Our next Civil War will be over abortion

You are wrong. Living human being in the womb is a human being and deserve the protection of the Constitution you Nazi bastard.
Many Americans believe differently. Why should your opinion trump theirs?

Many Americans believe differently from you. Why should YOUR opinion trump theirs? And may I point out that that question has a lot more relevancy directed at you, since YOUR opinion was forced onto others without their consent and overriding their wishes as expressed in the laws?
Mine shouldn't trump anyone's. Neither should yours. That's entirely my point. Thanks for agreeing.

Everyone should get to make up their own mind on this topic.

Sorry, but that's not how it works in any society that's actually a society, rather than anarchy. Your attempt to pretend that the highest, most desirable state is one in which everyone does exactly as they fucking feel like at the moment, without any constraints put upon them by those around them, is not only horseshit, but hypocrisy, since you're the first to jump to imposing rules requiring others to conform to YOUR wishes when it suits your agenda.

The reality is that there ARE going to be laws, there ARE going to be decisions in favor of one opinion or another, and so pretending that pro-lifers are "outrageously" imposing their opinions on you by trying to change the laws, but YOU are innocent of all imposition on others from when YOUR side of the argument not only changed the laws, but did so by judicial fiat against the will of the voters, is not going to fly.
The way it works in our society is that we elect representatives to be our voice. Those representatives appoint judges to federal benches and those justices are constitutionally empowered to decide on cases in their respective courts. So if you want to lean on society to decide this matter -- it has in Roe v. Wade.

And that ruling decided women have a right to privacy tol get an abortion if they so choose. Your opinion is meaningless to pregnant women who get to choose for themselves whether or not to terminate their pregnancy. That is what we, as a society, decided.
Looks like it's not as decided as you say.

This is how it works.
We pay into the government to help us do things, as a group, we can’t do it on our own.

No, we don't. The purpose of government isn't to force the rest of the "group" (society) to do what you want. We pay government to protect us from jerks like you - people who want to force their desires on everyone else.

so you built your own hiway system?

We could definitely do roads and highways without government. In any case, that's not the purpose of government. We don't need a government to feed us or take care of our health. We need a government to deal with bad actors - people who see fit to force themselves on others. That's the core reason for having a government in the first place. It's not there to be a provider. And treating it that way turns us into slaves.
Many Americans believe differently. Why should your opinion trump theirs?

Many Americans believe differently from you. Why should YOUR opinion trump theirs? And may I point out that that question has a lot more relevancy directed at you, since YOUR opinion was forced onto others without their consent and overriding their wishes as expressed in the laws?
Mine shouldn't trump anyone's. Neither should yours. That's entirely my point. Thanks for agreeing.

Everyone should get to make up their own mind on this topic.

Sorry, but that's not how it works in any society that's actually a society, rather than anarchy. Your attempt to pretend that the highest, most desirable state is one in which everyone does exactly as they fucking feel like at the moment, without any constraints put upon them by those around them, is not only horseshit, but hypocrisy, since you're the first to jump to imposing rules requiring others to conform to YOUR wishes when it suits your agenda.

The reality is that there ARE going to be laws, there ARE going to be decisions in favor of one opinion or another, and so pretending that pro-lifers are "outrageously" imposing their opinions on you by trying to change the laws, but YOU are innocent of all imposition on others from when YOUR side of the argument not only changed the laws, but did so by judicial fiat against the will of the voters, is not going to fly.
The way it works in our society is that we elect representatives to be our voice. Those representatives appoint judges to federal benches and those justices are constitutionally empowered to decide on cases in their respective courts. So if you want to lean on society to decide this matter -- it has in Roe v. Wade.

And that ruling decided women have a right to privacy tol get an abortion if they so choose. Your opinion is meaningless to pregnant women who get to choose for themselves whether or not to terminate their pregnancy. That is what we, as a society, decided.
Looks like it's not as decided as you say.

This is how it works.

But if this country is stupid enough to allow widespread abortion bans -- and I suspect it might be -- then the next generation will rise up to correct that historical error.
Many Americans believe differently from you. Why should YOUR opinion trump theirs? And may I point out that that question has a lot more relevancy directed at you, since YOUR opinion was forced onto others without their consent and overriding their wishes as expressed in the laws?
Mine shouldn't trump anyone's. Neither should yours. That's entirely my point. Thanks for agreeing.

Everyone should get to make up their own mind on this topic.

Sorry, but that's not how it works in any society that's actually a society, rather than anarchy. Your attempt to pretend that the highest, most desirable state is one in which everyone does exactly as they fucking feel like at the moment, without any constraints put upon them by those around them, is not only horseshit, but hypocrisy, since you're the first to jump to imposing rules requiring others to conform to YOUR wishes when it suits your agenda.

