Our next Civil War will be over abortion

That's why you had to legalize it by doing an end run around the voters and having the courts impose it on them.
The demographics have changed in the last 45 years, genius. Dur

Uh huh. That's the reason behind the pro-life laws you're frothing at the mouth about; because EVEN MORE PEOPLE are cheering for abortion anytime, for any reason.

No matter how much you try to tell yourself that you're somehow morally superior by virtue of popular vote, it's pretty obvious you leftists can only advance your agenda by never letting the people have a say in it.
That's the reason behind the pro-life laws you're frothing at the mouth about
No, the reason is that some red states have a disproportionately high concentration of morons like you. (But that's redundant.) It's a simple, mathematical fact. You arent going to cry like a little baby to make it go away.

I am morally superior to you by virtue of my superior morality.
dude - your one sided pouty faced WAH I DON'T GET MY WAY shit is one of the biggest issues in this country.

go the fuck away.
No you f k off b!tch.

Tell us how much Republican support gay people.

Tell us how much Republicans support atheists.

Tell us how much Republican support white Hispanics.

Tell us how much Republicans support scientists.

Only Six Percent Of Scientists Are Republicans: Pew Poll

If Republicans really supported children, they would want healthcare for children and they would want daycare for children and they would want prenatal care for mothers and they would want education for children.

Republicans don’t support those things. And the reason they give for not supporting those things? It’s not my kid why should I help take care of it.

Go ahead, prove to me that Republicans support children. I dare you.
That's because conservatives are too dumb to be scientists. Making fries at McDonald's is more their speed.

Coming from someone who deliberately ignores the science on virtually every issue, that's pretty funny.
Your vacuous post is noted and summarily discarded.


I just heard, "I want to believe this, so anything else is STOOPID so that I can ignore it!"
I am not responsible for the voices in your head.
Are we still pissing and moaning in here over a civil war that will never come?

Next slide, please.
dude - kinda already in it.

how do you think this one is going to be fought? in fields with AR15s? loading up hummers (original, not the crappy H3's - those are for the left) with their bump stocks and AK's imported illegally?

look around dude - this is a social war using social media tools. shut down that side, silence those voices.

sorry - that's a war in itself. sorry it's not easily recognizable like your history books and pictures of those REAL evil nazis, but here we are.
The present divisive environment is a flyspeck in the long history of the Republic.

This, too, shall pass... and quite harmlessly, by the way.
We pay into the government to help us do things, as a group, we can’t do it on our own.

No, we don't. The purpose of government isn't to force the rest of the "group" (society) to do what you want. We pay government to protect us from jerks like you - people who want to force their desires on everyone else.

so you built your own hiway system?

We could definitely do roads and highways without government. In any case, that's not the purpose of government. We don't need a government to feed us or take care of our health. We need a government to deal with bad actors - people who see fit to force themselves on others. That's the core reason for having a government in the first place. It's not there to be a provider. And treating it that way turns us into slaves.

"We could definitely do roads and highways without government."

who is going to build the road from my house to the market?

ME!?!?!?!?! sorry.....I am incapable of performing such a task...

miles of trees....leveling.....big giant fugin boulders....

nope....it takes a village

and money

and that means government.

and taxes

"In any case, that's not the purpose of government. We don't need a government to feed us or take care of our health"

But a government can
1. build and maintain those roads so that I don't have to think about it
2. provide a standard proper education for the general public so that we aren't all morons and we all learn a common language and history
3. ensure that wages are fair so we CAN have access to food and health care
4. deal with crime/criminals in a fair, just and legal manner
5. ensure products meet certain standards (for our health)
(if MEGAcorp is dumping toxic waste in your water supply do you really want to pay for all the hospitalization you and your children will require?)

." We need a government to deal with bad actors - people who see fit to force themselves on others. That's the core reason for having a government in the first place. It's not there to be a provider. And treating it that way turns us into slaves."

