Oregon said Obama stay away..so guess who's coming to Roseburg?

Sounds like they're brainwashed bigots/haters who don't understand democracy and civility.

No background check loopholes and mental health limits on guns could definitely cut down on these crazies, dupe.
Bigots and haters, you truly are retarded. You know what democracy is? It's not the United States of America, we have a republic. And within that republic we have a right to bear arms and will do so. We have background checks you moron. Go try to buy something at a gun show and you will be passing a background check.

The brainwashed idiot is you because you refuse to even look into what you spout off about like a loud mouthed retard.
Wiki- Gun show loophole. "Generally, gun control advocates want to extend background check requirements to private sellers.[tone] Gun rights advocates say there is no loophole, and believe any federal law requiring background checks for sales of secondary market firearms between private citizens, whether at gun shows or not, would exceed the government's authority, be a prelude to gun registration, and endanger Second Amendment rights.[6][7][8][needs copy edit] Seven gun show loophole bills were introduced in the U.S. House and four in the Senate between 2001 and 2013, but none passed."

Wrong again, dupe.
And if you ever went to a gun show you would know they are 99% dealers and you will get a background check in order to buy. No loop hole law will ever pass. It's a single transaction for one gun between private citizens. Has nothing to do with gun shows.
Sure. LOL. In New BS GOP Dupe World.
Actually the only loop hole that exists is the one in liberal heads like yours. You've never been to a gun show, you've never purchased a weapon and you've never even looked into it. It's more stupid shit from you left wing retards talking out your ass. If you want to win a gun argument it would be beneficial to actually know what the fuck you're talking about. Otherwise you make a bunch of noise like you are and get told to fuck off because you're an idiot. There will be no new gun laws passed this year because we don't need any. You idiots braying doesn't change that.
All states are different thanks to this federal loophole on private sellers. So how many states have you been to, dupe?
Bigots and haters, you truly are retarded. You know what democracy is? It's not the United States of America, we have a republic. And within that republic we have a right to bear arms and will do so. We have background checks you moron. Go try to buy something at a gun show and you will be passing a background check.

The brainwashed idiot is you because you refuse to even look into what you spout off about like a loud mouthed retard.
Wiki- Gun show loophole. "Generally, gun control advocates want to extend background check requirements to private sellers.[tone] Gun rights advocates say there is no loophole, and believe any federal law requiring background checks for sales of secondary market firearms between private citizens, whether at gun shows or not, would exceed the government's authority, be a prelude to gun registration, and endanger Second Amendment rights.[6][7][8][needs copy edit] Seven gun show loophole bills were introduced in the U.S. House and four in the Senate between 2001 and 2013, but none passed."

Wrong again, dupe.
And if you ever went to a gun show you would know they are 99% dealers and you will get a background check in order to buy. No loop hole law will ever pass. It's a single transaction for one gun between private citizens. Has nothing to do with gun shows.
Sure. LOL. In New BS GOP Dupe World.
Actually the only loop hole that exists is the one in liberal heads like yours. You've never been to a gun show, you've never purchased a weapon and you've never even looked into it. It's more stupid shit from you left wing retards talking out your ass. If you want to win a gun argument it would be beneficial to actually know what the fuck you're talking about. Otherwise you make a bunch of noise like you are and get told to fuck off because you're an idiot. There will be no new gun laws passed this year because we don't need any. You idiots braying doesn't change that.
All states are different thanks to this federal loophole on private sellers. So how many states have you been to, dupe?
All states are different thanks to federal law? Are you stupid? Federal law is federal law and in case you didn't notice it was federal.
DumBama probably would have politicized it, but I think he will show some restraint given the circumstance. However........ that doesn't mean he won't politicize it once he gets back to Washington.

If you mean bringing up the gun control issue back out.......that's fine, it needs to be brought out. Over and over again, until conservatives understand that because he supports stricter gun controls it doesn't mean he's coming to every gun owner's home to take away their guns. Silly.....wonder where they get that idea.

