Oregon Bakers: You get to pay 135,000 for being radical religious morons, Judge so orders!

bottom line./common sense/etc--go to another baker
I would've baked them a crap cake then--and say ''how do you like that'''
they could've pissed all over their hands, then made the cake
.....what dumbass LGTBQ--JHHGFFFDDD people
The truth emerges
Ignorance vomits.

I don't support racism, I support freedom.

you're just to fucking dumb to see that supporting freedom over feelings is more important.
Fuck off to Chechnya if you dont like it.
I'm trying to prevent a free country from becoming a tyrannical shit hole.
I suggest that you follow the principle of "all men are created equal."
no they are not created equal
some are born smart, stupid, tall, short, heavy, light
some can play basketball and make $$$--some can't
some are born retarded/autistic/etc....some brilliant
some are born deformed
some are born into shitholes like Somalia..others not
some are born with crappy parents--others not
why can't I make $$Millions playing basketball-? -that's unfair--unequal

why can't I make as much as Bill Gates if we are all equal??
some people are not as smart and/or industrious/energetic
And your example shows us that some are born into environments that form them into dirtbags
Those bakers should have baked that stupid cake and put ground up glass in it. Or strychnine.
OMG You people are something else, wishing death on everybody. You do realize that wanting people to die because you disagree with them isn't Christian? Or American? Or anything you pretend to value?
Neither is sing people cause they won’t make you a cake!
That's hardly the same thing as wishing peoples' death.
Where in the constitution does it say one has to provide goods and services? There is a supreme court precedent regarding anti-discrimination, based on xyz, yet no direct verbiage in the constitution. So maybe its the courts that need to interpret law not write and create law.
Ore-gone, nothing more needs to be said.

One has to ask themselves why didn't they just find another baker? or is it they wanted to ram their lifestyle down the throats of people they knew in advance help strong religious beliefs?

The couple could have went elsewhere, but they wanted to make a spectacle of the situation, and they wanted to ruin the Kleins.
So much could have been avoided here if the couple would have simply honored the Klein's religious beliefs and gone elsewhere. Instead, taxpayers have been out money with the court cases, a family has been financially ruined, and there's been a lot of hate spewed back and forth.

The bakery could have just baked the cake, but they wanted to make a spectacle of the situation, and they wanted to insult the couple buying the cake. So much could have been avoided here if the bakery would have simply honored the couples wishes and baked the cake. Instead, taxpayers have been out money with the court cases, a family has been financially ruined, and there's been a lot of hate spewed back and forth. Luckily, it was the ones who caused the problem that were ruined, so they kinda deserved it.
Where in the constitution does it say one has to provide goods and services? There is a supreme court precedent regarding anti-discrimination, based on xyz, yet no direct verbiage in the constitution. So maybe its the courts that need to interpret law not write and create law.
Ore-gone, nothing more needs to be said.

One has to ask themselves why didn't they just find another baker? or is it they wanted to ram their lifestyle down the throats of people they knew in advance help strong religious beliefs?

The couple could have went elsewhere, but they wanted to make a spectacle of the situation, and they wanted to ruin the Kleins.
So much could have been avoided here if the couple would have simply honored the Klein's religious beliefs and gone elsewhere. Instead, taxpayers have been out money with the court cases, a family has been financially ruined, and there's been a lot of hate spewed back and forth.

The bakery could have just baked the cake, but they wanted to make a spectacle of the situation, and they wanted to insult the couple buying the cake. So much could have been avoided here if the bakery would have simply honored the couples wishes and baked the cake. Instead, taxpayers have been out money with the court cases, a family has been financially ruined, and there's been a lot of hate spewed back and forth. Luckily, it was the ones who caused the problem that were ruined, so they kinda deserved it.
Well, the fat lady ain't sung yet.
Where in the constitution does it say one has to provide goods and services? There is a supreme court precedent regarding anti-discrimination, based on xyz, yet no direct verbiage in the constitution. So maybe its the courts that need to interpret law not write and create law.
Ore-gone, nothing more needs to be said.

