Oregonians support for political divorce increasing


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2013
The Real World

The idea of political separation is increasing and ballot measures in Oregon have passed to break away from the bed wetter infested regions around Portland and join with a state that that represents them and their values.


It is clear that there is not going to be a compromise with bed wetters accepting the fact that people are going to keep their guns, we're going to be disgusted by deviant groomer freaks, oppose collectivism, oppose destroying entire industries and prosperity because of a climate hoax or eat bugs to reduce cow farts. We want fiscal responsibility, a stable currency and minimal interference in our lives by a Nanny Karen State. They will NEVER give up attempting to impose their will and regressive agenda upon the rest of us. The only answer is a peaceful and legal divorce of political ties.

Just as there is a movement in CA to separate the bed wetters from interfering in the lives of people, there are also
Calexit moonbats that would like to separate the state from the union. Some people in California want to fracture the state then, create a Jefferson State, and remain a part of the US. Of course you have leftists who have no loyalty or sense of patriotism and believe they can survive without productive people outside the metro areas.

Again in TX we have a growing sentiment that TX should secede which I personally oppose. I would much rather commit to the idea of relocating lunatic bed wetters from regions dominated by rational productive people. Texit sounds like a good enough idea, but we have so much in common with a majority of the country a separation isn't necessary. Texans and other folks advocating different sorts of political separation need to work together where possible and come to the conclusion that the federal government is a failed state.

failed state, a state that is unable to perform the two fundamental functions of the sovereign nation-state in the modern world system: it cannot project authority over its territory and peoples, and it cannot protect its national boundaries. The governing capacity of a failed state is attenuated such that it is unable to fulfill the administrative and organizational tasks required to control people and resources and can provide only minimal public services. Its citizens no longer believe that their government is legitimate, and the state becomes illegitimate in the eyes of the international community.

The only thing keeping the US government in power is the majority of states that are still prosperous IN SPITE OF the federal government.

A failed state is composed of feeble and flawed institutions. Often, the executive barely functions, while the legislature, judiciary, bureaucracy, and armed forces have lost their capacity and professional independence. A failed state suffers from crumbling infrastructures, faltering utility supplies and educational and health facilities, and deteriorating basic human-development indicators, such as infant mortality and literacy rates. Failed states create an environment of flourishing corruption and negative growth rates, where honest economic activity cannot flourish.
Our executive office barely functioned beginning in 2009, and in 2016 it was being attacked internally. It is now occupied by a senile puppet and a freakshow. Every program is a failure, over budgeted and there is no accountability. The military loses more money than it can account for and can no longer recruit civilians during peacetime. The levels of corruption make banana republics look good. As an entity the federal government stifles growth and prosperity and is the greatest road block for every endeavor to improve or repair the infrastructure, institutions and utilities in spite of the fact it shovels vast sums of money in these efforts.

In order to preserve the Union and keep the USA as a functional sovereign Nation the people dragging it down, deliberately mind you, need to be forcibly removed and cut off from political influence. It is not a "conspiracy theory" to assert that these people are indeed deliberately working to destroy the US either. They have told us they intend to do so. Between Cloward/Piven and the WEF as well as the ridiculously foolish people we have in the government who talk about nuclear war against our own civilians to force gun confiscation, there can be no doubt about it.

We are the Patriots. We love the country as it was founded and as we knew it growing up. Our leftist enemies are openly hostile towards the continued existence of the nation, and in some cases our very lives.

I live in Oregon. The only downside of becoming a part of Idaho would be the sales tax.
I strongly advocate for a national divorce. There is no compromise with the folks that feel entitled to tell the rest of us how to live & what we are allowed to do now.
If you aren't hurting anyone else, it's nobody's business what you do.
And sorry lefties, but butchering babies & grooming kids does not get a pass.

I'd prefer we isolate & quarantine the heavily prog infested areas forever to "stop the spread".
Let them make their own rules & keep to themselves, the rest of us will be much better off.
Most big cities would look like The Purge before long but that's what they want apparently
I live in Oregon. The only downside of becoming a part of Idaho would be the sales tax.
My best friend lives outside Portland & he now mostly works remotely anyway.
He's thinking about moving to Idaho to get away from the progtards in charge.
He tells me how corrupt the system is there with the left strangling any chance for change.

Even in the less-woke suburbs there, they have a hard time with a successful conservative black man who has no problem telling the truth about Obama.
My best friend lives outside Portland & he now mostly works remotely anyway.
He's thinking about moving to Idaho to get away from the progtards in charge.
He tells me how corrupt the system is there with the left strangling any chance for change.

Even in the less-woke suburbs there, they have a hard time with a successful conservative black man who has no problem telling the truth about Obama.
I live much further south than that. Most people here are libertarian/conservatives who like their guns and privacy.
My best friend lives outside Portland & he now mostly works remotely anyway.
He's thinking about moving to Idaho to get away from the progtards in charge.
He tells me how corrupt the system is there with the left strangling any chance for change.

