Oregon said Obama stay away..so guess who's coming to Roseburg?

And just who made YOU the arbiter of what is right or wrong in the political arena? If the majority of Americans decided Obama was their "man" who are you to dispute that? You are nobody...nothing but part of the minority of republican blue collar groupies who can't stand it that a mulatto democrat is in the White House. BTW, in this case "winning"does make me right.
Obama's not a supreme being. No, winning does not make you, or him, right, if you're just talking about votes.

The 67 percent majority in the town of Roseburg have resoundingly and repeatedly rejected Obama... and have SPECIFICALLY rejected his gun grabbing progressive policies. Which is why the area is so incredibly steamed over his inappropriate and unwarranted comment about using their kids to advertise for the disarming of Americans. THEY believe that their kids wouldn't be dead if it wasn't for anti-gun nonsense. Using your reasoning, they are in the majority in their voting demographic, so they must be right.

One could even argue that a DEMOCRAT school president put the illegal gun ban in place in order to PUT Republican kids at risk.

Are you introducing race into the discussion? If so that's evidence that you have run out of material.

Dispense with projections. No one is saying Obama is a supreme being. He is the US president, though, and as long as he holds that office he is due the respect that comes with it.
You and many others aren't going to respect the US president and many of you seem to love Putin the communist more than your own duly elected Christian leader.

ANTI-GUN? Obama has not said anything to make anyone believe he is ant-gun. He is for stricter control over who can buy guns legally. I do disagree with him on that point because guns are still going to be made and sold illegally to people who know how to circmvent the law. Obama is not trying to abrogate the 2nd amendment and take guns away...not even from nut jobs who already own them. They just won't be able to add to their already impressive arsenals if Obama get's his way. Responsible citizens will still be able to buy unlimited quantities but not those who don't pass the background checks. The latter mental cases will just be stuck with the ten or so weapons they already have.

First off is that respect is not given--respect is earned, and DumBama has not earned any respect simply because he became President.

Secondly you say that Obama is not anti-gun. In his address to the nation on this school shooting, he pointed to two of our allies (Australia and Great Britain) and doted on their success with firearms in their countries. Okay, so what was the key to their supposed success? They confiscated guns from all of their citizens.
I don't know who Dumbama is so I can't discuss anything concerning him.

I don't remember hearing Obama dote on the success of Great Britain or Australia in reference to firearms. Maybe I missed that part. However, neither did I not hear him make any statement that could even be construed to abrogate the 2nd Amendment. BTW, he couldn't do it anyway, he doesn't have the power. He merely suggested that voters use their power to select people/politicians who will reform gun control laws to keep legally obtained guns out of the hands of mentally ill or violent people. Trouble is, it is too late for that; but , that does not equate to taking guns away from anybody. Obama's plan merely seems to hinge on background checks for all future gun purchases; both private AND retail!
Look dummy! Show me one law; any law, that the mentally ill and violent people will obey. How many damn laws does it take to say "Thou shalt now kill"?

I think you owe me an apology. Read my post again and pay close attention to the part where I said this:
He merely suggested that voters use their power to select people/politicians who will reform gun control laws to keep legally obtained guns out of the hands of mentally ill or violent people. Trouble is, it is too late for that; but , that does not equate to taking guns away from anybody.

See that underlined part? That means something to literate people you rhesus macaque bahs-turd!
Dispense with projections. No one is saying Obama is a supreme being. He is the US president, though, and as long as he holds that office he is due the respect that comes with it.
You and many others aren't going to respect the US president and many of you seem to love Putin the communist more than your own duly elected Christian leader.

ANTI-GUN? Obama has not said anything to make anyone believe he is ant-gun. He is for stricter control over who can buy guns legally. I do disagree with him on that point because guns are still going to be made and sold illegally to people who know how to circmvent the law. Obama is not trying to abrogate the 2nd amendment and take guns away...not even from nut jobs who already own them. They just won't be able to add to their already impressive arsenals if Obama get's his way. Responsible citizens will still be able to buy unlimited quantities but not those who don't pass the background checks. The latter mental cases will just be stuck with the ten or so weapons they already have.

First off is that respect is not given--respect is earned, and DumBama has not earned any respect simply because he became President.

Secondly you say that Obama is not anti-gun. In his address to the nation on this school shooting, he pointed to two of our allies (Australia and Great Britain) and doted on their success with firearms in their countries. Okay, so what was the key to their supposed success? They confiscated guns from all of their citizens.
I don't know who Dumbama is so I can't discuss anything concerning him.

