Orange One said the Texas crowd was YUGE! WTF? Where were they? LIAR!

Walmart undercuts Trump's sale of his "USA" hat by selling knockoffs for a quarter of the price Walmart selling 'USA Trump hats' at one-fourth of Trump's price
As usual Democrats focusing on priority number one. Houston is ravaged by a hurricane, 100,000 people's homes are flood damaged. What's important? "Oh did you hear what Trump said? And did you see Melania's shoes?"
Oh no, the REAL question is "What was important to Trump and Melania?"

It wasn't people suffering in Texas. In fact, for the Trump's, I'm pretty sure those suffering in Texas gave the Trump family gales of laughter at their dinner of fast food and Mexican taco bowls.
As usual Democrats focusing on priority number one. Houston is ravaged by a hurricane, 100,000 people's homes are flood damaged. What's important? "Oh did you hear what Trump said? And did you see Melania's shoes?"
Oh no, the REAL question is "What was important to Trump and Melania?"

It wasn't people suffering in Texas. In fact, for the Trump's, I'm pretty sure those suffering in Texas gave the Trump family gales of laughter at their dinner of fast food and Mexican taco bowls.

Still the old rederp I see.
Last edited:
Trump pledges one million dollars for hurricane relief inTexas while his critics bitch about Melania's shoes and the fact Trump didn't hug anyone on his trip here. Nothing more needs to be said.
Walmart undercuts Trump's sale of his "USA" hat by selling knockoffs for a quarter of the price Walmart selling 'USA Trump hats' at one-fourth of Trump's price
Do you think he cares?

He is the president of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.

Maybe you forget? :lmao:

He is not my president, and soon, he won't be your's either.
Are you not a citizen or did you renounce your US citizenship?

If I were to find myself in a room with Trump, I would stand up and turn my back to him. I do not recognize his presidency, and I will resist every move he makes.
Walmart undercuts Trump's sale of his "USA" hat by selling knockoffs for a quarter of the price Walmart selling 'USA Trump hats' at one-fourth of Trump's price
Do you think he cares?

He is the president of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.

Maybe you forget? :lmao:
President in name only. That is why we call him PINO.

Walmart undercuts Trump's sale of his "USA" hat by selling knockoffs for a quarter of the price Walmart selling 'USA Trump hats' at one-fourth of Trump's price
Do you think he cares?

He is the president of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.

Maybe you forget? :lmao:

He is not my president, and soon, he won't be your's either.
Are you not a citizen or did you renounce your US citizenship?

If I were to find myself in a room with Trump, I would stand up and turn my back to him. I do not recognize his presidency, and I will resist every move he makes.


Such a shame it has come to this. If Hillary had been elected and folks had acted like this toward her you would call them traitors. You folks aren't being disrespectful to Trump. I don't give a shit about Trump. The process and the procedures are always more important than individual people. So sad that you low information types have forgotten about the constitution and the guarantees of the Republic. Silly paritsans care nothing about Republican Democracy though, eh? Just mob rule?

You are disrespectful to the office of the President of the United States. You have no problem acting like unAmerican and traitorous pieces of shit? You are no better than confederates and people that you criticize for saying that slavery is a good thing. Nice.

You do know, that is why the south rebelled, it is because they didn't get their way in who was elected, POTUS, they didn't recognize the legitimacy of the office of the presidency. IOW, you are traitors. Go found your own nation then. Buh-bye.

Walmart undercuts Trump's sale of his "USA" hat by selling knockoffs for a quarter of the price Walmart selling 'USA Trump hats' at one-fourth of Trump's price
Do you think he cares?

He is the president of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.

Maybe you forget? :lmao:
President in name only. That is why we call him PINO.

No, actually, he is the legal president. Other world leaders recognize him as the legal president, as does the congress and other world bodies.

It's hard to take you seriously when you show you ignorance as such.

You must have been educated in a public school and been propagandized by MSM and social networks. When critical thinking dies, it is a terrible thing.
No, sorry, but he is just a clown who needs to go away. He will do that at the next election. Even the republicans are thinking about opening the convention to other nominees. He is an embarrassment to us all. He is kind of like an uncle of mine who was borderline psychotic.. He was technically my uncle, but in reality, I did not acknowledge his existence .
Walmart undercuts Trump's sale of his "USA" hat by selling knockoffs for a quarter of the price Walmart selling 'USA Trump hats' at one-fourth of Trump's price
Do you think he cares?