Even in the less-woke suburbs there, they have a hard time with a successful conservative black man who has no problem telling the truth about Obama.
I hope you all figure out who is moving to Idaho and where from.
Nampa especially. It's the #1 go to live destination. Most are from California.
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Heard it all before. Nothing ever comes of it. Comfy people won't endanger their possessions and perceived status over morals and principles. If they did we wouldn't be at this point in the first place. Just bend over for the lawyers and deviants like good lil bourgeoisie and take more Prozac. You'll soon be ratting each other out to the scary Red Chinese men in funny suits.
Looks like enough to create your state.....

LOL all the 'Oath Keepers' and 'Promise Keepers' and other 'eepers' all pleaded guilty and made sucking noises in the kangaroo courts, didn't they? They're learning how to do laundry in Federal pen now. Nobody is going to secede, no matter how much blowhard noise they make.
LOL all the 'Oath Keepers' and 'Promise Keepers' and other 'eepers' all pleaded guilty and made sucking noises in the kangaroo courts, didn't they? They're learning how to do laundry in Federal pen now. Nobody is going to secede, no matter how much blowhard noise they make.
Two diff topics
Simply become ungovernable.....Why follow laws made by leftist criminals?

A simple, "no fella, I don't think I'll be doing that today", then go about your business.
How ungovernable have the Cucks at the Capitol been? 😄

The idea of political separation is increasing and ballot measures in Oregon have passed to break away from the bed wetter infested regions around Portland and join with a state that that represents them and their values.

View attachment 737325

It is clear that there is not going to be a compromise with bed wetters accepting the fact that people are going to keep their guns, we're going to be disgusted by deviant groomer freaks, oppose collectivism, oppose destroying entire industries and prosperity because of a climate hoax or eat bugs to reduce cow farts. We want fiscal responsibility, a stable currency and minimal interference in our lives by a Nanny Karen State. They will NEVER give up attempting to impose their will and regressive agenda upon the rest of us. The only answer is a peaceful and legal divorce of political ties.

Just as there is a movement in CA to separate the bed wetters from interfering in the lives of people, there are also
Calexit moonbats that would like to separate the state from the union. Some people in California want to fracture the state then, create a Jefferson State, and remain a part of the US. Of course you have leftists who have no loyalty or sense of patriotism and believe they can survive without productive people outside the metro areas.

Again in TX we have a growing sentiment that TX should secede which I personally oppose. I would much rather commit to the idea of relocating lunatic bed wetters from regions dominated by rational productive people. Texit sounds like a good enough idea, but we have so much in common with a majority of the country a separation isn't necessary. Texans and other folks advocating different sorts of political separation need to work together where possible and come to the conclusion that the federal government is a failed state.

The only thing keeping the US government in power is the majority of states that are still prosperous IN SPITE OF the federal government.

Our executive office barely functioned beginning in 2009, and in 2016 it was being attacked internally. It is now occupied by a senile puppet and a freakshow. Every program is a failure, over budgeted and there is no accountability. The military loses more money than it can account for and can no longer recruit civilians during peacetime. The levels of corruption make banana republics look good. As an entity the federal government stifles growth and prosperity and is the greatest road block for every endeavor to improve or repair the infrastructure, institutions and utilities in spite of the fact it shovels vast sums of money in these efforts.

In order to preserve the Union and keep the USA as a functional sovereign Nation the people dragging it down, deliberately mind you, need to be forcibly removed and cut off from political influence. It is not a "conspiracy theory" to assert that these people are indeed deliberately working to destroy the US either. They have told us they intend to do so. Between Cloward/Piven and the WEF as well as the ridiculously foolish people we have in the government who talk about nuclear war against our own civilians to force gun confiscation, there can be no doubt about it.

We are the Patriots. We love the country as it was founded and as we knew it growing up. Our leftist enemies are openly hostile towards the continued existence of the nation, and in some cases our very lives.


Your posts always are so pretty. I believe any shift would require the approval of Idaho, Oregon, and Congress. I could be wrong though.

Oregon might actually support it. What does Idaho think? Has anyone asked the potatoes? Won't someone think of the potatoes?!!
I strongly advocate for a national divorce. There is no compromise with the folks that feel entitled to tell the rest of us how to live & what we are allowed to do now.
If you aren't hurting anyone else, it's nobody's business what you do.
And sorry lefties, but butchering babies & grooming kids does not get a pass.

I'd prefer we isolate & quarantine the heavily prog infested areas forever to "stop the spread".
Let them make their own rules & keep to themselves, the rest of us will be much better off.
Most big cities would look like The Purge before long but that's what they want apparently
As stated, I am fine with that but you only get Mississippi.

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