Oregon Bakers: You get to pay 135,000 for being radical religious morons, Judge so orders!

I'm not in the US. Duh.

You ever going to answer the question. Do products have protected status?

OK, not in US - that's fine. Law differ.

No products don't have a protected status. However the baker offered the product (Wedding Cakes) as a normal part of their business model. He didn't refuse service because the product (Wedding Cakes) wasn't offered, he refused service based on who the customers were.

You believe in sick, dystopian nonsense.
yes or no

Is the US Constitution dystopian?

I ask, b/c that's what it sounds like you are saying, but I'm going to give you the chance to backpeddle.
No. Your amateur interpretation is.
So, you should support the Constitution over a 'law' that forces people to provide goods or services.

key word; FORCE
Why should they force businesses to follow health laws now, eh?
Because of the first amendment... “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof”... that’s pretty clear. Just because the SCOTUS found slavery, or Jim Crow, or internment camps “constitutional” doesn’t mean they were constitutional.
If someone cannot do their business because of their religion, they need to find another line of work....just like muslim taxi-drivers who declare their so-called religion prevents them from giving rides to people with dogs or with alcohol. Let them find another line of work.
yes or no

Is the US Constitution dystopian?

I ask, b/c that's what it sounds like you are saying, but I'm going to give you the chance to backpeddle.
No. Your amateur interpretation is.
So, you should support the Constitution over a 'law' that forces people to provide goods or services.

key word; FORCE
Why should they force businesses to follow health laws now, eh?
Health laws do not conflict with their religion.
How do you know that would never happen? All I have to do, like this couple did, is say it does......then what?
Asked and answered earlier. They either break the law, leave the country, or sin against their own religion.
Should the seller be forced to sell something he doesn't want to, ie, do protective rights apply to products.

No one should be forced to sell anything they don't want to sell, for any reason. I don't know what you mean by "protective rights".
In United States federal anti-discrimination law, a protected class is a characteristic of a person which cannot be targeted for discrimination. Individual states can and do create other protected classes, which are protected under that state's law.

Do these laws apply to products, as well?

I think such laws are invalid to begin with. The distinction between services and products is immaterial.
He offered the service. Not the product.

Why does it matter? Selling someone a product can be described as a "service". Outside semantics, what difference does it make?
I'm not in the US. Duh.

You ever going to answer the question. Do products have protected status?

OK, not in US - that's fine. Law differ.

No products don't have a protected status. However the baker offered the product (Wedding Cakes) as a normal part of their business model. He didn't refuse service because the product (Wedding Cakes) wasn't offered, he refused service based on who the customers were.

He did not offer gay-themed wedding cakes. Gay-themed wedding cakes have no rights to be offered or sold. What he did offer he offered to everyone equally.
Should the seller be forced to sell something he doesn't want to, ie, do protective rights apply to products.

No one should be forced to sell anything they don't want to sell, for any reason. I don't know what you mean by "protective rights".
In United States federal anti-discrimination law, a protected class is a characteristic of a person which cannot be targeted for discrimination. Individual states can and do create other protected classes, which are protected under that state's law.

Do these laws apply to products, as well?

I think such laws are invalid to begin with. The distinction between services and products is immaterial.
He offered the service. Not the product.

Why does it matter? Selling someone a product can be described as a "service". Outside semantics, what difference does it make?
Products are not services.
Nazis forced Jews to play their instruments at the ovens. Today's progressives think Christians should be forced to create celebratory works of art for homosexuals to feast upon during their orgies.
Because making businesses that have a business license follow business laws is SO MUCH like the NAZIS forcing Jews to play instruments at the ovens.

^ trumpanzee logic. Anyone wonder why these kinds of dolts voted for trump?
Nazi law said Jews and others...negroes, for instance...were something less than human. Under people, they called them.

Of course we must all follow laws.
So...you want to compare our laws...passed by legislatures, subject to judicial review, capable of being repealed....to NAZI edicts? You're a trumpanzee, aren't you?
No one should be forced to sell anything they don't want to sell, for any reason. I don't know what you mean by "protective rights".
In United States federal anti-discrimination law, a protected class is a characteristic of a person which cannot be targeted for discrimination. Individual states can and do create other protected classes, which are protected under that state's law.

Do these laws apply to products, as well?

I think such laws are invalid to begin with. The distinction between services and products is immaterial.
He offered the service. Not the product.

Why does it matter? Selling someone a product can be described as a "service". Outside semantics, what difference does it make?
Products are not services.

LOL - okay, fine. So what?
Nazis forced Jews to play their instruments at the ovens. Today's progressives think Christians should be forced to create celebratory works of art for homosexuals to feast upon during their orgies.
Because making businesses that have a business license follow business laws is SO MUCH like the NAZIS forcing Jews to play instruments at the ovens.

^ trumpanzee logic. Anyone wonder why these kinds of dolts voted for trump?
Nazi law said Jews and others...negroes, for instance...were something less than human. Under people, they called them.

Of course we must all follow laws.
So...you want to compare our laws...passed by legislatures, subject to judicial review, capable of being repealed....to NAZI edicts? You're a trumpanzee, aren't you?
You were discussing the Nazis and their laws. And the need to follow laws.
In United States federal anti-discrimination law, a protected class is a characteristic of a person which cannot be targeted for discrimination. Individual states can and do create other protected classes, which are protected under that state's law.

Do these laws apply to products, as well?