I see.
so what you are saying is we need a government to deal with.....liberals! and democrats! who are trying to FORCE things on you....like atheism, and gayness, and thinking!.....

do you really even need government for that?
so what you are saying is we need a government to deal with.....liberals! and democrats! who are trying to FORCE things on you....like atheism, and gayness, and thinking!.....

do you really even need government for that?

No, we need government to deal with thieves, murderers and rapists. We need constitutional limits on government to protect us from the kind of bullying you're talking about. Interestingly, such limits also protect us from religious zealots who want to lay claim to a woman's uterus.
LOL - that's weak tea at best. Utterly pointless at worst. I'd rather have someone I can completely ignore if I want.

That's nice, buddy. so when was the last time the government "oppressed" you? I'm just curious, because the way you Libertards talk, you'd think we were living in some Orwellian Nightmare.

The only interactions I've had with the Federal Government have been positive.
LOL - that's weak tea at best. Utterly pointless at worst. I'd rather have someone I can completely ignore if I want.

That's nice, buddy. so when was the last time the government "oppressed" you? I'm just curious, because the way you Libertards talk, you'd think we were living in some Orwellian Nightmare.

The only interactions I've had with the Federal Government have been positive.

Personal anecdotes don't add up to much. It's great that you've been fortunate in your interactions with government. When they aren't on your "side" it isn't so pleasant.
Are we still pissing and moaning in here over a civil war that will never come?

Next slide, please.
dude - kinda already in it.

how do you think this one is going to be fought? in fields with AR15s? loading up hummers (original, not the crappy H3's - those are for the left) with their bump stocks and AK's imported illegally?

look around dude - this is a social war using social media tools. shut down that side, silence those voices.

sorry - that's a war in itself. sorry it's not easily recognizable like your history books and pictures of those REAL evil nazis, but here we are.
The present divisive environment is a flyspeck in the long history of the Republic.

This, too, shall pass... and quite harmlessly, by the way.
20 years ago we were not wanting to kill each other over politics and disagreements.

we've already passed "harmless" son.
LOL - that's weak tea at best. Utterly pointless at worst. I'd rather have someone I can completely ignore if I want.

That's nice, buddy. so when was the last time the government "oppressed" you? I'm just curious, because the way you Libertards talk, you'd think we were living in some Orwellian Nightmare.

The only interactions I've had with the Federal Government have been positive.

Personal anecdotes don't add up to much. It's great that you've been fortunate in your interactions with government. When they aren't on your "side" it isn't so pleasant.
seldom is. that's the point of being on the "wrong" side.

there are always exceptions to the rule, the problem is people are taking those exceptions and pretending they're common.
That's the reason behind the pro-life laws you're frothing at the mouth about
No, the reason is that some red states have a disproportionately high concentration of morons like you. (But that's redundant.) It's a simple, mathematical fact. You arent going to cry like a little baby to make it go away.

I am morally superior to you by virtue of my superior morality.

. . . And with that careful editing of my post so that you could answer the point you WANTED me to make, rather than the point you were too chickenshit to address, I accept your abject and craven surrender.

No you f k off b!tch.

Tell us how much Republican support gay people.

Tell us how much Republicans support atheists.

Tell us how much Republican support white Hispanics.

Tell us how much Republicans support scientists.

Only Six Percent Of Scientists Are Republicans: Pew Poll

If Republicans really supported children, they would want healthcare for children and they would want daycare for children and they would want prenatal care for mothers and they would want education for children.

Republicans don’t support those things. And the reason they give for not supporting those things? It’s not my kid why should I help take care of it.

Go ahead, prove to me that Republicans support children. I dare you.
That's because conservatives are too dumb to be scientists. Making fries at McDonald's is more their speed.

Coming from someone who deliberately ignores the science on virtually every issue, that's pretty funny.
Your vacuous post is noted and summarily discarded.


I just heard, "I want to believe this, so anything else is STOOPID so that I can ignore it!"
I am not responsible for the voices in your head.

