Oregon said Obama stay away..so guess who's coming to Roseburg?

His political agenda is to try to reduce the number mass shootings.
Isn't that an outrage?!

Yes it is because disarming America has nothing to do with mass shootings or anything else. It has to do with more government control and involvement. We all know there are no regulations that can stop somebody from getting a gun that wants one. There are simply too many of them and they are too easy to get. We see this in states that have the toughest gun laws in the country.

Whether you go overseas or look here in America during the Brady Bill years, statistics show there are no improvements in trying to get rid of guns. Now in Great Britain, there is a movement to make knives and swords illegal. The criminals that can't easily find guns are choosing a different tool of death.
So, your arguments are;
1; No law will stop all criminals from being criminals so there's no point in having a law.
2; It's really hard so there's no point in trying.

No, my point is if we are going to create a new law, why punish those who are law biding citizens? 2) Why create a law that would not solve the problem you are looking to solve?

You want to create new laws that might do some good? Great. Build more prisons and have a law that anybody caught with a firearm that's not supposed to have one is an automatic 10 years in prison plus whatever years they may add on if they committed a crime with that gun.
Talking about policies that don't work...increasing the prison population would be exhibit A.
How many of Chicago's distinguished citizens housed at Menard Correctional Center shot someone in a drive by last week?
You gotta admit. It's funny. Chicago has stringent gun laws. But Chicago is completely surrounded by Rednecks selling guns like popcorn.

So you got all these rednecks selling guns to thugs and then complaining that so many thugs illegally own guns so that proves the laws don't work? It's like them saying government doesn't work and the entire time making sure it doesn't work. What are Rednecks good for? What do the bring to the country?


I know, I know, I can't think of anything either.
Yes it is because disarming America has nothing to do with mass shootings or anything else. It has to do with more government control and involvement. We all know there are no regulations that can stop somebody from getting a gun that wants one. There are simply too many of them and they are too easy to get. We see this in states that have the toughest gun laws in the country.

Whether you go overseas or look here in America during the Brady Bill years, statistics show there are no improvements in trying to get rid of guns. Now in Great Britain, there is a movement to make knives and swords illegal. The criminals that can't easily find guns are choosing a different tool of death.
So, your arguments are;
1; No law will stop all criminals from being criminals so there's no point in having a law.
2; It's really hard so there's no point in trying.

No, my point is if we are going to create a new law, why punish those who are law biding citizens? 2) Why create a law that would not solve the problem you are looking to solve?

You want to create new laws that might do some good? Great. Build more prisons and have a law that anybody caught with a firearm that's not supposed to have one is an automatic 10 years in prison plus whatever years they may add on if they committed a crime with that gun.
Talking about policies that don't work...increasing the prison population would be exhibit A.
How many of Chicago's distinguished citizens housed at Menard Correctional Center shot someone in a drive by last week?
You gotta admit. It's funny. Chicago has stringent gun laws. But Chicago is completely surrounded by Rednecks selling guns like popcorn.

So you got all these rednecks selling guns to thugs and then complaining that so many thugs illegally own guns so that proves the laws don't work? It's like them saying government doesn't work and the entire time making sure it doesn't work. What are Rednecks good for? What do the bring to the country?


I know, I know, I can't think of anything either.

The problem in liberal Chicago is not rednecks buying guns. The problem is that there is so much crime that judges are forced to slap people on the hands when they are caught illegally possessing a firearm. They simply go back out into the street, get another gun and they're ready for warfare.
It sounds like Roseburg is a conservative district in Oregon, that believes in the 2nd amendment. So he's probably not welcome there.

Instead of promoting school and campus security--and taking taking down those dam "Gun Free Zone" signs that advertise to nut-cases--Obama again goes after GUNS. He's not going to win this argument. No matter how many guns he thinks he can confiscate--there's always going to be a way to get another, and it's NOT going to stop mass slaughter of innocents.