Your opinion doesn't matter, did you forget already?

You're making a lot of sense.......:rolleyes: as usual........:lol:

I guess you didn't read my response where I explained my previous comment.......or you just didn't understand it, which is probably the case.

I understood it, however you previously stated that the publishers opinion didn't matter, nor did the thread, thus your opinion in this thread that doesn't matter.

That's your opinion and you're entitled to it.......but you're still missing the point.....no surprise!

I'm not missing your point, I don't care about your opinion. It doesn't matter.
It's obvious you don't understand the state politics in Oregon.

And you do? I guess when the state votes Democrat for several years in a row, the opinion of one rwnj doesn't amount to much.

Yep, there are two very separate political ideologies based on geographic locations. The Willamette Valley has the majority of the states population and is very liberal. The east side of the Cascades in both Oregon and Washington have a huge difference in politics. Just a fact of life.

La Grande man calling for secession to Idaho

It seems to me that the victim's loved ones are the ones that have the say-so here.......not some right-wing publisher....and, if they don't want to meet with the President, I'm sure he's not going to force himself on them. So, the publisher's opinion doesn't matter, neither does this thread.

If no one's opinion matters then why do you thrust in your worthless opinion?
I think you misunderstood my statement. I didn't say that no one's opinion matters....read my comment again. I said the publisher's opinion doesn't matter, and based on the OP, in this particular case.

Obama is going to politicize this and that is his choice. The families can do what they want that is their choice.
Obama is the President, whether you and other conservatives like it or not. That's what a President does, visit with the victims. I don't think conservatives considered it "politicizing" when Bush met with Katrina victims......in spite of the fact that he had literally abandoned them when they needed him the most.

The city made up of mainly conservatives will respect him and his visit because that town has always been classy.
We'll have to wait until Friday to find out.
Obama SAID he was politicizing it. He told a community that has always fought gun control, who just lost nine people on a GUN FREE campus, that he was going to use their dead loved ones to justify gun grabbing. Those ppl believe the advertisement of the campus as gun free is the REASON it was targeted. This is how tyranny rolls out.
Yep, there are two very separate political ideologies based on geographic locations. The Willamette Valley has the majority of the states population and is very liberal. The east side of the Cascades in both Oregon and Washington have a huge difference in politics. Just a fact of life.

La Grande man calling for secession to Idaho

It seems to me that the victim's loved ones are the ones that have the say-so here.......not some right-wing publisher....and, if they don't want to meet with the President, I'm sure he's not going to force himself on them. So, the publisher's opinion doesn't matter, neither does this thread.

If no one's opinion matters then why do you thrust in your worthless opinion?
I think you misunderstood my statement. I didn't say that no one's opinion matters....read my comment again. I said the publisher's opinion doesn't matter, and based on the OP, in this particular case.

Obama is going to politicize this and that is his choice. The families can do what they want that is their choice.
Obama is the President, whether you and other conservatives like it or not. That's what a President does, visit with the victims. I don't think conservatives considered it "politicizing" when Bush met with Katrina victims......in spite of the fact that he had literally abandoned them when they needed him the most.

The city made up of mainly conservatives will respect him and his visit because that town has always been classy.
We'll have to wait until Friday to find out.

Which is another left-wing lie that no lib ever looked into.

But if you want to challenge me, I have video and news reports that the Governor refused help by Bush and never asked for it in the first place. The President can't invade a state simply because he thinks it's the right thing to do. He needs the request of the Governor in order to provide help.

Sure you do........it must be from Faux News and Briebart or some other conservative rag. I also have news reports also that claim even a Republican investigation put most of the blame on Bush.....did they lie?

Even "You did a great job Brownie" didn't mince words about Bush's actions.

