Opponents in LGBT case agree: It's not about wedding cake

I wish that people would stop the stupid madness about LGBTs. There is no reason to go after them to make their lives miserable for no reason, just the insecurity of heterosexuals. We've already got the trumps, moores, gingrichs, sanfords, bartons, and nobody says anything about their promiscuity, immorality. Even if you are a sexually obsessed bible thumper from the south, there is no reason to attack these people. Just accord them the freedom to love and marry whomever they choose and leave them the hell alone.

Just as soon as they leave others alone. There would be no court case if same sex couples had not forced specialty services from someone who didn't want to provide that service.

Why don't gays agree to the grand bargain? You leave others alone and others will leave you alone.

They don't want to be left alone. They want to be lauded and approved of and told how wonderfully normal they are, because they're not able to feel way on their own.
I don't find LGBTs to want to be "lauded and approved of" more than anyone else. They just live their lives, the same as you and me.

I don't seek out gay people and try to force them to associate with me, under threat of lawsuit if necessary. .

And amazingly gay people are not seeking out non-gay people and trying to force them to associate with them either.

But gay Americans have the right to protection under the PA laws just the same as Christians do, and just the same as Jews do.

Amazing if this was about Jews- trying to force Christians to associate with them- because the Christian owner refused to sell a wedding cake to a Jew.
I wish that people would stop the stupid madness about LGBTs. There is no reason to go after them to make their lives miserable for no reason, just the insecurity of heterosexuals. We've already got the trumps, moores, gingrichs, sanfords, bartons, and nobody says anything about their promiscuity, immorality. Even if you are a sexually obsessed bible thumper from the south, there is no reason to attack these people. Just accord them the freedom to love and marry whomever they choose and leave them the hell alone.

Just as soon as they leave others alone. There would be no court case if same sex couples had not forced specialty services from someone who didn't want to provide that service.

Why don't gays agree to the grand bargain? You leave others alone and others will leave you alone.

They don't want to be left alone. They want to be lauded and approved of and told how wonderfully normal they are, because they're not able to feel way on their own.
I don't find LGBTs to want to be "lauded and approved of" more than anyone else. They just live their lives, the same as you and me.

I'm sure you don't. But then, you don't WANT to find that, so you're not going to, are you? And no, they don't live their lives anything like I do. I cannot even imagine making my sexual proclivities that huge and central to my identity and existence. And mind you, I've been married for 23 years and have children and grandchildren, so in that sense, it's a pretty big part of my life and identity. But I don't join clubs and organizations centered around my sexual preferences, I don't participate in "Straight Pride" parades, or wear various pieces of clothing announcing my sexuality. I don't seek out gay people and try to force them to associate with me, under threat of lawsuit if necessary. I also don't immediately announce my sexuality, with excruciating detail, to total strangers within minutes of meeting them. Every employer I have had for the last five years has been very LGBTQ-friendly, and I can't remember the last gay or transgender or whatever coworker I've had who didn't feel the need to make a big public announcement about it within their first week there. And apparently, while THAT is not worthy of an HR intervention, stating the obvious response of, "Who gives a crap?" is.
So your family and sexuality are welcome topics of discussion

I've been married for 23 years and have children and grandchildren, so in that sense, it's a pretty big part of my life and identity

But if a gay coworker makes a similar pronouncement you say who gives a crap
[ Every employer I have had for the last five years has been very LGBTQ-friendly, and I can't remember the last gay or transgender or whatever coworker I've had who didn't feel the need to make a big public announcement about it within their first week there..

Except of course all of the gay employees who you never knew who were gay-and never announced it.

I work in a company with thousands of employees. I work personally with probably 100- whom I presume are straight, gay whatever- I have never had one person ever 'announce' their sexual preference to me- other than perhaps showing me pictures of their significant other.

I guess you work at a weird workplace where people stand up and announce who they are attracted to.
I wish that people would stop the stupid madness about LGBTs. There is no reason to go after them to make their lives miserable for no reason, just the insecurity of heterosexuals. We've already got the trumps, moores, gingrichs, sanfords, bartons, and nobody says anything about their promiscuity, immorality. Even if you are a sexually obsessed bible thumper from the south, there is no reason to attack these people. Just accord them the freedom to love and marry whomever they choose and leave them the hell alone.

