Opponents in LGBT case agree: It's not about wedding cake

Would it surprise you to know that you are not the universal spokesman for Christianity, and it's not your place to tell other people what they should and shouldn't believe?

Methinks someone who has so little understanding of the concept of a personal relationship with God really shouldn't be trying to lecture others on how to be Christian.
Why do you do this? This has nothing to do with any relationship with a Supreme Being. It's made up out of hate papered over with a picture of Jesus. Stop trying to turn religion into a shit hole. It's supposed to better than that.

Why do I do what? Suggest that other people's beliefs are not subject to your approval? I do it because they aren't. No one really gives a shit what you think of their beliefs and how they practice them. "It's made out of hate" is your opinion, and no one asked you for it. I think your opinion of Christians is made out of hate papered over with "rights", so how quickly do you plan to change YOUR behavior to suit my opinion of it?

Stop trying to turn religion into your personal playground. You're not God; He's DEFINITELY better than that.
Why should any of us give a shit about your "Christian" beliefs? Frankie Graham, maybe? Dobson? We don't all have to go along with your bullshit. I have a great respect for some Christians, but absolutely no respect for others.

Your problem being we Christians don't care what you think. Choose not to believe. It's your choice...but be tolerant of those that do.
But you are not a Christian, and you don't know what I believe anyway. I will not "tolerate" mistreatment of other people, though.

Listen up, twerp. You don't know me so cease pretending you do. It's patently obvious you don't have the first clue what you're blabbering about. Just another loud mouthed loon
This whole thing against LGBTs is so stupid. Monumentally stupid. There is absolutely NOTHING in the religion of Jesus that calls for anyone to reject LGBTs or anyone else. It's made up. The Christian thing to do would be to bake the cake and present it to the couple with all good wishes.

Would it surprise you to know that you are not the universal spokesman for Christianity, and it's not your place to tell other people what they should and shouldn't believe?

Methinks someone who has so little understanding of the concept of a personal relationship with God really shouldn't be trying to lecture others on how to be Christian.
Why do you do this? This has nothing to do with any relationship with a Supreme Being. It's made up out of hate papered over with a picture of Jesus. Stop trying to turn religion into a shit hole. It's supposed to better than that.

Why do I do what? Suggest that other people's beliefs are not subject to your approval? I do it because they aren't. No one really gives a shit what you think of their beliefs and how they practice them. "It's made out of hate" is your opinion, and no one asked you for it. I think your opinion of Christians is made out of hate papered over with "rights", so how quickly do you plan to change YOUR behavior to suit my opinion of it?

Stop trying to turn religion into your personal playground. You're not God; He's DEFINITELY better than that.
Why should any of us give a shit about your "Christian" beliefs? Frankie Graham, maybe? Dobson? We don't all have to go along with your bullshit. I have a great respect for some Christians, but absolutely no respect for others.

I don't recall asking you to give a shit about my beliefs. Pretty sure I was clear about telling you and the other twerp to mind your own business about them, actually.

No on asked you to go along with me. You're welcome to go off and believe whatever you want. Just do it without trying to impose it on my beliefs.

Thank you so much for sharing your unsolicited and uninteresting "respect" choices. I'll definitely pencil in some time in the next decade or so to not care.
Would it surprise you to know that you are not the universal spokesman for Christianity, and it's not your place to tell other people what they should and shouldn't believe?

Methinks someone who has so little understanding of the concept of a personal relationship with God really shouldn't be trying to lecture others on how to be Christian.
Why do you do this? This has nothing to do with any relationship with a Supreme Being. It's made up out of hate papered over with a picture of Jesus. Stop trying to turn religion into a shit hole. It's supposed to better than that.

Why do I do what? Suggest that other people's beliefs are not subject to your approval? I do it because they aren't. No one really gives a shit what you think of their beliefs and how they practice them. "It's made out of hate" is your opinion, and no one asked you for it. I think your opinion of Christians is made out of hate papered over with "rights", so how quickly do you plan to change YOUR behavior to suit my opinion of it?