He is the president of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.

Maybe you forget? :lmao:
President in name only. That is why we call him PINO.

No, actually, he is the legal president. Other world leaders recognize him as the legal president, as does the congress and other world bodies.

It's hard to take you seriously when you show you ignorance as such.

You must have been educated in a public school and been propagandized by MSM and social networks. When critical thinking dies, it is a terrible thing.

There are 38 levels of security higher than the figurehead that is the CEO of USA.INC. My question is? Who put these fucks in charge and where is the oversight? I have such disgust and disdain for the leftard clown posse and even the neocons that believe in "gubermint". These idiots don't have a fucking clue and I am finding it harder and harder to have any patience for these idiots. Seriously, MisterBeale, I admire your patience because mine is pretty much spent.

Seriously? I have gotten to the point that these idiots deserve what is coming towards them. I would give my left nut to have a camera that I could use to span the states of stupid fucks that will be sitting on the curb with their little heads in their hands waiting for their beloved "gubermint" to come save them and whisk them away to safety when the feces hits the oscillating blades. The average male has been so domesticated that it couldn't provide for his family without begging. The average male has no survival skills and their idea of "roughing it" is a camp out trip with no electrical outlets to plug in their TVs.
Walmart undercuts Trump's sale of his "USA" hat by selling knockoffs for a quarter of the price Walmart selling 'USA Trump hats' at one-fourth of Trump's price
Do you think he cares?

He is the president of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.

Maybe you forget? :lmao:
President in name only. That is why we call him PINO.

No, actually, he is the legal president. Other world leaders recognize him as the legal president, as does the congress and other world bodies.

It's hard to take you seriously when you show you ignorance as such.

You must have been educated in a public school and been propagandized by MSM and social networks. When critical thinking dies, it is a terrible thing.

There are 38 levels of security higher than the figurehead that is the CEO of USA.INC. My question is? Who put these fucks in charge and where is the oversight? I have such disgust and disdain for the leftard clown posse and even the neocons that believe in "gubermint". These idiots don't have a fucking clue and I am finding it harder and harder to have any patience for these idiots. Seriously, MisterBeale, I admire your patience because mine is pretty much spent.

Seriously? I have gotten to the point that these idiots deserve what is coming towards them. I would give my left nut to have a camera that I could use to span the states of stupid fucks that will be sitting on the curb with their little heads in their hands waiting for their beloved "gubermint" to come save them and whisk them away to safety when the feces hits the oscillating blades. The average male has been so domesticated that it couldn't provide for his family without begging. The average male has no survival skills and their idea of "roughing it" is a camp out trip with no electrical outlets to plug in their TVs.
I am waiting for 9/11 to see what Trump does. There is this national emergency we have been in that I am sure you are aware of, the COG?

It has to be reviewed by congress unless the president renews it annually, which, of course, both presidents have done every year since 9/11. This gives the president carte blanche to basically suspend the bill of rights. Some thought that Obama would stop this shit, others of us knew better. At that election, I voted for Cynthia McKinney. Personally, I really didn't care for her public politics, she is WAY left. In fact, after researching Jill Stein some more, I have come to the conclusion, she was by far the best choice. She was opposed to the FED, which is the MAIN issue. I really, at this point, don't care about socialist policies and entitlements, etc. I just can't take the globalism. Everything else we can roll back once Americans get rid of the banking cartel, the critical theory and have freedom again.

So, now it will come down to 9/11. Will Trump renew the COG?
As you can see, Obama has for the past two years, here they are so you have them, in oder to make doing a search easier, search terms etc.
Notice -- Continuation of the National Emergency with Respect to Certain Terrorist Attacks
Message -- Continuation of the National Emergency With Respect to Certain Terrorist Attacks

If Trump extends the national emergency, it means one of two things, either A) he is a pawn or patsy of the shadow govt. or B) he is being forced. Either way, he is a spineless POS. He KNEW he had till then to stand up for the republic. I am sure he was smart enough. I think that is why things are getting pretty intense. These executive orders are why the Deep State can make undeclared wars, suspension of the Bill of Rights, etc. continue w/o any protest from the "statesmen" that pose as our elected officials.

