Our Ally South Korea is not happy at being called "appeasers"

So like.... 8% or 9% of Trump's current Presidential vacationing

Yeah, what was I thinking. You couldn't drag Obama away from the White House. So busy and all..
Compared to Trump, nope. You really couldn't.

:slap: Now your just being silly...


Off to the oval office. I think can, I think I can.....
Trump Golf Count

Really? You didn't see this coming?? :rofl:

Here ya go:




And my personal favorite:

Sorry Black, but you walked right into it.

I'll let you have the last word. I have to go clean my View attachment 147522
Walked into what? Trump is far outpacing Obama in vacations and golf outings. Did I walk into your hypocrisy? Is that what I walked into? I guess you shouldn't have brought it up.
The truth is that Obama traveled to South Korea to secretly get the recipe for Kim chee in an effort to travel home to Louisiana to slowly undermine gumbo by a Kim chee influence. Obamas plot all along was to let South Korea take overa sovereign American dish with Asian fusion. Speaking of Asian fusion...
HOLY SHIT!!! We DO need to all wake up!!! :eek:

Next time you order gumbo tread carefully...
Oh god... I already like kimchi! :eek:

Obama must have gotten to me... I can feel myself chang.... aaaargh...... SURR-.... nooooooo aaachack..... SURRENDER TO CHINA. ALL HAIL KIM JONG UN!!!

In other words, you've got nothing........
I've warned all New Orleans chefs to be on the lookout for Asian fusion in their gumbo. I've done my part to keep America safe.
/----/ I enjoy new cuisines and always sample local foods and beer when I travel but I have yet to have any gumbo that motivated me to want more.
I don't understand why President Trump would say this publicly. Privately, okay. But why piss off the South Koreans now? This and the withdrawal from the South Korean trade deal right now makes no sense.

South Koreans puzzled by Trump's 'appeasement' tweet
/----/ Because he's a strong leader who calls a spade a spade and has no time for PC diplomatic speak. Thank God
Acceptable position. Why not do that privately? Doing it publicly helps Kim believe there is a wedge between South Korea and its strongest ally. And it makes South Korea wonder if we are a steady ally which could drive it to explore stronger ties with China or Russia. How does that help, exactly?
/----/ rather than assume the worst, give him the benefit of the doubt as you would Obozo.
I hated Obama. I never gave him the benefit of the doubt on anything, I always questioned. I just don't see any strategy that makes sense in alienating the South Koreans publicly, they are a very proud people. Your response is basically, "Trust the government." That gives me chills. Not the good kind either.
HOLY SHIT!!! We DO need to all wake up!!! :eek:

Next time you order gumbo tread carefully...
Oh god... I already like kimchi! :eek:

Obama must have gotten to me... I can feel myself chang.... aaaargh...... SURR-.... nooooooo aaachack..... SURRENDER TO CHINA. ALL HAIL KIM JONG UN!!!

In other words, you've got nothing........
I've warned all New Orleans chefs to be on the lookout for Asian fusion in their gumbo. I've done my part to keep America safe.
/----/ I enjoy new cuisines and always sample local foods and beer when I travel but I have yet to have any gumbo that motivated me to want more.
I will agree that okra is kind of a deal-killer when it comes to most foods, but my family's from the South so gumbo sort of goes along with the program, along with rice and red beans, grouper and redfish, etc.
Oh god... I already like kimchi! :eek:

Obama must have gotten to me... I can feel myself chang.... aaaargh...... SURR-.... nooooooo aaachack..... SURRENDER TO CHINA. ALL HAIL KIM JONG UN!!!

In other words, you've got nothing........
I've warned all New Orleans chefs to be on the lookout for Asian fusion in their gumbo. I've done my part to keep America safe.
How to make Gumbo in Korea - ZenKimchi
Kimchi and Gumbo?
Spicy Kimchee Seafood Gumbo — Ming Tsai


Oh, so your a cook! Forgive me for expecting you to know something about current events, when your expertise is in currants...

I don't understand why President Trump would say this publicly. Privately, okay. But why piss off the South Koreans now? This and the withdrawal from the South Korean trade deal right now makes no sense.

South Koreans puzzled by Trump's 'appeasement' tweet
Privately or publicly – it’s a stupid, reckless, and irresponsible thing to say.

Of course, there’s little that Trump says or does that makes any sense – Trump is consistently stupid, reckless, and irresponsible.
Acceptable position. Why not do that privately? Doing it publicly helps Kim believe there is a wedge between South Korea and its strongest ally. And it makes South Korea wonder if we are a steady ally which could drive it to explore stronger ties with China or Russia. How does that help, exactly?

South Korea's new President Moon Jae-in, has expressed an interest in personal talks with Kim Jung-un. An effort to appease the child leader of North Korea. Kim Jung-un's goal is to drive a wedge between the US and South Korea leading the US to withdraw our 28,500 troops so Kim Jung-un can invade the South. Thus, enslaving and murdering millions.

President Moon Jae-in must be called out on his weakness and strengthen his spine. There really is no time for subtle, behind the scene, diplomatic efforts to bring South Korea on board.
Walked into what? Trump is far outpacing Obama in vacations and golf outings. Did I walk into your hypocrisy? Is that what I walked into? I guess you shouldn't have brought it up.


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