Oregon Gunman: Conservative Republican

Oregon Gunman described himself as a "Conservative Republican" in an online dating profile.


Spiritual Passions: ironcross45 - Doesn't Like Organized Religion, Left-hand Path, Magick and Occult, Meditation, Not Religious, But Spiritual

Conservatives are by nature and social design intolerant.

Murder is by definition the most clear form of intolerance.

Some Muslims are extremely intolerant..therefore we get ISIL and those that perpetrated 9/11.

Some Christians are extremely intolerant therefore we get the despicable acts they perpetrate.

Some people are of no particular religion but have developed extreme intolerance and we get wackos like this fine Oregon fellow.

Nonsense!! Conservatives value what is tried and true UNLESS A BETTER WAY OF DOING THINGS CAN BE DEMONSTRATED. Shrill bleatings for "hopeychangey" just doesn't cut the mustard!! Extremists exist in many form; totalitarian regimes were full of the scum. And if I recall correctly the vast majority of them were radicals in the developing days.


Nonsense! Conservatives value only what they accept. They are certainly NOT open to any "BETTER WAY". They are just like fundamentalist Muslims in that they believe in fantasy stories and are intolerant of any other possibilities. Conservatives feel like they are victims. They are more concerned with defending their beliefs than any possible "BETTER WAY".

You are WRONG!! Conservatives are merely being judicious in what they consider "better". That is what research is for! And we are not suckered by ANY new fangled idea just because someone considers it superior!! It has to be better faster cheaper!!




Wrong. The first Christians were suckered by a guy called Jesus.
I doubt if this kook even knows what a conservative or Republican is. The rest of his profile indicate he's a liberal.
Naw, Liberals don't obsess over guns and love them more than anything else. Liberals are less likely to kill than Conservatives. Just look at the posts on these boards...Most Conservatives have mentioned on more than one occasion that they are ready to shoot and kill. Most all of them frequently train to hone shooting skills. Liberals don't do that. That is why this guy, Chris had to be a conservative republican. Shooting multiple people takes skill and practice. This guy was as much a republican conservative killing machine as any US marine is; and, like a good Marine, he was well indoctrinated in the use of his weapons.

"Like a Marine"???? btw: a liberal on another thread is named "wobbly". he's a nutter, as is a lefty Kiwi called cnm. Both as lefty as any other pondscum!!


Yes, like a Marine! After all it was an ex-Marine who committed the first mass murder on a US campus... In Texas of all places. Charles Whitman commandeered the clock tower at the University of Texas with an arsenal of weapons which he used to shoot 43 people with precision sniping, killing 13 of them before he was finally shot and killed. He was no Liberal and neither were the perps in the following link:
Poll finds eighty percent of serial killers vote Republican - ScrapeTV

As in "bottom of the barrel" journalism!! Ridiculous!!


The texas tower killer, Charles Whitman didn't think it was ridiculous... Focus on that.

Guns were readily available well before Whitman. So what has changed??


I'm sure Conservatives targeting Christians for execution yeah that's a new the guys probably related to you

LOL. So, despite the fact he self identifies as a conservative, you say he's not. Guess you would know as you never met him or set eyes on him in your life. Is it not possible for someone to be a conservative but to dislike organized religion? He disliked organized religion: that's on the profile, which would mean, to him, he disliked Christians. Whether you want to believe it or not, it IS possible for someone to be a conservative and to dislike organized religion, thus disliking Christians. He self identifies as a CONSERVATIVE REPUBLICAN. You cannot arbitrarily say he isn't just because you don't like the idea.

Conservatives are by nature and social design intolerant.

Murder is by definition the most clear form of intolerance.

Some Muslims are extremely intolerant..therefore we get ISIL and those that perpetrated 9/11.

Some Christians are extremely intolerant therefore we get the despicable acts they perpetrate.

Some people are of no particular religion but have developed extreme intolerance and we get wackos like this fine Oregon fellow.

Nonsense!! Conservatives value what is tried and true UNLESS A BETTER WAY OF DOING THINGS CAN BE DEMONSTRATED. Shrill bleatings for "hopeychangey" just doesn't cut the mustard!! Extremists exist in many form; totalitarian regimes were full of the scum. And if I recall correctly the vast majority of them were radicals in the developing days.