Just as soon as they leave others alone. There would be no court case if same sex couples had not forced specialty services from someone who didn't want to provide that service.

Why don't gays agree to the grand bargain? You leave others alone and others will leave you alone.

They don't want to be left alone. They want to be lauded and approved of and told how wonderfully normal they are, because they're not able to feel way on their own.
I don't find LGBTs to want to be "lauded and approved of" more than anyone else. They just live their lives, the same as you and me.

I don't seek out gay people and try to force them to associate with me, under threat of lawsuit if necessary. .

And amazingly gay people are not seeking out non-gay people and trying to force them to associate with them either.

But gay Americans have the right to protection under the PA laws just the same as Christians do, and just the same as Jews do.

Amazing if this was about Jews- trying to force Christians to associate with them- because the Christian owner refused to sell a wedding cake to a Jew.

Excuse me, but WHAT do you think this thread is about, dimwit? Are we not talking about a gay couple using their "wedding" as an opportunity to seek out a Christian baker and try to force him to participate in the event against his will, to the point of taking him to court? Did I misunderstand the story, or are you just so busy spinning you've gotten dizzy and lost track of the topic?

This isn't about Christians reserving a treasured right to themselves and trying to deny it to gays. Nobody but gays and other fringe leftist protected groups give a shit about the vaunted "right to force people to serve me". This is about whether the government has any business passing laws forcing private citizens to do things in business that they don't want to do. I can assure you that Christians and Jews and whomever else you'd like to throw out do not seek out businesses run by people who do not like them and try to demand service. We just avoid those people and take our money to other businesses and go the fuck on with our lives.

It WOULD be amazing if this was about Jews, because as I said, Jews don't make a habit of frequenting, deliberately or otherwise, the businesses of anti-Semites. They just ignore them and go do business with people who like Jews.
[. And mind you, I've been married for 23 years and have children and grandchildren, so in that sense, it's a pretty big part of my life and identity..

So you have been openly heterosexual all of this time- flaunting your heterosexuality with your marriage and children.
Does a Jewish liberal sign maker have a right to turn down Nazis that want pro fascist signs made for them? Shouldn't businesses have that discretion? Why NOT?
Just as soon as they leave others alone. There would be no court case if same sex couples had not forced specialty services from someone who didn't want to provide that service.

Why don't gays agree to the grand bargain? You leave others alone and others will leave you alone.

They don't want to be left alone. They want to be lauded and approved of and told how wonderfully normal they are, because they're not able to feel way on their own.
I don't find LGBTs to want to be "lauded and approved of" more than anyone else. They just live their lives, the same as you and me.

I don't seek out gay people and try to force them to associate with me, under threat of lawsuit if necessary. .

And amazingly gay people are not seeking out non-gay people and trying to force them to associate with them either.

But gay Americans have the right to protection under the PA laws just the same as Christians do, and just the same as Jews do.

Amazing if this was about Jews- trying to force Christians to associate with them- because the Christian owner refused to sell a wedding cake to a Jew.

Excuse me, but WHAT do you think this thread is about, dimwit? Are we not talking about a gay couple using their "wedding" as an opportunity to seek out a Christian baker and try to force him to participate in the event against his will, to the point of taking him to court?

Ah with the ad hominem- getting kind of pissy?

No- we are talking about a gay couple going to a baker- and trying to order a cake- and that baker refusing to make the cake for them.

And using the law- exactly like if that Baker had refused to sell a wedding cake to someone because they were Jewish- or because they were a mixed race couple- the exact same law which by the way would prevent that same gay couple from refusing to sell to the baker because he is a Christian.
Just as soon as they leave others alone. There would be no court case if same sex couples had not forced specialty services from someone who didn't want to provide that service.

Why don't gays agree to the grand bargain? You leave others alone and others will leave you alone.

