Our next Civil War will be over abortion

I think it'll be a different problem than D & R.
View attachment 261957
Western men are growing up to be such bitches, it's no wonder turning into trannies is such a trend. Japan is dying because all their men are fawning over cartoons. Western civs are going to die because all of the men are going to turn into women. USA doesn't need a second civil war to die off.

True. Compare a Depression Era young man to the young men of today. What a depressing comparison.
How many Depression Era young men did you know to run this comparison?

I was raised by them.
And I was raised by a Depression era man and woman.....I see no major differences except for the tendency to save things.....which I understand was quite common.
No, moron. That's why we WANT to overturn Roe v. Wade. It's a federal law STOPPING states from choosing their own solutions. I don't agree with New York, but if they want to burn trimester babies to death in the womb, go for it. Your state, your choice.
Nobody does that. That’s a sick lie. If a woman carries a baby until she is huge, she doesn’t have plans to get rid of it. That’s so obvious it’s like you got to bitch slap republicans with information to get them to listen. And even then they refuse to understand.
Let's Google "Saline abortions" and take a look at all of those pictures of crispy little fetuses that were probably kicking the side of their mothers' wombs as they were burning to death. And don't tell me that New York didn't add their 9 month rule because they WEREN'T planning on making that a more common thing. Saline abortions are the second most common types of abortions, still.

Prochoice.com | Abortion... How is it performed?
That’s not a real site. This is the part you’re referencing:

SALT POISONING (SALINE INJECTION): "Salting out" is the second most common method of inducing abortion and is usually used after sixteen weeks. The doctor inserts a long needle through the mother's abdomen and injects a saline solution into the sac of amniotic fluid surrounding the baby. The baby is poisoned by swallowing the salt and his skin is completely burned away. It takes about an hour to kill the baby. After the child dies, the mother goes into labor and expels the dead baby. Saline injections have been outlawed in some countries because of the risks to the mother, which can include lung and kidney damage if the salt finds its way into her bloodstream. In spite of the horrible burning effect, some babies have survived "salting out" and been born alive.

It takes an hour to kill the baby? That’s why you’re kind are such terrible and awful people. The way you lie. If you really wanted to help babies you would come up with plans to take these children once they’re born and make their lives good. Give women who find themselves pregnant a reason to help the baby once it’s born.

It’s not about the baby. We’re on to your kind. We know you don’t give a sh!t about the baby. This is about legislating women and pretending you’re so moral. If you were moral you would help the women and the babies. But you don’t.. You just don’t.

Frothing at the mouth rabid? You succeed only in illustrating boldly how the American Left is guilty of its own accusations. Do you reread your posts? You ought to. You really ought to. This is what you just said summed up, "We love the unborn so much, we want to kill them. You're evil because your side won't let us."

You're lost . . .
You put things in quotes that were never said....sounds like a classic strawman argument.
No, moron. That's why we WANT to overturn Roe v. Wade. It's a federal law STOPPING states from choosing their own solutions. I don't agree with New York, but if they want to burn trimester babies to death in the womb, go for it. Your state, your choice.
Nobody does that. That’s a sick lie. If a woman carries a baby until she is huge, she doesn’t have plans to get rid of it. That’s so obvious it’s like you got to bitch slap republicans with information to get them to listen. And even then they refuse to understand.
Let's Google "Saline abortions" and take a look at all of those pictures of crispy little fetuses that were probably kicking the side of their mothers' wombs as they were burning to death. And don't tell me that New York didn't add their 9 month rule because they WEREN'T planning on making that a more common thing. Saline abortions are the second most common types of abortions, still.

Prochoice.com | Abortion... How is it performed?

You anti-choice assholes continue to portray abortion as brutal and terrible, and it should be ended, but then you continue to support the policies which lead poor women to make this choice.

The number of abortions in America are fueled by Republican policies. Lack of universal health care, job protections for pregnant women, lack of affordable day care, a living minimum wage. Canada has FREE ABORTIONS ON DEMAND, with no co-pays, no forced tests, no laws. And yet our abortion rate is half that of the US, where you have to pay out of your own pocket, are forced to have ultrasounds and other expensive tests, and wait 3 days.

