Our next Civil War will be over abortion

So when rightards say the issue should be left up to the states, they were once again, lying.
No, moron. That's why we WANT to overturn Roe v. Wade. It's a federal law STOPPING states from choosing their own solutions. I don't agree with New York, but if they want to burn trimester babies to death in the womb, go for it. Your state, your choice.

I don't believe you even know what planet you're on.

Putz, you're posting in a thread where the OP is suggesting states like NY passing abortion laws like they have will lead to civil war. In other words, it's not ok with the right for states to decide for themselves unless they decide the way conservatives want them to.
So when rightards say the issue should be left up to the states, they were once again, lying.
No, moron. That's why we WANT to overturn Roe v. Wade. It's a federal law STOPPING states from choosing their own solutions. I don't agree with New York, but if they want to burn trimester babies to death in the womb, go for it. Your state, your choice.

I don't believe you even know what planet you're on.

Putz, you're posting in a thread where the OP is suggesting states like NY passing abortion laws like they have will lead to civil war. In other words, it's not ok with the right for states to decide for themselves unless they decide the way conservatives want them to.
Yes, that's his suggestion and his dream on the future, but I'm posting REAL opinions on what's ACTUALLY happening. Major fucking difference. Conservatives aren't going to pull out their guns and invade other states for political disagreements on abortion. The OP is fucking dreaming, and your dumb ass is running with it as if it were true.
it will be over the fact we hate each other for whatever current reasons are cited.
Or to protect us from Republicans. A nearly all white party that has a very long list of people they hate and despise.
When there’s violence between Republicans and normal people, generally it’s Republicans looking to attack somebody and normal people looking to defend themselves.
dude - your one sided pouty faced WAH I DON'T GET MY WAY shit is one of the biggest issues in this country.

go the fuck away.
No you f k off b!tch.

Tell us how much Republican support gay people.

Tell us how much Republicans support atheists.

Tell us how much Republican support white Hispanics.

Tell us how much Republicans support scientists.

Only Six Percent Of Scientists Are Republicans: Pew Poll

If Republicans really supported children, they would want healthcare for children and they would want daycare for children and they would want prenatal care for mothers and they would want education for children.

Republicans don’t support those things. And the reason they give for not supporting those things? It’s not my kid why should I help take care of it.

Go ahead, prove to me that Republicans support children. I dare you.

You are a distasteful little boy.
You name call when you’ve got nothing else. If you had something else, it would be more than just name-calling. That means you lost and you know it. And you don’t know what to say next so you just call names. I’m on the side of women and children.............Republicans are on the side of........who knows? Russia? North Korea?
So when rightards say the issue should be left up to the states, they were once again, lying.
No, moron. That's why we WANT to overturn Roe v. Wade. It's a federal law STOPPING states from choosing their own solutions. I don't agree with New York, but if they want to burn trimester babies to death in the womb, go for it. Your state, your choice.
Nobody does that. That’s a sick lie. If a woman carries a baby until she is huge, she doesn’t have plans to get rid of it. That’s so obvious it’s like you got to bitch slap republicans with information to get them to listen. And even then they refuse to understand.
So when rightards say the issue should be left up to the states, they were once again, lying.
No, moron. That's why we WANT to overturn Roe v. Wade. It's a federal law STOPPING states from choosing their own solutions. I don't agree with New York, but if they want to burn trimester babies to death in the womb, go for it. Your state, your choice.

I don't believe you even know what planet you're on.

Putz, you're posting in a thread where the OP is suggesting states like NY passing abortion laws like they have will lead to civil war. In other words, it's not ok with the right for states to decide for themselves unless they decide the way conservatives want them to.
Yes, that's his suggestion and his dream on the future, but I'm posting REAL opinions on what's ACTUALLY happening. Major fucking difference. Conservatives aren't going to pull out their guns and invade other states for political disagreements on abortion. The OP is fucking dreaming, and your dumb ass is running with it as if it were true.