5. An investigation by Congressional Republicans, while placing most of the blame on the Bush administration,

3. FEMA Director Michael Brown, who resigned over his handling of the response, later told a group of students that the White House only wanted to federalize the response in Louisiana, where the governor was a Democrat, and not in Republican-led Mississippi in order to embarrass Louisiana officials. Brown said the White House believed they had a chance to “rub [Kathleen Blanco’s] nose in it.” The Bush administration denied political considerations played a role in the response.

Read more: 10 facts about the Katrina response

Read more: 10 facts about the Katrina response
10 facts about the Katrina response

You're talking after the fact and not before or during. Before the fact is that the Governor didn't request federal help. When offered by Bush, she didn't respond.
And you do? I guess when the state votes Democrat for several years in a row, the opinion of one rwnj doesn't amount to much.

Yep, there are two very separate political ideologies based on geographic locations. The Willamette Valley has the majority of the states population and is very liberal. The east side of the Cascades in both Oregon and Washington have a huge difference in politics. Just a fact of life.

La Grande man calling for secession to Idaho

It seems to me that the victim's loved ones are the ones that have the say-so here.......not some right-wing publisher....and, if they don't want to meet with the President, I'm sure he's not going to force himself on them. So, the publisher's opinion doesn't matter, neither does this thread.

If no one's opinion matters then why do you thrust in your worthless opinion?
I think you misunderstood my statement. I didn't say that no one's opinion matters....read my comment again. I said the publisher's opinion doesn't matter, and based on the OP, in this particular case.

Obama is going to politicize this and that is his choice. The families can do what they want that is their choice.
Obama is the President, whether you and other conservatives like it or not. That's what a President does, visit with the victims. I don't think conservatives considered it "politicizing" when Bush met with Katrina victims......in spite of the fact that he had literally abandoned them when they needed him the most.

The city made up of mainly conservatives will respect him and his visit because that town has always been classy.
We'll have to wait until Friday to find out.
Obama SAID he was politicizing it. He told a community that has always fought gun control, who just lost nine people on a GUN FREE campus, that he was going to use their dead loved ones to justify gun grabbing. Those ppl believe the advertisement of the campus as gun free is the REASON it was targeted. This is how tyranny rolls out.
88% are for closing the private seller loophole/gun show loophole, duh.
It seems to me that the victim's loved ones are the ones that have the say-so here.......not some right-wing publisher....and, if they don't want to meet with the President, I'm sure he's not going to force himself on them. So, the publisher's opinion doesn't matter, neither does this thread.

If no one's opinion matters then why do you thrust in your worthless opinion?
I think you misunderstood my statement. I didn't say that no one's opinion matters....read my comment again. I said the publisher's opinion doesn't matter, and based on the OP, in this particular case.

Obama is going to politicize this and that is his choice. The families can do what they want that is their choice.
Obama is the President, whether you and other conservatives like it or not. That's what a President does, visit with the victims. I don't think conservatives considered it "politicizing" when Bush met with Katrina victims......in spite of the fact that he had literally abandoned them when they needed him the most.

The city made up of mainly conservatives will respect him and his visit because that town has always been classy.
We'll have to wait until Friday to find out.

Which is another left-wing lie that no lib ever looked into.

But if you want to challenge me, I have video and news reports that the Governor refused help by Bush and never asked for it in the first place. The President can't invade a state simply because he thinks it's the right thing to do. He needs the request of the Governor in order to provide help.

Sure you do........it must be from Faux News and Briebart or some other conservative rag. I also have news reports also that claim even a Republican investigation put most of the blame on Bush.....did they lie?

Even "You did a great job Brownie" didn't mince words about Bush's actions.

5. An investigation by Congressional Republicans, while placing most of the blame on the Bush administration,

3. FEMA Director Michael Brown, who resigned over his handling of the response, later told a group of students that the White House only wanted to federalize the response in Louisiana, where the governor was a Democrat, and not in Republican-led Mississippi in order to embarrass Louisiana officials. Brown said the White House believed they had a chance to “rub [Kathleen Blanco’s] nose in it.” The Bush administration denied political considerations played a role in the response.

