Oregon Gunman: Conservative Republican

Oregon Gunman described himself as a "Conservative Republican" in an online dating profile.


Spiritual Passions: ironcross45 - Doesn't Like Organized Religion, Left-hand Path, Magick and Occult, Meditation, Not Religious, But Spiritual

I'm sure Conservatives targeting Christians for execution yeah that's a new the guys probably related to you

LOL. So, despite the fact he self identifies as a conservative, you say he's not. Guess you would know as you never met him or set eyes on him in your life. Is it not possible for someone to be a conservative but to dislike organized religion? He disliked organized religion: that's on the profile, which would mean, to him, he disliked Christians. Whether you want to believe it or not, it IS possible for someone to be a conservative and to dislike organized religion, thus disliking Christians. He self identifies as a CONSERVATIVE REPUBLICAN. You cannot arbitrarily say he isn't just because you don't like the idea.

The word is that it's a fake; why would anyone want to fake a mass murderer's profile?? Sounds something that a liberal minded progressive would do.

The word is 'it's a fake' because conservatives want it to be a fake. Most likely it is not a fake at all, but you all want it to be, so will spread the falsity that it is. Sad, very sad.

It's fake because it's fake.

Clearly he was influence by Obama one on one with the Clock Boy Junior Jihadists than by anything Conservative

I'm sure Conservatives targeting Christians for execution yeah that's a new the guys probably related to you

LOL. So, despite the fact he self identifies as a conservative, you say he's not. Guess you would know as you never met him or set eyes on him in your life. Is it not possible for someone to be a conservative but to dislike organized religion? He disliked organized religion: that's on the profile, which would mean, to him, he disliked Christians. Whether you want to believe it or not, it IS possible for someone to be a conservative and to dislike organized religion, thus disliking Christians. He self identifies as a CONSERVATIVE REPUBLICAN. You cannot arbitrarily say he isn't just because you don't like the idea.

DD says it's a photoshop fraud. Now your argument is??

Who the hell is dd?

A previous poster. DigitalDrifter


I'm sure Conservatives targeting Christians for execution yeah that's a new the guys probably related to you

LOL. So, despite the fact he self identifies as a conservative, you say he's not. Guess you would know as you never met him or set eyes on him in your life. Is it not possible for someone to be a conservative but to dislike organized religion? He disliked organized religion: that's on the profile, which would mean, to him, he disliked Christians. Whether you want to believe it or not, it IS possible for someone to be a conservative and to dislike organized religion, thus disliking Christians. He self identifies as a CONSERVATIVE REPUBLICAN. You cannot arbitrarily say he isn't just because you don't like the idea.

DD says it's a photoshop fraud. Now your argument is??

Who the hell is dd?

A previous poster. DigitalDrifter

I've yet to see a mass murderer who identified as a Liberal Democrat.



Ever hear of the Unibomber? He sat in a cabin in Montana making bombs to send to corporate CEO's in an effort to take out those who were ignoring climate change concerns. He had a stack of Al Gore books a mile high under his bed. LOL.

The bottom line is, this freak in the OP was asking people if they were Christians or not and then shooting them if they were.

The same thing happened at Colombine High School which was one of the first school shootings that made this kind of terrorism possible. There was also the racist dude in South Carolina who shot up Christians at a local church.

This is really about religious hate crimes and nothing more.
Yes, like a Marine! After all it was an ex-Marine who committed the first mass murder on a US campus... In Texas of all places. Charles Whitman commandeered the clock tower at the University of Texas with an arsenal of weapons which he used to shoot 43 people with precision sniping, killing 13 of them before he was finally shot and killed. He was no Liberal and neither were the perps in the following link:
Poll finds eighty percent of serial killers vote Republican - ScrapeTV

As in "bottom of the barrel" journalism!! Ridiculous!!


The texas tower killer, Charles Whitman didn't think it was ridiculous... Focus on that.

Guns were readily available well before Whitman. So what has changed??

We are not talking about gun availability, we are talking about mass murder by conservative republicans, which most Marines are. There seems to be at least a modicum of a connection...stop deflecting. Jut saying.... not all mass killers are Marines but they do seem to have ties to extreme right wing affiliates.

That has been said before and found wanting in accuracy. You got some actual data on that?? Not many marines are Le Pens that I know of!!

