Orange Bear Trump: "Were I in power I would have killed Bin Laden before 9/11!"


Bill Clinton blew MULTIPLE chances to get Bin Ladin in 1997 and 1998.

yeah, that's the rightwingnut meme

but it was baby bush who only wanted to know about iraq and had no interest in bin laden. thanks for playing.
Crooked Hillary just gave a disastrous news conference on the tarmac to make up for poor performance last night. She's being decimated by the media!

You know, Iraq wasn't the fault of either Hillary or Obama, it was the fault of Jr. and his screwed up policies.

Additionally, while the pull out of Iraq happened on Obama's watch, it was originally negotiated by Jr. and his people. We tried to negotiate another SOFA (Status of Forces Agreement), but the trouble is, Iraq wouldn't let us stay unless we allowed our soldiers to be processed under Iraq law, and we wouldn't do it.

I find it really interesting that Chump thinks that the Secretary of State is a higher position than President or Congress, because he's trying to blame everything on Hillary's policies.

I've got news for him, the SOS doesn't declare or involve us in wars, their job is actually diplomacy and keeping us out. The only people that can put us in a war is Congress and the President.
Sometimes, you are just so lost. lol
She VOTED for it when she was in congress
She wasn't Sos then, genius.

She voted for it as a senator because the entire Congress had been lied to by Cheney and Jr. That is one of the reasons that she says her vote for the war was a mistake.

And yeah.................if you listen to Trump, you would hear him blame Hillary for a lot of things that weren't hers to enact as SOS.
Good Lord....

Trump has been promising everything under the sun ...
Vote for him and he's going to fix it all....
Good Lord....

Trump has been promising everything under the sun ...
Vote for him and he's going to fix it all....

Yeah................I've been listening to him tell me how great he was going to be, how he was going to only hire the best people and he's got a plan to fix ISIL.

Only problem is...............he won't go into detail about any of it.
Trump said he spoke to someone in Chicago who told him that the issues there
could be fixed in weeks....
Trump said he can solve the ISIS thing....
Trump can fix North Korea.....
Trump can fix Syria.....
Trump can fix the economy
The Military...
Health Care.....

And that takes care of his first 100 days in office.....
Wait until he really gets into the swing of things....
Can anyone predict what he might be able to accomplish
in his second 100 days in office...
Trump said he spoke to someone in Chicago who told him that the issues there
could be fixed in weeks....
Trump said he can solve the ISIS thing....
Trump can fix North Korea.....
Trump can fix Syria.....
Trump can fix the economy
The Military...
Health Care.....

And that takes care of his first 100 days in office.....
Wait until he really gets into the swing of things....

You know, I'm still wondering how he's going to pay for all that and still cut taxes for everyone.
Trump said he spoke to someone in Chicago who told him that the issues there
could be fixed in weeks....
Trump said he can solve the ISIS thing....
Trump can fix North Korea.....
Trump can fix Syria.....
Trump can fix the economy
The Military...
Health Care.....

And that takes care of his first 100 days in office.....
Wait until he really gets into the swing of things....

You know, I'm still wondering how he's going to pay for all that and still cut taxes for everyone.

Trump is promising tax cuts....
And he wants to act like Rodney Dangerfield in Caddy Shack...
In talking about the military....

I want 2 of those 10 of these 20 of those....100 of them....

He wants to spend like crazy and cut taxes at the same time....
Trump said he spoke to someone in Chicago who told him that the issues there
could be fixed in weeks....
Trump said he can solve the ISIS thing....
Trump can fix North Korea.....
Trump can fix Syria.....
Trump can fix the economy
The Military...
Health Care.....

And that takes care of his first 100 days in office.....
Wait until he really gets into the swing of things....
Can anyone predict what he might be able to accomplish
in his second 100 days in office...


YOU FORGOT................THE WALL!
Trump said he spoke to someone in Chicago who told him that the issues there
could be fixed in weeks....
Trump said he can solve the ISIS thing....
Trump can fix North Korea.....
Trump can fix Syria.....
Trump can fix the economy
The Military...
Health Care.....

And that takes care of his first 100 days in office.....
Wait until he really gets into the swing of things....

You know, I'm still wondering how he's going to pay for all that and still cut taxes for everyone.

Trump is promising tax cuts....
And he wants to act like Rodney Dangerfield in Caddy Shack...
In talking about the military....

I want 2 of those 10 of these 20 of those....100 of them....

He wants to spend like crazy and cut taxes at the same time....

You know, I did a calculation just on what the Naval expansion would cost for just the crew's paychecks per year, and we currently have 285 ships, Trump wants to expand that to 350, making it 65 new ships. Each ship needs a crew, and the average would probably be around 200 people, which would be 13,000 new Sailors just to crew the ships.