Consider that the USA has one of the highest rates of abortion in the first world. Among predominently white first world countries, it is the highest. That's because the USA is the only first world country without mandated pregnancy leave, job protections for pregnant women, and universal health care.

Republicans say they want to end abortions, but their policies promote it.
No, moron. That's why we WANT to overturn Roe v. Wade. It's a federal law STOPPING states from choosing their own solutions. I don't agree with New York, but if they want to burn trimester babies to death in the womb, go for it. Your state, your choice.
Nobody does that. That’s a sick lie. If a woman carries a baby until she is huge, she doesn’t have plans to get rid of it. That’s so obvious it’s like you got to bitch slap republicans with information to get them to listen. And even then they refuse to understand.
Let's Google "Saline abortions" and take a look at all of those pictures of crispy little fetuses that were probably kicking the side of their mothers' wombs as they were burning to death. And don't tell me that New York didn't add their 9 month rule because they WEREN'T planning on making that a more common thing. Saline abortions are the second most common types of abortions, still.

Prochoice.com | Abortion... How is it performed?

You anti-choice assholes continue to portray abortion as brutal and terrible, and it should be ended, but then you continue to support the policies which lead poor women to make this choice.

The number of abortions in America are fueled by Republican policies. Lack of universal health care, job protections for pregnant women, lack of affordable day care, a living minimum wage. Canada has FREE ABORTIONS ON DEMAND, with no co-pays, no forced tests, no laws. And yet our abortion rate is half that of the US, where you have to pay out of your own pocket, are forced to have ultrasounds and other expensive tests, and wait 3 days.

Consider that the USA has one of the highest rates of abortion in the first world. Among predominently white first world countries, it is the highest. That's because the USA is the only first world country without mandated pregnancy leave, job protections for pregnant women, and universal health care.

Republicans say they want to end abortions, but their policies promote it.
You're right. Fuck. We're asking too much of women. We're asking young millenials to be responsible and use birth control so they don't get pregnant and have to murder their youth in the womb. And then, ON TOP OF THAT, we're promoting jobs and asking millenials be fiscally responsible for once. Fucking Republicans and their damn ethics. It's obvious that millennials are too irresponsible to be trusted with sex and money, so we need a strong government to service their entitled asses and all taxpayers pay for it.
No, moron. That's why we WANT to overturn Roe v. Wade. It's a federal law STOPPING states from choosing their own solutions. I don't agree with New York, but if they want to burn trimester babies to death in the womb, go for it. Your state, your choice.
Nobody does that. That’s a sick lie. If a woman carries a baby until she is huge, she doesn’t have plans to get rid of it. That’s so obvious it’s like you got to bitch slap republicans with information to get them to listen. And even then they refuse to understand.
Let's Google "Saline abortions" and take a look at all of those pictures of crispy little fetuses that were probably kicking the side of their mothers' wombs as they were burning to death. And don't tell me that New York didn't add their 9 month rule because they WEREN'T planning on making that a more common thing. Saline abortions are the second most common types of abortions, still.

Prochoice.com | Abortion... How is it performed?

You anti-choice assholes continue to portray abortion as brutal and terrible, and it should be ended, but then you continue to support the policies which lead poor women to make this choice.

The number of abortions in America are fueled by Republican policies. Lack of universal health care, job protections for pregnant women, lack of affordable day care, a living minimum wage. Canada has FREE ABORTIONS ON DEMAND, with no co-pays, no forced tests, no laws. And yet our abortion rate is half that of the US, where you have to pay out of your own pocket, are forced to have ultrasounds and other expensive tests, and wait 3 days.

Consider that the USA has one of the highest rates of abortion in the first world. Among predominently white first world countries, it is the highest. That's because the USA is the only first world country without mandated pregnancy leave, job protections for pregnant women, and universal health care.

