Opposition to mRNA injections now considered a CRIME in France


Diamond Member
Jan 30, 2024
Today a law was passed in France qualifying any opposition to mRNA-LNP injections as a "sectarian aberration". It carries a penalty of up to 3 years' imprisonment and 45,000 euros. “It will not tolerate any criticism of the therapeutic treatments which will be recommended or made obligatory by the state. Any person who dares to openly criticize these therapies will be liable to fines and imprisonment.”

I just got a 6am phone call today... another female relative who got the covid vaccine has colon cancer now.

They were just fine before they got the mRNA injection. They are just 57 years old. They have to undergo Kemo and radiation.
I just got a 6am phone call today... another female relative who got the covid vaccine has colon cancer now.

They were just fine before they got the mRNA injection. They are just 57 years old. They have to undergo Kemo and radiation.
Do you believe that the vaccine gave her colon cancer?
Do you believe that the vaccine gave her colon cancer?
Yes without a doubt. The covid vaccine kills and blocks white blood cells from doing their job. The covid vaccine is dominate OVER one's white blood cells. Aside from the heart attacks, blood clots, people fainting and dropping dead, and dying in their sleep... it also causes "Turbo Cancer"

Many people's bodies can no longer fight off small cancer cells like their bodies used to do before they go the covid vaccines. I'm free to say all of this now until America passes that same crazy law. By then I will have moved to some island far away from America.
Where I don't agree with the assessment of the vaccines I do vehemently protest against this stifling of speech surrounding it.

It's still perpetrating evil so that something good may result....which is always a crap idea. It has been tried in a billion ways over the thousands of years and not worked out well one time....but I guess people are still hoping.
Remember, they are considered free in Western Europe. No Constitution like ours which as we know is becoming watered down. We are last on the list. We see Canadien tyranny as compared to us. And Canada is a little more civil than some of our own. Tyranny exists in all the Anglo speaking areas now. It is to degree.
Yes without a doubt. The covid vaccine kills and blocks white blood cells from doing their job. The covid vaccine is dominate OVER one's white blood cells. Aside from the heart attacks, blood clots, people fainting and dropping dead, and dying in their sleep... it also causes "Turbo Cancer"

Many people's bodies can no longer fight off small cancer cells like their bodies used to do before they go the covid vaccines. I'm free to say all of this now until America passes that same crazy law. By then I will have moved to some island far away from America.

mRNA won't do that ... all cellular life uses DNA for genetic material because RNA is unstable ...

I agree vaccines could be safer ... but we're not paying near enough for insurance premiums ... advocate for steep increases in medical charges and we'll get to work on safer vaccines ...

ETA: No Freedom of Speech in France ... the government is allowed to regulate speech there ...
Where I don't agree with the assessment of the vaccines I do vehemently protest against this stifling of speech surrounding it.

It's still perpetrating evil so that something good may result....which is always a crap idea. It has been tried in a billion ways over the thousands of years and not worked out well one time....but I guess people are still hoping.
Looks like the people of France are planning to fight.

“Already, renowned doctors are being targeted, whom this article will silence,” said a French X account called Annie Arnaud. “France is taking a totalitarian run. Macron and his henchmen are followers of the WEF (World Economic Forum) and globalist policies.”

“It is a catastrophe for the country where a majority of citizens no longer obey vaccine propaganda. Social unrest ahead.”
I thought the injection went into the arm ... not the colon ... ouch ...

Yes, the injection goes into the arm "BUT" it does not remain there. It goes into the body and it can attache to the organs. It can cause all kinds of damage in and of itself. It can actually be reincorporated into your cellular DNA through a process called transfection. I"m sure you have heard about that by now. Where that protein can be put in, in random places in your DNA which is called incertional mutogenosis.

Yes, the scientist knew this. They all knew it... government, globalists, etc...

It grieves me as to all the horrible things the covid vaccines do to the body. I cannot do anything to help others believe the truth.
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mRNA won't do that ... all cellular life uses DNA for genetic material because RNA is unstable ...

I agree vaccines could be safer ... but we're not paying near enough for insurance premiums ... advocate for steep increases in medical charges and we'll get to work on safer vaccines ...

ETA: No Freedom of Speech in France ... the government is allowed to regulate speech there ...
You are right, however, We have DNA but the synthetic vaccine is mRNA. They use the mRNA vaccines to send a message to the DNA we already have. However, the mRNA is a bully over anyone's DNA. It takes over and surpasses one's immune system.
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Could you explain to the USMB Forum, the reasoning that you used to come to that conclusion?
I will explain to you because you asked. This is a short version. Basically you want to know how it is the covid vaccines block, and or, destroy one's white blood cells; as well as how the vaccine is more dominate than our God-given white blood cells.

Non-specific antibodies vs. Specific antibodies which means... what the spike protein vaccine does to the body vs. what the natural non-vaccinated antibodies do; understand? It was explained to me in this way...