One has to ask themselves why didn't they just find another baker? or is it they wanted to ram their lifestyle down the throats of people they knew in advance help strong religious beliefs?

Nowhere in the constitution does it say anyone has to open a business supplying goods and/or services. However, if they do, there are certain rules they must follow.

if you go there, YOU have to follow their rules.
They were a public commercial business. They weren't following the laws.
bottom line./common sense/etc--go to another baker
I would've baked them a crap cake then--and say ''how do you like that'''
they could've pissed all over their hands, then made the cake
.....what dumbass LGTBQ--JHHGFFFDDD people
Ignorance vomits.

I don't support racism, I support freedom.

you're just to fucking dumb to see that supporting freedom over feelings is more important.
Fuck off to Chechnya if you dont like it.
I'm trying to prevent a free country from becoming a tyrannical shit hole.
I suggest that you follow the principle of "all men are created equal."
no they are not created equal
some are born smart, stupid, tall, short, heavy, light
some can play basketball and make $$$--some can't
some are born retarded/autistic/etc....some brilliant
some are born deformed
some are born into shitholes like Somalia..others not
some are born with crappy parents--others not
why can't I make $$Millions playing basketball-? -that's unfair--unequal

why can't I make as much as Bill Gates if we are all equal??
some people are not as smart and/or industrious/energetic
And your example shows us that some are born into environments that form them into dirtbags
I agree...the LGBTQIOOOP people should've just walked away
bottom line./common sense/etc--go to another baker
I would've baked them a crap cake then--and say ''how do you like that'''
they could've pissed all over their hands, then made the cake
.....what dumbass LGTBQ--JHHGFFFDDD people
The truth emerges
Ignorance vomits.

I don't support racism, I support freedom.

you're just to fucking dumb to see that supporting freedom over feelings is more important.
Fuck off to Chechnya if you dont like it.
I'm trying to prevent a free country from becoming a tyrannical shit hole.
I suggest that you follow the principle of "all men are created equal."
no they are not created equal
some are born smart, stupid, tall, short, heavy, light
some can play basketball and make $$$--some can't
some are born retarded/autistic/etc....some brilliant
some are born deformed
some are born into shitholes like Somalia..others not
some are born with crappy parents--others not
why can't I make $$Millions playing basketball-? -that's unfair--unequal

why can't I make as much as Bill Gates if we are all equal??
some people are not as smart and/or industrious/energetic
We are all equal before the law. Or would you like to alter that ?
Where in the constitution does it say one has to provide goods and services? There is a supreme court precedent regarding anti-discrimination, based on xyz, yet no direct verbiage in the constitution. So maybe its the courts that need to interpret law not write and create law.
Ore-gone, nothing more needs to be said.

One has to ask themselves why didn't they just find another baker? or is it they wanted to ram their lifestyle down the throats of people they knew in advance help strong religious beliefs?

The couple could have went elsewhere, but they wanted to make a spectacle of the situation, and they wanted to ruin the Kleins.
So much could have been avoided here if the couple would have simply honored the Klein's religious beliefs and gone elsewhere. Instead, taxpayers have been out money with the court cases, a family has been financially ruined, and there's been a lot of hate spewed back and forth.

The bakery could have just baked the cake, but they wanted to make a spectacle of the situation, and they wanted to insult the couple buying the cake. So much could have been avoided here if the bakery would have simply honored the couples wishes and baked the cake. Instead, taxpayers have been out money with the court cases, a family has been financially ruined, and there's been a lot of hate spewed back and forth. Luckily, it was the ones who caused the problem that were ruined, so they kinda deserved it.

