Our country is being drowned in rules and regulations!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
A Red Tape Tower - Over 20,000 Pages Of Obamacare Regulations
A Red Tape Tower - Over 20,000 Pages Of Obamacare Regulations - Bob Beauprez - Townhall Finance Conservative Columnists and Financial Commentary

Regulating Small Businesses Out of Business
By Blanche Lincoln former Democratic senator from Arkansas, National Chair, Small Businesses for Sensible Regulations
Over the past five years, the number of proposed “major regulations” – those costing $100 million or more to the economy – have increased by more than 60 percent. Today, there are over 160,000 pages of federal regulations on the books, and more than 4,200 new rules are awaiting approval.
Over 800 of those pending would directly affect small businesses.

What's the Sum Effect of EPA Rules? - Energy and Environment Experts

While various financial regulatory agencies are far from done generating all the regulations that the law requires, the total time needed to comply with the regulations already issued eclipses 50 million hours, much of which the government has not bothered to monetize.

Now even the Federal government keeps track through The Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA) calculates that the federal government currently imposes more than 10.3 billion hours of paperwork compliance annually. To put that number in perspective, New York could build more than 1,400 Empire State Buildings in the equivalent amount of time.

Calculating the monetized cost for those hours of paperwork is a bit dicey, however. OIRA estimates that the associated cost of compliance for those 10.3 billion hours comes to $77.2 billion, which means that the government believes an individual’s time is worth $7.45 per hour. That is less than the minimum wage in Washington, D.C.
What Does an Hour of Regulatory Compliance Cost? | American Action Forum

But the cost then is even more then $77.2 billion if figured at $7.45 per hour because employers' share of SS/Medicare adds another 7.65% or at $8.01 per hour
that works out to another $5.4 billion or $82.6 billion a year JUST for the cost of paperwork.

So think of what it will be with Obamacare and EPA adding thousands of more in rules and regulations!
AND REMEMBER this is just the Federal government.
Add on State/local rules and regulations...

It costs business and industry an estimated $1.75 trillion a year to comply with federal regulations, according to two economists whose work was commissioned last year by the Small Business Administration.
The proposed regulatory rollbacks unveiled late last week by the White House appear to total just over $1 billion in annual cost savings.

Read more at Crazy Federal Rules Cost Business $1.75T a Year
No, it isn't.

You obviously have never been a business person but had your paycheck signed and you put your 40 hours in.
You obviously never had any concerns about if you hired one more person you'd have to add another water closet as this OSHA rule requires.
PER OSHA "water closet" means a toilet facility maintained within a toilet room for the purpose of both defecation and urination and which is flushed with water.
Minimum number of Number of employees water closets
1 to 15.................................................... 1
16 to 35................................................... 2
36 to 55................................................... 3
56 to 80................................................... 4

OSHA requires if a business has 1 water closet for 15 workers and decide to hire 1 more person... per OSHA law provide must have 2 water closets!

Sanitation. - 1910.141

PLUS where is YOUR proof for you statement "no it isn't"?
A Red Tape Tower - Over 20,000 Pages Of Obamacare Regulations
A Red Tape Tower - Over 20,000 Pages Of Obamacare Regulations - Bob Beauprez - Townhall Finance Conservative Columnists and Financial Commentary

Regulating Small Businesses Out of Business
By Blanche Lincoln former Democratic senator from Arkansas, National Chair, Small Businesses for Sensible Regulations
Over the past five years, the number of proposed “major regulations” – those costing $100 million or more to the economy – have increased by more than 60 percent. Today, there are over 160,000 pages of federal regulations on the books, and more than 4,200 new rules are awaiting approval.
Over 800 of those pending would directly affect small businesses.

What's the Sum Effect of EPA Rules? - Energy and Environment Experts

While various financial regulatory agencies are far from done generating all the regulations that the law requires, the total time needed to comply with the regulations already issued eclipses 50 million hours, much of which the government has not bothered to monetize.