Nonsense! Conservatives value only what they accept. They are certainly NOT open to any "BETTER WAY". They are just like fundamentalist Muslims in that they believe in fantasy stories and are intolerant of any other possibilities. Conservatives feel like they are victims. They are more concerned with defending their beliefs than any possible "BETTER WAY".

You are WRONG!! Conservatives are merely being judicious in what they consider "better". That is what research is for! And we are not suckered by ANY new fangled idea just because someone considers it superior!! It has to be better faster cheaper!!

Wrong. The first Christians were suckered by a guy called Jesus.

THAT RADICAL!! Wealth is but filth and dirt: love thy neighbour,..when they are really your biggest threat!, do good to those who wrong you.! etc etc...sounds quite radical to me.

Naw, Liberals don't obsess over guns and love them more than anything else. Liberals are less likely to kill than Conservatives. Just look at the posts on these boards...Most Conservatives have mentioned on more than one occasion that they are ready to shoot and kill. Most all of them frequently train to hone shooting skills. Liberals don't do that. That is why this guy, Chris had to be a conservative republican. Shooting multiple people takes skill and practice. This guy was as much a republican conservative killing machine as any US marine is; and, like a good Marine, he was well indoctrinated in the use of his weapons.

"Like a Marine"???? btw: a liberal on another thread is named "wobbly". he's a nutter, as is a lefty Kiwi called cnm. Both as lefty as any other pondscum!!


Yes, like a Marine! After all it was an ex-Marine who committed the first mass murder on a US campus... In Texas of all places. Charles Whitman commandeered the clock tower at the University of Texas with an arsenal of weapons which he used to shoot 43 people with precision sniping, killing 13 of them before he was finally shot and killed. He was no Liberal and neither were the perps in the following link:
Poll finds eighty percent of serial killers vote Republican - ScrapeTV

As in "bottom of the barrel" journalism!! Ridiculous!!


The texas tower killer, Charles Whitman didn't think it was ridiculous... Focus on that.

Guns were readily available well before Whitman. So what has changed??

We are not talking about gun availability, we are talking about mass murder by conservative republicans, which most Marines are. There seems to be at least a modicum of a connection...stop deflecting. Jut saying.... not all mass killers are Marines but they do seem to have ties to extreme right wing affiliates.

I'm sure Conservatives targeting Christians for execution yeah that's a new the guys probably related to you

LOL. So, despite the fact he self identifies as a conservative, you say he's not. Guess you would know as you never met him or set eyes on him in your life. Is it not possible for someone to be a conservative but to dislike organized religion? He disliked organized religion: that's on the profile, which would mean, to him, he disliked Christians. Whether you want to believe it or not, it IS possible for someone to be a conservative and to dislike organized religion, thus disliking Christians. He self identifies as a CONSERVATIVE REPUBLICAN. You cannot arbitrarily say he isn't just because you don't like the idea.

The word is that it's a fake; why would anyone want to fake a mass murderer's profile?? Sounds something that a liberal minded progressive would do.

"Like a Marine"???? btw: a liberal on another thread is named "wobbly". he's a nutter, as is a lefty Kiwi called cnm. Both as lefty as any other pondscum!!


Yes, like a Marine! After all it was an ex-Marine who committed the first mass murder on a US campus... In Texas of all places. Charles Whitman commandeered the clock tower at the University of Texas with an arsenal of weapons which he used to shoot 43 people with precision sniping, killing 13 of them before he was finally shot and killed. He was no Liberal and neither were the perps in the following link:
Poll finds eighty percent of serial killers vote Republican - ScrapeTV

As in "bottom of the barrel" journalism!! Ridiculous!!


The texas tower killer, Charles Whitman didn't think it was ridiculous... Focus on that.

Guns were readily available well before Whitman. So what has changed??

We are not talking about gun availability, we are talking about mass murder by conservative republicans, which most Marines are. There seems to be at least a modicum of a connection...stop deflecting. Jut saying.... not all mass killers are Marines but they do seem to have ties to extreme right wing affiliates.

That has been said before and found wanting in accuracy. You got some actual data on that?? Not many marines are Le Pens that I know of!!


I'm sure Conservatives targeting Christians for execution yeah that's a new the guys probably related to you

LOL. So, despite the fact he self identifies as a conservative, you say he's not. Guess you would know as you never met him or set eyes on him in your life. Is it not possible for someone to be a conservative but to dislike organized religion? He disliked organized religion: that's on the profile, which would mean, to him, he disliked Christians. Whether you want to believe it or not, it IS possible for someone to be a conservative and to dislike organized religion, thus disliking Christians. He self identifies as a CONSERVATIVE REPUBLICAN. You cannot arbitrarily say he isn't just because you don't like the idea.

