Oregon said Obama stay away..so guess who's coming to Roseburg?

What a pig.

Roseburg doesn't want him there, asked him to stay away, has been quite public about it.

So of course he's got to come and harass us on our own turf.

This isn't going to end well.

Obama Not Welcome In Roseburg, Says Local Newspaper Publisher

"President Obama will travel to Roseburg, Ore. on Friday to meet with the families of victims of the mass shooting at a community college there last week, White House officials said."

Obama to visit Roseburg Friday

How many threads would we get if he didn't go?
Of course he has to go, it's our 57th state.
But he still has a Law degree and obviously earned it... Did you ever edit the Harvard Law review? SOme say he was president of the Law review, I don't know for sure but some people are saying that> Heh heh heh~!
The retarded may not obey laws, but if there is a law not to sell them guns.....they can't buy any legally. They will have to exercise a lot more effort to get them, which at least makes it harder for them to get them and longer. And some may not be able to at all. Allowing them to buy them is downright inhumane, but you don't care do you?
Thugs have no problems getting guns whether they're legal or not.
Yep. you are proof of that?
What a pig.

Roseburg doesn't want him there, asked him to stay away, has been quite public about it.

So of course he's got to come and harass us on our own turf.

This isn't going to end well.

Obama Not Welcome In Roseburg, Says Local Newspaper Publisher

"President Obama will travel to Roseburg, Ore. on Friday to meet with the families of victims of the mass shooting at a community college there last week, White House officials said."

Obama to visit Roseburg Friday

How many threads would we get if he didn't go?
Of course he has to go, it's our 57th state.
But he still has a Law degree and obviously earned it... Did you ever edit the Harvard Law review? SOme say he was president of the Law review, I don't know for sure but some people are saying that> Heh heh heh~!
Yeah, and don't forget he won the Nobel Peace prize. He earned that too. What a piece of fluff!

FFS! Affirmative action gone awry.
I think you misunderstood my statement. I didn't say that no one's opinion matters....read my comment again. I said the publisher's opinion doesn't matter, and based on the OP, in this particular case.

Obama is the President, whether you and other conservatives like it or not. That's what a President does, visit with the victims. I don't think conservatives considered it "politicizing" when Bush met with Katrina victims......in spite of the fact that he had literally abandoned them when they needed him the most.

We'll have to wait until Friday to find out.
Obama SAID he was politicizing it. He told a community that has always fought gun control, who just lost nine people on a GUN FREE campus, that he was going to use their dead loved ones to justify gun grabbing. Those ppl believe the advertisement of the campus as gun free is the REASON it was targeted. This is how tyranny rolls out.
We're only trying to get a law 88% are for, hater dupe. Liar and a disgrace. "Gun grabbing" my ass.

What specific law is that hater dupe? Has it been introduced in the House or the Senate. Then show us hater dupe, the polls find that exact running at 88%. Should be easy, otherwise you are a lying nutter.
  1. Firearm Show Laws by State and "The Gun Show ...Gun shows are a big part of ... those gun transfers are not regulated by law, ... GunShow Loophole. In 33 states, private gun owners are not restricted from ...

  2. Gun Show Background Checks State Laws - Governing
    Known as the "gun show loophole," most states do not require background checks ... Under the Gun Control Act of 1968, federal law clearly defined private sellers as ...

Great. Two laws that would accomplish absolutely nothing in regards to mass murders or even individual ones. Guns purchased from gun shows represent less than 1% of the firearms used in crimes.

"Folks, liberals measure success by intent, while we measure success by results."
Rush Limbaugh
Link to that BS?
Sure you do........it must be from Faux News and Briebart or some other conservative rag. I also have news reports also that claim even a Republican investigation put most of the blame on Bush.....did they lie?

Even "You did a great job Brownie" didn't mince words about Bush's actions.

5. An investigation by Congressional Republicans, while placing most of the blame on the Bush administration,

3. FEMA Director Michael Brown, who resigned over his handling of the response, later told a group of students that the White House only wanted to federalize the response in Louisiana, where the governor was a Democrat, and not in Republican-led Mississippi in order to embarrass Louisiana officials. Brown said the White House believed they had a chance to “rub [Kathleen Blanco’s] nose in it.” The Bush administration denied political considerations played a role in the response.

Read more: 10 facts about the Katrina response

Read more: 10 facts about the Katrina response
10 facts about the Katrina response

You're talking after the fact and not before or during. Before the fact is that the Governor didn't request federal help. When offered by Bush, she didn't respond.
OP- You haters have no cooth- That's close to treason- Heard of civility and class? And no hater bs about Obama. You are so over the line it has to be racism, bigotry, insanity or whatever you want to call it..