1. The unvaccinated people. No matter what kind of variants come into play the unvaccinated have antibodies that block them from left to right he says the unvaccinated has teams of antibodies that neutralizes any type of variants and it is a rock solid team. He explains that the unvaccinated people have "Non-specific" Antibodies that are watching every specific part of the body. This team is rock solid. Thats what everyone had "BEFORE" they got vaccinated. He said God's immune system is not specific it is "non-specific" it doesn't matter what variants come it will neutralize them.

2. The vaccinated people. He is explaining that the vaccine/vaccinated people have "Specific Antibodies" also known as "linked epitope suppression" the original antigenic sin. He says when you get vaccinated you're only creating the specific spike protein - just that ONE protein - not the other 28 proteins that are on the original Sars Cov 2 virus. When you get injected you're going to create immunity to that spike protein and only to that one spike protein that is why it is called specific antibody.

Therefore it leaves your body open to all other strains of the virus and there is nothing left there to fight them off. It’s dangerous if you have been vaccinated because that specific immunity vaccine does not recognize all the variants, so they get through, cause harm, make people sick, and some people die. That’s problematic enough; it’s already bad enough that your great immune system that would have caught any plague is now very specific and missing plagues, but it gets worse.

Now for the Dominate Part:

Specific Antibody Dominate
; the vaccine antibodies will block the God-given antibodies from protecting the body. The vaccine dominate specific antibodies will jump in and block the God-given antibodies from protecting the body; they let the virus pass through one’s God-given antibodies. The vaccine specific antibody acts a dominate bully. This is why it is so scary when they say they want to vaccinate our children who have the God-given non-specific antibodies.

The Lie: Remember back when the vaccinated/specific antibody people were getting covid after they got vaccinated??? They kept lying saying its vaccinated people in the hospitals with covid- that was a 100% lie. We unvaccinated people have God-given antibodies that are rock solid.
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Yes, the injection goes into the arm "BUT" it does not remain there. It goes into the body and it can attache to the organs. It can cause all kinds of damage in and of itself. It can actually be reincorporated into your cellular DNA through a process called transfection. I"m sure you have heard about that by now. Where that protein can be put in, in random places in your DNA which is called incertional mutogenosis.

Yes, the scientist knew this. They all knew it... government, globalists, etc...

It grieves me as to all the horrible things the covid vaccines do to the body. I cannot do anything to help others believe the truth.

You are right, however, We have DNA but the synthetic vaccine is mRNA. They use the mRNA vaccines to send a message to the DNA we already have. However, the mRNA is a bully over anyone's DNA. It takes over and surpasses one's immune system.

The mRNA attaches to organs? ... that's strange ... why doesn't the cell accept the mRNA into it's cytoplasm, at a minimum as food ... RNA and DNA are mostly sugar, and sugar metabolizes ...

Again, your biochemistry is wrong ... the genetic information for protein manufacture is stored on the DNA molecule ... this information is then transferred to the mRNA molecule and the mRNA molecule is used to actually make the protein molecule in the ribosome ... the only other thing mRNA can do is burn ...

Watson, Robert; The Molecular Biology of the Gene; Riley & Sons; 1970 ... or any upper division textbook ... buy one and read it ...
I just got a 6am phone call today... another female relative who got the covid vaccine has colon cancer now.

They were just fine before they got the mRNA injection. They are just 57 years old. They have to undergo Kemo and radiation.

While it can't be proven the vaccine did it I will admit quite a few younger even athletes have died suddenly that had the shot.

Auto immune issues are on the rise. One could argue that COVID is causing it. All I can personally say is myself, friends and family nor any coworkers or the 80 or more contractors I work with in a year at work that didn't get the shot haven't had any issues.

But of all the people I know a lot of them know of someone that has had issues that took the vaccine.

A coworker who was big on the shot has a 40 some year old daughter with cancer and has a son in his 40s that died last year. A older neighbor of mine in decent shape died of pneumonia. My father's wife died from a pulmonary embolism. And my wife has auto immune like issues. Ive talked to contractors I am in charge of and many have talked about people who died they worked with. All of them had the shot.

I see too many coincidences to 100% say no illness or death had anything to do with the shot. I can't say it did, but if I found out it did then I wouldn't be surprised.

I refused the shots because I knew what COVID was. I got it before the panic hit. I worked at a international airport hotel crossing paths when COVID was still just a joke we made about china and I got it because my doctor tested me for COVID antibodies later and I had them. I felt like shit for 4 or 5 days but in was fine. No way I was getting a shot just for that, especially a mRNA based one, that sounded crazy to me
The mRNA attaches to organs? ... that's strange ... why doesn't the cell accept the mRNA into it's cytoplasm, at a minimum as food ... RNA and DNA are mostly sugar, and sugar metabolizes ...

Again, your biochemistry is wrong ... the genetic information for protein manufacture is stored on the DNA molecule ... this information is then transferred to the mRNA molecule and the mRNA molecule is used to actually make the protein molecule in the ribosome ... the only other thing mRNA can do is burn ...

