Oregon Bakers: You get to pay 135,000 for being radical religious morons, Judge so orders!

This too is an obvious contradiction to the Constitution. Products do not have rights.

Are you some kind of idiot?

PA Laws are firmly established. Someone tried to use the same argument 50 years ago to deny black folks rights based on the Bible. Didn't work then, won't work now.
I might be some kind of idiot, but I also know when the State oversteps its established limits. And to equate a cake with a race is kind of...well, idiotic.
I. The punishment here does not in any way fit the "crime." If the state wants to slap a fine on them, okay, $10,000 would have gotten the point across. $135,000 is beyond excessive and has completely ruined their lives. This is not about justice; it's about revenge for not conforming to social engineering.

I would probably agree with you, except that Mr. Klein raised the stakes of the argument by publishing the names and addresses of the people who complained about him on Social Media, subjecting them to lots of "Christian" threats. (Because threatening someone's disabled children is totally what Jesus would do.)

That's why the fine was so high.
The Dumb Democrat Bigots are against Freedom of Religion.

Keep it in your home, where you can be as mentally sick as you want to be, as you offer your kids to priest for fake lord love.
A home is private property
a bakery is also private property

therefore, you proved your support for the gay couple to be wrong.

That's cool....no business licenses no safety laws no health laws to follow now...all one has to do is state it's against their so-called religion.
You think the government should force people to produce what they don't want to produce. It's called forced labor.
So anyone who is forced to serve others in their BUSINESS because of race/religion/gender is a slave?

In part, yes. If we give up our rights like this - piece by piece - the end game is no rights at all.
The Dumb Democrat Bigots are against Freedom of Religion.

Keep it in your home, where you can be as mentally sick as you want to be, as you offer your kids to priest for fake lord love.
A home is private property
a bakery is also private property

therefore, you proved your support for the gay couple to be wrong.

That's cool....no business licenses no safety laws no health laws to follow now...all one has to do is state it's against their so-called religion.
You think the government should force people to produce what they don't want to produce. It's called forced labor.
So anyone who is forced to serve others in their BUSINESS because of race/religion/gender is a slave?
They are forced to serve all equally. They are not forced to supply specific products.
The Dumb Democrat Bigots are against Freedom of Religion.

Keep it in your home, where you can be as mentally sick as you want to be, as you offer your kids to priest for fake lord love.
A home is private property
a bakery is also private property

therefore, you proved your support for the gay couple to be wrong.

That's cool....no business licenses no safety laws no health laws to follow now...all one has to do is state it's against their so-called religion.
You think the government should force people to produce what they don't want to produce. It's called forced labor.
So anyone who is forced to serve others in their BUSINESS because of race/religion/gender is a slave?

A business serves anyone who walks through the doors and sits down, or makes a selection for carry out. It's slavey when the business person is taken out of their business and forced to perform personal services.
So, you want Oregon officials punished for applying the law equally and not discriminating against a totally law-abiding, tax-paying gay couple. This is what we would look forward to in America if so-called RW christians had their way with their christian sharia? I guess so.

I want Oregon officials punished for violating the Constitution. The Constitution is the highest law, and there can be no excuse for public servants to violate it, and to deny citizens the rights which the Constitution explicitly affirms.
Refused to CREATE a homosexual themed wedding cake. The couple was free to buy a stock cake from the case.

This is a frontal assault on the first amendment.

Hundreds of thousands of Americans have died fighting to protect freedom, will we be the generation that let's black robed thugs end the experiment in liberty?

Most Wedding Cakes are custom products.

This isn't a freedom issue. This is a consumer dispute, and most of these should be resolved in favor of- wait for it - the consumer.
No. Your amateur interpretation is.
So, you should support the Constitution over a 'law' that forces people to provide goods or services.

key word; FORCE
Why should they force businesses to follow health laws now, eh?
Health laws do not conflict with their religion.
How do you know that would never happen? All I have to do, like this couple did, is say it does......then what?
Asked and answered earlier. They either break the law, leave the country, or sin against their own religion.