Stop trying to turn religion into your personal playground. You're not God; He's DEFINITELY better than that.
Why should any of us give a shit about your "Christian" beliefs? Frankie Graham, maybe? Dobson? We don't all have to go along with your bullshit. I have a great respect for some Christians, but absolutely no respect for others.

Your problem being we Christians don't care what you think. Choose not to believe. It's your choice...but be tolerant of those that do.
But you are not a Christian, and you don't know what I believe anyway. I will not "tolerate" mistreatment of other people, though.

You leftists really DO think you're God, apparently. At what point do you assume you EVER gained the prerogative of declaring who is and isn't a Christian? And at what point do you assume that anyone is interested in your declarations?

The hubris is just staggering here.
Why do you do this? This has nothing to do with any relationship with a Supreme Being. It's made up out of hate papered over with a picture of Jesus. Stop trying to turn religion into a shit hole. It's supposed to better than that.

Why do I do what? Suggest that other people's beliefs are not subject to your approval? I do it because they aren't. No one really gives a shit what you think of their beliefs and how they practice them. "It's made out of hate" is your opinion, and no one asked you for it. I think your opinion of Christians is made out of hate papered over with "rights", so how quickly do you plan to change YOUR behavior to suit my opinion of it?

Stop trying to turn religion into your personal playground. You're not God; He's DEFINITELY better than that.
Why should any of us give a shit about your "Christian" beliefs? Frankie Graham, maybe? Dobson? We don't all have to go along with your bullshit. I have a great respect for some Christians, but absolutely no respect for others.

Your problem being we Christians don't care what you think. Choose not to believe. It's your choice...but be tolerant of those that do.
But you are not a Christian, and you don't know what I believe anyway. I will not "tolerate" mistreatment of other people, though.

Listen up, twerp. You don't know me so cease pretending you do. It's patently obvious you don't have the first clue what you're blabbering about. Just another loud mouthed loon
Just stop trashing the Christian faith please. It is supposed to incorporate sanctity and spirituality.
Why do you do this? This has nothing to do with any relationship with a Supreme Being. It's made up out of hate papered over with a picture of Jesus. Stop trying to turn religion into a shit hole. It's supposed to better than that.

Why do I do what? Suggest that other people's beliefs are not subject to your approval? I do it because they aren't. No one really gives a shit what you think of their beliefs and how they practice them. "It's made out of hate" is your opinion, and no one asked you for it. I think your opinion of Christians is made out of hate papered over with "rights", so how quickly do you plan to change YOUR behavior to suit my opinion of it?

Stop trying to turn religion into your personal playground. You're not God; He's DEFINITELY better than that.
Why should any of us give a shit about your "Christian" beliefs? Frankie Graham, maybe? Dobson? We don't all have to go along with your bullshit. I have a great respect for some Christians, but absolutely no respect for others.

Your problem being we Christians don't care what you think. Choose not to believe. It's your choice...but be tolerant of those that do.
But you are not a Christian, and you don't know what I believe anyway. I will not "tolerate" mistreatment of other people, though.

You leftists really DO think you're God, apparently. At what point do you assume you EVER gained the prerogative of declaring who is and isn't a Christian? And at what point do you assume that anyone is interested in your declarations?

The hubris is just staggering here.

The noob twit has 700+ posts and tries to pull this shit she knows all about someone. Daffy old hag
Why do I do what? Suggest that other people's beliefs are not subject to your approval? I do it because they aren't. No one really gives a shit what you think of their beliefs and how they practice them. "It's made out of hate" is your opinion, and no one asked you for it. I think your opinion of Christians is made out of hate papered over with "rights", so how quickly do you plan to change YOUR behavior to suit my opinion of it?

Stop trying to turn religion into your personal playground. You're not God; He's DEFINITELY better than that.
Why should any of us give a shit about your "Christian" beliefs? Frankie Graham, maybe? Dobson? We don't all have to go along with your bullshit. I have a great respect for some Christians, but absolutely no respect for others.