You dumbshit, your opinion is of no more use than his.
it will be over the fact we hate each other for whatever current reasons are cited.
Which is why Russia isn't out to decide our elections, they want to divide us and destroy us from within. The primary tool is social media, forums just like this. The issues are gun control, immigration, religion, abortion, racism, free speak, and any other hot button issue that arise. They don't care what is done as long as it drives a wedge between neighbors, employees, and politicians.
The trick is knowing when Russians are lying and knowing when they’re telling the truth.

If Republicans really supported children, they would want healthcare for children and they would want daycare for children and they would want prenatal care for mothers and they would want education for children.

Republicans don’t support those things. And the reason they give for not supporting those things? It’s not my kid why should I help take care of it.

I can't speak for Republicans, but the reason I don't support these things is because I don't want government to be my master. And if government is providing us with our needs, that's what they are. You don't seem to get this. Have you ever even thought about it? Do you really want to rely on Trump, or others like him, for your family's most important needs?
This is how Republicans get their minions and their base to screw over their own families and ruin their own lives.
We pay into the government to help us do things, as a group, we can’t do it on our own.
The really wealthy have spewed this BS about how they work so hard and if you work hard you don’t need any help from the government. Even though the government is there to help you. And the reason they do that is so they can get support for tax cuts and get even more rich while the base that needs the help gets totally screwed over but thinks they’re following some noble purpose of doing it “on their own“.
It’s a trick. A scam. They’re pulling the wool over your eyes. Their BS feeding you and you’re sucking it up.
No, moron. That's why we WANT to overturn Roe v. Wade. It's a federal law STOPPING states from choosing their own solutions. I don't agree with New York, but if they want to burn trimester babies to death in the womb, go for it. Your state, your choice.
Nobody does that. That’s a sick lie. If a woman carries a baby until she is huge, she doesn’t have plans to get rid of it. That’s so obvious it’s like you got to bitch slap republicans with information to get them to listen. And even then they refuse to understand.
Let's Google "Saline abortions" and take a look at all of those pictures of crispy little fetuses that were probably kicking the side of their mothers' wombs as they were burning to death. And don't tell me that New York didn't add their 9 month rule because they WEREN'T planning on making that a more common thing. Saline abortions are the second most common types of abortions, still.

Prochoice.com | Abortion... How is it performed?
One very important means of gaining some degree of understanding what's happening in our present day America is to search for answers in similar events of the past. While history certainly does repeat, it almost never does so exactly, but almost always precisely. A conundrum so prescient we ought to have a watchdog branch of the DOD, an intelligence agency dedicated to warning our leaders we're getting too close to a new/old iteration of whatever particularly black chapter of the past once destroyed similar civilizations. A good place to look for that understanding as it pertains to present day American progress and politics is the Paris Commune from about 1792 to 1795. While it's an oversimplification, a good way to view that period of French History is as a comparison to the sanctuary cities (or states) run by Democrat majority such as LA, San Francisco, Seattle, Baltimore, Philadelphia and Detroit. Essentially, the leadership of these cities has diverged so extremely from the policies of our current Executive Branch administration as to be classified as treasonous on several levels. Further, present day radical American Leftists are comparable both ideologically and culturally to the Jacobins of late 18th Century France. Do the research (offline, in a university library if possible) and gain some higher understanding of what's happening to our nation today, in the face of an ever more self-radicalizing leftwing cultural assault on the ancient mores of our civilization.
I think it'll be a different problem than D & R.
View attachment 261957
Western men are growing up to be such bitches, it's no wonder turning into trannies is such a trend. Japan is dying because all their men are fawning over cartoons. Western civs are going to die because all of the men are going to turn into women. USA doesn't need a second civil war to die off.
I think it'll be a different problem than D & R.
View attachment 261957
Western men are growing up to be such bitches, it's no wonder turning into trannies is such a trend. Japan is dying because all their men are fawning over cartoons. Western civs are going to die because all of the men are going to turn into women. USA doesn't need a second civil war to die off.