Yeah, you are a left wing nutter nobody, you have no voice, we get little boy, now run home crying to your mommy.
You never get tired of looking like a total dupe...
Polls show what Americans think about gun control laws

88%, dumbass. Wrong again and always. But don't worry about reality, dupe.

Racist people like yourself like to talk in general terms I asked for specific laws and specific polls on those laws and you come up with the general BS. So you got nothing.
Can you read?
The retarded may not obey laws, but if there is a law not to sell them guns.....they can't buy any legally. They will have to exercise a lot more effort to get them, which at least makes it harder for them to get them and longer. And some may not be able to at all. Allowing them to buy them is downright inhumane, but you don't care do you?
Thugs have no problems getting guns whether they're legal or not.
Yep. you are proof of that?
What a pig.

Roseburg doesn't want him there, asked him to stay away, has been quite public about it.

So of course he's got to come and harass us on our own turf.

This isn't going to end well.

Obama Not Welcome In Roseburg, Says Local Newspaper Publisher

"President Obama will travel to Roseburg, Ore. on Friday to meet with the families of victims of the mass shooting at a community college there last week, White House officials said."

Obama to visit Roseburg Friday

How many threads would we get if he didn't go?
Of course he has to go, it's our 57th state.
But he still has a Law degree and obviously earned it... Did you ever edit the Harvard Law review? SOme say he was president of the Law review, I don't know for sure but some people are saying that> Heh heh heh~!
Yeah, and don't forget he won the Nobel Peace prize. He earned that too. What a piece of fluff!

FFS! Affirmative action gone awry.
Tee Hee, you sound jealous... Just figure the dumb Greeks are going to have to sell all their ancient artifacts to keep their 2nd world status for a few more years isn't something to get angry about and take it out on the US president. He certainly has handled this country better than your Greek president has handled Grease.. oppss my bad..I meant Greece!..heh heh heh!
With all that greece around here it just slipped right out... heh heh heh!
Tee Hee, you sound jealous... Just the dumb Greeks are going to have to sell all their ancient artifacts to keep their 2nd world status for a few more years isn't something to get angry about and take it out on the US president. He certainly has handled this country better than you Greek president has handled Grease.. oppss my bad..I meant Greece!..heh heh heh!
Greece definitely fucked up. I agree, but stop with the "Grease...oppss" stuff. It's even stupid by jungle bunny standards.
Tee Hee, you sound jealous... Just the dumb Greeks are going to have to sell all their ancient artifacts to keep their 2nd world status for a few more years isn't something to get angry about and take it out on the US president. He certainly has handled this country better than you Greek president has handled Grease.. oppss my bad..I meant Greece!..heh heh heh!
Greece definitely fucked up. I agree, but stop with the "Grease...oppss" stuff. It's even stupid by jungle bunny standards.

Aww, shucks, are you sensitive about your people being dumb and not being able to get more of that european Affirmative Action they are used to? You Athenian Greasers are so pathetic. Go home and suffer with the rest of the Grecian derelicts.... heh heh heh! Blacks take YOUR ribbing now it is YOUR turn, Greaser.
Tee Hee, you sound jealous... Just the dumb Greeks are going to have to sell all their ancient artifacts to keep their 2nd world status for a few more years isn't something to get angry about and take it out on the US president. He certainly has handled this country better than you Greek president has handled Grease.. oppss my bad..I meant Greece!..heh heh heh!
Greece definitely fucked up. I agree, but stop with the "Grease...oppss" stuff. It's even stupid by jungle bunny standards.

Aww, shucks, are you sensitive about your people being dumb and not being able to get more of that european Affirmative Action they are used to? You Athenian Greasers are so pathetic. Go home and suffer with the rest of the Grecian derelicts.... heh heh heh! Blacks take YOUR ribbing now it is YOUR turn, Greaser.
FFS, stop with the jungle bunny trash talk. Greece fucked up and the US under Obama is not far behind.
Obama's not a supreme being. No, winning does not make you, or him, right, if you're just talking about votes.

The 67 percent majority in the town of Roseburg have resoundingly and repeatedly rejected Obama... and have SPECIFICALLY rejected his gun grabbing progressive policies. Which is why the area is so incredibly steamed over his inappropriate and unwarranted comment about using their kids to advertise for the disarming of Americans. THEY believe that their kids wouldn't be dead if it wasn't for anti-gun nonsense. Using your reasoning, they are in the majority in their voting demographic, so they must be right.