And that is the entire point. The gay couple intended to force the Christians to sin themselves against their own religion. Now they are sinners and hypocrites taking a profit over their beliefs. Which is why the Klein's wouldn't do it.
You believe in sick, dystopian nonsense.
yes or no

Is the US Constitution dystopian?

I ask, b/c that's what it sounds like you are saying, but I'm going to give you the chance to backpeddle.
No. Your amateur interpretation is.
So, you should support the Constitution over a 'law' that forces people to provide goods or services.

key word; FORCE
Why should they force businesses to follow health laws now, eh?
Because of the first amendment... “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof”... that’s pretty clear. Just because the SCOTUS found slavery, or Jim Crow, or internment camps “constitutional” doesn’t mean they were constitutional.
Freedom of religion used to justify discrimination is a despicable thang to spend your life Praying FOR as you Worship false/fake non-existing lords to be done.
yes or no

Is the US Constitution dystopian?

I ask, b/c that's what it sounds like you are saying, but I'm going to give you the chance to backpeddle.
No. Your amateur interpretation is.
So, you should support the Constitution over a 'law' that forces people to provide goods or services.

key word; FORCE
Why should they force businesses to follow health laws now, eh?
Because of the first amendment... “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof”... that’s pretty clear. Just because the SCOTUS found slavery, or Jim Crow, or internment camps “constitutional” doesn’t mean they were constitutional.
Freedom of religion used to justify discrimination is a despicable thang to worship.
Yet here you are demanding the State force Americans to worship at the gay altar.
Where in the constitution does it say one has to provide goods and services? There is a supreme court precedent regarding anti-discrimination, based on xyz, yet no direct verbiage in the constitution. So maybe its the courts that need to interpret law not write and create law.
Ore-gone, nothing more needs to be said.

One has to ask themselves why didn't they just find another baker? or is it they wanted to ram their lifestyle down the throats of people they knew in advance help strong religious beliefs?

Nowhere in the constitution does it say anyone has to open a business supplying goods and/or services. However, if they do, there are certain rules they must follow.

if you go there, YOU have to follow their rules.
They were a public commercial business. They weren't following the laws.
Best thing to have done is just pull their business license.....but Oregon followed the law as written just as they did in the case about the dentist who discriminated against his christian employee and was fined TWICE as much as this couple.
Forced to close his business? I haven't heard about him. Got a link?
He was fined over 300K....twice this couple...here: Bend dentist fined nearly $348,000 for required Scientology-based training, BOLI announces
No. Your amateur interpretation is.
So, you should support the Constitution over a 'law' that forces people to provide goods or services.

key word; FORCE
Why should they force businesses to follow health laws now, eh?
Because of the first amendment... “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof”... that’s pretty clear. Just because the SCOTUS found slavery, or Jim Crow, or internment camps “constitutional” doesn’t mean they were constitutional.
Freedom of religion used to justify discrimination is a despicable thang to worship.
Yet here you are demanding the State force Americans to worship at the gay altar.
How have they ordered folks to be there on Sundays?
Show me Laws ordering folks to worship non-existing lords.
yes or no

Is the US Constitution dystopian?

I ask, b/c that's what it sounds like you are saying, but I'm going to give you the chance to backpeddle.
No. Your amateur interpretation is.
So, you should support the Constitution over a 'law' that forces people to provide goods or services.

key word; FORCE
Why should they force businesses to follow health laws now, eh?
Because of the first amendment... “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof”... that’s pretty clear. Just because the SCOTUS found slavery, or Jim Crow, or internment camps “constitutional” doesn’t mean they were constitutional.
Freedom of religion used to justify discrimination is a despicable thang to spend your life Praying FOR as you Worship false/fake non-existing lords to be done.

Indeed. It is despicable. But should it be illegal?
Do you christians realize that if you
Work Sunday you can be stoned to death?
Plant different seeeds into the same field = death
Use different fabric in your shirts = death

and so on...