Your problem being we Christians don't care what you think. Choose not to believe. It's your choice...but be tolerant of those that do.
But you are not a Christian, and you don't know what I believe anyway. I will not "tolerate" mistreatment of other people, though.

Listen up, twerp. You don't know me so cease pretending you do. It's patently obvious you don't have the first clue what you're blabbering about. Just another loud mouthed loon
Just stop trashing the Christian faith please. It is supposed to incorporate sanctity and spirituality.

Omfg I am not trashing the Christian faith. Stop pulling shit outa your hole trying to save face.
Why do I do what? Suggest that other people's beliefs are not subject to your approval? I do it because they aren't. No one really gives a shit what you think of their beliefs and how they practice them. "It's made out of hate" is your opinion, and no one asked you for it. I think your opinion of Christians is made out of hate papered over with "rights", so how quickly do you plan to change YOUR behavior to suit my opinion of it?

Stop trying to turn religion into your personal playground. You're not God; He's DEFINITELY better than that.
Why should any of us give a shit about your "Christian" beliefs? Frankie Graham, maybe? Dobson? We don't all have to go along with your bullshit. I have a great respect for some Christians, but absolutely no respect for others.

Your problem being we Christians don't care what you think. Choose not to believe. It's your choice...but be tolerant of those that do.
But you are not a Christian, and you don't know what I believe anyway. I will not "tolerate" mistreatment of other people, though.

Listen up, twerp. You don't know me so cease pretending you do. It's patently obvious you don't have the first clue what you're blabbering about. Just another loud mouthed loon
Just stop trashing the Christian faith please. It is supposed to incorporate sanctity and spirituality.

Just stop trashing the Christian faith by declaring yourself the arbiter of it. If you want to design your own religion from the ground up, go the L. Ron Hubbard route and start your own church. Stop trying to tell other people what their beliefs are and how they're wrong about them and must immediately start practicing them the way you decree.

And by the way, clue in to the utter hypocrisy of treating Christians exactly the way you object to gays being treated, to demonstrate your anger at how gays are treated. You remind me of those deranged lunatics who shoot abortion doctors to demonstrate their respect for life.
Why should any of us give a shit about your "Christian" beliefs? Frankie Graham, maybe? Dobson? We don't all have to go along with your bullshit. I have a great respect for some Christians, but absolutely no respect for others.

Your problem being we Christians don't care what you think. Choose not to believe. It's your choice...but be tolerant of those that do.
But you are not a Christian, and you don't know what I believe anyway. I will not "tolerate" mistreatment of other people, though.

Listen up, twerp. You don't know me so cease pretending you do. It's patently obvious you don't have the first clue what you're blabbering about. Just another loud mouthed loon
Just stop trashing the Christian faith please. It is supposed to incorporate sanctity and spirituality.

Just stop trashing the Christian faith by declaring yourself the arbiter of it. If you want to design your own religion from the ground up, go the L. Ron Hubbard route and start your own church. Stop trying to tell other people what their beliefs are and how they're wrong about them and must immediately start practicing them the way you decree.

And by the way, clue in to the utter hypocrisy of treating Christians exactly the way you object to gays being treated, to demonstrate your anger at how gays are treated. You remind me of those deranged lunatics who shoot abortion doctors to demonstrate their respect for life.
Why don't you people stop trying to pull your bullshit on others? Telling people that something is "Christian" when it's not and you are just trying to bully others. What denomination are you people anyway?
Lemme guess, are we going to hear about "bullying and gay teen suicides" next? That's always the cult's go-to when regular arguments aren't working..