One could even argue that a DEMOCRAT school president put the illegal gun ban in place in order to PUT Republican kids at risk.

Are you introducing race into the discussion? If so that's evidence that you have run out of material.

Dispense with projections. No one is saying Obama is a supreme being. He is the US president, though, and as long as he holds that office he is due the respect that comes with it.
You and many others aren't going to respect the US president and many of you seem to love Putin the communist more than your own duly elected Christian leader.

ANTI-GUN? Obama has not said anything to make anyone believe he is ant-gun. He is for stricter control over who can buy guns legally. I do disagree with him on that point because guns are still going to be made and sold illegally to people who know how to circmvent the law. Obama is not trying to abrogate the 2nd amendment and take guns away...not even from nut jobs who already own them. They just won't be able to add to their already impressive arsenals if Obama get's his way. Responsible citizens will still be able to buy unlimited quantities but not those who don't pass the background checks. The latter mental cases will just be stuck with the ten or so weapons they already have.

First off is that respect is not given--respect is earned, and DumBama has not earned any respect simply because he became President.

Secondly you say that Obama is not anti-gun. In his address to the nation on this school shooting, he pointed to two of our allies (Australia and Great Britain) and doted on their success with firearms in their countries. Okay, so what was the key to their supposed success? They confiscated guns from all of their citizens.
I don't know who Dumbama is so I can't discuss anything concerning him.

I don't remember hearing Obama dote on the success of Great Britain or Australia in reference to firearms. Maybe I missed that part. However, neither did I not hear him make any statement that could even be construed to abrogate the 2nd Amendment. BTW, he couldn't do it anyway, he doesn't have the power. He merely suggested that voters use their power to select people/politicians who will reform gun control laws to keep legally obtained guns out of the hands of mentally ill or violent people. Trouble is, it is too late for that; but , that does not equate to taking guns away from anybody. Obama's plan merely seems to hinge on background checks for all future gun purchases; both private AND retail!
Look dummy! Show me one law; any law, that the mentally ill and violent people will obey. How many damn laws does it take to say "Thou shalt now kill"?

I think you owe me an apology. Read my post again and pay close attention to the part where I said this:
He merely suggested that voters use their power to select people/politicians who will reform gun control laws to keep legally obtained guns out of the hands of mentally ill or violent people. Trouble is, it is too late for that; but , that does not equate to taking guns away from anybody.

See that underlined part? That means something to literate people you rhesus macaque bahs-turd!
Why the hell would I owe you an apology?

I said, "Show me one law; any law, that the mentally ill and violent people will obey. "
and you post something completely unrelated, demanding an apology. You're daft.
Obama's not a supreme being. No, winning does not make you, or him, right, if you're just talking about votes.

The 67 percent majority in the town of Roseburg have resoundingly and repeatedly rejected Obama... and have SPECIFICALLY rejected his gun grabbing progressive policies. Which is why the area is so incredibly steamed over his inappropriate and unwarranted comment about using their kids to advertise for the disarming of Americans. THEY believe that their kids wouldn't be dead if it wasn't for anti-gun nonsense. Using your reasoning, they are in the majority in their voting demographic, so they must be right.

One could even argue that a DEMOCRAT school president put the illegal gun ban in place in order to PUT Republican kids at risk.

Are you introducing race into the discussion? If so that's evidence that you have run out of material.

Dispense with projections. No one is saying Obama is a supreme being. He is the US president, though, and as long as he holds that office he is due the respect that comes with it.
You and many others aren't going to respect the US president and many of you seem to love Putin the communist more than your own duly elected Christian leader.

ANTI-GUN? Obama has not said anything to make anyone believe he is ant-gun. He is for stricter control over who can buy guns legally. I do disagree with him on that point because guns are still going to be made and sold illegally to people who know how to circmvent the law. Obama is not trying to abrogate the 2nd amendment and take guns away...not even from nut jobs who already own them. They just won't be able to add to their already impressive arsenals if Obama get's his way. Responsible citizens will still be able to buy unlimited quantities but not those who don't pass the background checks. The latter mental cases will just be stuck with the ten or so weapons they already have.

First off is that respect is not given--respect is earned, and DumBama has not earned any respect simply because he became President.

