Osama is Dead. So What?

Republicans would never let us forget it if their administration had taken out Bin Laden. The idea of downplaying anything about his killing is just stupid. President Obama deserves as much credit for that success as President Carter had to accept responsibility for the failed mission to get the Iran hostages in '79. Do you hear anyone on the right blaming the SEALS for that failure? Nope, because the whole thing is authorized by the President.

Obama did everything right in getting Bin Laden. That's exactly how we need to be defeating terrorists. With good detective work, sources on the ground all over the world, field agents. A more covert counter-terrorism apparatus would net us better results than continuing the stubborn tactic of meeting this 21st century threat with an outdated, bulky, ineffective 20th century military model.

By insisting on two choppers when the SEALS suggested one was enough, and since one crashed, President Obama deserves full credit for that mission. Had he not inserted himself in the decision-making process on our behalf, that mission would've failed and all those SEALS would've been murdered.

If you can't give Obama credit for that, your opinion on everything else means little.
Would have might have could have been.
All failed arguments.
What did Osama's death change?
Yes...we know that upset you.

Seeing that you support Dems who voted for the war in Iraq, then supported Dems and (Obama) who kept us in Iraq for years and years after getting elected only to take us back into Iraq after Bush ended that war.... Wee I just don't see how you can sit back acting like the little wanna be cocky bitch that you are.

Republicans are fake on fiscal responsibility as Dems are fake at being the none internationalist pro military war party.

Obama is not a magician. He couldn't clean up Bush's grievous disaster in Iraq in a day.
Yes...we know that upset you.

Seeing that you support Dems who voted for the war in Iraq, then supported Dems and (Obama) who kept us in Iraq for years and years after getting elected only to take us back into Iraq after Bush ended that war.... Wee I just don't see how you can sit back acting like the little wanna be cocky bitch that you are.

Republicans are fake on fiscal responsibility as Dems are fake at being the none internationalist pro military war party.

Obama is not a magician. He couldn't clean up Bush's grievous disaster in Iraq in a day.
No but in 7 years he could turn it from a success to a disaster of epic proportions.
Yes...we know that upset you.

Seeing that you support Dems who voted for the war in Iraq, then supported Dems and (Obama) who kept us in Iraq for years and years after getting elected only to take us back into Iraq after Bush ended that war.... Wee I just don't see how you can sit back acting like the little wanna be cocky bitch that you are.

Republicans are fake on fiscal responsibility as Dems are fake at being the none internationalist pro military war party.

Obama is not a magician. He couldn't clean up Bush's grievous disaster in Iraq in a day.
No but in 7 years he could turn it from a success to a disaster of epic proportions.

He did no such thing. The die was already cast...

...by Bush.
Yes...we know that upset you.

Seeing that you support Dems who voted for the war in Iraq, then supported Dems and (Obama) who kept us in Iraq for years and years after getting elected only to take us back into Iraq after Bush ended that war.... Wee I just don't see how you can sit back acting like the little wanna be cocky bitch that you are.

Republicans are fake on fiscal responsibility as Dems are fake at being the none internationalist pro military war party.

Obama is not a magician. He couldn't clean up Bush's grievous disaster in Iraq in a day.
No but in 7 years he could turn it from a success to a disaster of epic proportions.

He did no such thing. The die was already cast...

...by Bush.

You people are idiots. The surge worked in Iraq until Barry pulled troops. Then everything regressed. Those Iraqi cities that we fought so hard and sacrificed so many troops to liberate from insurgents are now lost again to ISIS. The proof is Afghanistan. Barry planned on pulling them too, until his saw the consequences of leaving early in Iraq. He'd never admit it but just the change in strategy shows he learned that withdrawing wasn't the right decision. Some future president will have to take us back into the ME. It's going to happen folks...I'm just glad it won't be this guy. He doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground. And you libs think he's great cause you have the same problem.

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk
Yes...we know that upset you.

Seeing that you support Dems who voted for the war in Iraq, then supported Dems and (Obama) who kept us in Iraq for years and years after getting elected only to take us back into Iraq after Bush ended that war.... Wee I just don't see how you can sit back acting like the little wanna be cocky bitch that you are.

