Osama is Dead. So What?

Bush was right to de-emphasize Osama, knowing he was nothing more than a symbol, and bypassed by events and marginalized by US efforts.

It's funny you say that now, when back when Bin Laden was killed you said this:

"What did Obama do that was different from what Bush did? This operation was years in the making, going back to Bush's initiatives.
And when Bush hunted down terrorists and killed them the left could only moan about it."

So, in summary, when your ODS demanded you discredit the Obama administration's killing of Bin Laden,

you tried to attribute that success to Bush.

Today, when you decide to discredit Obama a different way, by claiming the killing of Bin Laden was worthless,

you try to praise Bush for ignoring Bin Laden.

Tell us, fucktard, which is it?

Error | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
All of what I wrote is true. You're too stupid to see that and think there is a contradiction.


Don't miss an opportunity of making an ass of yourself.

You are trying to blame Obama for killing Osama while your ass invaded the wrong country, created a mess which left a massive power vacuum which led to ISIS.

Honestly, your opinion on the ME has been proven wrong and wrong again.

So Rabbi doesn't like Seal Team 6 killing Osama, has another got an opinion because the proven looser here has just spoken and your opinion has more credibility than this guy.
There is no such thing is a big win. There's Bush declaring mission accomplished after the fall of Hussein, and then again after the surge - both purely temporary fixes sold as actual victories.

Trump is right. Bush broke Iraq - he destabilized the region and unleashed an unworkable civil conflict that will enjoin the West in a permanent game of whack-a-mole, as different groups seek to topple the western puppet government.

Crush Al Qaeda and you get ISIS. Crush ISIS and you will find another wave of Islamic resistance fighters who want the West gone.

Republicans tell us Washington does not have the competence to run a laundromat, yet now you blame Washington for something that happened in France, as a response to France's involvement in Syria. You don't only want a government big enough to control what happens in the 50 states, you want a government big enough to control what happens in France and every other country.

[This is why Bush 41 didn't remove Hussein, because he didn't think Washington could control the resulting destabilization]

This is a global problem requiring the money and efforts of the entire modern Industrial West.

Republicans want Washington - and only Washington - to control the outcome of every civil conflict around the entire globe. This is the neocon conceit and it calls for a bigger budget and more centralized power than anyone realizes or admits - and the result will be like every other Big Government result: a few over-blown successes ("Mission Accomplished") coupled with massive unintended consequences, e.g., Bush/Chaney, the architects of the Iraq invasion, criminally understated the cost and length of this occupation. They had zero plans for rebuilding Iraq into a functional state. They left a disaster behind (just ask Trump). That is what Big Government does. It promises utopia but it always makes things worse. Reagan's evil man - Hussein - looks far better than the disaster that was unleashed by removing him.

The region is broken and nobody has offered anything close to a stable, long term political solution. The only solution we have is the next surge where we will send more innocent troops off to be slaughtered in the name of temporary stability (peddled of course as "Mission Accomplished".)

The neocon belief that Washington has the competence to Save The World is why Reagan partnered with terrorists across the region (Iran, Hussein and the mujahideen). He made those monsters stronger because he needed them as allies to defeat the Soviets. He thought Washington could do big things without unleashing unintended consequences. Now we are living the unintended consequences of letting those evil genies out of the bottle (each group Reagan partnered with resulted in massive problems down the road).

Meanwhile, the Right can only offer bumper stickers: "Mission Accomplished" "The Surge" "Obama's Fault".

Wow, just wow
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Did anyone care when Hitler died?

What difference did it make?
Hitler was the head of state of our enemy. Once he died the Germans concluded a surrender.
Facts are not your friends, nutjobber.

Osama is dead....so what?

Bush was right to de-emphasize Osama, knowing he was nothing more than a symbol, and bypassed by events and marginalized by US efforts.

It's funny you say that now, when back when Bin Laden was killed you said this:

"What did Obama do that was different from what Bush did? This operation was years in the making, going back to Bush's initiatives.
And when Bush hunted down terrorists and killed them the left could only moan about it."

So, in summary, when your ODS demanded you discredit the Obama administration's killing of Bin Laden,

you tried to attribute that success to Bush.

Today, when you decide to discredit Obama a different way, by claiming the killing of Bin Laden was worthless,

you try to praise Bush for ignoring Bin Laden.

Tell us, fucktard, which is it?

Error | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Oopsie. Bummer about your own words there, Rabbit. :lol:
So without that accomplishment, what has Obama done to make this country safer? I mean other than groping 85 year old women at airports.

Fort Hood
Boston Marathon
Naval Recruiting Station
Underwear Bomber
Thousands of potential Syrian ISIS 'Refugees' being imported
Iran Nuclear Deal (Nuclear Arms Race in the ME)
Killing Osama was only done as a PR stunt for Obama's re-election campaign. If Obama really cared about combating Islamic Terrorism, he'd wouldn't be afraid of naming it and he wouldn't treat it as a criminal issue.
Obama's big "win" in the war on terror, which he wont name, is his claim to killing Osama bin Laden. Maybe in his mind he personally executed him. I dont know.
But so what?