Read more: 10 facts about the Katrina response

Read more: 10 facts about the Katrina response
10 facts about the Katrina response

You're talking after the fact and not before or during. Before the fact is that the Governor didn't request federal help. When offered by Bush, she didn't respond.
OP- You haters have no cooth- That's close to treason- Heard of civility and class? And no hater bs about Obama. You are so over the line it has to be racism, bigotry, insanity or whatever you want to call it..
And you do? I guess when the state votes Democrat for several years in a row, the opinion of one rwnj doesn't amount to much.

Yep, there are two very separate political ideologies based on geographic locations. The Willamette Valley has the majority of the states population and is very liberal. The east side of the Cascades in both Oregon and Washington have a huge difference in politics. Just a fact of life.

La Grande man calling for secession to Idaho

It seems to me that the victim's loved ones are the ones that have the say-so here.......not some right-wing publisher....and, if they don't want to meet with the President, I'm sure he's not going to force himself on them. So, the publisher's opinion doesn't matter, neither does this thread.

If no one's opinion matters then why do you thrust in your worthless opinion?
I think you misunderstood my statement. I didn't say that no one's opinion matters....read my comment again. I said the publisher's opinion doesn't matter, and based on the OP, in this particular case.

Obama is going to politicize this and that is his choice. The families can do what they want that is their choice.
Obama is the President, whether you and other conservatives like it or not. That's what a President does, visit with the victims. I don't think conservatives considered it "politicizing" when Bush met with Katrina victims......in spite of the fact that he had literally abandoned them when they needed him the most.

The city made up of mainly conservatives will respect him and his visit because that town has always been classy.
We'll have to wait until Friday to find out.
Obama SAID he was politicizing it. He told a community that has always fought gun control, who just lost nine people on a GUN FREE campus, that he was going to use their dead loved ones to justify gun grabbing. Those ppl believe the advertisement of the campus as gun free is the REASON it was targeted. This is how tyranny rolls out.
We're only trying to get a law 88% are for, hater dupe. Liar and a disgrace. "Gun grabbing" my ass.
If no one's opinion matters then why do you thrust in your worthless opinion?
I think you misunderstood my statement. I didn't say that no one's opinion matters....read my comment again. I said the publisher's opinion doesn't matter, and based on the OP, in this particular case.

Obama is going to politicize this and that is his choice. The families can do what they want that is their choice.
Obama is the President, whether you and other conservatives like it or not. That's what a President does, visit with the victims. I don't think conservatives considered it "politicizing" when Bush met with Katrina victims......in spite of the fact that he had literally abandoned them when they needed him the most.

The city made up of mainly conservatives will respect him and his visit because that town has always been classy.
We'll have to wait until Friday to find out.

Which is another left-wing lie that no lib ever looked into.

But if you want to challenge me, I have video and news reports that the Governor refused help by Bush and never asked for it in the first place. The President can't invade a state simply because he thinks it's the right thing to do. He needs the request of the Governor in order to provide help.

Sure you do........it must be from Faux News and Briebart or some other conservative rag. I also have news reports also that claim even a Republican investigation put most of the blame on Bush.....did they lie?

Even "You did a great job Brownie" didn't mince words about Bush's actions.

5. An investigation by Congressional Republicans, while placing most of the blame on the Bush administration,

3. FEMA Director Michael Brown, who resigned over his handling of the response, later told a group of students that the White House only wanted to federalize the response in Louisiana, where the governor was a Democrat, and not in Republican-led Mississippi in order to embarrass Louisiana officials. Brown said the White House believed they had a chance to “rub [Kathleen Blanco’s] nose in it.” The Bush administration denied political considerations played a role in the response.