The reality is that there ARE going to be laws, there ARE going to be decisions in favor of one opinion or another, and so pretending that pro-lifers are "outrageously" imposing their opinions on you by trying to change the laws, but YOU are innocent of all imposition on others from when YOUR side of the argument not only changed the laws, but did so by judicial fiat against the will of the voters, is not going to fly.
The way it works in our society is that we elect representatives to be our voice. Those representatives appoint judges to federal benches and those justices are constitutionally empowered to decide on cases in their respective courts. So if you want to lean on society to decide this matter -- it has in Roe v. Wade.

And that ruling decided women have a right to privacy tol get an abortion if they so choose. Your opinion is meaningless to pregnant women who get to choose for themselves whether or not to terminate their pregnancy. That is what we, as a society, decided.
Looks like it's not as decided as you say.

This is how it works.

But if this country is stupid enough to allow widespread abortion bans -- and I suspect it might be -- then the next generation will rise up to correct that historical error.

What a coincidence. That's what we thought about the country being stupid enough to allow the Supreme Court to tell them they were going to have abortion on demand and fuck their stupid voting and laws. What you're seeing right now is proof that WE, at least, were correct.
Many Americans believe differently from you. Why should YOUR opinion trump theirs? And may I point out that that question has a lot more relevancy directed at you, since YOUR opinion was forced onto others without their consent and overriding their wishes as expressed in the laws?
Mine shouldn't trump anyone's. Neither should yours. That's entirely my point. Thanks for agreeing.

Everyone should get to make up their own mind on this topic.

Sorry, but that's not how it works in any society that's actually a society, rather than anarchy. Your attempt to pretend that the highest, most desirable state is one in which everyone does exactly as they fucking feel like at the moment, without any constraints put upon them by those around them, is not only horseshit, but hypocrisy, since you're the first to jump to imposing rules requiring others to conform to YOUR wishes when it suits your agenda.

The reality is that there ARE going to be laws, there ARE going to be decisions in favor of one opinion or another, and so pretending that pro-lifers are "outrageously" imposing their opinions on you by trying to change the laws, but YOU are innocent of all imposition on others from when YOUR side of the argument not only changed the laws, but did so by judicial fiat against the will of the voters, is not going to fly.
The way it works in our society is that we elect representatives to be our voice. Those representatives appoint judges to federal benches and those justices are constitutionally empowered to decide on cases in their respective courts. So if you want to lean on society to decide this matter -- it has in Roe v. Wade.

And that ruling decided women have a right to privacy tol get an abortion if they so choose. Your opinion is meaningless to pregnant women who get to choose for themselves whether or not to terminate their pregnancy. That is what we, as a society, decided.
Looks like it's not as decided as you say.

This is how it works.

But if this country is stupid enough to allow widespread abortion bans -- and I suspect it might be -- then the next generation will rise up to correct that historical error.
or just manage to get it THEIR way for the time being.

til the next time a generation needs to rehash history.
That's what we thought about the country being stupid enough to allow the Supreme Court to tell them they were going to have abortion on demand and fuck their stupid voting and laws.
And it took 45 years, bit you fucking morons raised enough stupid children that your wish might finally come true.
That's what we thought about the country being stupid enough to allow the Supreme Court to tell them they were going to have abortion on demand and fuck their stupid voting and laws.
And it took 45 years, bit you fucking morons raised enough stupid children that your wish might finally come true.

Maybe the problem is that YOU fucking morons killed too many of your children and let us outnumber you.
it will be over the fact we hate each other for whatever current reasons are cited.
Or to protect us from Republicans. A nearly all white party that has a very long list of people they hate and despise.
When there’s violence between Republicans and normal people, generally it’s Republicans looking to attack somebody and normal people looking to defend themselves.
dude - your one sided pouty faced WAH I DON'T GET MY WAY shit is one of the biggest issues in this country.

go the fuck away.
No you f k off b!tch.

Tell us how much Republican support gay people.

Tell us how much Republicans support atheists.

Tell us how much Republican support white Hispanics.

Tell us how much Republicans support scientists.

Only Six Percent Of Scientists Are Republicans: Pew Poll

If Republicans really supported children, they would want healthcare for children and they would want daycare for children and they would want prenatal care for mothers and they would want education for children.

Republicans don’t support those things. And the reason they give for not supporting those things? It’s not my kid why should I help take care of it.

Go ahead, prove to me that Republicans support children. I dare you.
That's because conservatives are too dumb to be scientists. Making fries at McDonald's is more their speed.

Coming from someone who deliberately ignores the science on virtually every issue, that's pretty funny.
Your vacuous post is noted and summarily discarded.

