Osama is Dead. So What?

Obama's big "win" in the war on terror, which he wont name, is his claim to killing Osama bin Laden. Maybe in his mind he personally executed him. I dont know.
But so what?

So the guy behind 9/11 got his just desserts. When a murderer is put to death, do you say, "So what? People are still being murdered."?
He wasnt a murderer, dolt.
Tell that to the families of the 9/11 victims.

And tell them, "So what?"
Ask them whether we are any safer. Ask them if their lives are any better.
No and no.
You win the booby prize.
Killing Osama was only done as a PR stunt for Obama's re-election campaign. If Obama really cared about combating Islamic Terrorism, he'd wouldn't be afraid of naming it and he wouldn't treat it as a criminal issue.
do you have to be a rw hack every day of the week? You are a party before country POS :thup:
Translation: I cannot argue the facts or the logic. I can only deflect and call names.

Argue the facts of that post?

I will. You are a fucking idiot if you think President Obama killed Osama Bin Laden in 2011 as a political stunt over a year ahead of the 2012 election.

Any more questions Flip Flop?
just like this 'jihadi john' that was supposedly knocked off or plugged . So What , no big deal outside of the families that are probably glad to see 'jj' dead . Its just an emotional thing in my opinion but really means zilch !!

Yeah, really. No big fucking deal.

Obama wants to proceed carefully where Bush and Cheney leapt with unbridled greed. There is a million wounded vets who probably think this is a good idea.

just like this 'jihadi john' that was supposedly knocked off or plugged . So What , no big deal outside of the families that are probably glad to see 'jj' dead . Its just an emotional thing in my opinion but really means zilch !!

Yeah, really. No big fucking deal.

Obama wants to proceed carefully where Bush and Cheney leapt with unbridled greed. There is a million wounded vets who probably think this is a good idea.

osama and 'jj' killing is pure little girl emotion in my opinion NoTEA !!
Obama's big "win" in the war on terror, which he wont name, is his claim to killing Osama bin Laden. Maybe in his mind he personally executed him. I dont know.
But so what? What did that accomplish? Were terrorists dismantled as a result? Was there any demonstrable effect? Was America or Europe any safer?
Bush was right to de-emphasize Osama, knowing he was nothing more than a symbol, and bypassed by events and marginalized by US efforts.
So without that accomplishment, what has Obama done to make this country safer? I mean other than groping 85 year old women at airports.

And here is what the Rabbi said once upon a time about the decision to go in after Bin Laden:

"Since I doubt you were there you were not privy to what happened. Given the importance of bin Laden as a target it is hard to imagine anyone making any other decision. It was the ultimate no-brainer."

lol, too easy...

WSJ makes a correction to Karl Rove article | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Killing Osama was only done as a PR stunt for Obama's re-election campaign. If Obama really cared about combating Islamic Terrorism, he'd wouldn't be afraid of naming it and he wouldn't treat it as a criminal issue.

Actually, Bush's "Mission Accomplished" was a far bigger political stunt. If he really cared about terrorism he would have devoted more time to creating a political solution than he did to using the threat of terrorism politically.

Never before has a president gotten so much political mileage from a word. He was better at marketing his temporary successes (the surge) rather than creating a long term political solution. For Bush the War on Terrorism was all political. It was all rhetoric and fear.

The guy flooded our homes with color coded fear-mongering but actually did nothing substantial to fix the problem he created by invading a country that had nothing to do with 9/11.

Trump is right. He broke Iraq, but in typical Republican fashion, his cheerleaders deny his deep complicity with The U.S's biggest foreign policy mistake ever. And yes the Clinton's and Kerry (and many democrats) are also 100% to blame because they obediently swallowed Bush's cherry-picked intelligence hook Line and Sinker.

And stop saying Obama used Bin Laden's death politically. He emphatically did NOT need any special tricks to defeat Romney, the R(H)INO who built the prototype for OBAMACARE.
Killing Osama was only done as a PR stunt for Obama's re-election campaign. If Obama really cared about combating Islamic Terrorism, he'd wouldn't be afraid of naming it and he wouldn't treat it as a criminal issue.

Obama has actual counter terrorism advisors, but these guys probably from a military background and probably well decorated must be all be stupid and don't have the knowledge of you.

Those dumb idiots just didn't hire you with there vast counter terrorism experience.
How well has Obama's counter terrorism strategy worked? We've seen more attacks on US soil since Bush left office.
You're a huge and naïve retard if you think there is some magic pill conservative approach to stopping ISIS.

The reasons that have prevented GW and Obama from ending Al Quada and ISIS involve classified crap that you can't be told.
Killing Osama was only done as a PR stunt for Obama's re-election campaign. If Obama really cared about combating Islamic Terrorism, he'd wouldn't be afraid of naming it and he wouldn't treat it as a criminal issue.
do you have to be a rw hack every day of the week? You are a party before country POS :thup:

Let me address this in the type of language a Crybully such as yourself just might understand:

I am rubber
You are glue
Everything mean you say
Bounces off me
And sticks to you
just like this 'jihadi john' that was supposedly knocked off or plugged . So What , no big deal outside of the families that are probably glad to see 'jj' dead . Its just an emotional thing in my opinion but really means zilch !!

