Our Child President at the Nuclear Summit

Looks like Obama is proclaiming victory....he has earned if
Once again bringing us farther away from nuclear war

Meanwhile, the top two Republucans are threatening to use nukes against ISIS
Bill Rivhardson should have kice
Embarresment to America and the free world. Look at David Cameron give him the stink eye.
View attachment 69827

Obama is a fucking embarrassment

He's a fucking child

People like you are an embarrassment. The OP is a lie and not one of you wingnuts is smart enough to figure it out.

Obama is a fucking child in a mans world. He's just plain fucking dumb too. The only thing is does well is he can follow whatever Soros and Val Jarett tell him

It's pointless to have an entire conversation on Obama. Let's stick to the topic of this thread. He didn't throw the peace sign and posters like you are too stupid to figure it out. End of story.
Obamatons are so clueless. They create their own fantasy bubble worlds.

Peace out, fools! Obama flashes peace sign at nuclear security summit
What he does best....

Bill Rivhardson should have kice
Embarresment to America and the free world. Look at David Cameron give him the stink eye.
View attachment 69827

Obama is a fucking embarrassment

He's a fucking child

People like you are an embarrassment. The OP is a lie and not one of you wingnuts is smart enough to figure it out.

Obama is a fucking child in a mans world. He's just plain fucking dumb too. The only thing is does well is he can follow whatever Soros and Val Jarett tell him

It's pointless to have an entire conversation on Obama. Let's stick to the topic of this thread. He didn't throw the peace sign and posters like you are too stupid to figure it out. End of story.
Obamatons are so clueless. They create their own fantasy bubble worlds.

Peace out, fools! Obama flashes peace sign at nuclear security summit

"We got two more folks were waiting on", your own source betrays you.
The world looks down on Obama as a smart ass negro in over his head.
We've been hearing this nonsense for 8 years. Finally, you get a chance to pick your president. The choice is between Donald Trump an islamaphobe moron and Ted Cruz a homophobe religious zealot.

We have Curz proposing that police patrol Muslim neighborhoods and Donald Trump proposing a ban on Muslim immigration. These people are not fit to be president of anything.

Obama is 100x better than the clowns in the Republican circus. Prepare yourself for a catastrophic electoral landslide as either Cruz or Trump drag the ticket down everywhere.

Yes sir, everyone in the country thinks like you. That's why the Republican nominees have received almost 1/3 more votes than the Democrats.

Let the Muslims run wild, yep that is a winning proposition. Funny how you defend Islam, even though they have vowed to kill homosexual, and yet you don't have a kind word for Christians.
N. Korea and Japan and Saudi Arabia should have nuclear weapons.

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