Republicans say they want to end abortions, but their policies promote it.
i can agree with part of what you say, and then you try to absolve people from the simple fact that having sex was their choice in the first place.

people want to have their life and make it fun. we all do. but with our choices comes responsibility. using abortion as birth control is wrong to me. not much will change that. you played throw the hotdog down the hallway and *this* happened you don't want. maybe not the most realistic "solution" but you can't say "you made her make this abortion choice!"

no - her choosing to have sex did it.

now rape and other actions are not the same.

in the end i am anti-abortion but pro-choice. my morals are mine and it's not upon me to put them on others. but the left as i see it went nuts pushing the 3 month boundary and the right followed suit and went extreme on their laws to counter.

i don't understand why it was so hard to stop at 3 months. if you can't make up your mind by then, time's up. you're having a baby.

but this generation is all butt-hurt for a fight and this was dusted off and re-presented and now we're back at it again. hell for all we know we're still in a reactionary mode from russian trolling to get us hating each other to begin with.

so while i can agree the right is getting pretty extreme, i can also see this as a reaction, not a valid thought process we're all prone to do esp these days. what i will never agree on is the choices start after the choice made prior to abortion anyway.
No, moron. That's why we WANT to overturn Roe v. Wade. It's a federal law STOPPING states from choosing their own solutions. I don't agree with New York, but if they want to burn trimester babies to death in the womb, go for it. Your state, your choice.
Nobody does that. That’s a sick lie. If a woman carries a baby until she is huge, she doesn’t have plans to get rid of it. That’s so obvious it’s like you got to bitch slap republicans with information to get them to listen. And even then they refuse to understand.
Let's Google "Saline abortions" and take a look at all of those pictures of crispy little fetuses that were probably kicking the side of their mothers' wombs as they were burning to death. And don't tell me that New York didn't add their 9 month rule because they WEREN'T planning on making that a more common thing. Saline abortions are the second most common types of abortions, still.

Prochoice.com | Abortion... How is it performed?

You anti-choice assholes continue to portray abortion as brutal and terrible, and it should be ended, but then you continue to support the policies which lead poor women to make this choice.

The number of abortions in America are fueled by Republican policies. Lack of universal health care, job protections for pregnant women, lack of affordable day care, a living minimum wage. Canada has FREE ABORTIONS ON DEMAND, with no co-pays, no forced tests, no laws. And yet our abortion rate is half that of the US, where you have to pay out of your own pocket, are forced to have ultrasounds and other expensive tests, and wait 3 days.

Consider that the USA has one of the highest rates of abortion in the first world. Among predominently white first world countries, it is the highest. That's because the USA is the only first world country without mandated pregnancy leave, job protections for pregnant women, and universal health care.

Republicans say they want to end abortions, but their policies promote it.
i can agree with part of what you say, and then you try to absolve people from the simple fact that having sex was their choice in the first place.

people want to have their life and make it fun. we all do. but with our choices comes responsibility. using abortion as birth control is wrong to me. not much will change that. you played throw the hotdog down the hallway and *this* happened you don't want. maybe not the most realistic "solution" but you can't say "you made her make this abortion choice!"

no - her choosing to have sex did it.

now rape and other actions are not the same.

in the end i am anti-abortion but pro-choice. my morals are mine and it's not upon me to put them on others. but the left as i see it went nuts pushing the 3 month boundary and the right followed suit and went extreme on their laws to counter.

i don't understand why it was so hard to stop at 3 months. if you can't make up your mind by then, time's up. you're having a baby.

but this generation is all butt-hurt for a fight and this was dusted off and re-presented and now we're back at it again. hell for all we know we're still in a reactionary mode from russian trolling to get us hating each other to begin with.

so while i can agree the right is getting pretty extreme, i can also see this as a reaction, not a valid thought process we're all prone to do esp these days. what i will never agree on is the choices start after the choice made prior to abortion anyway.

