? Did someone force you to do something decent,and you hate yourself for liking it?

Or is it only your sick sexual perversions, that one cannot find repugnant without somehow harboring some secret, self-loathing affinity for it?

None of the above, but I enjoy reading a post which is nothing more than flattery. You get an "F" for Plagiarism.

For the Record:

Opinion | Homophobic? Maybe You’re Gay

So, then, what is it about homosexuality, that sets it apart from all other forms of madness and evil, such that one who dares to call it out for what it truly is, can be taken to mean that the one who does so must somehow harbor a secret, self-loathing affinity for that madness and evil? And why doesn't it work the other way, as I had previously suggested—that your extreme hatred of basic standards of morality and decency is somehow evidence that you harbor a secret, self-loathing affinity for morality and decency?
Then please explain the virtue of criminalizing homosexuality. Why is that a good idea? Who benefits?

Lawrence v Texas guarantees protection for the PRIVATE acts of sodomy and their practitioners behind closed doors. The resistance you are noticing is when those PRIVATE acts of sodomy demand PUBLIC "rights and privileges" to expose their culture and behaviors to the rest of us, including children at "gay pride parades" where these acts are mimed for everyone to see.
Would you criminalize promiscuity? Are New Orleans Madrid Gras parades, Spring Break and Las Vegas exempted?
Public decency laws already exist. Ever heard of indecent exposure? It's one thing if you're going to be promiscuous in doors, it's another to expose your genitals to children and hump in the streets like stray dogs.
Is promiscuity exclusive to male homosexuals, or homosexuals in general? Can heterosexuals be promiscuous?
Humans can be promiscuous, we also have the ability to not act like the lower beasts and control our behavior, we know right from wrong, we know when something isn't good for us or society as a whole.

And then some of you feel obliged to decide how consenting adults should be allowed to have sex- and use the force of government to enforce your 'morals' on everyone else.
I wish that people would stop the stupid madness about LGBTs. There is no reason to go after them to make their lives miserable for no reason, just the insecurity of heterosexuals. We've already got the trumps, moores, gingrichs, sanfords, bartons, and nobody says anything about their promiscuity, immorality. Even if you are a sexually obsessed bible thumper from the south, there is no reason to attack these people. Just accord them the freedom to love and marry whomever they choose and leave them the hell alone.

First of all, who's going after gays to make their lives miserable? THEY are seeking out people, not the other way around. .

Well who has gone after gays to make their lives miserable? You folks who passed laws to imprison gays. You folks who fought against the repeal of those laws. You folks who passed laws to specifically prevent gays from marrying- or having legal civil unions. You folks who fight to prevent gay couples from adopting children. You folks who sought to pass laws to have gays fired from professions.

Compare that to a gay couple going into a baker and trying to order a cake- and when refused the cake because of their sexual orientation- files a legal complaint according to the law.

For decades you folks have sought to make the lives of gays miserable. Trying to order a cake is not trying to make anyone's life miserable- it is trying to order a cake from a bakery.
Opponents in LGBT case agree: It's not about wedding cake
In a legal case with profound implications for LGBT rights and religion's place in public life, the opposing sides agree on this: It's not about the cake.


And everyone with a brain left know this is how it should be. It isn't about the cake it is about being " FORCED" ........this is America not N. Korea.
I am not gay, nor do I support homosexuality. But if you own a business, can you afford to pick and choose your consumer base?
You honestly can't see the irony in that statement, can you?
There's no irony in it. Faggotry was punishable by death in many places here when the constitution was written. It was never meant to support or promote faggotry. I think it's hilarious that you don't understand that and follow a revisionist line.
The whole concept of freedom of religion is the concept of individual freedom to live and practice your beliefs unfettered. The irony is that that same concept applies to freedom from discrimination as a homosexual. Individual freedom is individual freedom. Honor it in one corner, honor it in all.

No, the irony is that you seem to think that "freedom from discrimination by individuals" is listed ANYWHERE in the Constitution, as freedom of religion is.

And if you want to talk about "honoring freedom" in one corner by demanding that people be forced to do things that suit you, you're not even ironic. You're hypocritical and fascistic.
You can call me anything you like, but if you could come closer to reality, it might bolster your argument a little more.
The Bill of Rights, which the states insisted on before they would ratify the Constitution, STATES that all men are created equal.
Think about it. It doesn't say that some men deserve to have their lifestyle denigrated and discriminated against, or that only some men are equal. It doesn't mention homosexuality ANYWHERE. All men are equal before the law.
So treat them equally and uphold the laws for all; even if you believe that the other guy is sinning, before the law he is equal and will be treated as such.

