Our first admendment rights are all but gone


Gold Member
Apr 17, 2011
I do not agree with one ounce of what that LA clipper owner said. But he said it in his own home .. Our freedom of speech is a thing of the past. I hope you liberals are happy
I do not agree with one ounce of what that LA clipper owner said. But he said it in his own home .. Our freedom of speech is a thing of the past. I hope you liberals are happy

there was no violation of his first amendment right.

he has every right to spew whatever racist garbage he wants.

that doesn't mean you can say whatever you want and there won't be any repercussions.

70% of the NBA are people of color. advertisers dissociated themselves from the team in droves. the players didn't want to play for the doddering racist fool.

this isn't a first amendment issue.

jeeze louise....
Was he arrested and jailed like several rwer's hero does, Mr. Pootin, the autocrat despot?
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Again, when did Putin become the darling of the right?

Oh yeah, never. The left doesn't like him because he's not leftist enough. So they pretend the right loves him. What a joke.
I do not agree with one ounce of what that LA clipper owner said. But he said it in his own home .. Our freedom of speech is a thing of the past. I hope you liberals are happy

You may want to think about this one a little more.

He is free to express himself and others are free to express what THEY feel about what he said.

It's a two-way street or it is a worthless deadend.
Who gave the skank the right to disseminate the tape?

I hope all you assclowns who think justice is being served are prepared to have your own private comments open the scrutiny of public opinion. There's not a living soul on this shitty planet who can come out of that kind of ass reaming unscathed.

But, this is what an 80 year old fool gets when getting into bed with a 30 year old botoxed hag looking for her own fame. The question is not what she is, but what her fee was.
Nobody put him in jail

The first amendment does not say there can be no consequences for your speech
Who gave the skank the right to disseminate the tape?

I hope all you assclowns who think justice is being served are prepared to have your own private comments open the scrutiny of public opinion. There's not a living soul on this shitty planet who can come out of that kind of ass reaming unscathed.

But, this is what an 80 year old fool gets when getting into bed with a 30 year old botoxed hag looking for her own fame. The question is not what she is, but what her fee was.

And some folks glady share their ass with all....
Again, when did Putin become the darling of the right?

Oh yeah, never. The left doesn't like him because he's not leftist enough. So they pretend the right loves him. What a joke.

If I had to venture a guess, based on this board, it would be because there have been some 'right' posters who have said they consider Putin a better leader than Obama.
Who gave the skank the right to disseminate the tape?

I hope all you assclowns who think justice is being served are prepared to have your own private comments open the scrutiny of public opinion. There's not a living soul on this shitty planet who can come out of that kind of ass reaming unscathed.

But, this is what an 80 year old fool gets when getting into bed with a 30 year old botoxed hag looking for her own fame. The question is not what she is, but what her fee was.

I agree that he was set up by a money hungry skank big time, but it still isn't a case of freedom of speech violation.
Psst...nobody made it illegal to use the term "french fries". Certain entrepreneurs just opted to use the term "freedom fries" as a sales gimmick.

And it worked, lol.
I am not seeing this as a huge first amendment issue.

This is more just evidence that racism isnt the problem the left wants to pretend it to be. if it were, more people would be supporting this guy.

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