Now even the Federal government keeps track through The Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA) calculates that the federal government currently imposes more than 10.3 billion hours of paperwork compliance annually. To put that number in perspective, New York could build more than 1,400 Empire State Buildings in the equivalent amount of time.

Calculating the monetized cost for those hours of paperwork is a bit dicey, however. OIRA estimates that the associated cost of compliance for those 10.3 billion hours comes to $77.2 billion, which means that the government believes an individual’s time is worth $7.45 per hour. That is less than the minimum wage in Washington, D.C.
What Does an Hour of Regulatory Compliance Cost? | American Action Forum

But the cost then is even more then $77.2 billion if figured at $7.45 per hour because employers' share of SS/Medicare adds another 7.65% or at $8.01 per hour
that works out to another $5.4 billion or $82.6 billion a year JUST for the cost of paperwork.

So think of what it will be with Obamacare and EPA adding thousands of more in rules and regulations!
AND REMEMBER this is just the Federal government.
Add on State/local rules and regulations...

It costs business and industry an estimated $1.75 trillion a year to comply with federal regulations, according to two economists whose work was commissioned last year by the Small Business Administration.
The proposed regulatory rollbacks unveiled late last week by the White House appear to total just over $1 billion in annual cost savings.

Read more at Crazy Federal Rules Cost Business $1.75T a Year

welcome to California....
Good News about Obamacare... 63,500 full time 40 hours a week employees dedicated to Obamacare Paperwork...
Three House committees have added up the total hours of burden that Obamacare’s regulations will cost Americans: over 127 million hours per year of paperwork.
Federal law requires agencies to estimate the paperwork burden created by rules and regulations, so the estimates for hours of burden come from the Obama Administration itself.
The committees’ new Obamacare Burden Tracker currently includes 157 different rules and regulations that make up the 127 million hours of paperwork.
Regulation: Obamacare?s Burden

At a cost of $10 per hour in wages PLUS SS/Medicare or total of $10.75 per hour employers must EAT i.e. NOTHING productive being done means $1,367,155,000 a year.
So what will they do? Raise their prices to cover JUST the costs of Obamacare!
The government is intent on eliminating small business. If the democrat goals are to be reached, the goods and services that small business provides will have to be provided by the government itself.
Duh! That's the whole point, destroy the system and replace it with some form of Totalitarianism/Communism. Whatever the Bankers want.
A Red Tape Tower - Over 20,000 Pages Of Obamacare Regulations
A Red Tape Tower - Over 20,000 Pages Of Obamacare Regulations - Bob Beauprez - Townhall Finance Conservative Columnists and Financial Commentary

Regulating Small Businesses Out of Business
By Blanche Lincoln former Democratic senator from Arkansas, National Chair, Small Businesses for Sensible Regulations
Over the past five years, the number of proposed “major regulations” – those costing $100 million or more to the economy – have increased by more than 60 percent. Today, there are over 160,000 pages of federal regulations on the books, and more than 4,200 new rules are awaiting approval.
Over 800 of those pending would directly affect small businesses.

What's the Sum Effect of EPA Rules? - Energy and Environment Experts

While various financial regulatory agencies are far from done generating all the regulations that the law requires, the total time needed to comply with the regulations already issued eclipses 50 million hours, much of which the government has not bothered to monetize.

Now even the Federal government keeps track through The Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA) calculates that the federal government currently imposes more than 10.3 billion hours of paperwork compliance annually. To put that number in perspective, New York could build more than 1,400 Empire State Buildings in the equivalent amount of time.

Calculating the monetized cost for those hours of paperwork is a bit dicey, however. OIRA estimates that the associated cost of compliance for those 10.3 billion hours comes to $77.2 billion, which means that the government believes an individual’s time is worth $7.45 per hour. That is less than the minimum wage in Washington, D.C.
What Does an Hour of Regulatory Compliance Cost? | American Action Forum

But the cost then is even more then $77.2 billion if figured at $7.45 per hour because employers' share of SS/Medicare adds another 7.65% or at $8.01 per hour
that works out to another $5.4 billion or $82.6 billion a year JUST for the cost of paperwork.

