Opponents in LGBT case agree: It's not about wedding cake

You are happy as long as gays are out of sight and out of mind
Exactly! That's what Lawrece v Texas was about. It decriminalized PRIVATE acts of sodomy. Be thankful you got that. Your felonious pride parades with deviant sex acts in front of kids are gonna be short lived too. Behaviors have no protections that allow for public sex acts on parade floats.

Gays spent hundreds of years hiding who they were. Couldn't reveal their partner, what they did over the weekend, display pictures, hold hands

All because people like you considered it "yucky"

Small wonder why, now that they are "out" in public with what they like to do (extroverted deviant sex acts in front of kids)



I wish to share some info that I heard during a (civil) discussion on this case on the radio.

A lawyer said that at first he had taken the baker's side.

Then he learned something: The gay couple had just asked for the same kind of cake that straight couples had requested in the past.

The lawyer now supports the gay couple.

The lawyer said that IF the gay couple had asked the baker to put figures of two men on the cake, then the lawyer would support the baker, who claims that homosexuality is proscribed by his religion.


Most of the people in the discussion seemed to agree that the Supreme Court will rule that the baker did, indeed, violate Colorado's anti-discrimination law.

Uh huh. And where on the radio did you hear this? And who was this lawyer, who so totally missed the legal point here? Why do I think this is more indicative of leftists staying in the bubble, than any real expression of general public opinion?
You are happy as long as gays are out of sight and out of mind
Exactly! That's what Lawrece v Texas was about. It decriminalized PRIVATE acts of sodomy. Be thankful you got that. Your felonious pride parades with deviant sex acts in front of kids are gonna be short lived too. Behaviors have no protections that allow for public sex acts on parade floats.

Gays spent hundreds of years hiding who they were. Couldn't reveal their partner, what they did over the weekend, display pictures, hold hands

All because people like you considered it "yucky"

Small wonder why, now that they are "out" in public with what they like to do (extroverted deviant sex acts in front of kids)




Post some Mardi Gras pictures while you are at it

Post some Mardi Gras pictures while you are at it


If there are kids present, arrest them. Not many of these perverts anticipate children arriving at a drunken bruja-ha. But gay PRIDE parades proudly & soberly display their deviant sex acts with the intent to display them to children they know will be on main street at mid day. All should be arrested, but the gay exposers are doing so soberly and with intent.
Well lets see- you applaud Pinochet- a man who was responsible for the murder of hundreds- perhaps thousands- and the torture of thousands more.

What sets homosexuality apart from the evil and madness you support?

Homosexuality doesn't applaud murder and torture like you do.

Where did I say anything supportive of Pinochet, or of torture and murder? I do not support any such thing.

I also do not support, unlike you, handing children over to sick, immoral perverts.

I apologize for my mistake regarding you and Pinochet- I will if I can delete that reference- I confused you with your fellow homophobe.

And unlike you, I do not support handling children over to any sick, immoral perverts- regardless of their race, religion or sexual orientation.
Post some Mardi Gras pictures while you are at it


. But gay PRIDE parades proudly & soberly display their deviant sex acts with the intent to display them to children .

And again you are lying. Gay Pride parades are adult affairs that parents can chose to bring their children too- they are not designed with- or intended for children.

Unlike your intention to harm children by denying them parents.
Post some Mardi Gras pictures while you are at it


If there are kids present, arrest them. Not many of these perverts anticipate children arriving at a drunken bruja-ha. But gay PRIDE parades proudly & soberly display their deviant sex acts with the intent to display them to children they know will be on main street at mid day. All should be arrested, but the gay exposers are doing so soberly and with intent.
Your bias is showing

People know what a gay pride parade is like....they know what Mardi Gras is like
Both exhibit rampant sexuality
You bring young kids....it is your fault
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I wish that people would stop the stupid madness about LGBTs. There is no reason to go after them to make their lives miserable for no reason, just the insecurity of heterosexuals. We've already got the trumps, moores, gingrichs, sanfords, bartons, and nobody says anything about their promiscuity, immorality. Even if you are a sexually obsessed bible thumper from the south, there is no reason to attack these people. Just accord them the freedom to love and marry whomever they choose and leave them the hell alone.

Just as soon as they leave others alone. There would be no court case if same sex couples had not forced specialty services from someone who didn't want to provide that service.

Why don't gays agree to the grand bargain? You leave others alone and others will leave you alone.

They don't want to be left alone. They want to be lauded and approved of and told how wonderfully normal they are, because they're not able to feel way on their own.

That does sound like all of the Christians who refuse to do business with gay couples.
You are happy as long as gays are out of sight and out of mind
Exactly! That's what Lawrece v Texas was about. It decriminalized PRIVATE acts of sodomy. Be thankful you got that. Your felonious pride parades with deviant sex acts in front of kids are gonna be short lived too. Behaviors have no protections that allow for public sex acts on parade floats.

Gays spent hundreds of years hiding who they were. Couldn't reveal their partner, what they did over the weekend, display pictures, hold hands

All because people like you considered it "yucky"

Small wonder why, now that they are "out" in public with what they like to do (extroverted deviant sex acts in front of kids)




And then we have heterosexuals on parade


You are happy as long as gays are out of sight and out of mind
Exactly! That's what Lawrece v Texas was about. It decriminalized PRIVATE acts of sodomy. Be thankful you got that. Your felonious pride parades with deviant sex acts in front of kids are gonna be short lived too. Behaviors have no protections that allow for public sex acts on parade floats.

I have never once seen a sex act in a Pride Parade.

Not once.