Republicans are fake on fiscal responsibility as Dems are fake at being the none internationalist pro military war party.

Obama is not a magician. He couldn't clean up Bush's grievous disaster in Iraq in a day.
No but in 7 years he could turn it from a success to a disaster of epic proportions.

He did no such thing. The die was already cast...

...by Bush.

You people are idiots. The surge worked in Iraq until Barry pulled troops. Then everything regressed. Those Iraqi cities that we fought so hard and sacrificed so many troops to liberate from insurgents are now lost again to ISIS. The proof is Afghanistan. Barry planned on pulling them too, until his saw the consequences of leaving early in Iraq. He'd never admit it but just the change in strategy shows he learned that withdrawing wasn't the right decision. Some future president will have to take us back into the ME. It's going to happen folks...I'm just glad it won't be this guy. He doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground. And you libs think he's great cause you have the same problem.

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk

The surge never worked. The Sunni Awakening turned the tide in Iraq, and it began before the surge.

Read a book or something. In the meantime, stop making a fool of yourself.
Bin Ladin's death and peculiar burial was Barry Hussein's "mission accomplished" but the liberal media only needed one "mission accomplished" and it was tagged to Bush. Even the CIA should have understood that there was no serpent head of the jihad. Osama was just a political symbol.
You're a huge and naïve retard if you think there is some magic pill conservative approach to stopping ISIS.

The reasons that have prevented GW and Obama from ending Al Quada and ISIS involve classified crap that you can't be told.
LOL!!!! Yeah if you told me you'd have to kill me!! LOL!!! They are off the deep end. Totally gone.
No, the reason Obama hasnt ended ISIS is because it would involve making actual decisions. This is something actual leaders do. But poll-tested, opinion driven post turtles like Obama cannot ever make a decision. That might be unpopular. God forbid, the news media might turn on him. T hen he would be literally nothing. The news media created Obama and he knows they can destroy him too.
Oh quit....you only have 3 opinions for any decision Obama makes.

If it fails....it's Obama's failed leadership.
If he does nothing.......he's not leading.
If it succeeds....he should have done it sooner
Please list any successful decision he has ever made.

Obama's entire presidency has been a series of failures. There might be one or two good things, like when he talked about shutting down Fannie/Freddie. Of course he never followed through on that so it doesnt really count. But otherwise unrelieved failure.
You're right, I left one out.

If it fails....it's Obama's failed leadership.
If he does nothing.......he's not leading.
If it succeeds....he should have done it sooner
If he gets someone else to succeed.....he's leading from behind

Furthermore, he's enacted his election platform except getting completely gone from Afghanistan, and Gitmo....and you'll criticize him if he does.

Elections have consequences, and the winners enacting what they ran on, isn't tyranny.
Let's see: universal health care. Nope.
Limiting power of lobbyists. Nope.
Withdrawl from Iraq: Total disaster
Surge in Afghanistan: total disaster.
I'm still waiting for these policy successes you speak about. Name two or GTFO.
He didn't run on universal healthcare, that was the original plan, but congress had to dilute it, down to for profit medical insurance reform AKA Obamacare,

Limiting power of lobbyists?....wtf are you babbling about, that wasn't a major platform issue for Obama.

Withdrawl from Iraq...completed.

Surge in Afghanistan.....Republicans supported it.

Of course you don't consider anything a policy success, you voted against him doing any of that, now you bitch because you think he didn't?

What he did run on was:

Implementing the Affordable Healthcare Act....completed.
Get us out of Iraq....completed
Get unemployment back below 8% in 4 years.....completed
Close Gitmo.....Republicans wouldn't allow it
Get us out of Afghanistan.......conditions changed, so did his policy.

What he also did:

Normalized relations with Cuba.
Ousted Khadaffi without the loss of one American soldier.
Killed Bin Laden

Idiots like you have not one original thought. Obama's naïve idea of "yes we can" was met by a hostile Republican congress that filibustered everything he tried to do. Their motto was "no we won't, and who cares how that affects Americans". The Tea Party started in on him about HIS government spending in March of 2009, just two months after he took office. Obama has gotten more done, albeit opposed by Republicans, than the entire Republican congress has done in almost 2 years.