Secondly you say that Obama is not anti-gun. In his address to the nation on this school shooting, he pointed to two of our allies (Australia and Great Britain) and doted on their success with firearms in their countries. Okay, so what was the key to their supposed success? They confiscated guns from all of their citizens.
I don't know who Dumbama is so I can't discuss anything concerning him.

I don't remember hearing Obama dote on the success of Great Britain or Australia in reference to firearms. Maybe I missed that part. However, neither did I not hear him make any statement that could even be construed to abrogate the 2nd Amendment. BTW, he couldn't do it anyway, he doesn't have the power. He merely suggested that voters use their power to select people/politicians who will reform gun control laws to keep legally obtained guns out of the hands of mentally ill or violent people. Trouble is, it is too late for that; but , that does not equate to taking guns away from anybody. Obama's plan merely seems to hinge on background checks for all future gun purchases; both private AND retail!
Look dummy! Show me one law; any law, that the mentally ill and violent people will obey. How many damn laws does it take to say "Thou shalt now kill"?

The retarded may not obey laws, but if there is a law not to sell them guns.....they can't buy any legally. They will have to exercise a lot more effort to get them, which at least makes it harder for them to get them and longer. And some may not be able to at all. Allowing them to buy them is downright inhumane, but you don't care do you?
It's already against the law to sell a gun to an insane person, dolt.

How's THAT working out.
You're talking after the fact and not before or during. Before the fact is that the Governor didn't request federal help. When offered by Bush, she didn't respond.
OP- You haters have no cooth- That's close to treason- Heard of civility and class? And no hater bs about Obama. You are so over the line it has to be racism, bigotry, insanity or whatever you want to call it..

Yeah, you are a left wing nutter nobody, you have no voice, we get little boy, now run home crying to your mommy.
You never get tired of looking like a total dupe...
Polls show what Americans think about gun control laws

88%, dumbass. Wrong again and always. But don't worry about reality, dupe.

Racist people like yourself like to talk in general terms I asked for specific laws and specific polls on those laws and you come up with the general BS. So you got nothing.
Can you read?
Yes however you can't.
And if you ever went to a gun show you would know they are 99% dealers and you will get a background check in order to buy. No loop hole law will ever pass. It's a single transaction for one gun between private citizens. Has nothing to do with gun shows.
Sure. LOL. In New BS GOP Dupe World.
Actually the only loop hole that exists is the one in liberal heads like yours. You've never been to a gun show, you've never purchased a weapon and you've never even looked into it. It's more stupid shit from you left wing retards talking out your ass. If you want to win a gun argument it would be beneficial to actually know what the fuck you're talking about. Otherwise you make a bunch of noise like you are and get told to fuck off because you're an idiot. There will be no new gun laws passed this year because we don't need any. You idiots braying doesn't change that.
All states are different thanks to this federal loophole on private sellers. So how many states have you been to, dupe?
All states are different thanks to federal law? Are you stupid? Federal law is federal law and in case you didn't notice it was federal.

Go to armslist.com and see if every seller there background checks you through the proper channels before he sells you a gun.
None of them do, idiot. They ship the weapon to a gun dealer with a Federal Firearms License and HE does the background check. MY GOD man!
Must be a great golf course out there and some brain dead millionaires who are still willing to shower money at the clay feet of their socialist demigod. Golf, attention and money are the only things that motivates this malignant narcissist.

You're right. Look at what Republicans have done in the House and the Senate. Total Leadership Failure. Especially look at the house. How can they run the country when they can't run the house?
Obama SAID he was politicizing it. He told a community that has always fought gun control, who just lost nine people on a GUN FREE campus, that he was going to use their dead loved ones to justify gun grabbing. Those ppl believe the advertisement of the campus as gun free is the REASON it was targeted. This is how tyranny rolls out.
We're only trying to get a law 88% are for, hater dupe. Liar and a disgrace. "Gun grabbing" my ass.

What specific law is that hater dupe? Has it been introduced in the House or the Senate. Then show us hater dupe, the polls find that exact running at 88%. Should be easy, otherwise you are a lying nutter.
  1. Firearm Show Laws by State and "The Gun Show ...Gun shows are a big part of ... those gun transfers are not regulated by law, ... GunShow Loophole. In 33 states, private gun owners are not restricted from ...

  2. Gun Show Background Checks State Laws - Governing
    Known as the "gun show loophole," most states do not require background checks ... Under the Gun Control Act of 1968, federal law clearly defined private sellers as ...

Great. Two laws that would accomplish absolutely nothing in regards to mass murders or even individual ones. Guns purchased from gun shows represent less than 1% of the firearms used in crimes.