I cannot help but note that you said "her choosing to have sex did it". The woman doesn't have sex by herself. A woman doesn't get pregnant by herself. You statement places all responsibility on the woman for choosing to have sex. It's long past time that we stopped giving men a free ride on this. When I was growing up, we were told that men can't help themselves. If things get out of hand it's my fault. If I get pregnant, it's my fault. We need to make our men take on pregnancy as their responsibility too.

More than half of the women having abortions are married or in committed relationships. Are you seriously suggesting that married couples should stop having sex, if they are not in a position to have a child? Sex is not just for procreation. The hormonal exchanges are critical to adult human health and well being, especially for men. Try reading up on the problems being created in Asia where millions of men cannot find wives and will never have a socially acceptable outlet for their sexual urges.

As for stopping at three months, you cannot do genetic testing until 20 weeks. Three months is 13 weeks. The results of the genetic testing won't be available until 4 weeks later. That's 24 weeks, which is getting very close to viablility. Any woman who is have genetic testing wants that baby very much, and wants a good result. The abortions that take place after three months, are not the abortions due to poverty or convenience. The second trimester abortions are the ones where things have gone horribly wrong. They're the ones the nobody ever wants to have.
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Our next Civil War will be over abortion

So.....killing your fellow Americans in an effort to protect the "sanctity of life" seems logical to you?

If you don't think your beliefs are worth dying for, then feel free not to fight. I personally don't know how I can say I believe in the sanctity of life without being willing to put my own life on the line for it.

Please do not make the mistake of thinking that "not practicing your beliefs the way I think they should be practiced, although I don't share them" is the same as "therefore, you don't really believe it." The problem isn't our alleged hypocrisy; it's your unrecognized hubris.
That's the dumbest shit I've ever heard of.
The idea of killing to protect the "sanctity of life" is simply retarded. Obviously life isn't sacred to you if you're willing to kill.

Is there some part of "We don't live our beliefs to make sense to someone who doesn't share them" which is just not soaking through the solid rock of your skull?

That dunning-kruger is kicking your ass.

That delusion that your personal opinions = universal objective fact is kicking yours.
Our next Civil War will be over abortion

So.....killing your fellow Americans in an effort to protect the "sanctity of life" seems logical to you?

If you don't think your beliefs are worth dying for, then feel free not to fight. I personally don't know how I can say I believe in the sanctity of life without being willing to put my own life on the line for it.

Please do not make the mistake of thinking that "not practicing your beliefs the way I think they should be practiced, although I don't share them" is the same as "therefore, you don't really believe it." The problem isn't our alleged hypocrisy; it's your unrecognized hubris.
That's the dumbest shit I've ever heard of.
The idea of killing to protect the "sanctity of life" is simply retarded. Obviously life isn't sacred to you if you're willing to kill.
They aren't pro-life....they are pro-control.


View attachment 261894

One more time: Just because YOU don't think life is sacred, yet are convinced that you know much more about how this belief you don't hold SHOULD be interpreted, is important only to you. Hypocrisy is not defined as "thinking and acting differently than arrogant dumbass on the Internet thinks you should." But hubris is defined as "being the arogant dumbass on the Internet who thinks people answer to him".

I could explain what it is you're not understanding about this, but your posts make clear that you don't want to know the truth; you just want to congratulate yourself on making up your own version of "truth".
Our next Civil War will be over abortion

So.....killing your fellow Americans in an effort to protect the "sanctity of life" seems logical to you?

If you don't think your beliefs are worth dying for, then feel free not to fight. I personally don't know how I can say I believe in the sanctity of life without being willing to put my own life on the line for it.

Please do not make the mistake of thinking that "not practicing your beliefs the way I think they should be practiced, although I don't share them" is the same as "therefore, you don't really believe it." The problem isn't our alleged hypocrisy; it's your unrecognized hubris.
That's the dumbest shit I've ever heard of.
The idea of killing to protect the "sanctity of life" is simply retarded. Obviously life isn't sacred to you if you're willing to kill.
They aren't pro-life....they are pro-control.


