Our New Speaker Thinks the Earth is 6,000 Years Old

Trump's god is Mammon.

But, with Johnson, I'm sure he supped with the devil for Dobbs, but I'm not sure what his religious beliefs have to do with budgets or Biden's policy of an open border with the world.
So you're a Christian, then?
God, creator of the earth, sent his only son Jesus to explain to the rest of the family of mankind what God requires of people. If you don't know what that is now, you should read the Good Book's discussion in the book of Micah as to what God requires of mankind. Specifically, Micah 6:8, which says "He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God."

I like to think of the ten Commandments when I consider what is just--it's a good way to act when you don't know what to do.

Christ saw people not understanding the old testament, so he told his followers the two most important points of the good behaviors the 10 Commandments require, sent to man from the heart of God. Christ pointe out that the Lord God is best understood if you "Love God with all your heart, soul, and mind. And a second important point Christ said is to "Love thy neighbor as you love yourself." IOW, Be nice to other people at all times. In other words, see that your neighbor gets justice when he's feeling low. IOW, raise up your neighbor's chances of success. and cut the crap of any real or imagined enmity of her or him. We should show mercy and kindness to everyone. Life has its challenges, but one of the best ways to meet and overcome challenges is to kill meanness with kindness. I can't explain it better than the Lord Christ, God's won did--just love your neighbor in the same way you care for yourself. Be good tp 'em. One thing you could do to start off is to forgive my typos. and it's getting harder to see the computer screen at age 77 than it was when I was a lot younger. Mac, we don't always win our challenges. We forget basic stuff sometimes, and we fuss at the dog when he lands on our toes. Why? Because we all come short of the glory of God who requests only 10 major things to behave ourselves and if we don't "get it," then just love our neighbors and treat them with respect. :huddle:
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God, creator of the earth, sent his only son Jesus to explain to the rest of the family of mankind what God requires of people. If you don't know what that is now, you should read the Good Book's discussion in the book of Micah as to what God requires of mankind. Specifically, Micah 6:8, which says "He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God."

I like to think of the ten Commandments when I consider what is just--it's a good way to act when you don't know what to do.

Christ saw people not understanding the old testament, so he told his followers the two most important points of the good behaviors the 10 Commandments require, sent to man from the heart of God. Christ pointe out that the Lord God is best understood if you "Love God with all your heart, soul, and mind. And a second important point Christ said is to "Love thy neighbor as you love yourself." IOw, Be nice to other people at all times. In other words, see that your neighbor gets justice when he's feeling low. IOW, raise i[ your neighbor's chances of success. and cut the crap of any real or imagined enmity of her or him. We should show mercy and kindness to everyone. Life has its challenges, but one of the best ways to meet and overcome challenges is to kill meanness with kindness. I can't explain it better than the Lord Christ, God's won did--just love your neighbor in the same way you care for yourself. Be good tp 'em. One thing you could do to start off is to forgive my typos. and it's getting harder to see the computer screen at age 77 than it was when I was a lot younger. Mac, we don't always win our challenges. We forget basic stuff sometimes, and we fuss at the dog when he lands on our toes. Why? Because we all come short of the glory of God who requests only 10 major things to behave ourselves and if we don't "get it," then just love our neighbors and treat them with respect. :huddle:
I don't know how you can do what you're doing. Sorry.
Many of these people think that Trump has been sent by God to save America from Satan. Literally.

You'd have as much luck trying to communicate with a wild-eyed Jihadi on the streets of Damascus.
you have no idea, it's why you remain confused.
no you don't, you make shit up.
See below. I've seen this kind of thing many times, and so have you.

You are a liar and a phony Christian, if you claim to be Christian at all.

Isn't the point why some people who profess to be christians feel Trump supports their beliefs. There is an irony that at least some of these folks recognize Trump is an unrepentant sinner, but they still feel their god uses Trump to do the god's will. I obviously disagree, not only with their conclusion but their claim to chrisitanity, but that doesn't mean they aren't sincere.

Now folks who claim Trump is actually a christian .... gtfo
See below. I've seen this kind of thing many times, and so have you.

You are a liar and a phony Christian, if you claim to be Christian at all.

see, I don't interject myself in people's personal beliefs, they are theirs and they must face their makers not me. It concerns you though for some odd reason. Not sure why. It seems you press your beliefs on others. Why is that so important for you?
Isn't the point why some people who profess to be christians feel Trump supports their beliefs. There is an irony that at least some of these folks recognize Trump is an unrepentant sinner, but they still feel their god uses Trump to do the god's will. I obviously disagree, not only with their conclusion but their claim to chrisitanity, but that doesn't mean they aren't sincere.

Now folks who claim Trump is actually a christian .... gtfo
nope, wrong, you have no clue and you just repeat media shit.
Apparently so

They sure do believe things that are not only not true

But are so FAR from being true that it’s … I’m not sure what the right word is there.



Hey, some people who think it's possible to achieve prosperity through forcible redistribution of wealth get elected. That's pretty delusional right there.
Hey, some people who think it's possible to achieve prosperity through forcible redistribution of wealth get elected. That's pretty delusional right there.
well it's the only way they can win. The true democracy haters are the ones using the force.
so you do believe in killing your neighbor and raping his wife. wow. It's clear you observe no law.
As I said, you're a liar. I appreciate your willingess to illustrate my point for me.

This is why I no longer bother here with you jihadis.

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