Read more: 10 facts about the Katrina response

Read more: 10 facts about the Katrina response
10 facts about the Katrina response

You're talking after the fact and not before or during. Before the fact is that the Governor didn't request federal help. When offered by Bush, she didn't respond.
OP- You haters have no cooth- That's close to treason- Heard of civility and class? And no hater bs about Obama. You are so over the line it has to be racism, bigotry, insanity or whatever you want to call it..

Yeah, you are a left wing nutter nobody, you have no voice, we get little boy, now run home crying to your mommy.
Yep, there are two very separate political ideologies based on geographic locations. The Willamette Valley has the majority of the states population and is very liberal. The east side of the Cascades in both Oregon and Washington have a huge difference in politics. Just a fact of life.

La Grande man calling for secession to Idaho

It seems to me that the victim's loved ones are the ones that have the say-so here.......not some right-wing publisher....and, if they don't want to meet with the President, I'm sure he's not going to force himself on them. So, the publisher's opinion doesn't matter, neither does this thread.

If no one's opinion matters then why do you thrust in your worthless opinion?
I think you misunderstood my statement. I didn't say that no one's opinion matters....read my comment again. I said the publisher's opinion doesn't matter, and based on the OP, in this particular case.

Obama is going to politicize this and that is his choice. The families can do what they want that is their choice.
Obama is the President, whether you and other conservatives like it or not. That's what a President does, visit with the victims. I don't think conservatives considered it "politicizing" when Bush met with Katrina victims......in spite of the fact that he had literally abandoned them when they needed him the most.

The city made up of mainly conservatives will respect him and his visit because that town has always been classy.
We'll have to wait until Friday to find out.
Obama SAID he was politicizing it. He told a community that has always fought gun control, who just lost nine people on a GUN FREE campus, that he was going to use their dead loved ones to justify gun grabbing. Those ppl believe the advertisement of the campus as gun free is the REASON it was targeted. This is how tyranny rolls out.
We're only trying to get a law 88% are for, hater dupe. Liar and a disgrace. "Gun grabbing" my ass.

What specific law is that hater dupe? Has it been introduced in the House or the Senate. Then show us hater dupe, the polls find that exact running at 88%. Should be easy, otherwise you are a lying nutter.
It seems to me that the victim's loved ones are the ones that have the say-so here.......not some right-wing publisher....and, if they don't want to meet with the President, I'm sure he's not going to force himself on them. So, the publisher's opinion doesn't matter, neither does this thread.

If no one's opinion matters then why do you thrust in your worthless opinion?
I think you misunderstood my statement. I didn't say that no one's opinion matters....read my comment again. I said the publisher's opinion doesn't matter, and based on the OP, in this particular case.

Obama is going to politicize this and that is his choice. The families can do what they want that is their choice.
Obama is the President, whether you and other conservatives like it or not. That's what a President does, visit with the victims. I don't think conservatives considered it "politicizing" when Bush met with Katrina victims......in spite of the fact that he had literally abandoned them when they needed him the most.

The city made up of mainly conservatives will respect him and his visit because that town has always been classy.
We'll have to wait until Friday to find out.
Obama SAID he was politicizing it. He told a community that has always fought gun control, who just lost nine people on a GUN FREE campus, that he was going to use their dead loved ones to justify gun grabbing. Those ppl believe the advertisement of the campus as gun free is the REASON it was targeted. This is how tyranny rolls out.
We're only trying to get a law 88% are for, hater dupe. Liar and a disgrace. "Gun grabbing" my ass.

What specific law is that hater dupe? Has it been introduced in the House or the Senate. Then show us hater dupe, the polls find that exact running at 88%. Should be easy, otherwise you are a lying nutter.
  1. Firearm Show Laws by State and "The Gun Show ...Gun shows are a big part of ... those gun transfers are not regulated by law, ... GunShow Loophole. In 33 states, private gun owners are not restricted from ...