Anyway, I found it interesting that the far left progressives were criticizing Cynthia McKinney for working with Robert David Steele. Is he a disinfo agent? I can't say I know. Sure he make a lot of "outlandish" claims, but so too do the reporters that work with David Icke, but so goes to that nature of doing research on the very Deep State and citizen journalism into exo-politics. I think Cynthia knows this, so I commend her bravery. Just the very fact that the far left is criticizing Robert David Steele for attacking the likes of Ron Paul is just, well, frankly weird. And honestly, Robert was just in poor taste. Like you said Dale, if there are 38 levels of security, Dr. Paul would have no idea of the existence a secret space program, nor would he be able to conceive of, little less be able to believe it could exist, while he was overseeing budgetary operations. So naturally he would be extremely skeptical of such a thing.

Cynthia is not so gullible though. Not after what they did to her. She has seen it all. No "white privilege" for that politician. :badgrin:

She is wide a fuckin' woke and totally red pilled. :ack-1:

The truth is, elections in this nation don't matter, it is corrupt to the core. With voter spoilage, cross check, shipping in voters, throwing out absentee ballots, and just too many tricks to name, BOTH parties are corrupt beyond imagination. The Democrats denied Sanders the legitimate nomination. Hillary had way too many illegals voting, and the Koch brothers used the same methods to keep blacks from voting in Midwestern states. Can we say for sure if they would have voted for Hillary? No. Probably. But who can say for sure? The point is, the system is completely bankrupt and corrupt. The system is more important than individual people, and good people of conscious are not given a fair hearing in the mass media. It is completely spun to ensure the shadow government and deep state remain firmly in control.

The hash tag folks should be following in not pino, but #UNRIG The truth of Robert Steele must be ascertained, and if anything, it should be followed just for awareness only about the issues that are really going on. I'm not sure about the politics of it all, but it is more real than anything that is going on in the MSM, there is politics there, in-fighting, disinfo, and what to do about the shadow government and deep state. In the end, the consensus IS real, that only solution is to end that DIVIDE and RULE paradigm. I'm absolutely for the alt. left and the alt. right uniting against the Deep State and the Shadow government.

THAT Dale is how I can remain patient. I MUST put aside my personal political beliefs and try to remain patient, because the shadow government and Deep State WANT you to lose your shit, that is their agenda. They have been goading you for the last decade, and you have been playing into their game.

Remember Matthew 5:9 at all times Dale, that is the only way to beat the ones that will try to destroy this nation, including the Dominionists. Why do you think they insisted Trump choose Pence?
Walmart undercuts Trump's sale of his "USA" hat by selling knockoffs for a quarter of the price Walmart selling 'USA Trump hats' at one-fourth of Trump's price
Do you think he cares?

He is the president of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.

Maybe you forget? :lmao:
President in name only. That is why we call him PINO.

No, actually, he is the legal president. Other world leaders recognize him as the legal president, as does the congress and other world bodies.

It's hard to take you seriously when you show you ignorance as such.

You must have been educated in a public school and been propagandized by MSM and social networks. When critical thinking dies, it is a terrible thing.

There are 38 levels of security higher than the figurehead that is the CEO of USA.INC. My question is? Who put these fucks in charge and where is the oversight? I have such disgust and disdain for the leftard clown posse and even the neocons that believe in "gubermint". These idiots don't have a fucking clue and I am finding it harder and harder to have any patience for these idiots. Seriously, MisterBeale, I admire your patience because mine is pretty much spent.

Seriously? I have gotten to the point that these idiots deserve what is coming towards them. I would give my left nut to have a camera that I could use to span the states of stupid fucks that will be sitting on the curb with their little heads in their hands waiting for their beloved "gubermint" to come save them and whisk them away to safety when the feces hits the oscillating blades. The average male has been so domesticated that it couldn't provide for his family without begging. The average male has no survival skills and their idea of "roughing it" is a camp out trip with no electrical outlets to plug in their TVs.
I am waiting for 9/11 to see what Trump does. There is this national emergency we have been in that I am sure you are aware of, the COG?

It has to be reviewed by congress unless the president renews it annually, which, of course, both presidents have done every year since 9/11. This gives the president carte blanche to basically suspend the bill of rights. Some thought that Obama would stop this shit, others of us knew better. At that election, I voted for Cynthia McKinney. Personally, I really didn't care for her public politics, she is WAY left. In fact, after researching Jill Stein some more, I have come to the conclusion, she was by far the best choice. She was opposed to the FED, which is the MAIN issue. I really, at this point, don't care about socialist policies and entitlements, etc. I just can't take the globalism. Everything else we can roll back once Americans get rid of the banking cartel, the critical theory and have freedom again.