Watson, Robert; The Molecular Biology of the Gene; Riley & Sons; 1970 ... or any upper division textbook ... buy one and read it ...
I am not here to tell you your information is wrong it's good. However, our bodies do not need an mRNA vaccine to do its job, please understand that. Maybe this information will help make things more clear.

Our DNA makes a messenger RNA (mRNA) which then makes the protein all day long- a normal process. What are those proteins? They are enzymes, they’re things to help you heal like if you had a cut or surgery. So all day long we’re making proteins through this normal thing. Our normal mRNA decenograde over time when we’re healing our body?

if one gets the covid vaccine...
With the vaccine; The messenger RNA, goes back in and gets bound to the DNA which then it gets processed over and over and over again, so that means it may go on forever.

Understand: Our normal mRNA will decenograde over time, but with the covid vaccine, that synthetic mRNA binds to the DNA and get processed over and over again. It will never decenograde. That's why the vaccinated get covid over and over and that turbo cancer. The covid vaccine dominates one's white blood cells and immune system preventing it from doing what its suppose to do, "heal". Let me know if you want to know why the vaccine will not decenograde.

We could not get this information to people in 2021, but we had it. Social media blocked the truth from people at that time.
While it can't be proven the vaccine did it I will admit quite a few younger even athletes have died suddenly that had the shot.

Auto immune issues are on the rise. One could argue that COVID is causing it. All I can personally say is myself, friends and family nor any coworkers or the 80 or more contractors I work with in a year at work that didn't get the shot haven't had any issues.

But of all the people I know a lot of them know of someone that has had issues that took the vaccine.

A coworker who was big on the shot has a 40 some year old daughter with cancer and has a son in his 40s that died last year. A older neighbor of mine in decent shape died of pneumonia. My father's wife died from a pulmonary embolism. And my wife has auto immune like issues. Ive talked to contractors I am in charge of and many have talked about people who died they worked with. All of them had the shot.

I see too many coincidences to 100% say no illness or death had anything to do with the shot. I can't say it did, but if I found out it did then I wouldn't be surprised.

I refused the shots because I knew what COVID was. I got it before the panic hit. I worked at a international airport hotel crossing paths when COVID was still just a joke we made about china and I got it because my doctor tested me for COVID antibodies later and I had them. I felt like shit for 4 or 5 days but in was fine. No way I was getting a shot just for that, especially a mRNA based one, that sounded crazy to me
It's a good thing you did not get the covid vaccine.
I am not here to tell you your information is wrong it's good. However, our bodies do not need an mRNA vaccine to do its job, please understand that. Maybe this information will help make things more clear.

Our DNA makes a messenger RNA (mRNA) which then makes the protein all day long- a normal process. What are those proteins? They are enzymes, they’re things to help you heal like if you had a cut or surgery. So all day long we’re making proteins through this normal thing. Our normal mRNA decenograde over time when we’re healing our body?

if one gets the covid vaccine...
With the vaccine; The messenger RNA, goes back in and gets bound to the DNA which then it gets processed over and over and over again, so that means it may go on forever.

Understand: Our normal mRNA will decenograde over time, but with the covid vaccine, that synthetic mRNA binds to the DNA and get processed over and over again. It will never decenograde. That's why the vaccinated get covid over and over and that turbo cancer. The covid vaccine dominates one's white blood cells and immune system preventing it from doing what its suppose to do, "heal". Let me know if you want to know why the vaccine will not decenograde.

We could not get this information to people in 2021, but we had it. Social media blocked the truth from people at that time.

I understand the mistake you've made ... you claim our bodies can tell the difference between mRNA in the vaccines and the mRNA our own bodies make ... these are EXACTLY the same chemical in every way ...

The difference is humans inject only one mRNA ... whereas the virus SARS-2 injects all the mRNA she needs ... and uses our own bodies' ribosomes to produce her own proteins ... and that's ALL the proteins, including structural and communication proteins, more than just enzymes ... and of course the infected cell is producing new virus packets using all the many many different mRNA she's producing ...

IF the vaccine mRNA causes colon cancer ... THEN everybody who caught Covid-19 should be getting colon cancer ... which isn't case at all ... chemicals don't come with return addresses, the ribosome will process any and all mRNA without regard to the source ... or the protein that's being made ... does the steel printing press have an opinion on what's being printed? ...


You claimed the vaccine mRNA attaches to the outside of organs ... why do you think ribosomes occur on the outside of organs, rather than inside cells? ...
Today a law was passed in France qualifying any opposition to mRNA-LNP injections as a "sectarian aberration". It carries a penalty of up to 3 years' imprisonment and 45,000 euros. “It will not tolerate any criticism of the therapeutic treatments which will be recommended or made obligatory by the state. Any person who dares to openly criticize these therapies will be liable to fines and imprisonment.”

“It will not tolerate any criticism of the therapeutic treatments which will be recommended or made obligatory by the state. Any person who dares to openly criticize these therapies will be liable to fines and imprisonment”

Any "treatment" recommended by the State (the military-pharma-regulatory complex) shall not be criticized under penalty of imprisonment. This is scary shit. The libs over here can't wait until that crap gets to the U.S.

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