These nut-cases are COWARDS and they always seek the least path of resistance which are "gun free zones." The last thing these cowards want are people shooting back at them.
These nut-cases are COWARDS and they always seek the least path of resistance which are "gun free zones." The last thing these cowards want are people shooting back at them.
Why do they almost always shoot themselves then?
Because they are cowards, idjut.
So, why would they choose a gun-free zone if they're going to shoot themselves?

Because they don't want to suffer the consequences of staying alive.

If a CCW holder shoots and injures the shooter, the cops come, get an ambulance, have the murderer patched up and he heads to prison for the rest of his life. That's the worst possible punishment for him.

He doesn't have to worry about that in a gun free zone. He can kill as many as he desires and then kill himself and make sure he does it the right way. A gun permissible zone might stop him from his goal which is to kill as many people as possible.
It sounds like Roseburg is a conservative district in Oregon, that believes in the 2nd amendment. So he's probably not welcome there.

Instead of promoting school and campus security--and taking taking down those dam "Gun Free Zone" signs that advertise to nut-cases--Obama again goes after GUNS. He's not going to win this argument. No matter how many guns he thinks he can confiscate--there's always going to be a way to get another, and it's NOT going to stop mass slaughter of innocents.

These nut-cases are COWARDS and they always seek the least path of resistance which are "gun free zones." The last thing these cowards want are people shooting back at them.
These nut-cases are COWARDS and they always seek the least path of resistance which are "gun free zones." The last thing these cowards want are people shooting back at them.
Why do they almost always shoot themselves then?
Because they are cowards, idjut.
So, why would they choose a gun-free zone if they're going to shoot themselves?

Because they don't want to suffer the consequences of staying alive.

If a CCW holder shoots and injures the shooter, the cops come, get an ambulance, have the murderer patched up and he heads to prison for the rest of his life. That's the worst possible punishment for him.

He doesn't have to worry about that in a gun free zone. He can kill as many as he desires and then kill himself and make sure he does it the right way. A gun permissible zone might stop him from his goal which is to kill as many people as possible.
It's surprising how much thought and planning these mentally ill people put into their crime.
It sounds like Roseburg is a conservative district in Oregon, that believes in the 2nd amendment. So he's probably not welcome there.

Instead of promoting school and campus security--and taking taking down those dam "Gun Free Zone" signs that advertise to nut-cases--Obama again goes after GUNS. He's not going to win this argument. No matter how many guns he thinks he can confiscate--there's always going to be a way to get another, and it's NOT going to stop mass slaughter of innocents.

These nut-cases are COWARDS and they always seek the least path of resistance which are "gun free zones." The last thing these cowards want are people shooting back at them.
These nut-cases are COWARDS and they always seek the least path of resistance which are "gun free zones." The last thing these cowards want are people shooting back at them.
Why do they almost always shoot themselves then?
Because they are cowards, idjut.
So, why would they choose a gun-free zone if they're going to shoot themselves?

Because they don't want to suffer the consequences of staying alive.

If a CCW holder shoots and injures the shooter, the cops come, get an ambulance, have the murderer patched up and he heads to prison for the rest of his life. That's the worst possible punishment for him.

He doesn't have to worry about that in a gun free zone. He can kill as many as he desires and then kill himself and make sure he does it the right way. A gun permissible zone might stop him from his goal which is to kill as many people as possible.
It's surprising how much thought and planning these mentally ill people put into their crime.

They may be nuts, but they're not stupid. They know what they want and get it. Timothy McVeigh was nuts, but intelligent enough to plan one of the worst terrorist attacks on our soil.
Why do they almost always shoot themselves then?
Because they are cowards, idjut.
So, why would they choose a gun-free zone if they're going to shoot themselves?

Because they don't want to suffer the consequences of staying alive.

If a CCW holder shoots and injures the shooter, the cops come, get an ambulance, have the murderer patched up and he heads to prison for the rest of his life. That's the worst possible punishment for him.