View attachment 261894

One more time: Just because YOU don't think life is sacred, yet are convinced that you know much more about how this belief you don't hold SHOULD be interpreted, is important only to you. Hypocrisy is not defined as "thinking and acting differently than arrogant dumbass on the Internet thinks you should." But hubris is defined as "being the arogant dumbass on the Internet who thinks people answer to him".

I could explain what it is you're not understanding about this, but your posts make clear that you don't want to know the truth; you just want to congratulate yourself on making up your own version of "truth".

It's not hypocrisy. It's retardation.
Would we allow the death camps of WWII Europe to exist again? Abortion is infanticide and would I hope responsible adults would stand -up against the murder of innocent children.

Infanticide is infanticide. Abortion is not the murder of babies or children.

You don't value a fetus the same as you do a child and I can prove it to you.
You are wrong. Living human being in the womb is a human being and deserve the protection of the Constitution you Nazi bastard.
Many Americans believe differently. Why should your opinion trump theirs?

Many Americans believe differently from you. Why should YOUR opinion trump theirs? And may I point out that that question has a lot more relevancy directed at you, since YOUR opinion was forced onto others without their consent and overriding their wishes as expressed in the laws?
Mine shouldn't trump anyone's. Neither should yours. That's entirely my point. Thanks for agreeing.

Everyone should get to make up their own mind on this topic.

Sorry, but that's not how it works in any society that's actually a society, rather than anarchy. Your attempt to pretend that the highest, most desirable state is one in which everyone does exactly as they fucking feel like at the moment, without any constraints put upon them by those around them, is not only horseshit, but hypocrisy, since you're the first to jump to imposing rules requiring others to conform to YOUR wishes when it suits your agenda.

The reality is that there ARE going to be laws, there ARE going to be decisions in favor of one opinion or another, and so pretending that pro-lifers are "outrageously" imposing their opinions on you by trying to change the laws, but YOU are innocent of all imposition on others from when YOUR side of the argument not only changed the laws, but did so by judicial fiat against the will of the voters, is not going to fly.
No, moron. That's why we WANT to overturn Roe v. Wade. It's a federal law STOPPING states from choosing their own solutions. I don't agree with New York, but if they want to burn trimester babies to death in the womb, go for it. Your state, your choice.
Nobody does that. That’s a sick lie. If a woman carries a baby until she is huge, she doesn’t have plans to get rid of it. That’s so obvious it’s like you got to bitch slap republicans with information to get them to listen. And even then they refuse to understand.
Let's Google "Saline abortions" and take a look at all of those pictures of crispy little fetuses that were probably kicking the side of their mothers' wombs as they were burning to death. And don't tell me that New York didn't add their 9 month rule because they WEREN'T planning on making that a more common thing. Saline abortions are the second most common types of abortions, still.

Prochoice.com | Abortion... How is it performed?

You anti-choice assholes continue to portray abortion as brutal and terrible, and it should be ended, but then you continue to support the policies which lead poor women to make this choice.

The number of abortions in America are fueled by Republican policies. Lack of universal health care, job protections for pregnant women, lack of affordable day care, a living minimum wage. Canada has FREE ABORTIONS ON DEMAND, with no co-pays, no forced tests, no laws. And yet our abortion rate is half that of the US, where you have to pay out of your own pocket, are forced to have ultrasounds and other expensive tests, and wait 3 days.

Consider that the USA has one of the highest rates of abortion in the first world. Among predominently white first world countries, it is the highest. That's because the USA is the only first world country without mandated pregnancy leave, job protections for pregnant women, and universal health care.

Republicans say they want to end abortions, but their policies promote it.
i can agree with part of what you say, and then you try to absolve people from the simple fact that having sex was their choice in the first place.

people want to have their life and make it fun. we all do. but with our choices comes responsibility. using abortion as birth control is wrong to me. not much will change that. you played throw the hotdog down the hallway and *this* happened you don't want. maybe not the most realistic "solution" but you can't say "you made her make this abortion choice!"

no - her choosing to have sex did it.

now rape and other actions are not the same.

in the end i am anti-abortion but pro-choice. my morals are mine and it's not upon me to put them on others. but the left as i see it went nuts pushing the 3 month boundary and the right followed suit and went extreme on their laws to counter.

i don't understand why it was so hard to stop at 3 months. if you can't make up your mind by then, time's up. you're having a baby.

but this generation is all butt-hurt for a fight and this was dusted off and re-presented and now we're back at it again. hell for all we know we're still in a reactionary mode from russian trolling to get us hating each other to begin with.

so while i can agree the right is getting pretty extreme, i can also see this as a reaction, not a valid thought process we're all prone to do esp these days. what i will never agree on is the choices start after the choice made prior to abortion anyway.

