Our last election as a country of citizens shaping our nation's future

If we elect Clinton, and she continue's, even broadens Obama's practice of open borders, and letting non citizens vote, what would prevent greedy nations, feeding off of our wealth and resources, from engorging our cities by flying in their citizens long enough to cast a ballot for what they want the future of our country to look like?

NEVER !!!! say "never"------the USA WILL RISE AGAIN

Now honeyrosie. It has already started. Will we vote to continue and expand it, or discontinue it is the question.
If we elect Clinton, and she continue's, even broadens Obama's practice of open borders, and letting non citizens vote, what would prevent greedy nations, feeding off of our wealth and resources, from engorging our cities by flying in their citizens long enough to cast a ballot for what they want the future of our country to look like?

The future of this nation looks brighter without right-wing racists having any real voice in our future.

So, you're for it..
If we elect Clinton, and she continue's, even broadens Obama's practice of open borders, and letting non citizens vote, what would prevent greedy nations, feeding off of our wealth and resources, from engorging our cities by flying in their citizens long enough to cast a ballot for what they want the future of our country to look like?

NEVER !!!! say "never"------the USA WILL RISE AGAIN

Now honeyrosie. It has already started. Will we vote to continue and expand it, or discontinue it is the question.

sir Isaac Newton------that miscreant who invented the bane of
our freshman year existence CALCULUS!!!! has told us---ALSO------FOR EVERY ACTION THERE IS AN EQUAL AND
OPPOSITE REACTION (whatevah da hell that means)
.. it's just amazing watching how cowardly and insecure these idiots are.

They should never hold the reins to this nations direction or future.
Found another black racist on here. But im not going to tell you his name because I know you wont attack him because he is YOUR kind of racist. Lying bitch.

What a pussy you are. You want me to attack someone YOU think is a racist, but your punk ass won't even tell me his screenname .. and it sure as hell isn't "asslips."

Grow up motherfucker.
I told you "asslips" real name. I gave you the goddamn link FFS. This guy, mickiel, just admitted it. And you probably still wont say shit. Lying bitch.

Fuck you whiny little bitch of a man. Whoever he is he must frequently put the cyber boot up your pink ass so now you run to me to fight your racist battle.

Start from here twinky .. you're a fucking racist. When I encounter the person that terrorizes you, I'll determine for myself if he's a racist or if he just hates you.
LMAO you are such a joke. considering you look like you get the senior discount, grow the fuck up, old timer.

You talking about me or Issac Hayes?
If we elect Clinton, and she continue's, even broadens Obama's practice of open borders, and letting non citizens vote, what would prevent greedy nations, feeding off of our wealth and resources, from engorging our cities by flying in their citizens long enough to cast a ballot for what they want the future of our country to look like?

The future of this nation looks brighter without right-wing racists having any real voice in our future.

So, you're for it..

"So, you're for it.."

Not only am I for it .. I want to be part of it.

The right-wing hates us .. we hate them .. but the tables have turned.
The country went over the hill years ago. It just cracks me up when I hear people think it just started happening with Obama or this upcoming election.
The righty tin foil hat crowd become bigger pansy drama queens by the day .

So this is right wing theory? Non-citizens are not voting and are not suing us to be able to vote here more easily in our elections, Timmy?
While you play righty/lefty, we are losing the nation/global battle for our sovereignty. Ask Hillary what her private dream is..
Found another black racist on here. But im not going to tell you his name because I know you wont attack him because he is YOUR kind of racist. Lying bitch.

What a pussy you are. You want me to attack someone YOU think is a racist, but your punk ass won't even tell me his screenname .. and it sure as hell isn't "asslips."

Grow up motherfucker.
I told you "asslips" real name. I gave you the goddamn link FFS. This guy, mickiel, just admitted it. And you probably still wont say shit. Lying bitch.

Fuck you whiny little bitch of a man. Whoever he is he must frequently put the cyber boot up your pink ass so now you run to me to fight your racist battle.

Start from here twinky .. you're a fucking racist. When I encounter the person that terrorizes you, I'll determine for myself if he's a racist or if he just hates you.
LMAO you are such a joke. considering you look like you get the senior discount, grow the fuck up, old timer.

You talking about me or Issac Hayes?
If we elect Clinton, and she continue's, even broadens Obama's practice of open borders, and letting non citizens vote, what would prevent greedy nations, feeding off of our wealth and resources, from engorging our cities by flying in their citizens long enough to cast a ballot for what they want the future of our country to look like?

The future of this nation looks brighter without right-wing racists having any real voice in our future.

So, you're for it..

"So, you're for it.."

Not only am I for it .. I want to be part of it.

The right-wing hates us .. we hate them .. but the tables have turned.

The left wings hate you. You are predators, that need to be brought to heel...after you vote. I bet you are going to miss that Bill of Rights as much as the rest of us. And unless you and your family are good Muslims that keep sharia law, Muslims are going to hate you even more. You will be in parts, not a part.
If we elect Clinton, and she continue's, even broadens Obama's practice of open borders, and letting non citizens vote, what would prevent greedy nations, feeding off of our wealth and resources, from engorging our cities by flying in their citizens long enough to cast a ballot for what they want the future of our country to look like?

In case nobody told you yet today, "YOU'RE NUTS" It's important that you are reminded every day.

You are ineffectual. You can't address the issue.
If we elect Clinton, and she continue's, even broadens Obama's practice of open borders, and letting non citizens vote, what would prevent greedy nations, feeding off of our wealth and resources, from engorging our cities by flying in their citizens long enough to cast a ballot for what they want the future of our country to look like?

In case nobody told you yet today, "YOU'RE NUTS" It's important that you are reminded every day.

You are ineffectual. You can't address the issue.