He doesn't have to worry about that in a gun free zone. He can kill as many as he desires and then kill himself and make sure he does it the right way. A gun permissible zone might stop him from his goal which is to kill as many people as possible.
It's surprising how much thought and planning these mentally ill people put into their crime.

They may be nuts, but they're not stupid. They know what they want and get it. Timothy McVeigh was nuts, but intelligent enough to plan one of the worst terrorist attacks on our soil.
lol these nuts make McVeigh look like Hawking.
It sounds like Roseburg is a conservative district in Oregon, that believes in the 2nd amendment. So he's probably not welcome there.

Instead of promoting school and campus security--and taking taking down those dam "Gun Free Zone" signs that advertise to nut-cases--Obama again goes after GUNS. He's not going to win this argument. No matter how many guns he thinks he can confiscate--there's always going to be a way to get another, and it's NOT going to stop mass slaughter of innocents.

These nut-cases are COWARDS and they always seek the least path of resistance which are "gun free zones." The last thing these cowards want are people shooting back at them.
These nut-cases are COWARDS and they always seek the least path of resistance which are "gun free zones." The last thing these cowards want are people shooting back at them.
Why do they almost always shoot themselves then?
Because they are cowards, idjut.
So, why would they choose a gun-free zone if they're going to shoot themselves?
They generally shoot themselves after inflicting as much damage as they can. If killing themselves was the ultimate purpose, why leave the house?
Gun free zones more or less ensures that they can continue to kill until the police show up.
If they weren't cowards, they would go to a police station or a gun range.
First off is that respect is not given--respect is earned, and DumBama has not earned any respect simply because he became President.

Secondly you say that Obama is not anti-gun. In his address to the nation on this school shooting, he pointed to two of our allies (Australia and Great Britain) and doted on their success with firearms in their countries. Okay, so what was the key to their supposed success? They confiscated guns from all of their citizens.
I don't know who Dumbama is so I can't discuss anything concerning him.

I don't remember hearing Obama dote on the success of Great Britain or Australia in reference to firearms. Maybe I missed that part. However, neither did I not hear him make any statement that could even be construed to abrogate the 2nd Amendment. BTW, he couldn't do it anyway, he doesn't have the power. He merely suggested that voters use their power to select people/politicians who will reform gun control laws to keep legally obtained guns out of the hands of mentally ill or violent people. Trouble is, it is too late for that; but , that does not equate to taking guns away from anybody. Obama's plan merely seems to hinge on background checks for all future gun purchases; both private AND retail!
Look dummy! Show me one law; any law, that the mentally ill and violent people will obey. How many damn laws does it take to say "Thou shalt now kill"?

The retarded may not obey laws, but if there is a law not to sell them guns.....they can't buy any legally. They will have to exercise a lot more effort to get them, which at least makes it harder for them to get them and longer. And some may not be able to at all. Allowing them to buy them is downright inhumane, but you don't care do you?
It's already against the law to sell a gun to an insane person, dolt.

How's THAT working out.

Does that include private gun sales or gun show sales? I've given you a piece of the puzzle, it is up to you to fit it in the right place... come on you can do it!
Yes. It does. I quoted the law and linked to the US Code. Does it say ANYWHERE, except for at gun shows?

It is illegal already to sell a weapon to a felon or an insane person. The maximum penalty is 10 years. NO LOOP HOLE, capisce?
Because they are cowards, idjut.
So, why would they choose a gun-free zone if they're going to shoot themselves?

Because they don't want to suffer the consequences of staying alive.

If a CCW holder shoots and injures the shooter, the cops come, get an ambulance, have the murderer patched up and he heads to prison for the rest of his life. That's the worst possible punishment for him.

He doesn't have to worry about that in a gun free zone. He can kill as many as he desires and then kill himself and make sure he does it the right way. A gun permissible zone might stop him from his goal which is to kill as many people as possible.
It's surprising how much thought and planning these mentally ill people put into their crime.