The word is that it's a fake; why would anyone want to fake a mass murderer's profile?? Sounds something that a liberal minded progressive would do.

The word is 'it's a fake' because conservatives want it to be a fake. Most likely it is not a fake at all, but you all want it to be, so will spread the falsity that it is. Sad, very sad.

Conservatives are by nature and social design intolerant.

Murder is by definition the most clear form of intolerance.

Some Muslims are extremely intolerant..therefore we get ISIL and those that perpetrated 9/11.

Some Christians are extremely intolerant therefore we get the despicable acts they perpetrate.

Some people are of no particular religion but have developed extreme intolerance and we get wackos like this fine Oregon fellow.

Nonsense!! Conservatives value what is tried and true UNLESS A BETTER WAY OF DOING THINGS CAN BE DEMONSTRATED. Shrill bleatings for "hopeychangey" just doesn't cut the mustard!! Extremists exist in many form; totalitarian regimes were full of the scum. And if I recall correctly the vast majority of them were radicals in the developing days.


Nonsense! Conservatives value only what they accept. They are certainly NOT open to any "BETTER WAY". They are just like fundamentalist Muslims in that they believe in fantasy stories and are intolerant of any other possibilities. Conservatives feel like they are victims. They are more concerned with defending their beliefs than any possible "BETTER WAY".

You are WRONG!! Conservatives are merely being judicious in what they consider "better". That is what research is for! And we are not suckered by ANY new fangled idea just because someone considers it superior!! It has to be better faster cheaper!!

No, you're wrong.

Conservatives are, for the most part, hostile to, and fearful of, change, diversity, and dissent.

Conservatives aren't being 'judicious,' they're being wrongheaded ideologues adhering blindly to failed conservative dogma, exhibiting disdain for the facts and truth which conflict with that errant dogma.

I'm sure Conservatives targeting Christians for execution yeah that's a new the guys probably related to you

LOL. So, despite the fact he self identifies as a conservative, you say he's not. Guess you would know as you never met him or set eyes on him in your life. Is it not possible for someone to be a conservative but to dislike organized religion? He disliked organized religion: that's on the profile, which would mean, to him, he disliked Christians. Whether you want to believe it or not, it IS possible for someone to be a conservative and to dislike organized religion, thus disliking Christians. He self identifies as a CONSERVATIVE REPUBLICAN. You cannot arbitrarily say he isn't just because you don't like the idea.

DD says it's a photoshop fraud. Now your argument is??


Conservatives are by nature and social design intolerant.

Murder is by definition the most clear form of intolerance.

Some Muslims are extremely intolerant..therefore we get ISIL and those that perpetrated 9/11.

Some Christians are extremely intolerant therefore we get the despicable acts they perpetrate.

Some people are of no particular religion but have developed extreme intolerance and we get wackos like this fine Oregon fellow.

Nonsense!! Conservatives value what is tried and true UNLESS A BETTER WAY OF DOING THINGS CAN BE DEMONSTRATED. Shrill bleatings for "hopeychangey" just doesn't cut the mustard!! Extremists exist in many form; totalitarian regimes were full of the scum. And if I recall correctly the vast majority of them were radicals in the developing days.


Nonsense! Conservatives value only what they accept. They are certainly NOT open to any "BETTER WAY". They are just like fundamentalist Muslims in that they believe in fantasy stories and are intolerant of any other possibilities. Conservatives feel like they are victims. They are more concerned with defending their beliefs than any possible "BETTER WAY".

You are WRONG!! Conservatives are merely being judicious in what they consider "better". That is what research is for! And we are not suckered by ANY new fangled idea just because someone considers it superior!! It has to be better faster cheaper!!

No, you're wrong.

Conservatives are, for the most part, hostile to, and fearful of, change, diversity, and dissent.

Conservatives aren't being 'judicious,' they're being wrongheaded ideologues adhering blindly to failed conservative dogma, exhibiting disdain for the facts and truth which conflict with that errant dogma.

Nope. I've heard a lot of "new" things that ended up being cons....albeit not always deliberately. If one dives in head first then one is likely to land in shallow waters. Not a great facial treatment.


Conservatives are by nature and social design intolerant.

Murder is by definition the most clear form of intolerance.