So the guy behind 9/11 got his just desserts. When a murderer is put to death, do you say, "So what? People are still being murdered."?
Obama's big "win" in the war on terror, which he wont name, is his claim to killing Osama bin Laden. Maybe in his mind he personally executed him. I dont know.
But so what? What did that accomplish? Were terrorists dismantled as a result? Was there any demonstrable effect? Was America or Europe any safer?
Bush was right to de-emphasize Osama, knowing he was nothing more than a symbol, and bypassed by events and marginalized by US efforts.
So without that accomplishment, what has Obama done to make this country safer? I mean other than groping 85 year old women at airports.
What you're doing is mindlessly regurgitating GOP attempts to minimize the damage created when Obama killed Bin Laden where Bush didn't.

That was a crappy day for Rush and Fox. I'm amazed you all are even bothering to bring it up. It's not going to affect Hillary's numbers. Maybe it's just to minimize how Obama is bringing France into the fight. Positive foreign policy incidents are always something GOP media must handle.
Bush was right to de-emphasize Osama, knowing he was nothing more than a symbol, and bypassed by events and marginalized by US efforts.

It's funny you say that now, when back when Bin Laden was killed you said this:

"What did Obama do that was different from what Bush did? This operation was years in the making, going back to Bush's initiatives.
And when Bush hunted down terrorists and killed them the left could only moan about it."

So, in summary, when your ODS demanded you discredit the Obama administration's killing of Bin Laden,

you tried to attribute that success to Bush.

Today, when you decide to discredit Obama a different way, by claiming the killing of Bin Laden was worthless,

you try to praise Bush for ignoring Bin Laden.

Tell us, fucktard, which is it?

Error | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
OUCH!!! rw hack OP bit himself in the ass :lol:
Killing Osama was only done as a PR stunt for Obama's re-election campaign. If Obama really cared about combating Islamic Terrorism, he'd wouldn't be afraid of naming it and he wouldn't treat it as a criminal issue.
do you have to be a rw hack every day of the week? You are a party before country POS :thup:
Killing Osama was only done as a PR stunt for Obama's re-election campaign. If Obama really cared about combating Islamic Terrorism, he'd wouldn't be afraid of naming it and he wouldn't treat it as a criminal issue.

Obama has actual counter terrorism advisors, but these guys probably from a military background and probably well decorated must be all be stupid and don't have the knowledge of you.

Those dumb idiots just didn't hire you with there vast counter terrorism experience.
Bush was right to de-emphasize Osama, knowing he was nothing more than a symbol, and bypassed by events and marginalized by US efforts.

It's funny you say that now, when back when Bin Laden was killed you said this:

"What did Obama do that was different from what Bush did? This operation was years in the making, going back to Bush's initiatives.
And when Bush hunted down terrorists and killed them the left could only moan about it."

So, in summary, when your ODS demanded you discredit the Obama administration's killing of Bin Laden,

you tried to attribute that success to Bush.

Today, when you decide to discredit Obama a different way, by claiming the killing of Bin Laden was worthless,

you try to praise Bush for ignoring Bin Laden.

Tell us, fucktard, which is it?

Error | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
All of what I wrote is true. You're too stupid to see that and think there is a contradiction.


Don't miss an opportunity of making an ass of yourself.

You are trying to blame Obama for killing Osama while your ass invaded the wrong country, created a mess which left a massive power vacuum which led to ISIS.

Honestly, your opinion on the ME has been proven wrong and wrong again.

So Rabbi doesn't like Seal Team 6 killing Osama, has another got an opinion because the proven looser here has just spoken and your opinion has more credibility than this guy.
Ted, you arent the biggest fool here only because competition is stiff.
I wasnt blaming Obama for killing osama. So that's wrong.
I didnt invade the wrong country. So that's wrong.
Neither did George Bush. So that's wrong.
Obama's departure from Iraq created the power vacuum. So that's wrong.
So virtually every statement in your post is wrong. How do you explain that?
Obama's big "win" in the war on terror, which he wont name, is his claim to killing Osama bin Laden. Maybe in his mind he personally executed him. I dont know.
But so what?

So the guy behind 9/11 got his just desserts. When a murderer is put to death, do you say, "So what? People are still being murdered."?
He wasnt a murderer, dolt. It's hardly the same thing.
Killing Osama was only done as a PR stunt for Obama's re-election campaign. If Obama really cared about combating Islamic Terrorism, he'd wouldn't be afraid of naming it and he wouldn't treat it as a criminal issue.

Obama has actual counter terrorism advisors, but these guys probably from a military background and probably well decorated must be all be stupid and don't have the knowledge of you.

Those dumb idiots just didn't hire you with there vast counter terrorism experience.
How well has Obama's counter terrorism strategy worked? We've seen more attacks on US soil since Bush left office.
Killing Osama was only done as a PR stunt for Obama's re-election campaign. If Obama really cared about combating Islamic Terrorism, he'd wouldn't be afraid of naming it and he wouldn't treat it as a criminal issue.
do you have to be a rw hack every day of the week? You are a party before country POS :thup:
Translation: I cannot argue the facts or the logic. I can only deflect and call names.
Obama's big "win" in the war on terror, which he wont name, is his claim to killing Osama bin Laden. Maybe in his mind he personally executed him. I dont know.
But so what?

So the guy behind 9/11 got his just desserts. When a murderer is put to death, do you say, "So what? People are still being murdered."?
He wasnt a murderer, dolt.
Tell that to the families of the 9/11 victims.

And tell them, "So what?"

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