They may be nuts, but they're not stupid. They know what they want and get it. Timothy McVeigh was nuts, but intelligent enough to plan one of the worst terrorist attacks on our soil.
lol these nuts make McVeigh look like Hawking.
Actually, McVeigh was more like John Forbes Nash Jr than Stephen Hawking.
The Roseburg Beacon does not speak for the town.

It's a right wing rag owned by failed local conservative politicians.
The town has been quite vocal in their rejection of Obama. You should use Google before you spout stupidities, fake doc.

Every Google result that I've seen refers only to the clown in your OP.

How has "the town" been "vocal" about it, exactly?

Oregon voted for Obama in 2008 and 2012

Obama got 57% of the vote

Barely over 50% is nothing I'd be boasting about. It's not as if your presenting a positive overwhelming response to his leadership capability, looks more like a consolation prize.
and I don't remember Bush going to ever incident that happened in A STATE.

the people there have their OWN STATE GOVERMENTS and speakers for them in their Governors.

this is a STATE MATTER. for ONE, he has no BUSINESS poking his nose in it. for two if they don't want him there he should stay the hell away. I wouldnt want his ugliness there either.

Well the authorities told the media, that they did not want to give the shooter his much desired publicity of the killings. Obama needs to be respectful of their wishes, and not bring any more added attention to the incident. If this president is insistent in showing his face to bring added attention the officials there don't want, don't greet him. Rather, just leave him sitting there all by his lonesome on the tarmac, he'll get the message.
So, your arguments are;
1; No law will stop all criminals from being criminals so there's no point in having a law.
2; It's really hard so there's no point in trying.

No, my point is if we are going to create a new law, why punish those who are law biding citizens? 2) Why create a law that would not solve the problem you are looking to solve?

You want to create new laws that might do some good? Great. Build more prisons and have a law that anybody caught with a firearm that's not supposed to have one is an automatic 10 years in prison plus whatever years they may add on if they committed a crime with that gun.
Talking about policies that don't work...increasing the prison population would be exhibit A.
How many of Chicago's distinguished citizens housed at Menard Correctional Center shot someone in a drive by last week?
You gotta admit. It's funny. Chicago has stringent gun laws. But Chicago is completely surrounded by Rednecks selling guns like popcorn.

So you got all these rednecks selling guns to thugs and then complaining that so many thugs illegally own guns so that proves the laws don't work? It's like them saying government doesn't work and the entire time making sure it doesn't work. What are Rednecks good for? What do the bring to the country?


I know, I know, I can't think of anything either.

The problem in liberal Chicago is not rednecks buying guns. The problem is that there is so much crime that judges are forced to slap people on the hands when they are caught illegally possessing a firearm. They simply go back out into the street, get another gun and they're ready for warfare.
Sounds like another anecdote with no real substance. Besides rednecks SELLING guns could be part of the problem.
I don't know who Dumbama is so I can't discuss anything concerning him.

I don't remember hearing Obama dote on the success of Great Britain or Australia in reference to firearms. Maybe I missed that part. However, neither did I not hear him make any statement that could even be construed to abrogate the 2nd Amendment. BTW, he couldn't do it anyway, he doesn't have the power. He merely suggested that voters use their power to select people/politicians who will reform gun control laws to keep legally obtained guns out of the hands of mentally ill or violent people. Trouble is, it is too late for that; but , that does not equate to taking guns away from anybody. Obama's plan merely seems to hinge on background checks for all future gun purchases; both private AND retail!
Look dummy! Show me one law; any law, that the mentally ill and violent people will obey. How many damn laws does it take to say "Thou shalt now kill"?

The retarded may not obey laws, but if there is a law not to sell them guns.....they can't buy any legally. They will have to exercise a lot more effort to get them, which at least makes it harder for them to get them and longer. And some may not be able to at all. Allowing them to buy them is downright inhumane, but you don't care do you?
It's already against the law to sell a gun to an insane person, dolt.

How's THAT working out.