Nice try, Chuckles. All I'm hearing is what you're REALLY saying and trying to hide . . . badly.
We pay into the government to help us do things, as a group, we can’t do it on our own.

No, we don't. The purpose of government isn't to force the rest of the "group" (society) to do what you want. We pay government to protect us from jerks like you - people who want to force their desires on everyone else.

so you built your own hiway system?

We could definitely do roads and highways without government. In any case, that's not the purpose of government. We don't need a government to feed us or take care of our health. We need a government to deal with bad actors - people who see fit to force themselves on others. That's the core reason for having a government in the first place. It's not there to be a provider. And treating it that way turns us into slaves.

"We could definitely do roads and highways without government."

who is going to build the road from my house to the market?

I don't know where you live, but where I live, most of the residential roads were built by the developer who built the subdivision. There's usually an agreement with the city/county to take over ownership and responsibility for maintenance at some specific date. But not always.

ME!?!?!?!?! sorry.....I am incapable of performing such a task...

miles of trees....leveling.....big giant fugin boulders....

nope....it takes a village

and money

and that means government.

and taxes

"In any case, that's not the purpose of government. We don't need a government to feed us or take care of our health"

But a government can
1. build and maintain those roads so that I don't have to think about it
2. provide a standard proper education for the general public so that we aren't all morons and we all learn a common language and history
3. ensure that wages are fair so we CAN have access to food and health care
4. deal with crime/criminals in a fair, just and legal manner
5. ensure products meet certain standards (for our health)
(if MEGAcorp is dumping toxic waste in your water supply do you really want to pay for all the hospitalization you and your children will require?)

." We need a government to deal with bad actors - people who see fit to force themselves on others. That's the core reason for having a government in the first place. It's not there to be a provider. And treating it that way turns us into slaves."

I see.
so what you are saying is we need a government to deal with.....liberals! and democrats! who are trying to FORCE things on you....like atheism, and gayness, and thinking!.....

do you really even need government for that?

All you're really telling us here is that you think government is essential for a lot of things simply because YOU find it more convenient for those things.
That's why you had to legalize it by doing an end run around the voters and having the courts impose it on them.
The demographics have changed in the last 45 years, genius. Dur

Uh huh. That's the reason behind the pro-life laws you're frothing at the mouth about; because EVEN MORE PEOPLE are cheering for abortion anytime, for any reason.

No matter how much you try to tell yourself that you're somehow morally superior by virtue of popular vote, it's pretty obvious you leftists can only advance your agenda by never letting the people have a say in it.

Given that nearly 80% of the American people support a woman's right to an abortion, and fewer than 20% support banning abortion, it appears that it's YOU who are trying to impose an unpopular opinion held by a small minority of Americans, on the majority.

Nobody is cheering for abortion, and only an idiot thinks that they do. Perhaps you might want to look at employers failing to include birth control in their employees' wage and benefits packages and the impact that this, and other Republican policies that you also support. Lack of access to birth control, whiich the Christian right says drives "immoral behaviour", attempts to shut down Planned Parenthood which provides women's reproductive health services to predominently poor women, lack of job protections for pregnant women, lack of mandated maternity leave, and lack of universal health care, are all driving up the number of American abortions far above countries where public health covers all or most of the costs of women's abortions.

Republican employment and healthcare policies are driving your abortion numbers. They're also driving your high materal death rates and your high infant mortality rates. You claim to care about human life but clearly you don't. Your outrage is saved for the "innocent unborn".

And as for the tyranny of the minority, it's been an entire generation since Republicans won the popular election for Congress, and yet they've controlled Congress for 15 of those 19 years, through gerrymandering and voter suppression, even as the popular vote gap widened each election. The last Republican President who won the popular vote was George H.W. Bush.

Those who oppose abortion now form about 18% of the electorate, and yet to hear them rant, they're in the majority.

Um, Democrats are responsible for Vietnam. Kennedy and especially Johnson.

Take off the partisan filters, buddy. BOTH parties got us into that mess.