The Republican congress uses the excuse that they're trying to stop the Obama agenda, and the way they accomplish that is come up with absolutely NO ideas of their own for him to veto.

What really takes the cake, is that I know what Obama did right, and what he did wrong. You're too stupid to know Obama could have done everything Mitt Romney planned to do as President, and you would still say:

If he succeeded....too little too late.
If he did nothing.....he's not leading
If he failed......it's failed leadership
If he kept a promise....it turned out to be a disaster.

You honestly don't understand how the only thing you want...is for Obama fail...and you don't care about anything else...do you.
Seeing that you support Dems who voted for the war in Iraq, then supported Dems and (Obama) who kept us in Iraq for years and years after getting elected only to take us back into Iraq after Bush ended that war.... Wee I just don't see how you can sit back acting like the little wanna be cocky bitch that you are.

Republicans are fake on fiscal responsibility as Dems are fake at being the none internationalist pro military war party.

Obama is not a magician. He couldn't clean up Bush's grievous disaster in Iraq in a day.
No but in 7 years he could turn it from a success to a disaster of epic proportions.

He did no such thing. The die was already cast...

...by Bush.

You people are idiots. The surge worked in Iraq until Barry pulled troops. Then everything regressed. Those Iraqi cities that we fought so hard and sacrificed so many troops to liberate from insurgents are now lost again to ISIS. The proof is Afghanistan. Barry planned on pulling them too, until his saw the consequences of leaving early in Iraq. He'd never admit it but just the change in strategy shows he learned that withdrawing wasn't the right decision. Some future president will have to take us back into the ME. It's going to happen folks...I'm just glad it won't be this guy. He doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground. And you libs think he's great cause you have the same problem.

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk

The surge never worked. The Sunni Awakening turned the tide in Iraq, and it began before the surge.

Read a book or something. In the meantime, stop making a fool of yourself.
The surge didn't work....ha, I guess pulling troops did, didn't? I read plenty, would you like me to teach you how? Haha, your knowledge of books only extends to the ones that come with crayons...

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk
You're a huge and naïve retard if you think there is some magic pill conservative approach to stopping ISIS.

The reasons that have prevented GW and Obama from ending Al Quada and ISIS involve classified crap that you can't be told.
LOL!!!! Yeah if you told me you'd have to kill me!! LOL!!! They are off the deep end. Totally gone.
No, the reason Obama hasnt ended ISIS is because it would involve making actual decisions. This is something actual leaders do. But poll-tested, opinion driven post turtles like Obama cannot ever make a decision. That might be unpopular. God forbid, the news media might turn on him. T hen he would be literally nothing. The news media created Obama and he knows they can destroy him too.
Oh quit....you only have 3 opinions for any decision Obama makes.

If it fails....it's Obama's failed leadership.
If he does nothing.......he's not leading.
If it succeeds....he should have done it sooner
Please list any successful decision he has ever made.

Obama's entire presidency has been a series of failures. There might be one or two good things, like when he talked about shutting down Fannie/Freddie. Of course he never followed through on that so it doesnt really count. But otherwise unrelieved failure.
You're right, I left one out.

If it fails....it's Obama's failed leadership.
If he does nothing.......he's not leading.
If it succeeds....he should have done it sooner
If he gets someone else to succeed.....he's leading from behind

Furthermore, he's enacted his election platform except getting completely gone from Afghanistan, and Gitmo....and you'll criticize him if he does.

Elections have consequences, and the winners enacting what they ran on, isn't tyranny.

Obama has done so little good it's actually amazing. He squandered more political power and support than Bush ever had. Obama could have done just about anything when he got elected, instead he chose to extend and expand wars/welfare and debt. He is already remembered as one of the worst Presidents in US history, it will simply take time for the drones that still support him to die off and then you will have a more accurate reading of how poor of a job he did.