Dayum, son, I just gave you Charles Whiteman, do I have to List all the killers who were veterans or active duty perps, too? Too much work...you can google it yourself!
I'm sure Conservatives targeting Christians for execution yeah that's a new the guys probably related to you

LOL. So, despite the fact he self identifies as a conservative, you say he's not. Guess you would know as you never met him or set eyes on him in your life. Is it not possible for someone to be a conservative but to dislike organized religion? He disliked organized religion: that's on the profile, which would mean, to him, he disliked Christians. Whether you want to believe it or not, it IS possible for someone to be a conservative and to dislike organized religion, thus disliking Christians. He self identifies as a CONSERVATIVE REPUBLICAN. You cannot arbitrarily say he isn't just because you don't like the idea.

DD says it's a photoshop fraud. Now your argument is??

Who the hell is dd?

A previous poster. DigitalDrifter


The Guardian is carrying the conservative republican thingy so can't really account for DD's source.

Oregon community college gunman sympathized with Va. TV shooter, shared Newtown school shooting documentary

You got further info then by all means add your two cents worth.

As in "bottom of the barrel" journalism!! Ridiculous!!


The texas tower killer, Charles Whitman didn't think it was ridiculous... Focus on that.

Guns were readily available well before Whitman. So what has changed??

We are not talking about gun availability, we are talking about mass murder by conservative republicans, which most Marines are. There seems to be at least a modicum of a connection...stop deflecting. Jut saying.... not all mass killers are Marines but they do seem to have ties to extreme right wing affiliates.

That has been said before and found wanting in accuracy. You got some actual data on that?? Not many marines are Le Pens that I know of!!

Dayum, son, I just gave you Charles Whiteman, do I have to List all the killers who were veterans or active duty perps, too? Too much work...you can google it yourself!

I looked up "Marines" and "right wing groups".......ZERO so far. You saying Forest Gump was Right Wing?? lol

The texas tower killer, Charles Whitman didn't think it was ridiculous... Focus on that.

Guns were readily available well before Whitman. So what has changed??

We are not talking about gun availability, we are talking about mass murder by conservative republicans, which most Marines are. There seems to be at least a modicum of a connection...stop deflecting. Jut saying.... not all mass killers are Marines but they do seem to have ties to extreme right wing affiliates.

That has been said before and found wanting in accuracy. You got some actual data on that?? Not many marines are Le Pens that I know of!!

Dayum, son, I just gave you Charles Whiteman, do I have to List all the killers who were veterans or active duty perps, too? Too much work...you can google it yourself!

I looked up "Marines" and "right wing groups".......ZERO so far. You saying Forest Gump was Right Wing?? lol

Look up Marine murderers or something like that.... you'll get a hit that applies....good luck...
How do you control guns.

If you want to control legal gun owners, you create stiffer gun-laws.
If you want to control criminals....you create stiffer punishment when they commit the crime.
You don't let criminals out of prison.
You don't create hate for any particular groups.
You don't go on national television and comment about a mass-shooting before you know what the facts are in the case.
And you don't post that the shooter was a right-winger when the shooter was actually a Christian hating Muslim sympathizer.

I'm sure Conservatives targeting Christians for execution yeah that's a new the guys probably related to you
Wait a minute - I thought I was a "Jew-hater"?

Make up your mind, Conservative Republican!
And lest we forget, we used to like Islamic terrorists,

Operation Cyclone - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Operation Cyclone was the code name for the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) program to arm and finance the Afghan mujahideen prior to and during the Soviet war in Afghanistan, from 1979 to 1989. The program leaned heavily towards supporting militant Islamic groups that were favoured by neighbouring Pakistan, rather than other, less ideological Afghan resistance groups that had also been fighting the Marxist-oriented Democratic Republic of Afghanistan regime since before the Soviet intervention[citation needed]. Operation Cyclone was one of the longest and most expensive covert CIA operations ever undertaken;[1] funding began with $20–$30 million per year in 1980 and rose to $630 million per year in 1987.[2] Funding continued after 1989 as the mujahideen battled the forces of Mohammad Najibullah's PDPA during the civil war in Afghanistan (1989–1992).[3]"

And because of this aid those we aided became the Taliban.
Well, that was doddering Reagan - he ran a criminal administrations and armed terrorists in Afghanistan and Latin America and America's enemy Iran.

A true anti-American.

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