That's what we thought about the country being stupid enough to allow the Supreme Court to tell them they were going to have abortion on demand and fuck their stupid voting and laws.
And it took 45 years, bit you fucking morons raised enough stupid children that your wish might finally come true.

Maybe the problem is that YOU fucking morons killed too many of your children and let us outnumber you.
No retard, you are vastly outnumbered.
Or to protect us from Republicans. A nearly all white party that has a very long list of people they hate and despise.
When there’s violence between Republicans and normal people, generally it’s Republicans looking to attack somebody and normal people looking to defend themselves.
dude - your one sided pouty faced WAH I DON'T GET MY WAY shit is one of the biggest issues in this country.

go the fuck away.
No you f k off b!tch.

Tell us how much Republican support gay people.

Tell us how much Republicans support atheists.

Tell us how much Republican support white Hispanics.

Tell us how much Republicans support scientists.

Only Six Percent Of Scientists Are Republicans: Pew Poll

If Republicans really supported children, they would want healthcare for children and they would want daycare for children and they would want prenatal care for mothers and they would want education for children.

Republicans don’t support those things. And the reason they give for not supporting those things? It’s not my kid why should I help take care of it.

Go ahead, prove to me that Republicans support children. I dare you.
That's because conservatives are too dumb to be scientists. Making fries at McDonald's is more their speed.

Coming from someone who deliberately ignores the science on virtually every issue, that's pretty funny.
Your vacuous post is noted and summarily discarded.


I just heard, "I want to believe this, so anything else is STOOPID so that I can ignore it!"
or just manage to get it THEIR way for the time being.
Hmm, no. The vast majority disagree with the bans. They will vote out the fuksticks.
if a vast majority disagreed, we'd not even need to bring it up for debate now would we?

the left went and pushed it, the right pushed back and wheeee - mulligan in the SCOTUS mulligan in the SCOTUS!!!

what a wonderful world.
That's what we thought about the country being stupid enough to allow the Supreme Court to tell them they were going to have abortion on demand and fuck their stupid voting and laws.
And it took 45 years, bit you fucking morons raised enough stupid children that your wish might finally come true.

Maybe the problem is that YOU fucking morons killed too many of your children and let us outnumber you.
No retard, you are vastly outnumbered.

Of course we are. That's why your agenda gets advanced by judicial fiat, and mine gets advanced by the methods that are controlled by the voters; OBVIOUSLY, most people agree with you, which is why they're voting for people who campaign on doing the opposite of you . . . Gosh, that doesn't seem to make sense, does it?
or just manage to get it THEIR way for the time being.
Hmm, no. The vast majority disagree with the bans. They will vote out the fuksticks.
if a vast majority disagreed, we'd not even need to bring it up for debate now would we?

the left went and pushed it, the right pushed back and wheeee - mulligan in the SCOTUS mulligan in the SCOTUS!!!

what a wonderful world.

SCOTUS may not hear it.
That's why your agenda gets advanced by judicial fiat, and mine gets advanced by the methods that are controlled by the voters
Says the moron hoping to overturn roe v wade by judicial fiat. And you might wajt to spare us your pride of cousinfuckerville alabama. Do you mean for those words to come out in that order, or do they just fall out of your butthole randomly?
or just manage to get it THEIR way for the time being.
Hmm, no. The vast majority disagree with the bans. They will vote out the fuksticks.
if a vast majority disagreed, we'd not even need to bring it up for debate now would we?

the left went and pushed it, the right pushed back and wheeee - mulligan in the SCOTUS mulligan in the SCOTUS!!!

what a wonderful world.

He doesn't seem to notice that he's contradicting himself. First he says we're only achieving our goals by having babies (and did we all notice the disdain with which he spoke of it?); then he says they outnumber us.
First he says we're only achieving our goals by having babies (and did we all notice the disdain with which he spoke of it?)
Thats not a contradiction, ya moron. You just raised enough stupid babies to elect an amoral, unethical , mentally ill president with no agenda except to stick his thumbs in the eyes of everyone smarter than him. And the president has the disproportionate power of appointing scotus judge nominees. So it's a perfect storm of "stupid" right now, between you minority trump cultists and our embarrassing pussyboy President.
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or just manage to get it THEIR way for the time being.
Hmm, no. The vast majority disagree with the bans. They will vote out the fuksticks.
if a vast majority disagreed, we'd not even need to bring it up for debate now would we?

the left went and pushed it, the right pushed back and wheeee - mulligan in the SCOTUS mulligan in the SCOTUS!!!

what a wonderful world.

SCOTUS may not hear it.
maybe not. i'm still looking into what Stormy Daniels was talking about in precedence. not really interested in the emo outbursts from either side anymore. ain't no one gonna change their mind by anything i or just about anyone else says.

so i'll sit around and wait for Act II of this parade.

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