Yeah, you keep fooling yourself that "reality" is that you're championing freedom and rights by forcing people to work for those they don't want to, simply because YOU think they should. Pretty sure we fought an entire war to put a stop to that notion..

Which war was that?

We have had public accommodation laws in the United States since 1964- when we said that a business could not refuse to sell because of race or religion or gender.

You are coming really late to object to the principle of anti-discrimination laws.
Well lets see- you applaud Pinochet- a man who was responsible for the murder of hundreds- perhaps thousands- and the torture of thousands more.

What sets homosexuality apart from the evil and madness you support?

Homosexuality doesn't applaud murder and torture like you do.

Where did I say anything supportive of Pinochet, or of torture and murder? I do not support any such thing.

I also do not support, unlike you, handing children over to sick, immoral perverts.
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I wish that people would stop the stupid madness about LGBTs. There is no reason to go after them to make their lives miserable for no reason, just the insecurity of heterosexuals. We've already got the trumps, moores, gingrichs, sanfords, bartons, and nobody says anything about their promiscuity, immorality. Even if you are a sexually obsessed bible thumper from the south, there is no reason to attack these people. Just accord them the freedom to love and marry whomever they choose and leave them the hell alone.

First of all, who's going after gays to make their lives miserable? THEY are seeking out people, not the other way around. .

Well who has gone after gays to make their lives miserable? You folks who passed laws to imprison gays. You folks who fought against the repeal of those laws. You folks who passed laws to specifically prevent gays from marrying- or having legal civil unions. You folks who fight to prevent gay couples from adopting children. You folks who sought to pass laws to have gays fired from professions.

Compare that to a gay couple going into a baker and trying to order a cake- and when refused the cake because of their sexual orientation- files a legal complaint according to the law.

For decades you folks have sought to make the lives of gays miserable. Trying to order a cake is not trying to make anyone's life miserable- it is trying to order a cake from a bakery.
I am not LGBT. It's my nature to be heterosexual. Something I was born with, I suppose. I am an American female of European origin, Ireland and Russia. I do not understand why anyone makes it their mission in life to hurt other people. I believe in humanity and I believe in love.
I wish that people would stop the stupid madness about LGBTs. There is no reason to go after them to make their lives miserable for no reason, just the insecurity of heterosexuals. We've already got the trumps, moores, gingrichs, sanfords, bartons, and nobody says anything about their promiscuity, immorality. Even if you are a sexually obsessed bible thumper from the south, there is no reason to attack these people. Just accord them the freedom to love and marry whomever they choose and leave them the hell alone.

Just as soon as they leave others alone. There would be no court case if same sex couples had not forced specialty services from someone who didn't want to provide that service.

Why don't gays agree to the grand bargain? You leave others alone and others will leave you alone.

They don't want to be left alone. They want to be lauded and approved of and told how wonderfully normal they are, because they're not able to feel way on their own.
Why don't gays agree to the grand bargain? You leave others alone and others will leave you alone.
I'll tell you why. Because most gays and lesbians believe the false premise that their behaviors make them a protected class under the US Constitution. This is absolutely a false assumption. And, all their short-lived legal victories launched off of that false premise. I get the feeling like that false premise is going to be visited in language in upcoming USSC and lower court decisions in the very near future.

Deviant Behaviors DO NOT = Race
Why do you hate people so much? What drives you to be so unhappy?

Why are you so afraid to step out of your leftist echo chamber?
I wish that people would stop the stupid madness about LGBTs. There is no reason to go after them to make their lives miserable for no reason, just the insecurity of heterosexuals. We've already got the trumps, moores, gingrichs, sanfords, bartons, and nobody says anything about their promiscuity, immorality. Even if you are a sexually obsessed bible thumper from the south, there is no reason to attack these people. Just accord them the freedom to love and marry whomever they choose and leave them the hell alone.

First of all, who's going after gays to make their lives miserable? THEY are seeking out people, not the other way around. .

Well who has gone after gays to make their lives miserable? You folks who passed laws to imprison gays. You folks who fought against the repeal of those laws. You folks who passed laws to specifically prevent gays from marrying- or having legal civil unions. You folks who fight to prevent gay couples from adopting children. You folks who sought to pass laws to have gays fired from professions.

Compare that to a gay couple going into a baker and trying to order a cake- and when refused the cake because of their sexual orientation- files a legal complaint according to the law.

For decades you folks have sought to make the lives of gays miserable. Trying to order a cake is not trying to make anyone's life miserable- it is trying to order a cake from a bakery.
I am not LGBT. It's my nature to be heterosexual. Something I was born with, I suppose. I am an American female of European origin, Ireland and Russia. I do not understand why anyone makes it their mission in life to hurt other people. I believe in humanity and I believe in love.

Babble, babble, buzzword, babble.