So think of what it will be with Obamacare and EPA adding thousands of more in rules and regulations!
AND REMEMBER this is just the Federal government.
Add on State/local rules and regulations...

It costs business and industry an estimated $1.75 trillion a year to comply with federal regulations, according to two economists whose work was commissioned last year by the Small Business Administration.
The proposed regulatory rollbacks unveiled late last week by the White House appear to total just over $1 billion in annual cost savings.

Read more at Crazy Federal Rules Cost Business $1.75T a Year

:clap2:Very good point. And I bet I can bring down your point into two words. 'GOVERNMENT TAKEOVER'. And if it doesn't end its just going to continue.
Psst. Who do you think is paying for all that legislation? Hint: It most certainly isn't "we the people" aka the government. Go see what Monsanto just did. THEY (mega corporations and banks) are paying for favorable legislation that hamstrings small businesses. Why can't you right wing morons SEE this??? Jeebus.
Duh! That's the whole point, destroy the system and replace it with some form of Totalitarianism/Communism. Whatever the Bankers want.

I used to think that democrats intended to impose communism on the nation. They don't. They aren't communists. They are Utopians. Communism permits much more freedom than Utopianism.
Few regulations being passed today have anything to do with safety and are simply to limit business activities or raise revenue.

Liberals can't tell the difference.
Few regulations being passed today have anything to do with safety and are simply to limit business activities or raise revenue.
Liberals can't tell the difference.

Where'd you get that from? "Because I want it to be true" Magazine
A Red Tape Tower - Over 20,000 Pages Of Obamacare Regulations
A Red Tape Tower - Over 20,000 Pages Of Obamacare Regulations - Bob Beauprez - Townhall Finance Conservative Columnists and Financial Commentary

Regulating Small Businesses Out of Business
By Blanche Lincoln former Democratic senator from Arkansas, National Chair, Small Businesses for Sensible Regulations
Over the past five years, the number of proposed “major regulations” – those costing $100 million or more to the economy – have increased by more than 60 percent. Today, there are over 160,000 pages of federal regulations on the books, and more than 4,200 new rules are awaiting approval.
Over 800 of those pending would directly affect small businesses.

What's the Sum Effect of EPA Rules? - Energy and Environment Experts

While various financial regulatory agencies are far from done generating all the regulations that the law requires, the total time needed to comply with the regulations already issued eclipses 50 million hours, much of which the government has not bothered to monetize.

Now even the Federal government keeps track through The Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA) calculates that the federal government currently imposes more than 10.3 billion hours of paperwork compliance annually. To put that number in perspective, New York could build more than 1,400 Empire State Buildings in the equivalent amount of time.

Calculating the monetized cost for those hours of paperwork is a bit dicey, however. OIRA estimates that the associated cost of compliance for those 10.3 billion hours comes to $77.2 billion, which means that the government believes an individual’s time is worth $7.45 per hour. That is less than the minimum wage in Washington, D.C.
What Does an Hour of Regulatory Compliance Cost? | American Action Forum

But the cost then is even more then $77.2 billion if figured at $7.45 per hour because employers' share of SS/Medicare adds another 7.65% or at $8.01 per hour
that works out to another $5.4 billion or $82.6 billion a year JUST for the cost of paperwork.

So think of what it will be with Obamacare and EPA adding thousands of more in rules and regulations!
AND REMEMBER this is just the Federal government.
Add on State/local rules and regulations...

It costs business and industry an estimated $1.75 trillion a year to comply with federal regulations, according to two economists whose work was commissioned last year by the Small Business Administration.
The proposed regulatory rollbacks unveiled late last week by the White House appear to total just over $1 billion in annual cost savings.

Read more at Crazy Federal Rules Cost Business $1.75T a Year

You need to read the book, "Pruning the Fourth Branch" by Al Lee. You would be amazed at the way our goverment has used regulations to cut off the other 3 branches of Government from operating effectively. His book is a blockbuster! I don't believe there is another book out there that explains what is happening so clearly. Excellent read. - J.

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