I cannot help but note that you said "her choosing to have sex did it". The woman doesn't have sex by herself. A woman doesn't get pregnant by herself. You statement places all responsibility on the woman for choosing to have sex. It's long past time that we stopped giving men a free ride on this. When I was growing up, we were told that men can't help themselves. If things get out of hand it's my fault. If I get pregnant, it's my fault. We need to make our men take on pregnancy as their responsibility too.

More than half of the women having abortions are married or in committed relationships. Are you seriously suggesting that married couples should stop having sex, if they are not in a position to have a child? Sex is not just for procreation. The hormonal exchanges are critical to adult human health and well being, especially for men. Try reading up on the problems being created in Asia where millions of men cannot find wives and will never have a socially acceptable outlet for their sexual urges.

As for stopping at three months, you cannot do genetic testing until 20 weeks. Three months is 13 weeks. The results of the genetic testing won't be available until 4 weeks later. That's 24 weeks, which is getting very close to viablility. Any woman who is have genetic testing wants that baby very much, and wants a good result. The abortions that take place after three months, are not the abortions due to poverty or convenience. The second trimester abortions are the ones where things have gone horribly wrong. They're the ones the nobody ever wants to have.
i never said the guy is right to turn tail and run either, did i? you impregnate someone, you're responsible also. yes it's easier for the man to run away. some things in life i can't change, people making choices i would consider bad is certainly one of them.

however - you do bring up valid points in the timing of things as well, but by the time you get to that point, is that child now not alive? I believe by definition it would be.

i can't change that either.
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We pay into the government to help us do things, as a group, we can’t do it on our own.

No, we don't. The purpose of government isn't to force the rest of the "group" (society) to do what you want. We pay government to protect us from jerks like you - people who want to force their desires on everyone else.

so you built your own hiway system?
If you don't think your beliefs are worth dying for, then feel free not to fight. I personally don't know how I can say I believe in the sanctity of life without being willing to put my own life on the line for it.

Please do not make the mistake of thinking that "not practicing your beliefs the way I think they should be practiced, although I don't share them" is the same as "therefore, you don't really believe it." The problem isn't our alleged hypocrisy; it's your unrecognized hubris.
That's the dumbest shit I've ever heard of.
The idea of killing to protect the "sanctity of life" is simply retarded. Obviously life isn't sacred to you if you're willing to kill.
They aren't pro-life....they are pro-control.


View attachment 261894

One more time: Just because YOU don't think life is sacred, yet are convinced that you know much more about how this belief you don't hold SHOULD be interpreted, is important only to you. Hypocrisy is not defined as "thinking and acting differently than arrogant dumbass on the Internet thinks you should." But hubris is defined as "being the arogant dumbass on the Internet who thinks people answer to him".

I could explain what it is you're not understanding about this, but your posts make clear that you don't want to know the truth; you just want to congratulate yourself on making up your own version of "truth".

It's not hypocrisy. It's retardation.
whatever. either word works in relation to describing you.
Our next Civil War will be over abortion

So.....killing your fellow Americans in an effort to protect the "sanctity of life" seems logical to you?

If you don't think your beliefs are worth dying for, then feel free not to fight. I personally don't know how I can say I believe in the sanctity of life without being willing to put my own life on the line for it.