Time will destroy Obama's "legacy." At one point not so long ago Bush's policies were used as a clear description as to how far the nation and Republicans have fallen... Now invoking Bush is summed up in one partisan democrat rebuttal to Obama/Dems sucking... "Well you supported it under Bush!!!" Never mind that they didn't support it under Bush but support it now under Obama/Dems.... The Democrat voter base is hyper stupid in their hypocrisy. I'm glad I'm nether Dem nor Rep.
Talk about hyper stupid.

That hyperbolic rant did not include one fact...just broad brush unoriginal ways to say you don't "like" Obama.

You guys lost in 2008 and 2012....suck on it.

Now you've got so much childish energy built up you'll nominate anyone.

I cannot wait till you idiots have a Republican in the white house. I'll even vote Republican in 2016 just to get your sniveling asses back in there. Tolerating whiney Republican back seat political operators is worse than babysitting a herd of spoiled 3 year olds. Then, you'll go back to defending everything the white house does. No more Tea Party protesting government spending. The Democrats being the ones who whine and obstruct.....like the good old days of the Bush admin
LOL!!!! Yeah if you told me you'd have to kill me!! LOL!!! They are off the deep end. Totally gone.
No, the reason Obama hasnt ended ISIS is because it would involve making actual decisions. This is something actual leaders do. But poll-tested, opinion driven post turtles like Obama cannot ever make a decision. That might be unpopular. God forbid, the news media might turn on him. T hen he would be literally nothing. The news media created Obama and he knows they can destroy him too.
Oh quit....you only have 3 opinions for any decision Obama makes.

If it fails....it's Obama's failed leadership.
If he does nothing.......he's not leading.
If it succeeds....he should have done it sooner
Please list any successful decision he has ever made.

Obama's entire presidency has been a series of failures. There might be one or two good things, like when he talked about shutting down Fannie/Freddie. Of course he never followed through on that so it doesnt really count. But otherwise unrelieved failure.
You're right, I left one out.

If it fails....it's Obama's failed leadership.
If he does nothing.......he's not leading.
If it succeeds....he should have done it sooner
If he gets someone else to succeed.....he's leading from behind

Furthermore, he's enacted his election platform except getting completely gone from Afghanistan, and Gitmo....and you'll criticize him if he does.

Elections have consequences, and the winners enacting what they ran on, isn't tyranny.
Let's see: universal health care. Nope.
Limiting power of lobbyists. Nope.
Withdrawl from Iraq: Total disaster
Surge in Afghanistan: total disaster.
I'm still waiting for these policy successes you speak about. Name two or GTFO.
He didn't run on universal healthcare, that was the original plan, but congress had to dilute it, down to for profit medical insurance reform AKA Obamacare,

Limiting power of lobbyists?....wtf are you babbling about, that wasn't a major platform issue for Obama.

Withdrawl from Iraq...completed.

Surge in Afghanistan.....Republicans supported it.

Of course you don't consider anything a policy success, you voted against him doing any of that, now you bitch because you think he didn't?

What he did run on was:

Implementing the Affordable Healthcare Act....completed.
Get us out of Iraq....completed
Get unemployment back below 8% in 4 years.....completed
Close Gitmo.....Republicans wouldn't allow it
Get us out of Afghanistan.......conditions changed, so did his policy.

What he also did:

Normalized relations with Cuba.
Ousted Khadaffi without the loss of one American soldier.
Killed Bin Laden

Idiots like you have not one original thought. Obama's naïve idea of "yes we can" was met by a hostile Republican congress that filibustered everything he tried to do. Their motto was "no we won't, and who cares how that affects Americans". The Tea Party started in on him about HIS government spending in March of 2009, just two months after he took office. Obama has gotten more done, albeit opposed by Republicans, than the entire Republican congress has done in almost 2 years.

The Republican congress uses the excuse that they're trying to stop the Obama agenda, and the way they accomplish that is come up with absolutely NO ideas of their own for him to veto.

What really takes the cake, is that I know what Obama did right, and what he did wrong. You're too stupid to know Obama could have done everything Mitt Romney planned to do as President, and you would still say:

If he succeeded....too little too late.
If he did nothing.....he's not leading
If he failed......it's failed leadership
If he kept a promise....it turned out to be a disaster.