Figure 13,000 Sailors, with the average pay being around 30,000/year, means that just for the sailors, it would be 390 MILLION dollars per year just for the Sailors, and that's before the ships are built.
Trump said he spoke to someone in Chicago who told him that the issues there
could be fixed in weeks....
Trump said he can solve the ISIS thing....
Trump can fix North Korea.....
Trump can fix Syria.....
Trump can fix the economy
The Military...
Health Care.....

And that takes care of his first 100 days in office.....
Wait until he really gets into the swing of things....

You know, I'm still wondering how he's going to pay for all that and still cut taxes for everyone.

Trump is promising tax cuts....
And he wants to act like Rodney Dangerfield in Caddy Shack...
In talking about the military....

I want 2 of those 10 of these 20 of those....100 of them....

He wants to spend like crazy and cut taxes at the same time....

You know, I did a calculation just on what the Naval expansion would cost for just the crew's paychecks per year, and we currently have 285 ships, Trump wants to expand that to 350, making it 65 new ships. Each ship needs a crew, and the average would probably be around 200 people, which would be 13,000 new Sailors just to crew the ships.

Figure 13,000 Sailors, with the average pay being around 30,000/year, means that just for the sailors, it would be 390 MILLION dollars per year just for the Sailors, and that's before the ships are built.

best re calculate/ A Nimitz Class carrier “accommodates a complement of 3,184 personnel (with 203 officers); 2,800 aircrew [sic; should be "air-wing"] personnel (with 366 officers); and 70 flag (with 25 officers) for a total of over 6,000 personnel.”
Trump said he spoke to someone in Chicago who told him that the issues there
could be fixed in weeks....
Trump said he can solve the ISIS thing....
Trump can fix North Korea.....
Trump can fix Syria.....
Trump can fix the economy
The Military...
Health Care.....

And that takes care of his first 100 days in office.....
Wait until he really gets into the swing of things....

You know, I'm still wondering how he's going to pay for all that and still cut taxes for everyone.

Trump is promising tax cuts....
And he wants to act like Rodney Dangerfield in Caddy Shack...
In talking about the military....

I want 2 of those 10 of these 20 of those....100 of them....

He wants to spend like crazy and cut taxes at the same time....

You know, I did a calculation just on what the Naval expansion would cost for just the crew's paychecks per year, and we currently have 285 ships, Trump wants to expand that to 350, making it 65 new ships. Each ship needs a crew, and the average would probably be around 200 people, which would be 13,000 new Sailors just to crew the ships.

Figure 13,000 Sailors, with the average pay being around 30,000/year, means that just for the sailors, it would be 390 MILLION dollars per year just for the Sailors, and that's before the ships are built.

best re calculate/ A Nimitz Class carrier “accommodates a complement of 3,184 personnel (with 203 officers); 2,800 aircrew [sic; should be "air-wing"] personnel (with 366 officers); and 70 flag (with 25 officers) for a total of over 6,000 personnel.” you really think that we're going to build over 600 carriers?

I based the figure on a realistic one. Some of our ships only carry about 40, some others carry 6,000, but most only have a crew of 120 to around 250.

Know how I know that? I had to do the muster report for many of the commands I served on.

BTW..................the Nimitz class carrier has been replaced. Where have you been?
Trump said he spoke to someone in Chicago who told him that the issues there
could be fixed in weeks....
Trump said he can solve the ISIS thing....
Trump can fix North Korea.....
Trump can fix Syria.....
Trump can fix the economy
The Military...
Health Care.....

And that takes care of his first 100 days in office.....
Wait until he really gets into the swing of things....

You know, I'm still wondering how he's going to pay for all that and still cut taxes for everyone.

Trump is promising tax cuts....
And he wants to act like Rodney Dangerfield in Caddy Shack...
In talking about the military....

I want 2 of those 10 of these 20 of those....100 of them....

He wants to spend like crazy and cut taxes at the same time....

You know, I did a calculation just on what the Naval expansion would cost for just the crew's paychecks per year, and we currently have 285 ships, Trump wants to expand that to 350, making it 65 new ships. Each ship needs a crew, and the average would probably be around 200 people, which would be 13,000 new Sailors just to crew the ships.

Figure 13,000 Sailors, with the average pay being around 30,000/year, means that just for the sailors, it would be 390 MILLION dollars per year just for the Sailors, and that's before the ships are built.

best re calculate/ A Nimitz Class carrier “accommodates a complement of 3,184 personnel (with 203 officers); 2,800 aircrew [sic; should be "air-wing"] personnel (with 366 officers); and 70 flag (with 25 officers) for a total of over 6,000 personnel.” you really think that we're going to build over 600 carriers?

