Opposition to Religious People - Any Basis Other Than Intolerance and Bigotry?

My two cents and the quote from a Mormon killer of an innocent and her 1 year old baby who is now on on death row..."Religion is hate masquerading as love".

Yep, that about explains all organized religions I've encountered...
Srongly agree.
I don't condemn the person I condemn the behavior, why do you all keep playing these stupid games accusing religious people who reject homosexuality as a sin as condemnation of the person? That ad-hominem nonsense needs to stop.

Quit bull shitting. You hate gays. You call them faggots and sodomites.
And then you claim you are a Christian and you love them.
You are the one playing the games.

I don't hate gays, I wish they would get saved.
Bass why are you obsessed with where gays jam their rods? Are you envious? Do a little "on the downlow" recently?
I don't hate gays, I wish they would get saved.

Who are YOU to decide about who does and/or does not need "To Be Saved"? YOU have NO RIGHT or PURPOSE OF RIGHT in deciding such things.

That very sentence betrays a strong anti-homosexual belief, that IF you were a A TRUE CHRISTIAN you would not have.


Paul yes, but JESUS NEVER!!!

Your hate is shining through.
Perhaps the opposition (along with any intolerance or bigotry) comes from the natural weakness of the natural man. Perhaps it comes because rather than living the Gospel, those who profess the name of Christ deny the power of such and refuse to repent of their sins and walk a godly life.

There are likely many reasons. Perhaps you shouldn't worry about their life outside of sharing the word and focus on your own walk with God. it's probably something we all need to ask ourselves, how can we walk closer to God? Is there anything in your life that is contrary to the commandments of God?
With regard to the OP:

Opposition to Religious People - Any Basis Other Than Intolerance and Bigotry?


When in the United States they attempt to conjoin church and State in violation of the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment; when they attempt to violate the Free Exercise Clause of the same Amendment by attempting to prohibit the building of a mosque. And when they violate the 14th Amendment rights of same-sex couples by denying them equal access to the laws predicated on subjective, unproven religious doctrine.

Religious persons – Christians and Muslims, for the most part - must realize the United States is a secular Republic, subject only to the rule of law, not god or man.

Although one’s faith may dictate he conduct himself in a certain way, in a secular Republic that means such dogma applies only to the practicing individual, not society overall; and any effort to codify religious doctrine or dogma into secular law is indeed a violation of the Constitution.

The Constitution protects the right of each American to practice his faith as he sees fit, or to be allowed to be free from faith altogether; but that same Constitution also protects the Nation as a whole from the arrogance and extremism tragically present in so many religions.
I get it, since my religion forbids acceptance of homosexuality and all other traditions of man as sinful if it isn't written that makes me automatically a bigot, gotcha. What sodomites do doesn't bother me, but that doesn't mean I should have to vote to support their activism either.

Nor may you vote to restrict their actions – either.

Who cares if homosexualtiy is a choice or they were born with it?

Certainly not the law.
Bass why are you obsessed with where gays jam their rods? Are you envious? Do a little "on the downlow" recently?

You make a good point. Bass spends alot of time thinking about anal sex with men.

Look at his avatar, I have no problem with gays but I wouldn't want to see 2 naked dudes in good shape dancing everytime I post.

He has no issue with that, very telling. Hopefully for his health, his happiness and so he can treat those around him better, he comes out of the closet soon.
My religous beliefs include accepting everyone as equal including gays and lesbians.
And I do not go around playing the victim card acting like a 5 year old when I daily see intolerance and bigotry from the Christian religous right towards my beliefs.
My religous beliefs include accepting everyone as equal including gays and lesbians.
And I do not go around playing the victim card acting like a 5 year old when I daily see intolerance and bigotry from the Christian religous right towards my beliefs.

Good for you. Unfortunately, some of us still have to fight for our rights. I don't consider that playing the victim card at all.
My religous beliefs include accepting everyone as equal including gays and lesbians.
And I do not go around playing the victim card acting like a 5 year old when I daily see intolerance and bigotry from the Christian religous right towards my beliefs.

Good for you. Unfortunately, some of us still have to fight for our rights. I don't consider that playing the victim card at all.

I don't either, I'm straight and think it's embarassing that we still allow bigotry in our laws, so I share your view and one certainly couldn't call me a gay person playing the victim card.
My religous beliefs include accepting everyone as equal including gays and lesbians.
And I do not go around playing the victim card acting like a 5 year old when I daily see intolerance and bigotry from the Christian religous right towards my beliefs.

Good for you. Unfortunately, some of us still have to fight for our rights. I don't consider that playing the victim card at all.

I don't either, I'm straight and think it's embarassing that we still allow bigotry in our laws, so I share your view and one certainly couldn't call me a gay person playing the victim card.

Here's what some people call a gay person playing the victim card: having a negative reaction to Scott Lively's book, The Pink Swastika, a treatise on the Holocaust being caused by gays.

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