This whole thing against LGBTs is so stupid. Monumentally stupid. There is absolutely NOTHING in the religion of Jesus that calls for anyone to reject LGBTs or anyone else. It's made up. The Christian thing to do would be to bake the cake and present it to the couple with all good wishes.
Look up Romans 1 and Jude 1 of the New Testament of Jesus Christ.
The public accommodation bill pretty much picks and chooses WHOM you can legally discriminate against. Um, really? We have the freedom to follow the rules we arbitrarily created to follow fleeting popular political causes, like something out of Orwell.
The public accommodation bill pretty much picks and chooses WHOM you can legally discriminate against. Um, really? We have the freedom to follow the rules we arbitrarily created to follow fleeting popular political causes, like something out of Orwell.
Yep, and the state of Oregon since it stepped in to bitch-slap the Kleins with fines and drove them out of business, is liable. You can't enforce an unconstitutional law using duress. The Kleins had 1st Amendment rights to refuse to participate in any way shape or form in a ceremony that violates the cores of their faith (see Jude 1 & Romans 1). The lesbians targeted them on purpose to try to force them to give up their Constitutional rights under threat. I think that carries a special extra punishment if memory serves. I'll have to go research that tomorrow.
The public accommodation bill pretty much picks and chooses WHOM you can legally discriminate against. Um, really? We have the freedom to follow the rules we arbitrarily created to follow fleeting popular political causes, like something out of Orwell.
Yep, and the state of Oregon since it stepped in to bitch-slap the Kleins with fines and drove them out of business, is liable. You can't enforce an unconstitutional law using duress. The Kleins had 1st Amendment rights to refuse to participate in any way shape or form in a ceremony that violates the cores of their faith (see Jude 1 & Romans 1). The lesbians targeted them on purpose to try to force them to give up their Constitutional rights under threat. I think that carries a special extra punishment if memory serves. I'll have to go research that tomorrow.
The take away is don't have a business if you aren't willing to sell out your morals?
The public accommodation bill pretty much picks and chooses WHOM you can legally discriminate against. Um, really? We have the freedom to follow the rules we arbitrarily created to follow fleeting popular political causes, like something out of Orwell.

Indeed, the establishment of arbitrary, legally-defined “protected groups” clearly violates the equal protection clause of the Fourteenth Amendment, by defining those groups, as Orwell wrote, as “more equal than others”.
This whole thing against LGBTs is so stupid. Monumentally stupid. There is absolutely NOTHING in the religion of Jesus that calls for anyone to reject LGBTs or anyone else. It's made up. The Christian thing to do would be to bake the cake and present it to the couple with all good wishes.

Would it surprise you to know that you are not the universal spokesman for Christianity, and it's not your place to tell other people what they should and shouldn't believe?

Methinks someone who has so little understanding of the concept of a personal relationship with God really shouldn't be trying to lecture others on how to be Christian.
Why do you do this? This has nothing to do with any relationship with a Supreme Being. It's made up out of hate papered over with a picture of Jesus. Stop trying to turn religion into a shit hole. It's supposed to better than that.

Why do I do what? Suggest that other people's beliefs are not subject to your approval? I do it because they aren't. No one really gives a shit what you think of their beliefs and how they practice them. "It's made out of hate" is your opinion, and no one asked you for it. I think your opinion of Christians is made out of hate papered over with "rights", so how quickly do you plan to change YOUR behavior to suit my opinion of it?

Stop trying to turn religion into your personal playground. You're not God; He's DEFINITELY better than that.
Why should any of us give a shit about your "Christian" beliefs? Frankie Graham, maybe? Dobson? We don't all have to go along with your bullshit. I have a great respect for some Christians, but absolutely no respect for others.

Your problem being we Christians don't care what you think. Choose not to believe. It's your choice...but be tolerant of those that do.

Jesus never baked cakes for gays
The public accommodation bill pretty much picks and chooses WHOM you can legally discriminate against. Um, really? We have the freedom to follow the rules we arbitrarily created to follow fleeting popular political causes, like something out of Orwell.
Yep, and the state of Oregon since it stepped in to bitch-slap the Kleins with fines and drove them out of business, is liable. You can't enforce an unconstitutional law using duress. The Kleins had 1st Amendment rights to refuse to participate in any way shape or form in a ceremony that violates the cores of their faith (see Jude 1 & Romans 1). The lesbians targeted them on purpose to try to force them to give up their Constitutional rights under threat. I think that carries a special extra punishment if memory serves. I'll have to go research that tomorrow.
The take away is don't have a business if you aren't willing to sell out your morals?