Does that include private gun sales or gun show sales? I've given you a piece of the puzzle, it is up to you to fit it in the right place... come on you can do it!
Yes. It does. I quoted the law and linked to the US Code. Does it say ANYWHERE, except for at gun shows?

It is illegal already to sell a weapon to a felon or an insane person. The maximum penalty is 10 years. NO LOOP HOLE, capisce?
Wiat. Stop! Pull yourself together... If a stranger answers a newspaper add and buys a gun from the owner, there is NO background check...capice? SAME FOR A GUN SHOW... GUNS ARE SOLD TO STRANGERS WITH NO QUESTIONS ASKED.... re you always this stupid or are you having a senior moment?
The Roseburg Beacon does not speak for the town.

It's a right wing rag owned by failed local conservative politicians.
The town has been quite vocal in their rejection of Obama. You should use Google before you spout stupidities, fake doc.

Every Google result that I've seen refers only to the clown in your OP.

How has "the town" been "vocal" about it, exactly?

Oregon voted for Obama in 2008 and 2012

Obama got 57% of the vote

Barely over 50% is nothing I'd be boasting about. It's not as if your presenting a positive overwhelming response to his leadership capability, looks more like a consolation prize.
57% is good enough for me. Winners can boast about anything they like...heh heh heh!
Look dummy! Show me one law; any law, that the mentally ill and violent people will obey. How many damn laws does it take to say "Thou shalt now kill"?

The retarded may not obey laws, but if there is a law not to sell them guns.....they can't buy any legally. They will have to exercise a lot more effort to get them, which at least makes it harder for them to get them and longer. And some may not be able to at all. Allowing them to buy them is downright inhumane, but you don't care do you?
It's already against the law to sell a gun to an insane person, dolt.

How's THAT working out.

Does that include private gun sales or gun show sales? I've given you a piece of the puzzle, it is up to you to fit it in the right place... come on you can do it!
Yes. It does. I quoted the law and linked to the US Code. Does it say ANYWHERE, except for at gun shows?

It is illegal already to sell a weapon to a felon or an insane person. The maximum penalty is 10 years. NO LOOP HOLE, capisce?
Wiat. Stop! Pull yourself together... If a stranger answers a newspaper add and buys a gun from the owner, there is NO background check...capice? SAME FOR A GUN SHOW... GUNS ARE SOLD TO STRANGERS WITH NO QUESTIONS ASKED.... re you always this stupid or are you having a senior moment?
Correct! No background check, but it is STILL a felony Why does it need to be a felony to sell a gun to a felon TWICE? Is a criminal then twice as likely to break or follow the law?
I doubt you have ever touched a gun, let alone sold one so I'll educate you. LEGAL gun owners take their responsibilities rather seriously. We tend to value our freedom and rights to the point where we make it our duty to know who we hand a gun to.
No one I have ever sold to was a criminal. Every one was known to me to be of good character.
Street thugs who sell guns out of the trunk of their cars are already criminals and prohibited from possessing weapons, much less selling them. They don't take anything seriously, especially their duty to their fellow man. They don't care who they sell to as long as the person ahas enough money so that they can get their next bag of heroin. Making private sales of guns by criminals to criminals is redundant and stupid, stupid.
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The retarded may not obey laws, but if there is a law not to sell them guns.....they can't buy any legally. They will have to exercise a lot more effort to get them, which at least makes it harder for them to get them and longer. And some may not be able to at all. Allowing them to buy them is downright inhumane, but you don't care do you?
It's already against the law to sell a gun to an insane person, dolt.

How's THAT working out.

Does that include private gun sales or gun show sales? I've given you a piece of the puzzle, it is up to you to fit it in the right place... come on you can do it!
Yes. It does. I quoted the law and linked to the US Code. Does it say ANYWHERE, except for at gun shows?

