Original Intent #3 (Electoral College)

What the Original Founders intended no longer counts today.

whys that?

Because we no longer shit in chamber-pots, bleed ourselves to treat colds and believe that Witchcraft is a thing, which is what the Founding Slave Rapists did.

I want government that makes sense for the 21st century, not the 18th.

Now, here's the thing. The arguments made at the time was that you had the filters of the Electoral College and the Congress preventing a dangerous demagogue from becoming president. Okay. Fair enough. The people make mistakes sometimes.

But this was exactly the opposite. The people got it right. They voted against the dangerous demagogue by about 3 million votes. But neither the electors or congress had the guts to say 'no".

modern society demands mob rule...interesting "anslysis"
i'm all for it.
We'll send the public back to classes to re-learn the Constitution and liberty, then start taking votes.
At this point in time the electoral college is screwed up and it doesn't matter anyway

No, we need to dump the electoral college. If you read the comments of the Founding Slave Rapists, they expected the EC To prevent a Trump, not cause him.

The French had it about right. They had election yesterday, but they didn't let vast swaths of rural areas to be disproportionately represented. They had a run-off where only the top two ran.
i'm all for it.
We'll send the public back to classes to re-learn the Constitution and liberty, then start taking votes.
At this point in time the electoral college is screwed up and it doesn't matter anyway

No, we need to dump the electoral college. If you read the comments of the Founding Slave Rapists, they expected the EC To prevent a Trump, not cause him.

The French had it about right. They had election yesterday, but they didn't let vast swaths of rural areas to be disproportionately represented. They had a run-off where only the top two ran.

Removal of the EC would result in the entire country being represented ONLY in the largest population centers. You know that of course, and your desire for full blown socialism is completely transparent. Unfortunately for you, the founders were a hell of a lot smarter, and chose to concentrate the power within ALL the states and ALL the people. That won't stop you leftists from relentlessly trying to tear down the Republic at every juncture, but it damn sure slowed you down.
Removal of the EC would result in the entire country being represented ONLY in the largest population centers. You know that of course, and your desire for full blown socialism is completely transparent. Unfortunately for you, the founders were a hell of a lot smarter, and chose to concentrate the power within ALL the states and ALL the people. That won't stop you leftists from relentlessly trying to tear down the Republic at every juncture, but it damn sure slowed you down.

If the Founding Slave Rapists were so smart, why have we had to amend the constitution 26 times?

Here's the thing, the large population centers are WHERE PEOPLE ACTUALLY LIVE!!! Giving Wyoming more votes per capita than California makes not a lick of sense.

The fact is, Presidents chosen by the Electoral College over the people have given us the worst presidents in our history, including Bush and Trump. It hasn't been an issue until recently, but it clearly is one now.
Removal of the EC would result in the entire country being represented ONLY in the largest population centers. You know that of course, and your desire for full blown socialism is completely transparent. Unfortunately for you, the founders were a hell of a lot smarter, and chose to concentrate the power within ALL the states and ALL the people. That won't stop you leftists from relentlessly trying to tear down the Republic at every juncture, but it damn sure slowed you down.

If the Founding Slave Rapists were so smart, why have we had to amend the constitution 26 times?

Here's the thing, the large population centers are WHERE PEOPLE ACTUALLY LIVE!!! Giving Wyoming more votes per capita than California makes not a lick of sense.

The fact is, Presidents chosen by the Electoral College over the people have given us the worst presidents in our history, including Bush and Trump. It hasn't been an issue until recently, but it clearly is one now.

LMAO. You leftist tool bags don't really even understand the Constitution at all. The first ten amendments are the Bill of Rights; guarantees to the states to limit the power of an overarching Federal Government and essential for garnering support of the states at the time for ratification.

If your assertion is that most of the rest of the Amendments were necessary to fix the Constitution, I will laugh in your face. Were the 16th and 17th Amendments 'essential'? How about the exceptionally poorly written 14th, that has been the basis of every ridiculous 'legislate from the bench' ruling by SCOTUS for the last 100 years? Then you have the two amendments regarding Prohibition. Let's also not forget that term limits gem that Congress didn't bother to include themselves in.

Your Founding Rapists characterization belies what you are; a sniveling little Socialist punk who wants to tear down the United States.
LMAO. You leftist tool bags don't really even understand the Constitution at all. The first ten amendments are the Bill of Rights; guarantees to the states to limit the power of an overarching Federal Government and essential for garnering support of the states at the time for ratification.

If your assertion is that most of the rest of the Amendments were necessary to fix the Constitution, I will laugh in your face. Were the 16th and 17th Amendments 'essential'? How about the exceptionally poorly written 14th, that has been the basis of every ridiculous 'legislate from the bench' ruling by SCOTUS for the last 100 years? Then you have the two amendments regarding Prohibition. Let's also not forget that term limits gem that Congress didn't bother to include themselves in.

Did say all the Amendments were good ideas. A few of them weren't. I think the Second is so badly written it causes all sorts of problems today.

Your Founding Rapists characterization belies what you are; a sniveling little Socialist punk who wants to tear down the United States.

The Founders owned slaves. The founders raped their slaves.

The idea that you can mouth the words 'All Men are Created Equal" and then go home and fuck a woman against her will because she was your property, which is pretty much what Thomas Jefferson did to Sally Hemmings and probably others, is the height of hypocrisy.

We have a country that was built on racism, genocide and slavery. You can admire the pyramids, I guess, but not forget the poor schlubs who were worked to death building them.
you don't understand the difference between fact and theory

1) Nice if you actually were specific about what you are responding to.
2) If you are talking about Jefferson, the fact that he was banging poor Sally is established historical fact.

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