Yeah, really. No big fucking deal.

Obama wants to proceed carefully where Bush and Cheney leapt with unbridled greed. There is a million wounded vets who probably think this is a good idea.

What greed? Did Bush profit from the war? Or is this more left wing nut points to spew out?
I'll bet the tens of millions of Syrians and others fleeing ISIS, and the thousands of Christians and others murdered by them, probably disagree.
There arent a million wounded vets. More crap from the chief crap=spewer on here.
Killing Osama was only done as a PR stunt for Obama's re-election campaign. If Obama really cared about combating Islamic Terrorism, he'd wouldn't be afraid of naming it and he wouldn't treat it as a criminal issue.

Obama has actual counter terrorism advisors, but these guys probably from a military background and probably well decorated must be all be stupid and don't have the knowledge of you.

Those dumb idiots just didn't hire you with there vast counter terrorism experience.
How well has Obama's counter terrorism strategy worked? We've seen more attacks on US soil since Bush left office.
You're a huge and naïve retard if you think there is some magic pill conservative approach to stopping ISIS.

The reasons that have prevented GW and Obama from ending Al Quada and ISIS involve classified crap that you can't be told.
LOL!!!! Yeah if you told me you'd have to kill me!! LOL!!! They are off the deep end. Totally gone.
No, the reason Obama hasnt ended ISIS is because it would involve making actual decisions. This is something actual leaders do. But poll-tested, opinion driven post turtles like Obama cannot ever make a decision. That might be unpopular. God forbid, the news media might turn on him. T hen he would be literally nothing. The news media created Obama and he knows they can destroy him too.
Killing Osama was only done as a PR stunt for Obama's re-election campaign. If Obama really cared about combating Islamic Terrorism, he'd wouldn't be afraid of naming it and he wouldn't treat it as a criminal issue.

Obama has actual counter terrorism advisors, but these guys probably from a military background and probably well decorated must be all be stupid and don't have the knowledge of you.

Those dumb idiots just didn't hire you with there vast counter terrorism experience.
How well has Obama's counter terrorism strategy worked? We've seen more attacks on US soil since Bush left office.

This is all Obama's strategy really means:

Rabbi's response to the death of Osama bin Laden: "What difference does it make?"
Killing Osama was only done as a PR stunt for Obama's re-election campaign. If Obama really cared about combating Islamic Terrorism, he'd wouldn't be afraid of naming it and he wouldn't treat it as a criminal issue.
do you have to be a rw hack every day of the week? You are a party before country POS :thup:
Translation: I cannot argue the facts or the logic. I can only deflect and call names.

Argue the facts of that post?

I will. You are a fucking idiot if you think President Obama killed Osama Bin Laden in 2011 as a political stunt over a year ahead of the 2012 election.

Any more questions Flip Flop?
if this hack thread doesn't qualify for Rubber Room status, I don't know what would.
Killing Osama was only done as a PR stunt for Obama's re-election campaign. If Obama really cared about combating Islamic Terrorism, he'd wouldn't be afraid of naming it and he wouldn't treat it as a criminal issue.
do you have to be a rw hack every day of the week? You are a party before country POS :thup:
Translation: I cannot argue the facts or the logic. I can only deflect and call names.

Argue the facts of that post?

I will. You are a fucking idiot if you think President Obama killed Osama Bin Laden in 2011 as a political stunt over a year ahead of the 2012 election.

Any more questions Flip Flop?
if this hack thread doesn't qualify for Rubber Room status, I don't know what would.
Translation: Wow that's a good point and it makes Obama look bad so I'll deflect.
just like this 'jihadi john' that was supposedly knocked off or plugged . So What , no big deal outside of the families that are probably glad to see 'jj' dead . Its just an emotional thing in my opinion but really means zilch !!

Yeah, really. No big fucking deal.

Obama wants to proceed carefully where Bush and Cheney leapt with unbridled greed. There is a million wounded vets who probably think this is a good idea.

What greed? Did Bush profit from the war? Or is this more left wing nut points to spew out?
I'll bet the tens of millions of Syrians and others fleeing ISIS, and the thousands of Christians and others murdered by them, probably disagree.
There arent a million wounded vets. More crap from the chief crap=spewer on here.
you forget the "you are either with us or against us" propoganda shit stain? Then the warning that no contracts would be awarded to countries that didn't co-sign that disastrous optional war-for-profit?


Here is OP &/or boedicca:

France drops 24 bombs on Syria and the rubes are like, "France is awesome! They are going it alone because America sux!" Even though we have committed more force against Syria than everyone else for a while now. Dumbasses.

We kill the guy who perpetrated the greatest terrorist act against America, and the rubes are like, "What difference does it make?"

It's sad to see how much they have come to hate America these days.

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