They don't want to be left alone. They want to be lauded and approved of and told how wonderfully normal they are, because they're not able to feel way on their own.
I don't find LGBTs to want to be "lauded and approved of" more than anyone else. They just live their lives, the same as you and me.

I don't seek out gay people and try to force them to associate with me, under threat of lawsuit if necessary. .

And amazingly gay people are not seeking out non-gay people and trying to force them to associate with them either.

But gay Americans have the right to protection under the PA laws just the same as Christians do, and just the same as Jews do.

Amazing if this was about Jews- trying to force Christians to associate with them- because the Christian owner refused to sell a wedding cake to a Jew.

Excuse me, but WHAT do you think this thread is about, dimwit? Are we not talking about a gay couple using their "wedding" as an opportunity to seek out a Christian baker and try to force him to participate in the event against his will, to the point of taking him to court? Did I misunderstand the story, or are you just so busy spinning you've gotten dizzy and lost track of the topic?

This isn't about Christians reserving a treasured right to themselves and trying to deny it to gays. Nobody but gays and other fringe leftist protected groups give a shit about the vaunted "right to force people to serve me". This is about whether the government has any business passing laws forcing private citizens to do things in business that they don't want to do. I can assure you that Christians and Jews and whomever else you'd like to throw out do not seek out businesses run by people who do not like them and try to demand service. We just avoid those people and take our money to other businesses and go the fuck on with our lives.

It WOULD be amazing if this was about Jews, because as I said, Jews don't make a habit of frequenting, deliberately or otherwise, the businesses of anti-Semites. They just ignore them and go do business with people who like Jews.
You do understand the responsibilities that go with having a business license, don't you? These people advertise their businesses. And I bet this business is incorporated. Corporations are on-paper entities. They do not have a religion.
Does a Jewish liberal sign maker have a right to turn down Nazis that want pro fascist signs made for them? They SHOULD have that discretion. Why not?

Is Nazism a religion? Is it a race? Is it a sexual orientation?

Which law says that Nazi's rights must be protected?
Does a Jewish liberal sign maker have a right to turn down Nazis that want pro fascist signs made for them? They SHOULD have that discretion. Why not?

Is Nazism a religion? Is it a race? Is it a sexual orientation?

Which law says that Nazi's rights must be protected?

Answer the question, under PA laws does the Jewish sign maker have to do it?
Just as soon as they leave others alone. There would be no court case if same sex couples had not forced specialty services from someone who didn't want to provide that service.

Why don't gays agree to the grand bargain? You leave others alone and others will leave you alone.

They don't want to be left alone. They want to be lauded and approved of and told how wonderfully normal they are, because they're not able to feel way on their own.
I don't find LGBTs to want to be "lauded and approved of" more than anyone else. They just live their lives, the same as you and me.

I don't seek out gay people and try to force them to associate with me, under threat of lawsuit if necessary. .

And amazingly gay people are not seeking out non-gay people and trying to force them to associate with them either.

But gay Americans have the right to protection under the PA laws just the same as Christians do, and just the same as Jews do.

Amazing if this was about Jews- trying to force Christians to associate with them- because the Christian owner refused to sell a wedding cake to a Jew.

This isn't about Christians reserving a treasured right to themselves and trying to deny it to gays. Nobody but gays and other fringe leftist protected groups give a shit about the vaunted "right to force people to serve me". .

Yeah- that is why the 1964 Civil Rights Act was passed- because no one but 'gays' give a shit.

Because of course no one gives a shit when a business refuses to sell to a Jew- or a Christian- or a black- or Mexican.
Does a Jewish liberal sign maker have a right to turn down Nazis that want pro fascist signs made for them? They SHOULD have that discretion. Why not?

Is Nazism a religion? Is it a race? Is it a sexual orientation?

Which law says that Nazi's rights must be protected?
1st amendment. Freedom of speech? Ever hear of that? So, the question remains...Gays and Nazis have the same rights. You want to pick and choose who you want to discriminate from imagine that.
Does a Jewish liberal sign maker have a right to turn down Nazis that want pro fascist signs made for them? They SHOULD have that discretion. Why not?

