Our New Speaker Thinks the Earth is 6,000 Years Old

Not after COVID and AGW they don't.

More disdain for your fellow citizen, and unearned disdain at that.
Oh please. Dont give me that bullshit holier than thou when you’re hatred of ”fellow citizens” comes through in almost every post. The difference is you only hate the marginalized out groups and defend yourself and Jim Bob.

COVID and AGW are two places where right wing anti-science comes through most apparent.

You decided you don’t like the result of the science so you attempt to delegitimize it with conspiracies and ad hominems.
Oh please. Dont give me that bullshit holier than thou when you’re hatred of ”fellow citizens” comes through in almost every post. The difference is you only hate the marginalized out groups and defend yourself and Jim Bob.

COVID and AGW are two places where right wing anti-science comes through most apparent.

You decided you don’t like the result of the science so you attempt to delegitimize it with conspiracies and ad hominems.

My only hatred is when they try to shut down other people. You can believe your Marxist bullshit as much as you want, speak about it as much as you want, and vote for it as much as you want. But once you try to silence the other side, I have nothing but contempt, disdain and abject hatred of you.

The science that makes people wear masks in their own cars by themselves, and had that grim reaper idiot saying people on the beach outdoors were going to die and kill everyone around them?

Or the science that says the only way to "save the planet" is give up our standards of living while the elites don't?
My only hatred is when they try to shut down other people. You can believe your Marxist bullshit as much as you want, speak about it as much as you want, and vote for it as much as you want. But once you try to silence the other side, I have nothing but contempt, disdain and abject hatred of you.

The science that makes people wear masks in their own cars by themselves, and had that grim reaper idiot saying people on the beach outdoors were going to die and kill everyone around them?

Or the science that says the only way to "save the planet" is give up our standards of living while the elites don't?
You really should read some of your own posts because your self image is very different than your behavior. As we’ve seen, your definition of being silenced relies entirely on whether you agree with the people doing the silencing.

But you clearly hate me simply because I have different opinions than you. I’ve never silenced you or anyone else.

No one required people to wear masks alone in their own car. What we do about global warming is different than what the science says is happening. You don’t want to give up your quality of life, thats your decision. The problem is you can’t just accept the consequences and instead have to attack those saying there will be consequences.

Because your fragile emotions won’t allow you to deal with reality.
Well, this is reassuring.

The new Speaker appears to believe that the Earth is 6,000 years old.

Before arriving in Washington less than a decade ago, House Speaker Mike Johnson, a deeply religious Christian, was a legal crusader associated with a fringe evangelical movement called “young Earth creationism,” based on a literal reading of the Bible’s Book of Genesis that posits the Earth is only several thousand years old.​
In the mere hours since Johnson was elected speaker Wednesday, he hadn’t had to address his views on creationism and evolution. But his close ties to a leader of the creationist movement and his past legal work — on behalf of the Ark Encounter creationist theme park, where children can learn that dinosaurs were passengers on Noah’s Ark — seem to suggest that he’s also personally aligned with these beliefs.​

“The Ark Encounter is one way to bring people to this recognition of the truth, that what we read in the Bible are actual historical events,” Johnson said in a 2021 interview with Ark Encounter founder Ken Ham while guest-hosting the radio showof Tony Perkins, president of the Family Research Council, an evangelical activist group.​

That would be one of the reasons he's a trump supporter. People that gullible will fall for anything.
Oh please. Dont give me that bullshit holier than thou when you’re hatred of ”fellow citizens” comes through in almost every post. The difference is you only hate the marginalized out groups and defend yourself and Jim Bob.

COVID and AGW are two places where right wing anti-science comes through most apparent.

You decided you don’t like the result of the science so you attempt to delegitimize it with conspiracies and ad hominems.
Covid was a bio-weaponized common cold, and agw is YOUR religion! :eusa_hand:
You really should read some of your own posts because your self image is very different than your behavior. As we’ve seen, your definition of being silenced relies entirely on whether you agree with the people doing the silencing.

But you clearly hate me simply because I have different opinions than you. I’ve never silenced you or anyone else.

No one required people to wear masks alone in their own car. What we do about global warming is different than what the science says is happening. You don’t want to give up your quality of life, thats your decision. The problem is you can’t just accept the consequences and instead have to attack those saying there will be consequences.

Because your fragile emotions won’t allow you to deal with reality.

Where have I tried to silence, or supported silencing, anyone?

Point it out.

Requiring isn't the issue, pretending surgical masks were anything more than a panacea and half assed attempt at stopping any spread was the issue. I've been fit tested for masks, as required when used in harmful environments? I've had to shave my facial hair off to use them. How many people did these things during the pandemic?

Here is the difference between "science" and Engineering, i.e. application, and more to the point, proper application.
COVID and AGW are two places where right wing anti-science comes through most apparent.
Those are two spectacular examples of where most of you retards on the left wrong have fallen the hardest for unmitigated bullshit, thinly disguised as “science”.

They got you to be deathly afraid of a common cold. How stupid is that?

Covid was a bio-weaponized common cold, and agw is YOUR religion! :eusa_hand:

It was/is a common cold, plain and simple.

Fear is a weapon.

Hyperbole is a weapon.

Outright lies are a weapons..

COVID-1984 was just a prop, used to back up these weapons.
You aren't qualified to talk about science ever.

You aren't qualified to judge what I am or am not qualified for.

You are nothing more than a gullible ignoramus that will fall for any lie that your masters tell you, no matter how obvious it is to anyone with better than a room-temperature IQ that it is a lie. You are so deeply ignorant that you fell completely for the #CoronaHoax2020. What more proof than that does anyone need of your level of abject stupidity?
The Far Left nominated celebrated Creation Scientist William Jennings Bryan for President not once, not twice but thrice for the Presidency. Why do libs have such a problemo with Speaker Johnson who isn't nearly as outspoken on the issue as Bryan was?

Maybe believing in fairytales shows a person has had a psychotic break with reality.
Wait...........did you just compare the wackadoodle belief the Earth is 6K years old with those who accept the overwhelming scientific evidence of man made climate change?
LOL, what hurtful behaviour becomse of believing this.
It ain't like grifting like you boy in the WH

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