"Folks, liberals measure success by intent, while we measure success by results."
Rush Limbaugh
Link to that BS?
What a pig.

Roseburg doesn't want him there, asked him to stay away, has been quite public about it.

So of course he's got to come and harass us on our own turf.

This isn't going to end well.

Obama Not Welcome In Roseburg, Says Local Newspaper Publisher

"President Obama will travel to Roseburg, Ore. on Friday to meet with the families of victims of the mass shooting at a community college there last week, White House officials said."

Obama to visit Roseburg Friday

You don't get to dictate what Obama does, and neither does that Republican rag of a newspaper. If the family members of the victims don't want to meet with him, they won't.
Sort of amazing that you have to explain this to them, hmmmm?

Why, yes it is Kevin. :)
Sure. LOL. In New BS GOP Dupe World.
Actually the only loop hole that exists is the one in liberal heads like yours. You've never been to a gun show, you've never purchased a weapon and you've never even looked into it. It's more stupid shit from you left wing retards talking out your ass. If you want to win a gun argument it would be beneficial to actually know what the fuck you're talking about. Otherwise you make a bunch of noise like you are and get told to fuck off because you're an idiot. There will be no new gun laws passed this year because we don't need any. You idiots braying doesn't change that.
All states are different thanks to this federal loophole on private sellers. So how many states have you been to, dupe?
All states are different thanks to federal law? Are you stupid? Federal law is federal law and in case you didn't notice it was federal.

Go to armslist.com and see if every seller there background checks you through the proper channels before he sells you a gun.
None of them do, idiot. They ship the weapon to a gun dealer with a Federal Firearms License and HE does the background check. MY GOD man!

Not true.
His political agenda is to try to reduce the number mass shootings.
Isn't that an outrage?!

Yes it is because disarming America has nothing to do with mass shootings or anything else. It has to do with more government control and involvement. We all know there are no regulations that can stop somebody from getting a gun that wants one. There are simply too many of them and they are too easy to get. We see this in states that have the toughest gun laws in the country.

Whether you go overseas or look here in America during the Brady Bill years, statistics show there are no improvements in trying to get rid of guns. Now in Great Britain, there is a movement to make knives and swords illegal. The criminals that can't easily find guns are choosing a different tool of death.
So, your arguments are;
1; No law will stop all criminals from being criminals so there's no point in having a law.
2; It's really hard so there's no point in trying.

No, my point is if we are going to create a new law, why punish those who are law biding citizens? 2) Why create a law that would not solve the problem you are looking to solve?

You want to create new laws that might do some good? Great. Build more prisons and have a law that anybody caught with a firearm that's not supposed to have one is an automatic 10 years in prison plus whatever years they may add on if they committed a crime with that gun.
Talking about policies that don't work...increasing the prison population would be exhibit A.
How many of Chicago's distinguished citizens housed at Menard Correctional Center shot someone in a drive by last week?
I've no idea...even Google can't tell me.
Dispense with projections. No one is saying Obama is a supreme being. He is the US president, though, and as long as he holds that office he is due the respect that comes with it.
You and many others aren't going to respect the US president and many of you seem to love Putin the communist more than your own duly elected Christian leader.

ANTI-GUN? Obama has not said anything to make anyone believe he is ant-gun. He is for stricter control over who can buy guns legally. I do disagree with him on that point because guns are still going to be made and sold illegally to people who know how to circmvent the law. Obama is not trying to abrogate the 2nd amendment and take guns away...not even from nut jobs who already own them. They just won't be able to add to their already impressive arsenals if Obama get's his way. Responsible citizens will still be able to buy unlimited quantities but not those who don't pass the background checks. The latter mental cases will just be stuck with the ten or so weapons they already have.

First off is that respect is not given--respect is earned, and DumBama has not earned any respect simply because he became President.

Secondly you say that Obama is not anti-gun. In his address to the nation on this school shooting, he pointed to two of our allies (Australia and Great Britain) and doted on their success with firearms in their countries. Okay, so what was the key to their supposed success? They confiscated guns from all of their citizens.
I don't know who Dumbama is so I can't discuss anything concerning him.

I don't remember hearing Obama dote on the success of Great Britain or Australia in reference to firearms. Maybe I missed that part. However, neither did I not hear him make any statement that could even be construed to abrogate the 2nd Amendment. BTW, he couldn't do it anyway, he doesn't have the power. He merely suggested that voters use their power to select people/politicians who will reform gun control laws to keep legally obtained guns out of the hands of mentally ill or violent people. Trouble is, it is too late for that; but , that does not equate to taking guns away from anybody. Obama's plan merely seems to hinge on background checks for all future gun purchases; both private AND retail!
Look dummy! Show me one law; any law, that the mentally ill and violent people will obey. How many damn laws does it take to say "Thou shalt now kill"?