True. Compare a Depression Era young man to the young men of today. What a depressing comparison.
I think it'll be a different problem than D & R.
View attachment 261957
Western men are growing up to be such bitches, it's no wonder turning into trannies is such a trend. Japan is dying because all their men are fawning over cartoons. Western civs are going to die because all of the men are going to turn into women. USA doesn't need a second civil war to die off.

True. Compare a Depression Era young man to the young men of today. What a depressing comparison.
How many Depression Era young men did you know to run this comparison?
I think it'll be a different problem than D & R.
View attachment 261957
Western men are growing up to be such bitches, it's no wonder turning into trannies is such a trend. Japan is dying because all their men are fawning over cartoons. Western civs are going to die because all of the men are going to turn into women. USA doesn't need a second civil war to die off.

True. Compare a Depression Era young man to the young men of today. What a depressing comparison.
How many Depression Era young men did you know to run this comparison?

I was raised by them.
I can't speak for Republicans, but the reason I don't support these things is because I don't want government to be my master. And if government is providing us with our needs, that's what they are. You don't seem to get this. Have you ever even thought about it? Do you really want to rely on Trump, or others like him, for your family's most important needs?

Again, I'd rather have someone I can vote out of office than someone I can't.

LOL - that's weak tea at best. Utterly pointless at worst. I'd rather have someone I can completely ignore if I want.

"Dr. Trump will see you now ..."
No, moron. That's why we WANT to overturn Roe v. Wade. It's a federal law STOPPING states from choosing their own solutions. I don't agree with New York, but if they want to burn trimester babies to death in the womb, go for it. Your state, your choice.
Nobody does that. That’s a sick lie. If a woman carries a baby until she is huge, she doesn’t have plans to get rid of it. That’s so obvious it’s like you got to bitch slap republicans with information to get them to listen. And even then they refuse to understand.
Let's Google "Saline abortions" and take a look at all of those pictures of crispy little fetuses that were probably kicking the side of their mothers' wombs as they were burning to death. And don't tell me that New York didn't add their 9 month rule because they WEREN'T planning on making that a more common thing. Saline abortions are the second most common types of abortions, still.

Prochoice.com | Abortion... How is it performed?
That’s not a real site. This is the part you’re referencing:

SALT POISONING (SALINE INJECTION): "Salting out" is the second most common method of inducing abortion and is usually used after sixteen weeks. The doctor inserts a long needle through the mother's abdomen and injects a saline solution into the sac of amniotic fluid surrounding the baby. The baby is poisoned by swallowing the salt and his skin is completely burned away. It takes about an hour to kill the baby. After the child dies, the mother goes into labor and expels the dead baby. Saline injections have been outlawed in some countries because of the risks to the mother, which can include lung and kidney damage if the salt finds its way into her bloodstream. In spite of the horrible burning effect, some babies have survived "salting out" and been born alive.

It takes an hour to kill the baby? That’s why you’re kind are such terrible and awful people. The way you lie. If you really wanted to help babies you would come up with plans to take these children once they’re born and make their lives good. Give women who find themselves pregnant a reason to help the baby once it’s born.