I don't remember hearing Obama dote on the success of Great Britain or Australia in reference to firearms. Maybe I missed that part. However, neither did I not hear him make any statement that could even be construed to abrogate the 2nd Amendment. BTW, he couldn't do it anyway, he doesn't have the power. He merely suggested that voters use their power to select people/politicians who will reform gun control laws to keep legally obtained guns out of the hands of mentally ill or violent people. Trouble is, it is too late for that; but , that does not equate to taking guns away from anybody. Obama's plan merely seems to hinge on background checks for all future gun purchases; both private AND retail!

Your statement was that Obama is not anti-gun. I pointed out to you that he is anti-gun using his very own words.

You are correct that he himself could never outlaw guns. It's not because he wouldn't in a heartbeat, it's because he can't thanks to the Supreme Court and our Constitution that stops tyrants just like him. However he and several Democrats have made suggestions that would make it much harder and expensive for people to own guns. Thank God these people are not in power right now. And for anybody that wants to maintain our freedom of firearms, make sure Democrats never have leadership again.
I stand by my statement. I heard Obama speak on the matter and he didn't say anything about confiscating people's guns. But obviously, with the latest rash of mass shootings a lot of people are looking for some kind of answer. Should the chief executive remain silent on the issue and face criticism for being insensitive? I think he would have fared better if he had. Obama, being a lame duck, has nothing to gain at this juncture by speaking out on this issue. By stepping up to address what he perceives as a national problem, Obama is showing genuine concern.

Lets face it, I like guns and have several of my own. I value the 2nd Amendment as much as anyone. But we must address this mass shooter syndrome now affecting virtually every corner of America and occurring with increasing frequency. No one has an answer that makes any sense... Not Obama and the democrats, not the GOP or the NRA. The Constitution keeps getting in the way as you said and Americans are not going to stand for an outright prohibition of firearms. Obama knows that and he knows the consequences of going against the grain.
That is why I suspect you took some of what the president said and twisted it into what you wanted to hear; then your mind parlayed that into something nefarious such as " Obama is going after muh gunz."

Obama is going after our guns, and the people of Roseburg lost 9 students to those insane policies.
If you have a gun I am calling the sheriff right now... insane people like you should never be anywhere NEAR a gun! :lol:
Mentally ill and rightwing are not mutually exclusive.

LOL! False Gilligan.

To be 'Right' one must intrinsically be of sound mind. Can't be right and not be 'right', intellectually speaking. Much as one cannot be Left and American.

Rights are so brainwashed by Faux and Rush that they believe they are right when they are dead wrong. Even the psuedo rw Christians.....they don't even practice true Christianity and have created a new type of Jesus......a greedy, gun carrying sort.
And just who made YOU the arbiter of what is right or wrong in the political arena? If the majority of Americans decided Obama was their "man" who are you to dispute that? You are nobody...nothing but part of the minority of republican blue collar groupies who can't stand it that a mulatto democrat is in the White House. BTW, in this case "winning"does make me right.
Obama's not a supreme being. No, winning does not make you, or him, right, if you're just talking about votes.

The 67 percent majority in the town of Roseburg have resoundingly and repeatedly rejected Obama... and have SPECIFICALLY rejected his gun grabbing progressive policies. Which is why the area is so incredibly steamed over his inappropriate and unwarranted comment about using their kids to advertise for the disarming of Americans. THEY believe that their kids wouldn't be dead if it wasn't for anti-gun nonsense. Using your reasoning, they are in the majority in their voting demographic, so they must be right.

One could even argue that a DEMOCRAT school president put the illegal gun ban in place in order to PUT Republican kids at risk.

Are you introducing race into the discussion? If so that's evidence that you have run out of material.

Dispense with projections. No one is saying Obama is a supreme being. He is the US president, though, and as long as he holds that office he is due the respect that comes with it.
You and many others aren't going to respect the US president and many of you seem to love Putin the communist more than your own duly elected Christian leader.

ANTI-GUN? Obama has not said anything to make anyone believe he is ant-gun. He is for stricter control over who can buy guns legally. I do disagree with him on that point because guns are still going to be made and sold illegally to people who know how to circmvent the law. Obama is not trying to abrogate the 2nd amendment and take guns away...not even from nut jobs who already own them. They just won't be able to add to their already impressive arsenals if Obama get's his way. Responsible citizens will still be able to buy unlimited quantities but not those who don't pass the background checks. The latter mental cases will just be stuck with the ten or so weapons they already have.

First off is that respect is not given--respect is earned, and DumBama has not earned any respect simply because he became President.

Secondly you say that Obama is not anti-gun. In his address to the nation on this school shooting, he pointed to two of our allies (Australia and Great Britain) and doted on their success with firearms in their countries. Okay, so what was the key to their supposed success? They confiscated guns from all of their citizens.
I don't know who Dumbama is so I can't discuss anything concerning him.