You honestly don't understand how the only thing you want...is for Obama fail...and you don't care about anything else...do you.
Wow what color is the sky in your universe.
So he didnt run on universal healthcare but watered down his non promise so it would pass. Do you even hear yourself?
Got troops out of Iraq. We see how that worked out.
Normalized relations with Cuba. Wow, amazing what happens when you capitualte entirely. Tell me what we got out of that deal.
He ousted Khaddafi. Do you recall that Ambassador Stevens and 3 other Americans died as a direct result of that?
Every policy has been a failure. You cannot name one success he has had.
LOL!!!! Yeah if you told me you'd have to kill me!! LOL!!! They are off the deep end. Totally gone.
No, the reason Obama hasnt ended ISIS is because it would involve making actual decisions. This is something actual leaders do. But poll-tested, opinion driven post turtles like Obama cannot ever make a decision. That might be unpopular. God forbid, the news media might turn on him. T hen he would be literally nothing. The news media created Obama and he knows they can destroy him too.
Oh quit....you only have 3 opinions for any decision Obama makes.

If it fails....it's Obama's failed leadership.
If he does nothing.......he's not leading.
If it succeeds....he should have done it sooner
Please list any successful decision he has ever made.

Obama's entire presidency has been a series of failures. There might be one or two good things, like when he talked about shutting down Fannie/Freddie. Of course he never followed through on that so it doesnt really count. But otherwise unrelieved failure.
You're right, I left one out.

If it fails....it's Obama's failed leadership.
If he does nothing.......he's not leading.
If it succeeds....he should have done it sooner
If he gets someone else to succeed.....he's leading from behind

Furthermore, he's enacted his election platform except getting completely gone from Afghanistan, and Gitmo....and you'll criticize him if he does.

Elections have consequences, and the winners enacting what they ran on, isn't tyranny.

Obama has done so little good it's actually amazing. He squandered more political power and support than Bush ever had. Obama could have done just about anything when he got elected, instead he chose to extend and expand wars/welfare and debt. He is already remembered as one of the worst Presidents in US history, it will simply take time for the drones that still support him to die off and then you will have a more accurate reading of how poor of a job he did.

Time will destroy Obama's "legacy." At one point not so long ago Bush's policies were used as a clear description as to how far the nation and Republicans have fallen... Now invoking Bush is summed up in one partisan democrat rebuttal to Obama/Dems sucking... "Well you supported it under Bush!!!" Never mind that they didn't support it under Bush but support it now under Obama/Dems.... The Democrat voter base is hyper stupid in their hypocrisy. I'm glad I'm nether Dem nor Rep.
Talk about hyper stupid.

That hyperbolic rant did not include one fact...just broad brush unoriginal ways to say you don't "like" Obama.

You guys lost in 2008 and 2012....suck on it.

Now you've got so much childish energy built up you'll nominate anyone.

I cannot wait till you idiots have a Republican in the white house. I'll even vote Republican in 2016 just to get your sniveling asses back in there. Tolerating whiney Republican back seat political operators is worse than babysitting a herd of spoiled 3 year olds. Then, you'll go back to defending everything the white house does. No more Tea Party protesting government spending. The Democrats being the ones who whine and obstruct.....like the good old days of the Bush admin
Again I point out every Republican and every conservative on here has criticized Republicans at some time for something. Not a single lib or Democrat has ever criticized Obama.
Obama's big "win" in the war on terror, which he wont name, is his claim to killing Osama bin Laden. Maybe in his mind he personally executed him. I dont know.
But so what? What did that accomplish? Were terrorists dismantled as a result? Was there any demonstrable effect? Was America or Europe any safer?
Bush was right to de-emphasize Osama, knowing he was nothing more than a symbol, and bypassed by events and marginalized by US efforts.
So without that accomplishment, what has Obama done to make this country safer? I mean other than groping 85 year old women at airports.

