Our Future: From Global Warming Conference!!


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
Not the middle of nowhere
Ready for this......................

THIS is how all of our houses will look if people like Old Rocks and Chris......part of the global warming religion.......get their way!!! THESE are the actual photos displayed at the conference of a GLOBAL WARMING HOUSE OF THE FUTURE!!! And look at the social invalid standing in front of the kitchen of the future.......another indoctrinated whack job with vapor for brains cells.

Hot Air Tour - First Photos From UN Climate Conference | Americans for Prosperity>>> CLICK FOR SLIDESHOW

This is how these miserable SOB's want the world to look............miserable and jealouos of others success, these crap houses is how they want all Americans to live. Who neds a washer/dryer set-up when you can have a basin and that tiny little water heater. Want a hot shower? According to the k00k in Cancun last week............Fcukk You......no hot showers for you.

All this global warming bullshit has ever been about is the redistribution of wealth in the world. It has never been about science. These dolts show up at this conference from all over the globe, laugh, chat and drink alcohol on our dimes....waiting for the next handout to come from Americans who should accept living in a shithouse while billions of others sit on their asses.
I say..........fckukk them. If they want to live in little shit-shacks, go for it!!! They have my blessings........will even donate a UN flag they can stick out in the front of it!!!:mm:
By the way........go back and look at that first photo. See the fat ass social loser guy on the right?? Of course and asshole like that is going to be part of this........he cant make it anywhere else in life. He's a miserable fcukk who's found some meaning in his life.

Who cant see that being the fcukking spit of a guy like Old Rocks.........likely works his whole life in the middle of nowhere.........a fcukking hermit social moron who has embraced a radical agenda to find something meaningful in his life. So may people who are the most radical in this movement are these social misfits who cant cut it in the regular world.......like that asshole in the first picture. Imagine him walking into your next social function? Everybody else is sayng to themselves, "Who the fcukk invited the serial killer?"

Too.......look at the asshhole chick in the fourth pic........the one waving that gay flag. Clearly well adjusted socially.......wouldnt you say?

Dollar to 1,000 stale donuts that guys like Rocks and Chris walk into a party, in half a heartbeat, people are saying, "HOLY FCUKK...........what thatched cottage did these two grow up in?"
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Ready for this......................

THIS is how all of our houses will look if people like Old Rocks and Chris......part of the global warming religion.......get their way!!! THESE are the actual photos displayed at the conference of a GLOBAL WARMING HOUSE OF THE FUTURE!!! And look at the social invalid standing in front of the kitchen of the future.......another indoctrinated whack job with vapor for brains cells.

Hot Air Tour - First Photos From UN Climate Conference | Americans for Prosperity>>> CLICK FOR SLIDESHOW

This is how these miserable SOB's want the world to look............miserable and jealouos of others success, these crap houses is how they want all Americans to live. Who neds a washer/dryer set-up when you can have a basin and that tiny little water heater. Want a hot shower? According to the k00k in Cancun last week............Fcukk You......no hot showers for you.

All this global warming bullshit has ever been about is the redistribution of wealth in the world. It has never been about science. These dolts show up at this conference from all over the globe, laugh, chat and drink alcohol on our dimes....waiting for the next handout to come from Americans who should accept living in a shithouse while billions of others sit on their asses.

That is as true a statement as you can make about the religion of environmentalism as opposed to the practice of environmentalism.
these people are completely off the charts k00ky..........

What Ive always been fascinated about is how you get to a point in your life where you just automatically buy somebodys stuff hook, line and stinker like a zombie chasing some kid on a mall. What happens in the formative years that facilitates such a level of being led around by the nose like some trained farm animal.?

That you can think that the world would be a better place with everybody having a carbon copy house where everybody is named "Vanilla". Thats the perfect world for the hate America, anticapitalist jarheads..........like fcukking Brave New World.
these people are completely off the charts k00ky..........

What Ive always been fascinated about is how you get to a point in your life where you just automatically buy somebodys stuff hook, line and stinker like a zombie chasing some kid on a mall. What happens in the formative years that facilitates such a level of being led around by the nose like some trained farm animal.?

That you can think that the world would be a better place with everybody having a carbon copy house where everybody is named "Vanilla". Thats the perfect world for the hate America, anticapitalist jarheads..........like fcukking Brave New World.

Just remember, at the beginning, people actually voted for Hitler.

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