Pretty much

If you value your hatred over the laws of your community...then don't open a business
Indeed, the establishment of arbitrary, legally-defined “protected groups” clearly violates the equal protection clause of the Fourteenth Amendment, by defining those groups, as Orwell wrote, as “more equal than others”.

That's where the false premise comes in. Once we have written opinion that lgbts are behaviors, judges will instantly realize the profundity of the precedent mistakes they made. That's why I said before that the instant Obergefell's ink was dry, polygamists could also marry legally too.

When you make behaviors of adults legally dominant partners to children involved with any marriage contract, you establish a wide open door to any behaviors marrying. To not instantly allow any & all other deviant majority rejected adult lifestyles to marry is in violation of the 14th Amendment.

I think this is what Scalia meant when he called Obergefell legal-Voodoo.. or words to that effect. I think he was pointing out a massive legal fuckup on behalf of his colleagues. He knew it was brand new (and fumbling/unworkable) judicial-legislation which is a violation of the separation of powers.
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Look up Romans 1 and Jude 1 of the New Testament of Jesus Christ.

Look up - oh wait- I will quote it- you know- from the "New Testament of Jesus Christ"

Romans 13New Century Version (NCV)
Christians Should Obey the Law
13 All of you must yield to the government rulers. No one rules unless God has given him the power to rule, and no one rules now without that power from God. 2 So those who are against the government are really against what God has commanded. And they will bring punishment on themselves. 3 Those who do right do not have to fear the rulers; only those who do wrong fear them. Do you want to be unafraid of the rulers? Then do what is right, and they will praise you. 4 The ruler is God’s servant to help you. But if you do wrong, then be afraid. He has the power to punish; he is God’s servant to punish those who do wrong. 5 So you must yield to the government, not only because you might be punished, but because you know it is right.
The public accommodation bill pretty much picks and chooses WHOM you can legally discriminate against. Um, really? We have the freedom to follow the rules we arbitrarily created to follow fleeting popular political causes, like something out of Orwell.

Indeed, the establishment of arbitrary, legally-defined “protected groups” clearly violates the equal protection clause of the Fourteenth Amendment, by defining those groups, as Orwell wrote, as “more equal than others”.

And of course that is an argument that can be made- that protecting the rights of blacks or Jews or Christians from discrimination- is violating the equal protection clause.

I look forward to the Right pursuing this argument.
Indeed, the establishment of arbitrary, legally-defined “protected groups” clearly violates the equal protection clause of the Fourteenth Amendment, by defining those groups, as Orwell wrote, as “more equal than others”.

That's where the false premise comes in. Once we have written opinion that lgbts are behaviors, judges will instantly realize the profundity of the precedent mistakes they made. .

LOL- of course because Judges just never thought of this before- and the anti-gay lawyers never thought of this before- you somehow have the insight that everyone else is lacking.

The public accommodation bill pretty much picks and chooses WHOM you can legally discriminate against. Um, really? We have the freedom to follow the rules we arbitrarily created to follow fleeting popular political causes, like something out of Orwell.
Yep, and the state of Oregon since it stepped in to bitch-slap the Kleins with fines and drove them out of business, is liable. You can't enforce an unconstitutional law using duress. The Kleins had 1st Amendment rights to refuse to participate in any way shape or form in a ceremony that violates the cores of their faith (see Jude 1 & Romans 1). The lesbians targeted them on purpose to try to force them to give up their Constitutional rights under threat. I think that carries a special extra punishment if memory serves. I'll have to go research that tomorrow.
The take away is don't have a business if you aren't willing to sell out your morals?

Don't have a business if you don't want to serve all customers


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