Oregon Bakers: You get to pay 135,000 for being radical religious morons, Judge so orders!

Because of the first amendment... “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof”... that’s pretty clear. Just because the SCOTUS found slavery, or Jim Crow, or internment camps “constitutional” doesn’t mean they were constitutional.
Freedom of religion used to justify discrimination is a despicable thang to worship.
Yet here you are demanding the State force Americans to worship at the gay altar.
How have they ordered folks to be there on Sundays?
Show me Laws ordering folks to worship non-existing lords.
This case. The thread. Your position. Think hard.
Make me a sammich. Not that kind. The kind I want. Or face jail and a fine.
Freedom of religion used to justify discrimination is a despicable thang to worship.
Yet here you are demanding the State force Americans to worship at the gay altar.
How have they ordered folks to be there on Sundays?
Show me Laws ordering folks to worship non-existing lords.
This case. The thread. Your position. Think hard.
Make me a sammich. Not that kind. The kind I want. Or face jail and a fine.

Guess all that godly priest anal love is working.

btw: About only 23% of god believers are 100% true believer devotees.
So most of their family members are lying to that 23 %. I'm sure the great Douche being elected will push that number up yuge.

Pence’s vacation neighbors in Aspen hang “Make America Gay Again” sign. Pence’s Vacation Neighbors in Aspen Hang “Make America Gay Again” Sign

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Court rules against Oregon bakers who refused to make gay wedding cake
The Oregon Court of Appeals on Thursday upheld a $135,000 fine against two Christian bakers who refused to make a wedding cake for a same-sex couple.

The case began back in January 2013, when Aaron and Melissa Klein, owners of the since-closed Sweet Cakes by Melissa bakery just outside Portland, Oregon, cited their religious beliefs when declining to make a wedding cake for Rachel and Laurel Bowman-Cryer.

Following the incident, the Oregon Bureau of Labor and Industries found the Kleins in violation of a 2007 state law that protects the rights of LGBTQ people in employment, housing and public accommodations. In 2015, the couple was ordered to pay the Bowman-Cryers emotional distress damages.
Court rules against Oregon bakers who refused to make gay wedding cake

:dance::clap::clap2::happy-1::happy-1:Happy New Years too, THESE LOSER MENTAL ANAL RELIGIOUS BOY RAPE SUPPORTER BAKER MORONS. As you will always bake cakes for raper priest klans roaming our streets. Following fake gods, does suck folks, as shown here by these losers. And costly as well. For what in the end? Just to show others
who are the sickest mental thinkers, walking the planet are. :happy-1:


Melissa and Aaron Klein have been ordered to pay $135,000 to a lesbian couple the bakers declined to make a cake for. (Courtesy Sweet Cakes by Melissa)
“Support Sweet Cakes by Melissa”, which raised over $100,000 before it was shut down by GoFundMe, who stated that the campaign was not compatible with their terms of service.

WOW? The cake would have made them a few bucks. But they wanted to give them a 135K Cash wedding gift..LOL!

BTW: Really, these folks still follow gods after the church paid out 600-1.3 billion in damages for raping kids. WTF is with that? Preist ASSAULT on children (rape) okay
and still follows fake lords. but if, two adults, legal ones, and their personal sexual relationship is not to be allowed, and protested by mentally sick bakers. WTF is with THAT?
Persecution of religion now all we need is some good ole fashioned die Endlösung and all you libs can do some more happy goose stepping dance.
Yet here you are demanding the State force Americans to worship at the gay altar.
How have they ordered folks to be there on Sundays?
Show me Laws ordering folks to worship non-existing lords.
This case. The thread. Your position. Think hard.
Make me a sammich. Not that kind. The kind I want. Or face jail and a fine.

Guess all that godly priest anal love is working.

btw: About only 23% of god believers are 100% true believer devotees.
So most of their family members are lying to that 23 %. I'm sure the great Douche being elected will push that number up yuge.
Slavery was once the law.