Some Muslims are extremely intolerant..therefore we get ISIL and those that perpetrated 9/11.

Some Christians are extremely intolerant therefore we get the despicable acts they perpetrate.

Some people are of no particular religion but have developed extreme intolerance and we get wackos like this fine Oregon fellow.

Nonsense!! Conservatives value what is tried and true UNLESS A BETTER WAY OF DOING THINGS CAN BE DEMONSTRATED. Shrill bleatings for "hopeychangey" just doesn't cut the mustard!! Extremists exist in many form; totalitarian regimes were full of the scum. And if I recall correctly the vast majority of them were radicals in the developing days.


Nonsense! Conservatives value only what they accept. They are certainly NOT open to any "BETTER WAY". They are just like fundamentalist Muslims in that they believe in fantasy stories and are intolerant of any other possibilities. Conservatives feel like they are victims. They are more concerned with defending their beliefs than any possible "BETTER WAY".

You are WRONG!! Conservatives are merely being judicious in what they consider "better". That is what research is for! And we are not suckered by ANY new fangled idea just because someone considers it superior!! It has to be better faster cheaper!!

No, you're wrong.

Conservatives are, for the most part, hostile to, and fearful of, change, diversity, and dissent.

Conservatives aren't being 'judicious,' they're being wrongheaded ideologues adhering blindly to failed conservative dogma, exhibiting disdain for the facts and truth which conflict with that errant dogma.

If it was a FAILED dogma then it would hardly be what a conservative would value. No one is more analytical than a conservative!!


I'm sure Conservatives targeting Christians for execution yeah that's a new the guys probably related to you

LOL. So, despite the fact he self identifies as a conservative, you say he's not. Guess you would know as you never met him or set eyes on him in your life. Is it not possible for someone to be a conservative but to dislike organized religion? He disliked organized religion: that's on the profile, which would mean, to him, he disliked Christians. Whether you want to believe it or not, it IS possible for someone to be a conservative and to dislike organized religion, thus disliking Christians. He self identifies as a CONSERVATIVE REPUBLICAN. You cannot arbitrarily say he isn't just because you don't like the idea.

The word is that it's a fake; why would anyone want to fake a mass murderer's profile?? Sounds something that a liberal minded progressive would do.

The word is 'it's a fake' because conservatives want it to be a fake. Most likely it is not a fake at all, but you all want it to be, so will spread the falsity that it is. Sad, very sad.

It's fake because it's fake.

Clearly he was influence by Obama one on one with the Clock Boy Junior Jihadists than by anything Conservative

Conservatives are by nature and social design intolerant.

Murder is by definition the most clear form of intolerance.

Some Muslims are extremely intolerant..therefore we get ISIL and those that perpetrated 9/11.

Some Christians are extremely intolerant therefore we get the despicable acts they perpetrate.

Some people are of no particular religion but have developed extreme intolerance and we get wackos like this fine Oregon fellow.

Nonsense!! Conservatives value what is tried and true UNLESS A BETTER WAY OF DOING THINGS CAN BE DEMONSTRATED. Shrill bleatings for "hopeychangey" just doesn't cut the mustard!! Extremists exist in many form; totalitarian regimes were full of the scum. And if I recall correctly the vast majority of them were radicals in the developing days.


Nonsense! Conservatives value only what they accept. They are certainly NOT open to any "BETTER WAY". They are just like fundamentalist Muslims in that they believe in fantasy stories and are intolerant of any other possibilities. Conservatives feel like they are victims. They are more concerned with defending their beliefs than any possible "BETTER WAY".

Well I definitely value what I accept. That it took a great deal of thought and judgement to accept what I do is just a case in point.


I'm sure Conservatives targeting Christians for execution yeah that's a new the guys probably related to you

LOL. So, despite the fact he self identifies as a conservative, you say he's not. Guess you would know as you never met him or set eyes on him in your life. Is it not possible for someone to be a conservative but to dislike organized religion? He disliked organized religion: that's on the profile, which would mean, to him, he disliked Christians. Whether you want to believe it or not, it IS possible for someone to be a conservative and to dislike organized religion, thus disliking Christians. He self identifies as a CONSERVATIVE REPUBLICAN. You cannot arbitrarily say he isn't just because you don't like the idea.

DD says it's a photoshop fraud. Now your argument is??

Who the hell is dd?
Shooting in Sydney. US GUN LAWS TO BLAME!!!!!!



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