Oregon's Freak-Out Over Pumping Your Own Gas


So it goes
May 14, 2010
Arizona's Maricopa County
Seeing the headline I thought I had traveled back to the early 70's living in Ohio. Not the freaking out part but reading that they're just getting with the program. I had just started driving back in Ohio when the first Arab oil embargo prompted self-serve gas pumps to somewhat contain gas prices. About the same time Ohio passed the radicle rule allowing right turn on red light which I first witness on a family trip to California in '69.

Anyways, I found the article as one of those that folks may say they don't know whether to laugh or cry.

“Many people are not capable of knowing how to pump gas and the hazards of not doing it correctly. Besides I don't want to go to work smelling of gas when I get it on my hands or clothes. I agree Very bad idea.”

“I don't even know HOW to pump gas and I am 62, native Oregonian.....I say NO THANKS! I don't want to smell like gasoline!”

“I've lived in this state all my life and I REFUSE to pump my own gas. I had to do it once in California while visiting my brother and almost died doing it. This a service only qualified people should perform. I will literally park at the pump and wait until someone pumps my gas. I can't even”

Oregon's Freak-Out Over Pumping Your Own Gas Shows Why Many Dumb Regulations Still Exist
I experienced this first hand on a trip out West a few years ago. Oregon people are doing a great job of preserving their natural beauty but after that they are just whacked. I haven’t been to many you can’t pump your own gas stations since I was a kid but Oregon wants to pump gas for me and take more time ok, it’s their state. What really got me though was when I tried to tip the guys pumping the gas, they wouldn’t take my money and said they couldn’t take tips. I said man, who is going to know, just take it. One did but the rest didn’t. Good pot, but these people are hugging the tree so hard they can’t see the forest.
Had no idea that those states didn't have self serve and really can't imagine someone pumping my gas.

However, I have seen many pump gas into a running car or talking on phone. You Tube is loaded with pump fires lit from vapors because of morons that cause a spark.
Had no idea that those states didn't have self serve and really can't imagine someone pumping my gas.

However, I have seen many pump gas into a running car or talking on phone. You Tube is loaded with pump fires lit from vapors because of morons that cause a spark.

I waved off a girl smoking around the gas pumps one day. She said --- not even making this up ----

"It's OK --- I work here". :uhh:

Get that? Get a job at the Shell station and you're immune to the laws of thermodynamics. It's part of the benefit package.
Seeing the headline I thought I had traveled back to the early 70's living in Ohio. Not the freaking out part but reading that they're just getting with the program. I had just started driving back in Ohio when the first Arab oil embargo prompted self-serve gas pumps to somewhat contain gas prices. About the same time Ohio passed the radicle rule allowing right turn on red light which I first witness on a family trip to California in '69.

Anyways, I found the article as one of those that folks may say they don't know whether to laugh or cry.

“Many people are not capable of knowing how to pump gas and the hazards of not doing it correctly. Besides I don't want to go to work smelling of gas when I get it on my hands or clothes. I agree Very bad idea.”

“I don't even know HOW to pump gas and I am 62, native Oregonian.....I say NO THANKS! I don't want to smell like gasoline!”

“I've lived in this state all my life and I REFUSE to pump my own gas. I had to do it once in California while visiting my brother and almost died doing it. This a service only qualified people should perform. I will literally park at the pump and wait until someone pumps my gas. I can't even”

Oregon's Freak-Out Over Pumping Your Own Gas Shows Why Many Dumb Regulations Still Exist

New Jersey does the same thing.

And drivers in PA gas up in Jersey because it's cheaper there.
Oregon is a very liberal state. Everyone knows that liberals hate it when they have to do for themselves.

"where are the conservatives, when my kids need shoes?"

"birth control doesn't pay for it's self!"

