Other than family, what causes racism?

"Racism" is too big of a topic to be discussed as though it is always the same. Someone may hate blacks because his parents and community taught him to. Many people hate blacks because they really do have a rate of violent crime that is about eight times the white crime rate. After one has been the victim of black criminals several times it often takes a real effort not to hate the entire race.

Whites who have had the least experience with blacks are often whites who have the highest opinion of them. Whites who have to live in or near a black neighborhood usually learn that they really are different, and not in a positive way.

Hatred of Jews is usually caused by resentment over superior Jewish intelligence and prosperity. The same can be said of hatred of East Asians.
When a fatherless family raises their offspring on public assistance and constantly tell their offspring they don't have what others have because ol' whitey just beats them down and won't allow them to suceed will breed racism. Telling your race they should speak in ebonics otherwise you are a "Uncle Tom" and giving in the whitey's ways. Then, when they don't get hired for a position because they can't speak proper English, they call the boss racist. When your "family" is a gang and your gang is all the same race, it breeds racism. When whitey walks down the street and gets blindsided by one of these poor, fatherless victims of society that is playing the "knockout game", ol' whitey becomes racist because whitey knows he was singled out because of his/her race. I could go on and on but then I'd be considered racist because I don't hug them and squeeze them like I should.
Nature. What idiots call racism is simply what Nature intended for us. Sticking with one's own kind. Neither of my parents was "racist" they treat their half breed grand kids just like their white grand kids yet I managed to shake off the shackles of brainwashing from the jewish public "education" and taught myself and learned more from a library than I ever did in "school". Amazing the kind of things you can learn and teach yourself spending ALL DAY in a library.
I'm just not sure what constitutes racism anymore. In the world of politics, everybody is a racist. Obama and Bush and Romney have all been accused of racism. I actually can't think of any modern politician that hasn't been accused of racism. I know the word "racism" used to have an actual definition but now it's just another lazy banal attempt at character assassination.
Observing behavior both first-hand and through media.

To that I would add this quote from Wm. B. Fankboner which I have posted before:

Spinoza said: 'Every man is by indefeasible natural right the master of his own thoughts.' The great fallacy of monolithic, collectivist doctrines like political correctness is that they seek to eliminate a crucial step in human cognition: the dialogue with the self, the act of dialectical mastication that allows us to absorb and process experience, and to direct and enable our moral lives. Only in the inviolable sanctity of the human soul, in the act of self-communion, can man realize his transcendence and salvation. Politically correct speech and conduct are the product of the predigested morality of self-appointed ideologues, the profane consensus of spiritually exhausted and mediocre minds, in lieu of our own common sense and the collective wisdom of the ages.
People who constantly accuse others of being racist can encourage animosity, with the potential to lead to them eventually meeting that expectation from both the accused and their "victims" towards one another...the race baiters need to keep the pot stirred and the divide wide to accomplish their agenda.

This sounds like the story about how people become terrorists but we've been told thats not true.

Problem is tho is that blacks and whites started out divided. Whites were free and blacks were enslaved by them. So I dont know how you lay blame with "race baiters" as being the reason but dividing. Its like blaming feminists for dividing men and women. Irish and Italian. North Korean and South Korean
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