You just lie to hurt children.
Didn't this bakery advertise that it has delicious products to sell to customers? Then it didn't? Don't go into business or advertise if you can't produce.
I wish that people would stop the stupid madness about LGBTs. There is no reason to go after them to make their lives miserable for no reason, just the insecurity of heterosexuals. We've already got the trumps, moores, gingrichs, sanfords, bartons, and nobody says anything about their promiscuity, immorality. Even if you are a sexually obsessed bible thumper from the south, there is no reason to attack these people. Just accord them the freedom to love and marry whomever they choose and leave them the hell alone.

Just as soon as they leave others alone. There would be no court case if same sex couples had not forced specialty services from someone who didn't want to provide that service.

Why don't gays agree to the grand bargain? You leave others alone and others will leave you alone.

They don't want to be left alone. They want to be lauded and approved of and told how wonderfully normal they are, because they're not able to feel way on their own.
I don't find LGBTs to want to be "lauded and approved of" more than anyone else. They just live their lives, the same as you and me.
Didn't this bakery advertise that it has delicious products to sell to customers? Then it didn't? Don't go into business or advertise if you can't produce.
Well should a gay graphic designer be forced to print a billboard for a very busy highway for a Christian customer that reads: "Homosexuality is a sin unto God!" ?
I wish that people would stop the stupid madness about LGBTs. There is no reason to go after them to make their lives miserable for no reason, just the insecurity of heterosexuals. We've already got the trumps, moores, gingrichs, sanfords, bartons, and nobody says anything about their promiscuity, immorality. Even if you are a sexually obsessed bible thumper from the south, there is no reason to attack these people. Just accord them the freedom to love and marry whomever they choose and leave them the hell alone.

Just as soon as they leave others alone. There would be no court case if same sex couples had not forced specialty services from someone who didn't want to provide that service.

Why don't gays agree to the grand bargain? You leave others alone and others will leave you alone.

They don't want to be left alone. They want to be lauded and approved of and told how wonderfully normal they are, because they're not able to feel way on their own.
I don't find LGBTs to want to be "lauded and approved of" more than anyone else. They just live their lives, the same as you and me.

I'm sure you don't. But then, you don't WANT to find that, so you're not going to, are you? And no, they don't live their lives anything like I do. I cannot even imagine making my sexual proclivities that huge and central to my identity and existence. And mind you, I've been married for 23 years and have children and grandchildren, so in that sense, it's a pretty big part of my life and identity. But I don't join clubs and organizations centered around my sexual preferences, I don't participate in "Straight Pride" parades, or wear various pieces of clothing announcing my sexuality. I don't seek out gay people and try to force them to associate with me, under threat of lawsuit if necessary. I also don't immediately announce my sexuality, with excruciating detail, to total strangers within minutes of meeting them. Every employer I have had for the last five years has been very LGBTQ-friendly, and I can't remember the last gay or transgender or whatever coworker I've had who didn't feel the need to make a big public announcement about it within their first week there. And apparently, while THAT is not worthy of an HR intervention, stating the obvious response of, "Who gives a crap?" is.
The law and the constitution is clear on this. If you own a business establishment, under normal circumstances, you can't refuse any customer. But in cases like this, I fully agree with the business owner. If you want to arbitrarily turn down a paying a paying customer, it's your funeral. And there ARE competitors. Some of which may cater to gays and they will turn a buck ...Viva la difference!
You are happy as long as gays are out of sight and out of mind
Exactly! That's what Lawrece v Texas was about. It decriminalized PRIVATE acts of sodomy. Be thankful you got that. Your felonious pride parades with deviant sex acts in front of kids are gonna be short lived too. Behaviors have no protections that allow for public sex acts on parade floats.

I have never once seen a sex act in a Pride Parade.

Not once.

You just lie to hurt children.

sex acts gay pride parade - Bing video

Wow, THAT took me a long time to find. All of five seconds, in fact.

Maybe consider the possibility that your personal anecdotal experience does not constitute the sum total of all experiences available.
You are happy as long as gays are out of sight and out of mind
Exactly! That's what Lawrece v Texas was about. It decriminalized PRIVATE acts of sodomy. Be thankful you got that. Your felonious pride parades with deviant sex acts in front of kids are gonna be short lived too. Behaviors have no protections that allow for public sex acts on parade floats.

I have never once seen a sex act in a Pride Parade.

Not once.

You just lie to hurt children.

sex acts gay pride parade - Bing video

Wow, THAT took me a long time to find. All of five seconds, in fact.

Maybe consider the possibility that your personal anecdotal experience does not constitute the sum total of all experiences available.

Maybe consider the possibility that something posted on the internet is posted there by someone with an agenda?

Again- unlike all of you people talking about events you have been told are horrible- I have been to them- unlike what is fed to you by your right wing media masters.
Didn't this bakery advertise that it has delicious products to sell to customers? Then it didn't? Don't go into business or advertise if you can't produce.
Well should a gay graphic designer be forced to print a billboard for a very busy highway for a Christian customer that reads: "Homosexuality is a sin unto God!" ?

Why would it matter if the designer is gay or not?
You are happy as long as gays are out of sight and out of mind
Exactly! That's what Lawrece v Texas was about. It decriminalized PRIVATE acts of sodomy. Be thankful you got that. Your felonious pride parades with deviant sex acts in front of kids are gonna be short lived too. Behaviors have no protections that allow for public sex acts on parade floats.

I have never once seen a sex act in a Pride Parade.

Not once.

You just lie to hurt children.

sex acts gay pride parade - Bing video

Wow, THAT took me a long time to find. All of five seconds, in fact.

Maybe consider the possibility that your personal anecdotal experience does not constitute the sum total of all experiences available.

Maybe consider the possibility that something posted on the internet is posted there by someone with an agenda?

Again- unlike all of you people talking about events you have been told are horrible- I have been to them- unlike what is fed to you by your right wing media masters.
People with agendas post here? Shocking. Unimaginable.

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