Oh yess if you fuck outside of marriage the same

Do you really want to use the fucking bible that slaughtered millions of people to control all the people in this country?

...they had to close down their business, and go fund me cancelled their page. There was also no assurance that this would go national, nor have the ability to “make money”, nor predict that they’d be fined 135,000 dollars, oh and lawyers are VERY expensive... I’m sorry the evidence just isn’t even there that this was financially motivated.

And all this trouble could have been avoided had they not been assholes and just baked the fucking cake!

I have no sympathy for them.
Or...if they gave another excuse for not taking the business....but the husband had to proselytize and try to dox the couple on Facebook, etc.
Nowhere in the constitution does it say anyone has to open a business supplying goods and/or services. However, if they do, there are certain rules they must follow.

if you go there, YOU have to follow their rules.
They were a public commercial business. They weren't following the laws.
Best thing to have done is just pull their business license.....but Oregon followed the law as written just as they did in the case about the dentist who discriminated against his christian employee and was fined TWICE as much as this couple.
Forced to close his business? I haven't heard about him. Got a link?
He was fined over 300K....twice this couple...here: Bend dentist fined nearly $348,000 for required Scientology-based training, BOLI announces
He wasn't forced to close his business.

Would have been the correct answer.
The Dumb Democrat Bigots are against Freedom of Religion.

Keep it in your home, where you can be as mentally sick as you want to be, as you offer your kids to priest for fake lord love.
A home is private property
a bakery is also private property

therefore, you proved your support for the gay couple to be wrong.

That's cool....no business licenses no safety laws no health laws to follow now...all one has to do is state it's against their so-called religion.

What part of Congress shall make no laws...... are you having trouble with?

Google the word “no” for further assistance.
"Congress shall make no laws"? :rofl: :rofl:
The two bully lesbos both look like they've had quite a few of those sweet cakes.
Of course...this is a christian message, folks.
Did you read the OP? I’d say that’s a little worse than that...didn’t hear a peep out of you though.

I'm not sure the OP has a history of claiming moral superiority, and degrading others because they don't believe the same things. I'm positive that so called Christians do though.
That’s just as bigoted a message as saying all Muslims are terrorist, or all Mexicans are rapist or drug dealers, or all blacks are felons, etc. It is NEVER ok to lump an entire group together with the negative actions of a minority of that group. Doing that is called prejudice, bigotry, racism, etc....its doesn’t make it ok because you don’t like a particular group...or else it would be ok for racist, homophobe, bigots to do it for their reasons....why do I have to explain this?

No, I didn't say Christians did that. I said so called Christians like the jerks that refused to bake the cake, and the idiots that support them.. You know, the ones who claim Christianity as an excuse for their racist, homophobic, bigoted ways. Real Christians are loving and caring. Totally opposite from the so called Christians I was referring to.
Now, now....maybe you just don't know what christianity is really about like they claim to.
So, you should support the Constitution over a 'law' that forces people to provide goods or services.

key word; FORCE
Why should they force businesses to follow health laws now, eh?
Because of the first amendment... “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof”... that’s pretty clear. Just because the SCOTUS found slavery, or Jim Crow, or internment camps “constitutional” doesn’t mean they were constitutional.
Freedom of religion used to justify discrimination is a despicable thang to worship.
Yet here you are demanding the State force Americans to worship at the gay altar.
How have they ordered folks to be there on Sundays?
Show me Laws ordering folks to worship non-existing lords.
This case. The thread. Your position. Think hard.
Why should they force businesses to follow health laws now, eh?
Because of the first amendment... “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof”... that’s pretty clear. Just because the SCOTUS found slavery, or Jim Crow, or internment camps “constitutional” doesn’t mean they were constitutional.
Freedom of religion used to justify discrimination is a despicable thang to worship.
Yet here you are demanding the State force Americans to worship at the gay altar.
How have they ordered folks to be there on Sundays?
Show me Laws ordering folks to worship non-existing lords.
This case. The thread. Your position. Think hard.

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