So, now it will come down to 9/11. Will Trump renew the COG?
As you can see, Obama has for the past two years, here they are so you have them, in oder to make doing a search easier, search terms etc.
Notice -- Continuation of the National Emergency with Respect to Certain Terrorist Attacks
Message -- Continuation of the National Emergency With Respect to Certain Terrorist Attacks

If Trump extends the national emergency, it means one of two things, either A) he is a pawn or patsy of the shadow govt. or B) he is being forced. Either way, he is a spineless POS. He KNEW he had till then to stand up for the republic. I am sure he was smart enough. I think that is why things are getting pretty intense. These executive orders are why the Deep State can make undeclared wars, suspension of the Bill of Rights, etc. continue w/o any protest from the "statesmen" that pose as our elected officials.

Anyway, I found it interesting that the far left progressives were criticizing Cynthia McKinney for working with Robert David Steele. Is he a disinfo agent? I can't say I know. Sure he make a lot of "outlandish" claims, but so too do the reporters that work with David Icke, but so goes to that nature of doing research on the very Deep State and citizen journalism into exo-politics. I think Cynthia knows this, so I commend her bravery. Just the very fact that the far left is criticizing Robert David Steele for attacking the likes of Ron Paul is just, well, frankly weird. And honestly, Robert was just in poor taste. Like you said Dale, if there are 38 levels of security, Dr. Paul would have no idea of the existence a secret space program, nor would he be able to conceive of, little less be able to believe it could exist, while he was overseeing budgetary operations. So naturally he would be extremely skeptical of such a thing.

Cynthia is not so gullible though. Not after what they did to her. She has seen it all. No "white privilege" for that politician. :badgrin:

She is wide a fuckin' woke and totally red pilled. :ack-1:

The truth is, elections in this nation don't matter, it is corrupt to the core. With voter spoilage, cross check, shipping in voters, throwing out absentee ballots, and just too many tricks to name, BOTH parties are corrupt beyond imagination. The Democrats denied Sanders the legitimate nomination. Hillary had way too many illegals voting, and the Koch brothers used the same methods to keep blacks from voting in Midwestern states. Can we say for sure if they would have voted for Hillary? No. Probably. But who can say for sure? The point is, the system is completely bankrupt and corrupt. The system is more important than individual people, and good people of conscious are not given a fair hearing in the mass media. It is completely spun to ensure the shadow government and deep state remain firmly in control.

The hash tag folks should be following in not pino, but #UNRIG The truth of Robert Steele must be ascertained, and if anything, it should be followed just for awareness only about the issues that are really going on. I'm not sure about the politics of it all, but it is more real than anything that is going on in the MSM, there is politics there, in-fighting, disinfo, and what to do about the shadow government and deep state. In the end, the consensus IS real, that only solution is to end that DIVIDE and RULE paradigm. I'm absolutely for the alt. left and the alt. right uniting against the Deep State and the Shadow government.

THAT Dale is how I can remain patient. I MUST put aside my personal political beliefs and try to remain patient, because the shadow government and Deep State WANT you to lose your shit, that is their agenda. They have been goading you for the last decade, and you have been playing into their game.

Remember Matthew 5:9 at all times Dale, that is the only way to beat the ones that will try to destroy this nation, including the Dominionists. Why do you think they insisted Trump choose Pence?

There is nothing that you posted that I could disagree with you on.......but then again you are one of the posters here that I really look up to. Check your mail because I am involved in a project with a venue that reaches hundreds of thousands of people four nights a week. We are starting a round table group and we want to have interesting people come on (such as yourself). One of my challenges is to find guests for the show. I will give you more info on e-mail.
Donald Trump Boasts Of Crowd Size After Vowing Not To Congratulate Self On Hurricane Response!

UPDATED with Trump remarks following Corpus Christi press conference: “Thank you, everybody. What a crowd! What a turnout!” President
Donald Trump raved to locals outside after holding his press conference Tuesday in Texas.

In Corpus Christi, Trump spoke to a crowd of a few hundred, promising he would get the state “back and operating immediately,” adding, “What a crowd; what a turnout…This is historic, epic what happened. But it happened in Texas and Texas can handle anything.”


Looks like you Dems have got nothing for a 2020 platform. "Trump lied about his crowd sizes, vote for Waters/McCain!"

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