Ask blacks and Democrats.
When the SCOTUS decides in the baker's favor, the couple will pretty much own Oregon.
Really? First of all, you didn't know that the SCOTUS case is about the bakery in CO, not OR? And if a state fines someone and it's adjudicated so that the fine is denied, all those people "own their states" now?
Birmingham Alabama? Does Alabama include sexual orientation in their PA laws? If it does and that bakery advertises wedding cakes, they will bake it.

Who was I responding to? A Brit. Pay attention. Birmingham in the UK. You know, a large city with no go zones? Try going into one of these no go zones and asking a Muslim bakery to make a gay wedding cake. Hop over there and give it a try. Let us know how that works out for you.
I'm sure that you think that our U.S. Constitution and our PA laws apply in the UK now?
OMG You people are something else, wishing death on everybody. You do realize that wanting people to die because you disagree with them isn't Christian? Or American? Or anything you pretend to value?
Neither is sing people cause they won’t make you a cake!
That's hardly the same thing as wishing peoples' death.
Wishing ain’t getting, but setting out to ruin a person’s livelihood is vile.
agreed...that baker shouldn't have tried to dox that lesbian couple.
Like the bakers were doxxed. I guess those dykes aren't as loud and proud as we thought.
Nope...the bakers put themselves out there for $$$ with their GoFundMe.....how much did you send them?
When the SCOTUS decides in the baker's favor, the couple will pretty much own Oregon.

Except they won't. Still 5-4 majority in favor of gay rights, and they aren't going to undo 50 years of Public Accommodation law.
That's the crux. The couple were not denied services based on their protected status.

Sure, Counselor.....you've offered your services Pro Bono to the couple, right?
Fags will ultimately lose.

The total ANTI AMERICAN assholes who yaaay this are to fkn stupid to realize after the Christians next comes them and their beliefs or better yet next comes the forcing of something they hate being pushed upon their own hate LMFAO the stupid ass holes can't connect the dots and are so gawd dam selfish they want to strip away everybody else rights USING RIGHT WING this or that as their pathetic excuse to justify the wrongness of so many issues. Their low IQ levels never let them see this spills over into other areas of our LIVES including their stupid asses. GAWD I Can't stand these fkn idiots esp. the real dumbasses who can only use " rwnj/infowars as their only defense ................... the dream up their own ideology justifying it.

MENTAL RAPE give me a gawd dam break.
I don't sell the widgets like that, but you can help yourself to those I do sell.

No, you must sell the kind I want you to sell.

There is no requirement that a business order, sell, or create items that they don't normally order, sell, or create.

If a kosher deli doesn't stock ham, they are not required to sell ham sandwiches. If a bakery doesn't normally supply wedding cakes Wedding Cakes they are not required to.

If you don't sell widgets of one type, you are not required to sell that type because a customer requests it.

The baker never stocked specially made gay wedding cakes, as it was against his religion to do so long before these dykes demanded he do so.
No "specially made gay wedding cake" was requested.
If they don’t have it they can’t pay it. And, they should move the hell out of Oregon too.
Open question to those on the thread who arguing against the judge's ruling: Are you opposed to protected classes and PA laws in general? Or are you just opposed to adding sexual orientation to the list of protected classes?
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I don't sell the widgets like that, but you can help yourself to those I do sell.

No, you must sell the kind I want you to sell.

There is no requirement that a business order, sell, or create items that they don't normally order, sell, or create.

If a kosher deli doesn't stock ham, they are not required to sell ham sandwiches. If a bakery doesn't normally supply wedding cakes Wedding Cakes they are not required to.

If you don't sell widgets of one type, you are not required to sell that type because a customer requests it.

The baker never stocked specially made gay wedding cakes, as it was against his religion to do so long before these dykes demanded he do so.

Of course he never stocked wedding cakes. They were individually made for each event. A cake has no gender. There is no such thing as a gay wedding cake.
Neither is there such a thing as gay cake rights to be made.