It is illegal already to sell a weapon to a felon or an insane person. The maximum penalty is 10 years. NO LOOP HOLE, capisce?
Wiat. Stop! Pull yourself together... If a stranger answers a newspaper add and buys a gun from the owner, there is NO background check...capice? SAME FOR A GUN SHOW... GUNS ARE SOLD TO STRANGERS WITH NO QUESTIONS ASKED.... re you always this stupid or are you having a senior moment?
Correct! No background check, but it is STILL a felony Why does it need to be a felony to sell a gun to a felon TWICE? Is a criminal then twice as likely to break or follow the law?
I doubt you have ever touched a gun, let alone sold one so I'll educate you. LEGAL gun owners take their responsibilities rather seriously. We tend to value our freedom and rights to the point where we make it our duty to know who we hand a gun to.
No one I have ever sold to was a criminal. Every one was known to me to be of good character.

Street thugs who sell guns out of the trunk of their cars are already criminals and prohibited from possessing weapons, much less selling them. They don't take anything seriously, especially their duty to their fellow man. They don't care who they sell to as long as the person ahas enough money so that they can get their next bag of heroin. Making private sales of guns by criminals to criminals is redundant and stupid, stupid
Good character can be a subjective thing. Whenever guns change hands with no paper trail or documentation there is always the chance for ulterior things to occur. Your modus operandi
is admirable but why should the society at large trust you or anyone else to do the right thing just because YOU decide who is or is not a person of good character? I know, it doesn't really matter since guns are all over the place and even thugs have plenty of them.

But thugs do not generally go to churches or schools to commit mass murder. Further, the loser nerds who perpetrate those kind of killings are too afraid to go in to thug territory to buy their guns. Those type of killers usually go the legal route. typically they have no criminal record and appear to be just ordinary joes protected by the 2nd Amendment. Even YOu might have sold a gun to any of them.
It's already against the law to sell a gun to an insane person, dolt.

How's THAT working out.

Does that include private gun sales or gun show sales? I've given you a piece of the puzzle, it is up to you to fit it in the right place... come on you can do it!
Yes. It does. I quoted the law and linked to the US Code. Does it say ANYWHERE, except for at gun shows?

It is illegal already to sell a weapon to a felon or an insane person. The maximum penalty is 10 years. NO LOOP HOLE, capisce?
Wiat. Stop! Pull yourself together... If a stranger answers a newspaper add and buys a gun from the owner, there is NO background check...capice? SAME FOR A GUN SHOW... GUNS ARE SOLD TO STRANGERS WITH NO QUESTIONS ASKED.... re you always this stupid or are you having a senior moment?
Correct! No background check, but it is STILL a felony Why does it need to be a felony to sell a gun to a felon TWICE? Is a criminal then twice as likely to break or follow the law?
I doubt you have ever touched a gun, let alone sold one so I'll educate you. LEGAL gun owners take their responsibilities rather seriously. We tend to value our freedom and rights to the point where we make it our duty to know who we hand a gun to.
No one I have ever sold to was a criminal. Every one was known to me to be of good character.

Street thugs who sell guns out of the trunk of their cars are already criminals and prohibited from possessing weapons, much less selling them. They don't take anything seriously, especially their duty to their fellow man. They don't care who they sell to as long as the person ahas enough money so that they can get their next bag of heroin. Making private sales of guns by criminals to criminals is redundant and stupid, stupid
Good character can be a subjective thing. Whenever guns change hands with no paper trail or documentation there is always the chance for ulterior things to occur. Your modus operandi
is admirable but why should the society at large trust you or anyone else to do the right thing just because YOU decide who is or is not a person of good character? I know, it doesn't really matter since guns are all over the place and even thugs have plenty of them.

But thugs do not generally go to churches or schools to commit mass murder. Further, the loser nerds who perpetrate those kind of killings are too afraid to go in to thug territory to buy their guns. Those type of killers usually go the legal route. typically they have no criminal record and appear to be just ordinary joes protected by the 2nd Amendment. Even YOu might have sold a gun to any of them.