I think you owe me an apology. Read my post again and pay close attention to the part where I said this:
He merely suggested that voters use their power to select people/politicians who will reform gun control laws to keep legally obtained guns out of the hands of mentally ill or violent people. Trouble is, it is too late for that; but , that does not equate to taking guns away from anybody.

See that underlined part? That means something to literate people you rhesus macaque bahs-turd!
Why the hell would I owe you an apology?

I said, "Show me one law; any law, that the mentally ill and violent people will obey. "
and you post something completely unrelated, demanding an apology. You're daft.
The original point I was making was that Obama is NOT anti-gun. and I tried to condense his rationale in one sentence. You just didn't get it. That isn't MY personal view, it is Obama's. I tried to show that my views run counter to Obama's with that underlined sentence. To clarify my POV here is a local link to a post in another forum where I expounded on this very topic:

How to deter mass shootings: | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

charlton heston | Page 5 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

I hope the above posts give you a clearer picture of my stance.
It sounds like Roseburg is a conservative district in Oregon, that believes in the 2nd amendment. So he's probably not welcome there.

Instead of promoting school and campus security--and taking taking down those dam "Gun Free Zone" signs that advertise to nut-cases--Obama again goes after GUNS. He's not going to win this argument. No matter how many guns he thinks he can confiscate--there's always going to be a way to get another, and it's NOT going to stop mass slaughter of innocents.

These nut-cases are COWARDS and they always seek the least path of resistance which are "gun free zones." The last thing these cowards want are people shooting back at them.
These nut-cases are COWARDS and they always seek the least path of resistance which are "gun free zones." The last thing these cowards want are people shooting back at them.
Why do they almost always shoot themselves then?
Because they are cowards, idjut.
So, why would they choose a gun-free zone if they're going to shoot themselves?
Dispense with projections. No one is saying Obama is a supreme being. He is the US president, though, and as long as he holds that office he is due the respect that comes with it.
You and many others aren't going to respect the US president and many of you seem to love Putin the communist more than your own duly elected Christian leader.

ANTI-GUN? Obama has not said anything to make anyone believe he is ant-gun. He is for stricter control over who can buy guns legally. I do disagree with him on that point because guns are still going to be made and sold illegally to people who know how to circmvent the law. Obama is not trying to abrogate the 2nd amendment and take guns away...not even from nut jobs who already own them. They just won't be able to add to their already impressive arsenals if Obama get's his way. Responsible citizens will still be able to buy unlimited quantities but not those who don't pass the background checks. The latter mental cases will just be stuck with the ten or so weapons they already have.

First off is that respect is not given--respect is earned, and DumBama has not earned any respect simply because he became President.

Secondly you say that Obama is not anti-gun. In his address to the nation on this school shooting, he pointed to two of our allies (Australia and Great Britain) and doted on their success with firearms in their countries. Okay, so what was the key to their supposed success? They confiscated guns from all of their citizens.
I don't know who Dumbama is so I can't discuss anything concerning him.

I don't remember hearing Obama dote on the success of Great Britain or Australia in reference to firearms. Maybe I missed that part. However, neither did I not hear him make any statement that could even be construed to abrogate the 2nd Amendment. BTW, he couldn't do it anyway, he doesn't have the power. He merely suggested that voters use their power to select people/politicians who will reform gun control laws to keep legally obtained guns out of the hands of mentally ill or violent people. Trouble is, it is too late for that; but , that does not equate to taking guns away from anybody. Obama's plan merely seems to hinge on background checks for all future gun purchases; both private AND retail!
Look dummy! Show me one law; any law, that the mentally ill and violent people will obey. How many damn laws does it take to say "Thou shalt now kill"?

The retarded may not obey laws, but if there is a law not to sell them guns.....they can't buy any legally. They will have to exercise a lot more effort to get them, which at least makes it harder for them to get them and longer. And some may not be able to at all. Allowing them to buy them is downright inhumane, but you don't care do you?
It's already against the law to sell a gun to an insane person, dolt.

How's THAT working out.

Does that include private gun sales or gun show sales? I've given you a piece of the puzzle, it is up to you to fit it in the right place... come on you can do it!

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