Bush only 'de-emphasized' ObL because the Bush and bin Laden family were fuck buddies.
Obama's big "win" in the war on terror, which he wont name, is his claim to killing Osama bin Laden. Maybe in his mind he personally executed him. I dont know.
But so what? What did that accomplish? Were terrorists dismantled as a result? Was there any demonstrable effect? Was America or Europe any safer?
Bush was right to de-emphasize Osama, knowing he was nothing more than a symbol, and bypassed by events and marginalized by US efforts.
So without that accomplishment, what has Obama done to make this country safer? I mean other than groping 85 year old women at airports.

Bush only 'de-emphasized' ObL because the Bush and bin Laden family were fuck buddies.
You fantasize about being Osama's fuck buddy.
In truth Bush understood they had so marginalized OBL that killing him wasnt worth the resources required and would be merely a political talking point.
Obama understood he needed political talking points so went for the flash while neglecting his actual duties as president.
Obama's big "win" in the war on terror, which he wont name, is his claim to killing Osama bin Laden. Maybe in his mind he personally executed him. I dont know.
But so what? What did that accomplish? Were terrorists dismantled as a result? Was there any demonstrable effect? Was America or Europe any safer?
Bush was right to de-emphasize Osama, knowing he was nothing more than a symbol, and bypassed by events and marginalized by US efforts.
So without that accomplishment, what has Obama done to make this country safer? I mean other than groping 85 year old women at airports.

Bush only 'de-emphasized' ObL because the Bush and bin Laden family were fuck buddies.
You fantasize about being Osama's fuck buddy.
In truth Bush understood they had so marginalized OBL that killing him wasnt worth the resources required and would be merely a political talking point.
Obama understood he needed political talking points so went for the flash while neglecting his actual duties as president.

Then why did you call Bin Laden an important target at the time he was killed?
Oh quit....you only have 3 opinions for any decision Obama makes.

If it fails....it's Obama's failed leadership.
If he does nothing.......he's not leading.
If it succeeds....he should have done it sooner
Please list any successful decision he has ever made.

Obama's entire presidency has been a series of failures. There might be one or two good things, like when he talked about shutting down Fannie/Freddie. Of course he never followed through on that so it doesnt really count. But otherwise unrelieved failure.
You're right, I left one out.

If it fails....it's Obama's failed leadership.
If he does nothing.......he's not leading.
If it succeeds....he should have done it sooner
If he gets someone else to succeed.....he's leading from behind

Furthermore, he's enacted his election platform except getting completely gone from Afghanistan, and Gitmo....and you'll criticize him if he does.

Elections have consequences, and the winners enacting what they ran on, isn't tyranny.

Obama has done so little good it's actually amazing. He squandered more political power and support than Bush ever had. Obama could have done just about anything when he got elected, instead he chose to extend and expand wars/welfare and debt. He is already remembered as one of the worst Presidents in US history, it will simply take time for the drones that still support him to die off and then you will have a more accurate reading of how poor of a job he did.

Time will destroy Obama's "legacy." At one point not so long ago Bush's policies were used as a clear description as to how far the nation and Republicans have fallen... Now invoking Bush is summed up in one partisan democrat rebuttal to Obama/Dems sucking... "Well you supported it under Bush!!!" Never mind that they didn't support it under Bush but support it now under Obama/Dems.... The Democrat voter base is hyper stupid in their hypocrisy. I'm glad I'm nether Dem nor Rep.
Talk about hyper stupid.

That hyperbolic rant did not include one fact...just broad brush unoriginal ways to say you don't "like" Obama.

You guys lost in 2008 and 2012....suck on it.

Now you've got so much childish energy built up you'll nominate anyone.

I cannot wait till you idiots have a Republican in the white house. I'll even vote Republican in 2016 just to get your sniveling asses back in there. Tolerating whiney Republican back seat political operators is worse than babysitting a herd of spoiled 3 year olds. Then, you'll go back to defending everything the white house does. No more Tea Party protesting government spending. The Democrats being the ones who whine and obstruct.....like the good old days of the Bush admin
Again I point out every Republican and every conservative on here has criticized Republicans at some time for something. Not a single lib or Democrat has ever criticized Obama.

I strongly recommend you stop lying about me.

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