I based the figure on a realistic one. Some of our ships only carry about 40, some others carry 6,000, but most only have a crew of 120 to around 250.

Know how I know that? I had to do the muster report for many of the commands I served on.

BTW..................the Nimitz class carrier has been replaced. Where have you been?

who said anything about 600 carriers?? your still not considering the current bird farms

United States Navy - current fleet and future units
You know, I'm still wondering how he's going to pay for all that and still cut taxes for everyone.

Trump is promising tax cuts....
And he wants to act like Rodney Dangerfield in Caddy Shack...
In talking about the military....

I want 2 of those 10 of these 20 of those....100 of them....

He wants to spend like crazy and cut taxes at the same time....

You know, I did a calculation just on what the Naval expansion would cost for just the crew's paychecks per year, and we currently have 285 ships, Trump wants to expand that to 350, making it 65 new ships. Each ship needs a crew, and the average would probably be around 200 people, which would be 13,000 new Sailors just to crew the ships.

Figure 13,000 Sailors, with the average pay being around 30,000/year, means that just for the sailors, it would be 390 MILLION dollars per year just for the Sailors, and that's before the ships are built.

best re calculate/ A Nimitz Class carrier “accommodates a complement of 3,184 personnel (with 203 officers); 2,800 aircrew [sic; should be "air-wing"] personnel (with 366 officers); and 70 flag (with 25 officers) for a total of over 6,000 personnel.” you really think that we're going to build over 600 carriers?

I based the figure on a realistic one. Some of our ships only carry about 40, some others carry 6,000, but most only have a crew of 120 to around 250.

Know how I know that? I had to do the muster report for many of the commands I served on.

BTW..................the Nimitz class carrier has been replaced. Where have you been?

who said anything about 600 carriers?? your still not considering the current bird farms

United States Navy - current fleet and future units
You know, I'm still wondering how he's going to pay for all that and still cut taxes for everyone.

Trump is promising tax cuts....
And he wants to act like Rodney Dangerfield in Caddy Shack...
In talking about the military....

I want 2 of those 10 of these 20 of those....100 of them....

He wants to spend like crazy and cut taxes at the same time....

You know, I did a calculation just on what the Naval expansion would cost for just the crew's paychecks per year, and we currently have 285 ships, Trump wants to expand that to 350, making it 65 new ships. Each ship needs a crew, and the average would probably be around 200 people, which would be 13,000 new Sailors just to crew the ships.

Figure 13,000 Sailors, with the average pay being around 30,000/year, means that just for the sailors, it would be 390 MILLION dollars per year just for the Sailors, and that's before the ships are built.

best re calculate/ A Nimitz Class carrier “accommodates a complement of 3,184 personnel (with 203 officers); 2,800 aircrew [sic; should be "air-wing"] personnel (with 366 officers); and 70 flag (with 25 officers) for a total of over 6,000 personnel.” you really think that we're going to build over 600 carriers?

I based the figure on a realistic one. Some of our ships only carry about 40, some others carry 6,000, but most only have a crew of 120 to around 250.

Know how I know that? I had to do the muster report for many of the commands I served on.

BTW..................the Nimitz class carrier has been replaced. Where have you been?

who said anything about 600 carriers?? your still not considering the current bird farms

United States Navy - current fleet and future units

I was talking about how many personnel (roughly) it would take, and how much it would cost to go from 285 ships (our current total) to 350 ships (what Trump wants), and how is he going to pay for it all when he's going to cut taxes?

Ships and crew ain't cheap.
absolutely true statement!
More Trumpery!
Trump probably had Osama living with his brother in Trump Tower!!!!

Bin Laden’s Brother Lived In Trump Tower, Gave Millions To The Donald | Addicting Info | The Knowledge You Crave

According to a new exposé by The Daily News, Trump has received over $5.7 million dollars from the Saudi government after selling sold the 45th floor of Trump World Tower to the Kingdom. Since 2001, the government has had to pay the Trump Organization $85,585 for building amenities a year.

Before the payoff of real estate, Trump also allowed Osama Bin Laden’s half-brother, Shafiq Bin Laden, to live in the apartment for four months in 1986.

Perhaps Trump can follow his own example and can go ahead and give the $5.7 million back to the Saudi government, and explain why he allowed the brother of the world’s most dangerous and wanted terrorist to live at his crowning achievement.

How is Trump going to hold the Saudi government accountable when they have direct ownership in his business? Trump has already hinted that he would not step down from the Trump organization, raising high levels of potential conflicts of interest for the United States government.