The dykes were served the same as any other customer. It's a loser.

' Then why did they have to pay $135,000?
State fine for violating PA laws.....IMO, the state should have just pulled their license to run a business.
So, you should support the Constitution over a 'law' that forces people to provide goods or services.

key word; FORCE
Why should they force businesses to follow health laws now, eh?
Health laws do not conflict with their religion.

Health laws, in this context, also fulfill a genuine, legitimate purpose, of sufficient importance to override any “right” that anyone might claim to sell food that is unsanitary and unsafe. Forcing an artist to produce a work celebrating a sick homosexual mockery of a wedding serves no such purpose, and violates that artist's own moral and religious right not to be drawn into something that he knows is morally wrong.
That is a matter of interpretation that a so-called religion can counter just as easily as the Sweet Cakes couple.
Everyone...homos, heteros, and other...had equal access to all goods offered. They don't make gay wedding cakes for heteros, either.

There is no difference in the production of a Wedding Cake for same-sex or different-sex couples. The ingredients and process are the same - the only difference is the customers.

That's like saying Piggie Park BBQ make white BBQ and black BBQ and their is a difference in the BBQ. (BTW - Piggie Park Enterprises lost their Public Accommodation case when they claimed it was against their religion to service black people.)

Wait! What about THEIR religious freedom? Why aren't people here defending them?
So, you should support the Constitution over a 'law' that forces people to provide goods or services.

key word; FORCE
Why should they force businesses to follow health laws now, eh?
Health laws do not conflict with their religion.

Health laws, in this context, also fulfill a genuine, legitimate purpose, of sufficient importance to override any “right” that anyone might claim to sell food that is unsanitary and unsafe. Forcing an artist to produce a work celebrating a sick homosexual mockery of a wedding serves no such purpose, and violates that artist's own moral and religious right not to be drawn into something that he knows is morally wrong.
The alternative is to force people to produce that which they have no desire to produce, plus they find it morally appalling. Well done.
They offered wedding cakes, so obviously they had a desire to produce wedding cakes. You have a business, You do business...you have a problem with gays getting married, don't offer a service that involves weddings. Quite simple.
Open question to those on the thread who support the judge's ruling: If we are adding sexual orientation to the list of protected classes, what about all the other minority groups that society discriminates against? Should socio-economic status be a protected class? What about height? Looks? Weight? Accent? Why should sexual-orientation receive special protection but not other traits that bigots don't like?
It proves that like so many minorities, gays are vindictive, attention-whoring, bullying, chip-on-shoulder crybabies, second only to the blacks. Gays are also the ultimate chickenshit cowards, because they would NEVER to that with the muslims they idiotically love. Even though Islam is the most gay-public-executing, gay-torturing, gay slaughterhouse on the planet.

Like I always say here, it's the gays' entitled, ingrate-punk attitudes/personalities I find a THOUSANDFOLD more disgusting than their physical fucking. When it comes to strange sexual fetishes, I've seen/heard it all so I'm pretty numb to it (I'm a long-time Jerry Springer watcher so it takes more than garden-variety cornholing to shock me.). What I hate is how they THINK.
It proves that like so many minorities, gays are vindictive, attention-whoring, bullying, chip-on-shoulder crybabies, second only to the blacks. Gays are also the ultimate chickenshit cowards, because they would NEVER to that with the muslims they idiotically love. Even though Islam is the most gay-public-executing, gay-torturing, gay slaughterhouse on the planet.

Like I always say here, it's the gays' entitled, ingrate-punk attitudes/personalities I find a THOUSANDFOLD more disgusting than their physical fucking. When it comes to strange sexual fetishes, I've seen/heard it all so I'm pretty numb to it (I'm a long-time Jerry Springer watcher so it takes more than garden-variety cornholing to shock me.). What I hate is how they THINK.

So, you're ok with other minorities getting PA protection, just not gays?

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