I don't remember hearing Obama dote on the success of Great Britain or Australia in reference to firearms. Maybe I missed that part. However, neither did I not hear him make any statement that could even be construed to abrogate the 2nd Amendment. BTW, he couldn't do it anyway, he doesn't have the power. He merely suggested that voters use their power to select people/politicians who will reform gun control laws to keep legally obtained guns out of the hands of mentally ill or violent people. Trouble is, it is too late for that; but , that does not equate to taking guns away from anybody. Obama's plan merely seems to hinge on background checks for all future gun purchases; both private AND retail!
Look dummy! Show me one law; any law, that the mentally ill and violent people will obey. How many damn laws does it take to say "Thou shalt now kill"?

The retarded may not obey laws, but if there is a law not to sell them guns.....they can't buy any legally. They will have to exercise a lot more effort to get them, which at least makes it harder for them to get them and longer. And some may not be able to at all. Allowing them to buy them is downright inhumane, but you don't care do you?
The retarded may not obey laws, but if there is a law not to sell them guns.....they can't buy any legally. They will have to exercise a lot more effort to get them, which at least makes it harder for them to get them and longer. And some may not be able to at all. Allowing them to buy them is downright inhumane, but you don't care do you?
Thugs have no problems getting guns whether they're legal or not.
The retarded may not obey laws, but if there is a law not to sell them guns.....they can't buy any legally. They will have to exercise a lot more effort to get them, which at least makes it harder for them to get them and longer. And some may not be able to at all. Allowing them to buy them is downright inhumane, but you don't care do you?
Thugs have no problems getting guns whether they're legal or not.

Why is so important to you that felons be able to purchase guns legally?
Sounds like they're brainwashed bigots/haters who don't understand democracy and civility.

No background check loopholes and mental health limits on guns could definitely cut down on these crazies, dupe.
Bigots and haters, you truly are retarded. You know what democracy is? It's not the United States of America, we have a republic. And within that republic we have a right to bear arms and will do so. We have background checks you moron. Go try to buy something at a gun show and you will be passing a background check.

The brainwashed idiot is you because you refuse to even look into what you spout off about like a loud mouthed retard.
Wiki- Gun show loophole. "Generally, gun control advocates want to extend background check requirements to private sellers.[tone] Gun rights advocates say there is no loophole, and believe any federal law requiring background checks for sales of secondary market firearms between private citizens, whether at gun shows or not, would exceed the government's authority, be a prelude to gun registration, and endanger Second Amendment rights.[6][7][8][needs copy edit] Seven gun show loophole bills were introduced in the U.S. House and four in the Senate between 2001 and 2013, but none passed."

Wrong again, dupe.
And if you ever went to a gun show you would know they are 99% dealers and you will get a background check in order to buy. No loop hole law will ever pass. It's a single transaction for one gun between private citizens. Has nothing to do with gun shows.
Sure. LOL. In New BS GOP Dupe World.
Actually the only loop hole that exists is the one in liberal heads like yours. You've never been to a gun show, you've never purchased a weapon and you've never even looked into it. It's more stupid shit from you left wing retards talking out your ass. If you want to win a gun argument it would be beneficial to actually know what the fuck you're talking about. Otherwise you make a bunch of noise like you are and get told to fuck off because you're an idiot. There will be no new gun laws passed this year because we don't need any. You idiots braying doesn't change that.

Wrong.....dummy. There are loopholes galore. That you don't believe it doesn't make a bit of difference, and just because you go to gun shows doesn't make you an expert in the way the law can be evaded. You're just all puffed up because in your tiny brain you think that gun control means that Obama is going to come to your trailer park and get you and your peers' guns.....goofy boy. And you tell people to fuck off because you're the idiot that doesn't know what gun control means and don't have the words to discuss anything civilly.

More Americans want stricter gun laws and I and many others will continue to push for them and if you don't like it, you can go stuff it.

UC Davis report exposes loopholes in gun-control laws ─ UC Davis Health System Feature Story
Wiki- Gun show loophole. "Generally, gun control advocates want to extend background check requirements to private sellers.[tone] Gun rights advocates say there is no loophole, and believe any federal law requiring background checks for sales of secondary market firearms between private citizens, whether at gun shows or not, would exceed the government's authority, be a prelude to gun registration, and endanger Second Amendment rights.[6][7][8][needs copy edit] Seven gun show loophole bills were introduced in the U.S. House and four in the Senate between 2001 and 2013, but none passed."