What if your brother was a murderer? Does that mean you are guilty also? Let's hear about what all of your relatives have done, so we can persecute you for what they did. Your move.
Trump is promising tax cuts....
And he wants to act like Rodney Dangerfield in Caddy Shack...
In talking about the military....

I want 2 of those 10 of these 20 of those....100 of them....

He wants to spend like crazy and cut taxes at the same time....

You know, I did a calculation just on what the Naval expansion would cost for just the crew's paychecks per year, and we currently have 285 ships, Trump wants to expand that to 350, making it 65 new ships. Each ship needs a crew, and the average would probably be around 200 people, which would be 13,000 new Sailors just to crew the ships.

Figure 13,000 Sailors, with the average pay being around 30,000/year, means that just for the sailors, it would be 390 MILLION dollars per year just for the Sailors, and that's before the ships are built.

best re calculate/ A Nimitz Class carrier “accommodates a complement of 3,184 personnel (with 203 officers); 2,800 aircrew [sic; should be "air-wing"] personnel (with 366 officers); and 70 flag (with 25 officers) for a total of over 6,000 personnel.” you really think that we're going to build over 600 carriers?

I based the figure on a realistic one. Some of our ships only carry about 40, some others carry 6,000, but most only have a crew of 120 to around 250.

Know how I know that? I had to do the muster report for many of the commands I served on.

BTW..................the Nimitz class carrier has been replaced. Where have you been?

who said anything about 600 carriers?? your still not considering the current bird farms

United States Navy - current fleet and future units
Trump is promising tax cuts....
And he wants to act like Rodney Dangerfield in Caddy Shack...
In talking about the military....

I want 2 of those 10 of these 20 of those....100 of them....

He wants to spend like crazy and cut taxes at the same time....

You know, I did a calculation just on what the Naval expansion would cost for just the crew's paychecks per year, and we currently have 285 ships, Trump wants to expand that to 350, making it 65 new ships. Each ship needs a crew, and the average would probably be around 200 people, which would be 13,000 new Sailors just to crew the ships.

Figure 13,000 Sailors, with the average pay being around 30,000/year, means that just for the sailors, it would be 390 MILLION dollars per year just for the Sailors, and that's before the ships are built.

best re calculate/ A Nimitz Class carrier “accommodates a complement of 3,184 personnel (with 203 officers); 2,800 aircrew [sic; should be "air-wing"] personnel (with 366 officers); and 70 flag (with 25 officers) for a total of over 6,000 personnel.” you really think that we're going to build over 600 carriers?

I based the figure on a realistic one. Some of our ships only carry about 40, some others carry 6,000, but most only have a crew of 120 to around 250.

Know how I know that? I had to do the muster report for many of the commands I served on.

BTW..................the Nimitz class carrier has been replaced. Where have you been?

who said anything about 600 carriers?? your still not considering the current bird farms

United States Navy - current fleet and future units

I was talking about how many personnel (roughly) it would take, and how much it would cost to go from 285 ships (our current total) to 350 ships (what Trump wants), and how is he going to pay for it all when he's going to cut taxes?

Ships and crew ain't cheap.

As a PN, how would you know? :D

(Titless WAVES is what you were called back then, and with good reason.)
absolutely true statement!
Trump can't campaign without shooting himself in the foot. He can't develop a real estate project without screwing contractors and declaring bankruptcy. He can't manage to effectively lock up the key demographics of the Republican party. He can't even make peace with the Republican party.

What makes you believe he can do anything right?

How many times has Trump declared bankruptcy? Answer: Zero.

His projects have gone bankrupt, but how many did versus how many did not?
You know, Iraq wasn't the fault of either Hillary or Obama, it was the fault of Jr. and his screwed up policies.

Additionally, while the pull out of Iraq happened on Obama's watch, it was originally negotiated by Jr. and his people. We tried to negotiate another SOFA (Status of Forces Agreement), but the trouble is, Iraq wouldn't let us stay unless we allowed our soldiers to be processed under Iraq law, and we wouldn't do it.

I find it really interesting that Chump thinks that the Secretary of State is a higher position than President or Congress, because he's trying to blame everything on Hillary's policies.

I've got news for him, the SOS doesn't declare or involve us in wars, their job is actually diplomacy and keeping us out. The only people that can put us in a war is Congress and the President.
Sometimes, you are just so lost. lol
She VOTED for it when she was in congress
She wasn't Sos then, genius.

She voted for it as a senator because the entire Congress had been lied to by Cheney and Jr. That is one of the reasons that she says her vote for the war was a mistake.

And yeah.................if you listen to Trump, you would hear him blame Hillary for a lot of things that weren't hers to enact as SOS.

Congress gets their intel from the President and Vice President? Since when?

Wrong answer, liberal!

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