I think such laws are invalid to begin with. The distinction between services and products is immaterial.
He offered the service. Not the product.

Why does it matter? Selling someone a product can be described as a "service". Outside semantics, what difference does it make?
Products are not services.

LOL - okay, fine. So what?
Equality laws do not apply to products.
He did not offer gay-themed wedding cakes. Gay-themed wedding cakes have no rights to be offered or sold. What he did offer he offered to everyone equally.

If you were to have read the court documents in the facts that the baker(s) agree to...

There was never a discussion about decorations. They did not refuse a "gay themed" cake as no design discussions occurred. As soon as the baker(s) leaned that it was a same-sex couple service was refused.

Again, not design discussions took place.

I think such laws are invalid to begin with. The distinction between services and products is immaterial.
He offered the service. Not the product.

Why does it matter? Selling someone a product can be described as a "service". Outside semantics, what difference does it make?
Products are not services.

LOL - okay, fine. So what?
Equality laws do not apply to products.

I guess I just don't see any meaningful distinction between forcing someone to bake you a cake and forcing them to sell you a cake that they've already baked.
He did not offer gay-themed wedding cakes. Gay-themed wedding cakes have no rights to be offered or sold. What he did offer he offered to everyone equally.

If you were to have read the court documents in the facts that the baker(s) agree to...

There was never a discussion about decorations. They did not refuse a "gay themed" cake as no design discussions occurred. As soon as the baker(s) leaned that it was a same-sex couple service was refused.

Again, not design discussions took place.

You shouldn't have edited my quote from the baker.
He offered the service. Not the product.

Why does it matter? Selling someone a product can be described as a "service". Outside semantics, what difference does it make?
Products are not services.

LOL - okay, fine. So what?
Equality laws do not apply to products.

I guess I just don't see any meaningful distinction between forcing someone to bake you a cake and forcing them to sell you a cake that they've already baked.
Baking is a service. The product is the cake. The cake has no rights. None whatsoever. No right to be baked, no right to be offered or sold.

His services must apply equally to everyone.
Last edited:
Nazis forced Jews to play their instruments at the ovens. Today's progressives think Christians should be forced to create celebratory works of art for homosexuals to feast upon during their orgies.
Because making businesses that have a business license follow business laws is SO MUCH like the NAZIS forcing Jews to play instruments at the ovens.

^ trumpanzee logic. Anyone wonder why these kinds of dolts voted for trump?
Nazi law said Jews and others...negroes, for instance...were something less than human. Under people, they called them.

Of course we must all follow laws.
So...you want to compare our laws...passed by legislatures, subject to judicial review, capable of being repealed....to NAZI edicts? You're a trumpanzee, aren't you?
You were discussing the Nazis and their laws. And the need to follow laws.
I was replying to YOUR discussion of NAZIS and their laws. Please remember your own posts. TIA.
Nazis forced Jews to play their instruments at the ovens. Today's progressives think Christians should be forced to create celebratory works of art for homosexuals to feast upon during their orgies.
Because making businesses that have a business license follow business laws is SO MUCH like the NAZIS forcing Jews to play instruments at the ovens.

^ trumpanzee logic. Anyone wonder why these kinds of dolts voted for trump?
Nazi law said Jews and others...negroes, for instance...were something less than human. Under people, they called them.

Of course we must all follow laws.
So...you want to compare our laws...passed by legislatures, subject to judicial review, capable of being repealed....to NAZI edicts? You're a trumpanzee, aren't you?
You were discussing the Nazis and their laws. And the need to follow laws.
I was replying to YOUR discussion of NAZIS and their laws. Please remember your own posts. TIA.
And I replied to yours. Try to keep up K.
:dance::clap::clap2::happy-1::happy-1:Happy New Years too, THESE LOSER MENTAL ANAL RELIGIOUS BOY RAPE SUPPORTER BAKER MORONS. As you will always bake cakes for raper priest klans roaming our streets. Following fake gods, does suck folks, as shown here by these losers. And costly as well. For what in the end? Just to show others
who are the sickest mental thinkers, walking the planet are. :happy-1:

I won't comment on the irony of you calling someone else a loser. I will weigh in on the incident, however. Should they have made the cake? In my opinion, yes. I see no way whatsoever how baking a cake violates anybody's religious beliefs. That aside, this is supposed to be a free country and that means practicing a belief of live and let live. The punishment here does not in any way fit the "crime." If the state wants to slap a fine on them, okay, $10,000 would have gotten the point across. $135,000 is beyond excessive and has completely ruined their lives. This is not about justice; it's about revenge for not conforming to social engineering.

I'm hardly surprised you are reacting the way you are because since the day you joined this board you've showed us all what a childish, vindictive little fascist you are.
This too is an obvious contradiction to the Constitution. Products do not have rights.

Are you some kind of idiot?

PA Laws are firmly established. Someone tried to use the same argument 50 years ago to deny black folks rights based on the Bible. Didn't work then, won't work now.
The Dumb Democrat Bigots are against Freedom of Religion.

Keep it in your home, where you can be as mentally sick as you want to be, as you offer your kids to priest for fake lord love.
A home is private property
a bakery is also private property

therefore, you proved your support for the gay couple to be wrong.

That's cool....no business licenses no safety laws no health laws to follow now...all one has to do is state it's against their so-called religion.
You think the government should force people to produce what they don't want to produce. It's called forced labor.
So anyone who is forced to serve others in their BUSINESS because of race/religion/gender is a slave?

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