Wrong again, dupe.
And if you ever went to a gun show you would know they are 99% dealers and you will get a background check in order to buy. No loop hole law will ever pass. It's a single transaction for one gun between private citizens. Has nothing to do with gun shows.
Sure. LOL. In New BS GOP Dupe World.
Actually the only loop hole that exists is the one in liberal heads like yours. You've never been to a gun show, you've never purchased a weapon and you've never even looked into it. It's more stupid shit from you left wing retards talking out your ass. If you want to win a gun argument it would be beneficial to actually know what the fuck you're talking about. Otherwise you make a bunch of noise like you are and get told to fuck off because you're an idiot. There will be no new gun laws passed this year because we don't need any. You idiots braying doesn't change that.
All states are different thanks to this federal loophole on private sellers. So how many states have you been to, dupe?
All states are different thanks to federal law? Are you stupid? Federal law is federal law and in case you didn't notice it was federal.

Go to armslist.com and see if every seller there background checks you through the proper channels before he sells you a gun.
The retarded may not obey laws, but if there is a law not to sell them guns.....they can't buy any legally. They will have to exercise a lot more effort to get them, which at least makes it harder for them to get them and longer. And some may not be able to at all. Allowing them to buy them is downright inhumane, but you don't care do you?
Thugs have no problems getting guns whether they're legal or not.

Yeah....right now they do, DUH!
The retarded may not obey laws, but if there is a law not to sell them guns.....they can't buy any legally. They will have to exercise a lot more effort to get them, which at least makes it harder for them to get them and longer. And some may not be able to at all. Allowing them to buy them is downright inhumane, but you don't care do you?
Thugs have no problems getting guns whether they're legal or not.

Why is so important to you that felons be able to purchase guns legally?
Felons cannot purchase guns legally. but they get them anyway. Chicago wouldn't be a such shit hole if the couldn't. Obviously gun laws make little difference. Stupid question.
What a pig.

Roseburg doesn't want him there, asked him to stay away, has been quite public about it.

So of course he's got to come and harass us on our own turf.

This isn't going to end well.

Obama Not Welcome In Roseburg, Says Local Newspaper Publisher

"President Obama will travel to Roseburg, Ore. on Friday to meet with the families of victims of the mass shooting at a community college there last week, White House officials said."

Obama to visit Roseburg Friday

You don't get to dictate what Obama does, and neither does that Republican rag of a newspaper. If the family members of the victims don't want to meet with him, they won't.
Sort of amazing that you have to explain this to them, hmmmm?
The retarded may not obey laws, but if there is a law not to sell them guns.....they can't buy any legally. They will have to exercise a lot more effort to get them, which at least makes it harder for them to get them and longer. And some may not be able to at all. Allowing them to buy them is downright inhumane, but you don't care do you?
Thugs have no problems getting guns whether they're legal or not.

Why is so important to you that felons be able to purchase guns legally?
Felons cannot purchase guns legally. but they get them anyway. Chicago wouldn't be a such shit hole if the couldn't. Obviously gun laws make little difference. Stupid question.

I see you didn't answer the question.

Answer this one. Why is it so important that you retain the right to sell a gun to someone without a background check?
The retarded may not obey laws, but if there is a law not to sell them guns.....they can't buy any legally. They will have to exercise a lot more effort to get them, which at least makes it harder for them to get them and longer. And some may not be able to at all. Allowing them to buy them is downright inhumane, but you don't care do you?
Thugs have no problems getting guns whether they're legal or not.

Why is so important to you that felons be able to purchase guns legally?
Felons cannot purchase guns legally. but they get them anyway. Chicago wouldn't be a such shit hole if the couldn't. Obviously gun laws make little difference. Stupid question.

Whose rights are violated if background checks are made to cover all sales of guns?
What a pig.

Roseburg doesn't want him there, asked him to stay away, has been quite public about it.

So of course he's got to come and harass us on our own turf.

This isn't going to end well.

Obama Not Welcome In Roseburg, Says Local Newspaper Publisher

"President Obama will travel to Roseburg, Ore. on Friday to meet with the families of victims of the mass shooting at a community college there last week, White House officials said."

Obama to visit Roseburg Friday

How many threads would we get if he didn't go?
Of course he has to go, it's our 57th state.
I see you didn't answer the question.

Answer this one. Why is it so important that you retain the right to sell a gun to someone without a background check?

You keep asking me these vacuous questions which assume I support felons getting guns and selling without background checks. Let me ask you this, have you quit beating your wife yet?
The retarded may not obey laws, but if there is a law not to sell them guns.....they can't buy any legally. They will have to exercise a lot more effort to get them, which at least makes it harder for them to get them and longer. And some may not be able to at all. Allowing them to buy them is downright inhumane, but you don't care do you?
Thugs have no problems getting guns whether they're legal or not.
Yep. you are proof of that?
If the propaganda line here is that this is Roseburg's business,

why are you people so happy to see all the out of towners and out of staters come in to protest the President?
HAHAHAHA! That is SO true...That is why I suggested in another post that the president just make a surprise unannounced visit. Now, all the RW anti-Obama haters for miles around have converged on Roseburg.... good point!@

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