The last several mass shootings the killer got his weapon from family members. The Oregon shooters mother was the culprit there. Before that, the Charleston killer got his gun from his father. Lanza killed his mother and took her guns for his killing spree.

How can you control something like that?
No, my point is if we are going to create a new law, why punish those who are law biding citizens? 2) Why create a law that would not solve the problem you are looking to solve?

You want to create new laws that might do some good? Great. Build more prisons and have a law that anybody caught with a firearm that's not supposed to have one is an automatic 10 years in prison plus whatever years they may add on if they committed a crime with that gun.
Talking about policies that don't work...increasing the prison population would be exhibit A.
How many of Chicago's distinguished citizens housed at Menard Correctional Center shot someone in a drive by last week?
You gotta admit. It's funny. Chicago has stringent gun laws. But Chicago is completely surrounded by Rednecks selling guns like popcorn.

So you got all these rednecks selling guns to thugs and then complaining that so many thugs illegally own guns so that proves the laws don't work? It's like them saying government doesn't work and the entire time making sure it doesn't work. What are Rednecks good for? What do the bring to the country?


I know, I know, I can't think of anything either.

The problem in liberal Chicago is not rednecks buying guns. The problem is that there is so much crime that judges are forced to slap people on the hands when they are caught illegally possessing a firearm. They simply go back out into the street, get another gun and they're ready for warfare.
Sounds like another anecdote with no real substance. Besides rednecks SELLING guns could be part of the problem.

Rednecks are not out in the streets of Chicago selling guns to brothers. Read up on Chicago sometime. There are plenty of stories out there about the overcrowded prisons that make it near impossible to lock up everybody with a gun.

If you're trying to solve a problem or come close to it, you have to look at what worked in the past. Stop and Frisk produced some amazing results in NYC. Now that it's gone, the tide is swinging the other way. So what's the problem? Liberals and liberalism.
The retarded may not obey laws, but if there is a law not to sell them guns.....they can't buy any legally. They will have to exercise a lot more effort to get them, which at least makes it harder for them to get them and longer. And some may not be able to at all. Allowing them to buy them is downright inhumane, but you don't care do you?
It's already against the law to sell a gun to an insane person, dolt.

How's THAT working out.

Does that include private gun sales or gun show sales? I've given you a piece of the puzzle, it is up to you to fit it in the right place... come on you can do it!
Yes. It does. I quoted the law and linked to the US Code. Does it say ANYWHERE, except for at gun shows?

It is illegal already to sell a weapon to a felon or an insane person. The maximum penalty is 10 years. NO LOOP HOLE, capisce?
Wiat. Stop! Pull yourself together... If a stranger answers a newspaper add and buys a gun from the owner, there is NO background check...capice? SAME FOR A GUN SHOW... GUNS ARE SOLD TO STRANGERS WITH NO QUESTIONS ASKED.... re you always this stupid or are you having a senior moment?
Correct! No background check, but it is STILL a felony Why does it need to be a felony to sell a gun to a felon TWICE? Is a criminal then twice as likely to break or follow the law?
I doubt you have ever touched a gun, let alone sold one so I'll educate you. LEGAL gun owners take their responsibilities rather seriously. We tend to value our freedom and rights to the point where we make it our duty to know who we hand a gun to.
No one I have ever sold to was a criminal. Every one was known to me to be of good character.
Street thugs who sell guns out of the trunk of their cars are already criminals and prohibited from possessing weapons, much less selling them. They don't take anything seriously, especially their duty to their fellow man. They don't care who they sell to as long as the person ahas enough money so that they can get their next bag of heroin. Making private sales of guns by criminals to criminals is redundant and stupid, stupid.
Sure, legal gun owners take their responsibilities seriously. LOL. Both Lanza's mother, and the mother of that kid in Roseburg legally owned guns, and both taught their mentally impaired son to shoot those guns. And many legal gun owners sell their guns to anyone that will pay for them without a second thought.

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