Is Nazism a religion? Is it a race? Is it a sexual orientation?

Which law says that Nazi's rights must be protected?

Answer the question, under PA laws does the Jewish sign maker have to do it?

If you understood PA laws you would know.

But a Jew would be required to make a sign from a Christian that said "Jews killed Jesus"

Because the law protects the rights of Christian customers.
Does a Jewish liberal sign maker have a right to turn down Nazis that want pro fascist signs made for them? They SHOULD have that discretion. Why not?

Is Nazism a religion? Is it a race? Is it a sexual orientation?

Which law says that Nazi's rights must be protected?
1st amendment. Freedom of speech? Ever hear of that? So, the question remains...Gays and Nazis have the same rights.

Public Accommodations laws? Ever heard of them? So the question remains- what part of the public accommodation laws says that Nazi's must be served?
Does a Jewish liberal sign maker have a right to turn down Nazis that want pro fascist signs made for them? They SHOULD have that discretion. Why not?

Is Nazism a religion? Is it a race? Is it a sexual orientation?

Which law says that Nazi's rights must be protected?

Answer the question, under PA laws does the Jewish sign maker have to do it?

If you understood PA laws you would know.

But a Jew would be required to make a sign from a Christian that said "Jews killed Jesus"

Because the law protects the rights of Christian customers.

Answer the question and save your deflection.
[ This is about whether the government has any business passing laws forcing private citizens to do things in business that they don't want to do. .
Does a Jewish liberal sign maker have a right to turn down Nazis that want pro fascist signs made for them? They SHOULD have that discretion. Why not?

Is Nazism a religion? Is it a race? Is it a sexual orientation?

Which law says that Nazi's rights must be protected?
1st amendment. Freedom of speech? Ever hear of that? So, the question remains...Gays and Nazis have the same rights.

Public Accommodations laws? Ever heard of them? So the question remains- what part of the public accommodation laws says that Nazi's must be served?
I am playing the devils advocate here, folks. I despise Nazis, it's that I pick them as the popular whipping boy we all despise. But how does public accommodation laws exclude Nazis?
Does a Jewish liberal sign maker have a right to turn down Nazis that want pro fascist signs made for them? They SHOULD have that discretion. Why not?

Is Nazism a religion? Is it a race? Is it a sexual orientation?

Which law says that Nazi's rights must be protected?

Answer the question, under PA laws does the Jewish sign maker have to do it?

If you understood PA laws you would know.

But a Jew would be required to make a sign from a Christian that said "Jews killed Jesus"

Because the law protects the rights of Christian customers.

Answer the question and save your deflection.

Question answered- your ignorance of PA laws is not my problem
Does a Jewish liberal sign maker have a right to turn down Nazis that want pro fascist signs made for them? They SHOULD have that discretion. Why not?

Is Nazism a religion? Is it a race? Is it a sexual orientation?

Which law says that Nazi's rights must be protected?
1st amendment. Freedom of speech? Ever hear of that? So, the question remains...Gays and Nazis have the same rights.

Public Accommodations laws? Ever heard of them? So the question remains- what part of the public accommodation laws says that Nazi's must be served?
i am playing the devils advocate here, folks. I despise Nazis, it's that I pick them as the popular whipping boy we all despise. But how does public accommodation laws exclude Nazis?

It doesnt....hence the deflection.
Does a Jewish liberal sign maker have a right to turn down Nazis that want pro fascist signs made for them? They SHOULD have that discretion. Why not?

Is Nazism a religion? Is it a race? Is it a sexual orientation?

Which law says that Nazi's rights must be protected?
1st amendment. Freedom of speech? Ever hear of that? So, the question remains...Gays and Nazis have the same rights.

Public Accommodations laws? Ever heard of them? So the question remains- what part of the public accommodation laws says that Nazi's must be served?
i am playing the devils advocate here, folks. I despise Nazis, it's that I pick them as the popular whipping boy we all despise. But how does public accommodation laws exclude Nazis?
Because public accommodation laws don't name them.

Why did public accommodation laws include blacks and Jews?

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