Just for the record, no one asked about you, and now that you've felt the need to share uninvited, no one cares.

Likewise with the fingers-in-the-ears recitation of meaningless bumper stickers that owe nothing to ever actually listening to anyone other than the voices in your head, busily telling you how morally superior you are.

When you have something to say that actually relates to the conversation, rather than your own self-aggrandizement, do come back.
I wish that people would stop the stupid madness about LGBTs. There is no reason to go after them to make their lives miserable for no reason, just the insecurity of heterosexuals. We've already got the trumps, moores, gingrichs, sanfords, bartons, and nobody says anything about their promiscuity, immorality. Even if you are a sexually obsessed bible thumper from the south, there is no reason to attack these people. Just accord them the freedom to love and marry whomever they choose and leave them the hell alone.

First of all, who's going after gays to make their lives miserable? THEY are seeking out people, not the other way around. Most of us would like very much to just forget about them and not have to give a damn what they do, because it's not being waved in our faces every time we turn around, demanding that we must approve of it.

Furthermore, if you think "nobody says anything" about the behavior of people like Roy Moore et al, then you must be living under a rock.
You are happy as long as gays are out of sight and out of mind
You are happy as long as gays are out of sight and out of mind
Exactly! That's what Lawrece v Texas was about. It decriminalized PRIVATE acts of sodomy. Be thankful you got that. Your felonious pride parades with deviant sex acts in front of kids are gonna be short lived too. Behaviors have no protections that allow for public sex acts on parade floats.
You are happy as long as gays are out of sight and out of mind
Exactly! That's what Lawrece v Texas was about. It decriminalized PRIVATE acts of sodomy. Be thankful you got that. Your felonious pride parades with deviant sex acts in front of kids are gonna be short lived too. Behaviors have no protections that allow for public sex acts on parade floats.

Gays spent hundreds of years hiding who they were. Couldn't reveal their partner, what they did over the weekend, display pictures, hold hands

All because people like you considered it "yucky"
I wish to share some info that I heard during a (civil) discussion on this case on the radio.

A lawyer said that at first he had taken the baker's side.

Then he learned something: The gay couple had just asked for the same kind of cake that straight couples had requested in the past.

The lawyer now supports the gay couple.

The lawyer said that IF the gay couple had asked the baker to put figures of two men on the cake, then the lawyer would support the baker, who claims that homosexuality is proscribed by his religion.


Most of the people in the discussion seemed to agree that the Supreme Court will rule that the baker did, indeed, violate Colorado's anti-discrimination law.
I wish to share some info that I heard during a (civil) discussion on this case on the radio.

A lawyer said that at first he had taken the baker's side.

Then he learned something: The gay couple had just asked for the same kind of cake that straight couples had requested in the past.

The lawyer now supports the gay couple.

The lawyer said that IF the gay couple had asked the baker to put figures of two men on the cake, then the lawyer would support the baker, who claims that homosexuality is proscribed by his religion.


Most of the people in the discussion seemed to agree that the Supreme Court will rule that the baker did, indeed, violate Colorado's anti-discrimination law.

The DOJ filed a brief supporting the baker. Bad omen for the fruitferters
The lawyer said that IF the gay couple had asked the baker to put figures of two men on the cake, then the lawyer would support the baker, who claims that homosexuality is proscribed by his religion.

No because if at any time the two men informed or alluded to the baker that they were intending to marry each other, ANY participation from that point forward to that ceremony would be disallowed to a Christian under Threat of eternal damnation of their soul. It is a mortal sin (the very worst kind with the very worst afterlife punishment) for a Christian to knowingly participate in the spread of homosexuality "as normal" within a culture. Consult Jude 1 of the New Testament for details.

Christians simply cannot have a single thing to do with normalizing any gay behavior in society without completely abdicating the foundation of their faith at its core.

Serving them a pastry without knowing their sexual orientation: fine. Even knowing their orientation, fine. Even sinners have to eat. Knowingly participating in any way large or small in normalizing two men marrying? The opposite of fine. This distinction will be made in court decisions.
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I wish to share some info that I heard during a (civil) discussion on this case on the radio.

A lawyer said that at first he had taken the baker's side.

Then he learned something: The gay couple had just asked for the same kind of cake that straight couples had requested in the past.

The lawyer now supports the gay couple.

The lawyer said that IF the gay couple had asked the baker to put figures of two men on the cake, then the lawyer would support the baker, who claims that homosexuality is proscribed by his religion.


Most of the people in the discussion seemed to agree that the Supreme Court will rule that the baker did, indeed, violate Colorado's anti-discrimination law.

The DOJ filed a brief supporting the baker. Bad omen for the fruitferters
The Trump DOJ?

They are lucky they are not in jail

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