Yes, a lot could have been avoided had they baked the fucking cake.
They should have known the LGBT bully gestapo would work to ruin them instead of taking the high road and gone elsewhere.
In a totalitarian society you do what your told, in a constitutional based society you are free to exercise your rights as outlined in the constitution. Apparently someone deliberately set another up for their own financial gain, too bad there is not judicial recourse as it regards intent.
Where is the freedom to choose, or is it that we have evolved toward a totalitarian society based on the foundation of political correctness and most people are just to stoned to see it?
bottom line./common sense/etc--go to another baker
I would've baked them a crap cake then--and say ''how do you like that'''
they could've pissed all over their hands, then made the cake
.....what dumbass LGTBQ--JHHGFFFDDD people
Ignorance vomits.

I don't support racism, I support freedom.

you're just to fucking dumb to see that supporting freedom over feelings is more important.
Fuck off to Chechnya if you dont like it.
I'm trying to prevent a free country from becoming a tyrannical shit hole.
I suggest that you follow the principle of "all men are created equal."
no they are not created equal
some are born smart, stupid, tall, short, heavy, light
some can play basketball and make $$$--some can't
some are born retarded/autistic/etc....some brilliant
some are born deformed
some are born into shitholes like Somalia..others not
some are born with crappy parents--others not
why can't I make $$Millions playing basketball-? -that's unfair--unequal

why can't I make as much as Bill Gates if we are all equal??
some people are not as smart and/or industrious/energetic
We are all equal before the law. Or would you like to alter that ?
YOU should alter YOUR post
you said ''all men are created equal''
so what is it--created equal or equal before the law??
they are totally 2 different things
Oregon Bakers: You get to pay 135,000 for being radical religious morons, Judge so orders!

I assume those are your own words,and not those of the judge. Do you realize that to put it that way is to openly admit that this is a violation of the Klein's religious freedom, as affirmed by the First Amendment?
Nowhere in the constitution does it say anyone has to open a business supplying goods and/or services. However, if they do, there are certain rules they must follow.

Nowhere in the Constitution is there anything that even hints at the idea that government ought to have the power to compel anyone to waive any of his essential Constitutional rights as a condition of being allowed to make an honest living.
The truth emerges
Ignorance vomits.

I don't support racism, I support freedom.

you're just to fucking dumb to see that supporting freedom over feelings is more important.
Fuck off to Chechnya if you dont like it.
I'm trying to prevent a free country from becoming a tyrannical shit hole.
I suggest that you follow the principle of "all men are created equal."
they are

and in our Constitution, we have Property RIGHTS

your leftist hate for freedom is well noted, the pride you take in supporting government tyranny sickens me.
We also have freedom of RELIGION.

Which means we can't be fined and imprisoned for refusing to violate our consciences...unless that refusal PREVENTS a person from enjoying THEIR rights.

Refusing to enter into a contract to bake a special cake for a fake wedding is not a crime. It is not discrimination. It's nothing. They offered the yahoos a case cake, they did not deny them service. They didn't tell them to leave. They just failed to contract with them for the purpose of creating a decorative celebratory centerpiece for an event they believe they will lose favor with God for endorsing.

The homos weren't denied cake. They were denied endorsement. Endorsement is not a right.
Where in the constitution does it say one has to provide goods and services? There is a supreme court precedent regarding anti-discrimination, based on xyz, yet no direct verbiage in the constitution. So maybe its the courts that need to interpret law not write and create law.
Ore-gone, nothing more needs to be said.

One has to ask themselves why didn't they just find another baker? or is it they wanted to ram their lifestyle down the throats of people they knew in advance help strong religious beliefs?

Nowhere in the constitution does it say anyone has to open a business supplying goods and/or services. However, if they do, there are certain rules they must follow.

if you go there, YOU have to follow their rules.
Criminal leftists don't recognize anybody's private property. You'll never get him to acknowledge it exists. They think everything is theirs.
The constitution established the process for creating our legal system. You are opposing it, not me.

The Constitution affirms certain rights, and forbids the legal system from being used to violate those rights. You are the one who is defending the illegal abuse of the legal system to violate explicitly-affirmed Constitutional rights.

It is funny when degenerate left wrong-wing filth such as you speak of the rule of law, while using it as an excuse to subvert, pervert, and violate the rule of law.

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