It’s not about the baby. We’re on to your kind. We know you don’t give a sh!t about the baby. This is about legislating women and pretending you’re so moral. If you were moral you would help the women and the babies. But you don’t.. You just don’t.
One very important means of gaining some degree of understanding what's happening in our present day America is to search for answers in similar events of the past. While history certainly does repeat, it almost never does so exactly, but almost always precisely. A conundrum so prescient we ought to have a watchdog branch of the DOD, an intelligence agency dedicated to warning our leaders we're getting too close to a new/old iteration of whatever particularly black chapter of the past once destroyed similar civilizations. A good place to look for that understanding as it pertains to present day American progress and politics is the Paris Commune from about 1792 to 1795. While it's an oversimplification, a good way to view that period of French History is as a comparison to the sanctuary cities (or states) run by Democrat majority such as LA, San Francisco, Seattle, Baltimore, Philadelphia and Detroit. Essentially, the leadership of these cities has diverged so extremely from the policies of our current Executive Branch administration as to be classified as treasonous on several levels. Further, present day radical American Leftists are comparable both ideologically and culturally to the Jacobins of late 18th Century France. Do the research (offline, in a university library if possible) and gain some higher understanding of what's happening to our nation today, in the face of an ever more self-radicalizing leftwing cultural assault on the ancient mores of our civilization.
Do the research? Fck that. If you’re going to make the claim you got to post the game.
Following New York's Gruesome Decision, Meghan McCain Calls Out Abortion As Pivotal Issue

While Iowa is going one way, New York is heading off in the opposite direction, allowing abortion all the way to the moment of birth, and beyond.

With Ruth Bader Ginsburg on death watch, a conservative majority to overthrow Roe v. Wade may be closer than you think.

If Roe v. Wade is overturned, our states will be the new battleground, and our nation will be divided between pro-life and pro-abort, just as before the Civil War the states were divided between slave and free.

This is the great moral issue of our time.

How to end abortion debate: if a pregnant woman does NOT want the child then FORCE the male to take care of it.

if men found themselves single fathers at the age of 18 they might change their minds on abortion.
We pay into the government to help us do things, as a group, we can’t do it on our own.

No, we don't. The purpose of government isn't to force the rest of the "group" (society) to do what you want. We pay government to protect us from jerks like you - people who want to force their desires on everyone else.
No, moron. That's why we WANT to overturn Roe v. Wade. It's a federal law STOPPING states from choosing their own solutions. I don't agree with New York, but if they want to burn trimester babies to death in the womb, go for it. Your state, your choice.
Nobody does that. That’s a sick lie. If a woman carries a baby until she is huge, she doesn’t have plans to get rid of it. That’s so obvious it’s like you got to bitch slap republicans with information to get them to listen. And even then they refuse to understand.
Let's Google "Saline abortions" and take a look at all of those pictures of crispy little fetuses that were probably kicking the side of their mothers' wombs as they were burning to death. And don't tell me that New York didn't add their 9 month rule because they WEREN'T planning on making that a more common thing. Saline abortions are the second most common types of abortions, still.

Prochoice.com | Abortion... How is it performed?
That’s not a real site. This is the part you’re referencing:

SALT POISONING (SALINE INJECTION): "Salting out" is the second most common method of inducing abortion and is usually used after sixteen weeks. The doctor inserts a long needle through the mother's abdomen and injects a saline solution into the sac of amniotic fluid surrounding the baby. The baby is poisoned by swallowing the salt and his skin is completely burned away. It takes about an hour to kill the baby. After the child dies, the mother goes into labor and expels the dead baby. Saline injections have been outlawed in some countries because of the risks to the mother, which can include lung and kidney damage if the salt finds its way into her bloodstream. In spite of the horrible burning effect, some babies have survived "salting out" and been born alive.

It takes an hour to kill the baby? That’s why you’re kind are such terrible and awful people. The way you lie. If you really wanted to help babies you would come up with plans to take these children once they’re born and make their lives good. Give women who find themselves pregnant a reason to help the baby once it’s born.

It’s not about the baby. We’re on to your kind. We know you don’t give a sh!t about the baby. This is about legislating women and pretending you’re so moral. If you were moral you would help the women and the babies. But you don’t.. You just don’t.

Frothing at the mouth rabid? You succeed only in illustrating boldly how the American Left is guilty of its own accusations. Do you reread your posts? You ought to. You really ought to. This is what you just said summed up, "We love the unborn so much, we want to kill them. You're evil because your side won't let us."

You're lost . . .

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