While Truman had the good sense to NOT intervene when the French were being driven out, Ike pretty much jumped into supporting the quisling regime in Saigon with both feet. JFK, LBJ and Tricky Dick all escalated the war, knowing it was unwinnable.

Until the people who were being asked to fight it rose up. Good on them.

Yes it was Eisenhower who originally got us into the mess in Vietnam. He sent the first military and the first American military died when he was president. JFK inherited it. LBJ iterated it and made it worse. nixon inherited it and made it much worse by expanding it to Cambodia and Laos. nixon sort of ended it but not really. He left military there and they continued to die.

It was when Saigon fell in 1975 that the Vietnam war finally ended. At least for America.

A president who is our only unelected president, gerald ford was president when the Vietnam war finally ended.

However, I don't see how the Vietnam war has anything to do with being pro choice or not.
That's because conservatives are too dumb to be scientists. Making fries at McDonald's is more their speed.

Coming from someone who deliberately ignores the science on virtually every issue, that's pretty funny.
Your vacuous post is noted and summarily discarded.


I just heard, "I want to believe this, so anything else is STOOPID so that I can ignore it!"
I am not responsible for the voices in your head.

Nice try, Chuckles. All I'm hearing is what you're REALLY saying and trying to hide . . . badly.
In reality, the next civil war SHOULD be over Dem controlled states attempting to circumvent the electoral college by passing state law to give their electoral votes to the popular vote winner!
Mob ruled, banana republic dead ahead.
I can see clearly now how we morph and slouch towards Stalinism.
That's why you had to legalize it by doing an end run around the voters and having the courts impose it on them.
The demographics have changed in the last 45 years, genius. Dur

Uh huh. That's the reason behind the pro-life laws you're frothing at the mouth about; because EVEN MORE PEOPLE are cheering for abortion anytime, for any reason.

No matter how much you try to tell yourself that you're somehow morally superior by virtue of popular vote, it's pretty obvious you leftists can only advance your agenda by never letting the people have a say in it.

Given that nearly 80% of the American people support a woman's right to an abortion, and fewer than 20% support banning abortion, it appears that it's YOU who are trying to impose an unpopular opinion held by a small minority of Americans, on the majority.

Nobody is cheering for abortion, and only an idiot thinks that they do. Perhaps you might want to look at employers failing to include birth control in their employees' wage and benefits packages and the impact that this, and other Republican policies that you also support. Lack of access to birth control, whiich the Christian right says drives "immoral behaviour", attempts to shut down Planned Parenthood which provides women's reproductive health services to predominently poor women, lack of job protections for pregnant women, lack of mandated maternity leave, and lack of universal health care, are all driving up the number of American abortions far above countries where public health covers all or most of the costs of women's abortions.

Republican employment and healthcare policies are driving your abortion numbers. They're also driving your high materal death rates and your high infant mortality rates. You claim to care about human life but clearly you don't. Your outrage is saved for the "innocent unborn".

And as for the tyranny of the minority, it's been an entire generation since Republicans won the popular election for Congress, and yet they've controlled Congress for 15 of those 19 years, through gerrymandering and voter suppression, even as the popular vote gap widened each election. The last Republican President who won the popular vote was George H.W. Bush.

Those who oppose abortion now form about 18% of the electorate, and yet to hear them rant, they're in the majority.


More assertions without substance, more emotion masquerading as fact. I have neither the time nor the interest to pick this apart and explain to you why you are once again richly earning the contempt you recieve. Maybe later, if I have nothing better to do.
Coming from someone who deliberately ignores the science on virtually every issue, that's pretty funny.
Your vacuous post is noted and summarily discarded.


I just heard, "I want to believe this, so anything else is STOOPID so that I can ignore it!"
I am not responsible for the voices in your head.

Nice try, Chuckles. All I'm hearing is what you're REALLY saying and trying to hide . . . badly.

Sorry, I was distracted by that large white flag you're waving.

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