"why can't I buy pot with my EBT card?"
Oh yea! I was in Oregon a few years ago and when I pulled into a gas station I proceeded to get out of the car to pump my gas. The attendant looked at me like I was crazy. I had no idea all the stations were full service.
What pussies Oregonians are. "Wahhh, I have to pump my own gas. The sky is falling! I'm losing my hard-on!" I'm proud to say I've never once wasted my money on full service. See, I'm a big boy and don't need to be babysat regarding the refueling of my car.
You idiots ever watch a meth head put gas in a car ?
It's better to have someone "certified" to do it I believe.
Seeing the headline I thought I had traveled back to the early 70's living in Ohio. Not the freaking out part but reading that they're just getting with the program. I had just started driving back in Ohio when the first Arab oil embargo prompted self-serve gas pumps to somewhat contain gas prices. About the same time Ohio passed the radicle rule allowing right turn on red light which I first witness on a family trip to California in '69.

Anyways, I found the article as one of those that folks may say they don't know whether to laugh or cry.

“Many people are not capable of knowing how to pump gas and the hazards of not doing it correctly. Besides I don't want to go to work smelling of gas when I get it on my hands or clothes. I agree Very bad idea.”

“I don't even know HOW to pump gas and I am 62, native Oregonian.....I say NO THANKS! I don't want to smell like gasoline!”

“I've lived in this state all my life and I REFUSE to pump my own gas. I had to do it once in California while visiting my brother and almost died doing it. This a service only qualified people should perform. I will literally park at the pump and wait until someone pumps my gas. I can't even”

Oregon's Freak-Out Over Pumping Your Own Gas Shows Why Many Dumb Regulations Still Exist

New Jersey does the same thing.

And drivers in PA gas up in Jersey because it's cheaper there.

That may be true, but the factors contributing to that end cost are multiple. There's no getting around the fact that requiring full service gas stations requires more labor and therefore adds another layer to the end cost, period.
Another bad effect of having people pump your gas is you can’t fake getting gas in order to go in store and leave car unattended. They’ve taken all the fun out of it.

Ehh. I do that shit anyway. Just hop out and tell the attendant I'm gonna pay inside, then manage to find some reason to "change my mind" on the way out. Either they're standing near my car, and they pull the pump right when I tell them, or they're not, and I take the pump out for 'em, which they don't always appreciate, but I've yet to be stopped.

In the event that I am, I'll tell them I'm from Hawaii and that I've got enough experience in removing the gas pump from my own car to be certified, I've simply yet to officially prove my proficiency by filling out a job application and interviewing with a Chevron shift manager.
Oh yea! I was in Oregon a few years ago and when I pulled into a gas station I proceeded to get out of the car to pump my gas. The attendant looked at me like I was crazy. I had no idea all the stations were full service.
Gas prices must be at least $.50-$.75 per gallon more than in self service states, correct?
Well you young ones probably do not remember the days of full service at stations and also at supermarkets.

Its hard on the disabled and aged or anyone with a physical issue. I'd love a full station now in Mi in the winter,
to clean my windshield, check my oil and check the air in my tires.

Most of you do not even remember the gas lines due to Israel in the 1970's.

A lot of jobs have been lost to "do it yourself" and its not being lazy, its being tired from work and stopping in and getting service.

Its a way for everyone (corps and businesses ) to make more money, wait on yourself.
I'm here in Oregon. No one I know is "freaking out".

Here's the deal, the self-serve only applies to counties that have a population of 40,000 or less.

Most of the population of Oregon will NOT have self-serve in their area.
Do you know when this first started they did not have pay at the pump. So pull up , shut car off, pull up to the park the car and go into the store and stand in a long line. They use to have guys collecting money at some stations , but that quit, so it was a real PIA, took lots of time when already tired from work or running late.

You young people have it so easy now, you have no idea. I have become my parents.

Many jobs were lost due to this, young people in school, working with the public, best skills anyone could ask for is working with the public.

This is why we have become such an intolerant society in my opinion.

PS: now that I'm older I'd love full service.

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