The only issue is your claim that widespread non citizen voting is, or will be real. That's nuts.
The country went over the hill years ago. It just cracks me up when I hear people think it just started happening with Obama or this upcoming election.

Then you have missed those who have been dismissed as conspiracy theorists for years and years. This is not and has not been a recent development. For years, Republicans and Democrats have been and are now on one side. The American citizen on the other. We are coming to the end of it, not the beginning of it. If this election goes to the Global elite, the United States of America will become part of hemisphere # 1. No Constitution, no Bill of Rights. Hillary has told you so. Believe her. It is how and where she makes her money, so you can bank on it too.
When President Obama was first elected in 2008, the Rabid Right Wing got to work delegitimizing him. Birth certificates, born in Kenya, 'secret' Muslim. All these slobbering schemes to make the elected President NOT the elected President.

Now the mouth breathing Trump supporters are at it again. Pre-emptively delegitimizing Hillary Clinton.

Might we expect a gracious concession speech by The Donald early on the evening of November 8? Probably not. No one under his influence is interested in the peaceful change of power. Rather they yearn for contention, disruption, revolution. And they call themselves "Patriots"!
If we elect Clinton, and she continue's, even broadens Obama's practice of open borders, and letting non citizens vote, what would prevent greedy nations, feeding off of our wealth and resources, from engorging our cities by flying in their citizens long enough to cast a ballot for what they want the future of our country to look like?

In case nobody told you yet today, "YOU'RE NUTS" It's important that you are reminded every day.

You are ineffectual. You can't address the issue.

The only issue is your claim that widespread non citizen voting is, or will be real. That's nuts.

It is so on a small scale now. What makes you think that a 550% increase in refugees <not illegals, the 2 have completely different rights under our law, and an open border of voters, will not be voting "their conscience" ?
What a pussy you are. You want me to attack someone YOU think is a racist, but your punk ass won't even tell me his screenname .. and it sure as hell isn't "asslips."

Grow up motherfucker.
I told you "asslips" real name. I gave you the goddamn link FFS. This guy, mickiel, just admitted it. And you probably still wont say shit. Lying bitch.

Fuck you whiny little bitch of a man. Whoever he is he must frequently put the cyber boot up your pink ass so now you run to me to fight your racist battle.

Start from here twinky .. you're a fucking racist. When I encounter the person that terrorizes you, I'll determine for myself if he's a racist or if he just hates you.
LMAO you are such a joke. considering you look like you get the senior discount, grow the fuck up, old timer.

You talking about me or Issac Hayes?
If we elect Clinton, and she continue's, even broadens Obama's practice of open borders, and letting non citizens vote, what would prevent greedy nations, feeding off of our wealth and resources, from engorging our cities by flying in their citizens long enough to cast a ballot for what they want the future of our country to look like?

The future of this nation looks brighter without right-wing racists having any real voice in our future.

So, you're for it..

"So, you're for it.."

Not only am I for it .. I want to be part of it.

The right-wing hates us .. we hate them .. but the tables have turned.

The left wings hate you. You are predators, that need to be brought to heel...after you vote. I bet you are going to miss that Bill of Rights as much as the rest of us. And unless you and your family are good Muslims that keep sharia law, Muslims are going to hate you even more. You will be in parts, not a part.

You can run your scary ass away now. The Left doesn't hate me .. you do .. and you've proved that.

Muslims don't hate me .. you do.

I would much rather be in the company of Muslims .. and I often am .. then be in the company of racist motherfuckers like you.

They'll make better Americans then your ilk.
I told you "asslips" real name. I gave you the goddamn link FFS. This guy, mickiel, just admitted it. And you probably still wont say shit. Lying bitch.

Fuck you whiny little bitch of a man. Whoever he is he must frequently put the cyber boot up your pink ass so now you run to me to fight your racist battle.

Start from here twinky .. you're a fucking racist. When I encounter the person that terrorizes you, I'll determine for myself if he's a racist or if he just hates you.
LMAO you are such a joke. considering you look like you get the senior discount, grow the fuck up, old timer.

You talking about me or Issac Hayes?
If we elect Clinton, and she continue's, even broadens Obama's practice of open borders, and letting non citizens vote, what would prevent greedy nations, feeding off of our wealth and resources, from engorging our cities by flying in their citizens long enough to cast a ballot for what they want the future of our country to look like?

The future of this nation looks brighter without right-wing racists having any real voice in our future.

So, you're for it..

"So, you're for it.."

Not only am I for it .. I want to be part of it.

The right-wing hates us .. we hate them .. but the tables have turned.

The left wings hate you. You are predators, that need to be brought to heel...after you vote. I bet you are going to miss that Bill of Rights as much as the rest of us. And unless you and your family are good Muslims that keep sharia law, Muslims are going to hate you even more. You will be in parts, not a part.

You can run your scary ass away now. The Left doesn't hate me .. you do .. and you've proved that.

Muslims don't hate me .. you do.

I would much rather be in the company of Muslims .. and I often am .. then be in the company of racist motherfuckers like you.

They'll make better Americans then your ilk.

I have done nothing of the kind. I don't give one shit what color you are and have never sent an ill will in your direction. I don't run, I stand my ground. You don't scare me.
I think you believe if you are not black, you are automatically a racist. Soros has convinced you, and Hillary is using you while making sure not to offer you anything in return. It's the opposite of pay to play. Play but don't pay is her motto where the black community is concerned.

Speaking of running, While Soros is paying Acorn to rile you up, he is giving hundreds of millions to our Muslim quota so they can open a business right next to yours for free. To run you out. And millions to companies that will fire your dumb ass and hire your Muslim replacement. I don't care who you hate. I care about our country.

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