  2. Gun Show Background Checks State Laws - Governing
    Known as the "gun show loophole," most states do not require background checks ... Under the Gun Control Act of 1968, federal law clearly defined private sellers as ...
It seems to me that the victim's loved ones are the ones that have the say-so here.......not some right-wing publisher....and, if they don't want to meet with the President, I'm sure he's not going to force himself on them. So, the publisher's opinion doesn't matter, neither does this thread.

If no one's opinion matters then why do you thrust in your worthless opinion?
I think you misunderstood my statement. I didn't say that no one's opinion matters....read my comment again. I said the publisher's opinion doesn't matter, and based on the OP, in this particular case.

Obama is going to politicize this and that is his choice. The families can do what they want that is their choice.
Obama is the President, whether you and other conservatives like it or not. That's what a President does, visit with the victims. I don't think conservatives considered it "politicizing" when Bush met with Katrina victims......in spite of the fact that he had literally abandoned them when they needed him the most.

The city made up of mainly conservatives will respect him and his visit because that town has always been classy.
We'll have to wait until Friday to find out.
Obama SAID he was politicizing it. He told a community that has always fought gun control, who just lost nine people on a GUN FREE campus, that he was going to use their dead loved ones to justify gun grabbing. Those ppl believe the advertisement of the campus as gun free is the REASON it was targeted. This is how tyranny rolls out.
We're only trying to get a law 88% are for, hater dupe. Liar and a disgrace. "Gun grabbing" my ass.

What specific law is that hater dupe? Has it been introduced in the House or the Senate. Then show us hater dupe, the polls find that exact running at 88%. Should be easy, otherwise you are a lying nutter.
Polls show what Americans think about gun control laws

88%, dumbass. Wrong again and always. But don't worry about reality, dupe.
I think you misunderstood my statement. I didn't say that no one's opinion matters....read my comment again. I said the publisher's opinion doesn't matter, and based on the OP, in this particular case.

Obama is the President, whether you and other conservatives like it or not. That's what a President does, visit with the victims. I don't think conservatives considered it "politicizing" when Bush met with Katrina victims......in spite of the fact that he had literally abandoned them when they needed him the most.

We'll have to wait until Friday to find out.

Which is another left-wing lie that no lib ever looked into.

But if you want to challenge me, I have video and news reports that the Governor refused help by Bush and never asked for it in the first place. The President can't invade a state simply because he thinks it's the right thing to do. He needs the request of the Governor in order to provide help.

Sure you do........it must be from Faux News and Briebart or some other conservative rag. I also have news reports also that claim even a Republican investigation put most of the blame on Bush.....did they lie?

Even "You did a great job Brownie" didn't mince words about Bush's actions.

5. An investigation by Congressional Republicans, while placing most of the blame on the Bush administration,

3. FEMA Director Michael Brown, who resigned over his handling of the response, later told a group of students that the White House only wanted to federalize the response in Louisiana, where the governor was a Democrat, and not in Republican-led Mississippi in order to embarrass Louisiana officials. Brown said the White House believed they had a chance to “rub [Kathleen Blanco’s] nose in it.” The Bush administration denied political considerations played a role in the response.

Read more: 10 facts about the Katrina response

Read more: 10 facts about the Katrina response
10 facts about the Katrina response

You're talking after the fact and not before or during. Before the fact is that the Governor didn't request federal help. When offered by Bush, she didn't respond.
OP- You haters have no cooth- That's close to treason- Heard of civility and class? And no hater bs about Obama. You are so over the line it has to be racism, bigotry, insanity or whatever you want to call it..

Yeah, you are a left wing nutter nobody, you have no voice, we get little boy, now run home crying to your mommy.
You never get tired of looking like a total dupe...
Polls show what Americans think about gun control laws

88%, dumbass. Wrong again and always. But don't worry about reality, dupe.
All we have to di is lock up crazies and criminals, and keep them locked up. That includes criminal who are here illegal. Give them a choice...you go to jail or go home and take your chances. That is the only way to resolve this issue.

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