Please do not make the mistake of thinking that "not practicing your beliefs the way I think they should be practiced, although I don't share them" is the same as "therefore, you don't really believe it." The problem isn't our alleged hypocrisy; it's your unrecognized hubris.
That's the dumbest shit I've ever heard of.
The idea of killing to protect the "sanctity of life" is simply retarded. Obviously life isn't sacred to you if you're willing to kill.
They aren't pro-life....they are pro-control.


View attachment 261894

One more time: Just because YOU don't think life is sacred, yet are convinced that you know much more about how this belief you don't hold SHOULD be interpreted, is important only to you. Hypocrisy is not defined as "thinking and acting differently than arrogant dumbass on the Internet thinks you should." But hubris is defined as "being the arogant dumbass on the Internet who thinks people answer to him".

I could explain what it is you're not understanding about this, but your posts make clear that you don't want to know the truth; you just want to congratulate yourself on making up your own version of "truth".

you sound like such a pleasant person!

always calm and rational!

and you NEVER mock or ridicule anyone! so respectful....

you must be a conservative christian....
Infanticide is infanticide. Abortion is not the murder of babies or children.

You don't value a fetus the same as you do a child and I can prove it to you.
You are wrong. Living human being in the womb is a human being and deserve the protection of the Constitution you Nazi bastard.
Many Americans believe differently. Why should your opinion trump theirs?

Many Americans believe differently from you. Why should YOUR opinion trump theirs? And may I point out that that question has a lot more relevancy directed at you, since YOUR opinion was forced onto others without their consent and overriding their wishes as expressed in the laws?
Mine shouldn't trump anyone's. Neither should yours. That's entirely my point. Thanks for agreeing.

Everyone should get to make up their own mind on this topic.

Couldn't agree more. Not sure why a prolifer would make the case that everyone's opinion is different considering they are the ones that want to force something down the throats of others.

Not sure why a pro-abort would make the case that everyone's opinion is different AND that it's bad to force your opinions onto others without their consent when that's EXACTLY how abortion was legalized in the first place.

Of course, I'm also mystified how anyone can cheer for unrestricted killing of unborn babies and actually tell themselves THEY are the moral, righteous, compassionate ones.
it will be over the fact we hate each other for whatever current reasons are cited.
Or to protect us from Republicans. A nearly all white party that has a very long list of people they hate and despise.
When there’s violence between Republicans and normal people, generally it’s Republicans looking to attack somebody and normal people looking to defend themselves.
dude - your one sided pouty faced WAH I DON'T GET MY WAY shit is one of the biggest issues in this country.

go the fuck away.
No you f k off b!tch.

Tell us how much Republican support gay people.

Tell us how much Republicans support atheists.

Tell us how much Republican support white Hispanics.

Tell us how much Republicans support scientists.

Only Six Percent Of Scientists Are Republicans: Pew Poll

If Republicans really supported children, they would want healthcare for children and they would want daycare for children and they would want prenatal care for mothers and they would want education for children.

Republicans don’t support those things. And the reason they give for not supporting those things? It’s not my kid why should I help take care of it.

Go ahead, prove to me that Republicans support children. I dare you.
That's because conservatives are too dumb to be scientists. Making fries at McDonald's is more their speed.

Coming from someone who deliberately ignores the science on virtually every issue, that's pretty funny.
If you don't think your beliefs are worth dying for, then feel free not to fight. I personally don't know how I can say I believe in the sanctity of life without being willing to put my own life on the line for it.

Please do not make the mistake of thinking that "not practicing your beliefs the way I think they should be practiced, although I don't share them" is the same as "therefore, you don't really believe it." The problem isn't our alleged hypocrisy; it's your unrecognized hubris.
That's the dumbest shit I've ever heard of.
The idea of killing to protect the "sanctity of life" is simply retarded. Obviously life isn't sacred to you if you're willing to kill.
They aren't pro-life....they are pro-control.


View attachment 261894

One more time: Just because YOU don't think life is sacred, yet are convinced that you know much more about how this belief you don't hold SHOULD be interpreted, is important only to you. Hypocrisy is not defined as "thinking and acting differently than arrogant dumbass on the Internet thinks you should." But hubris is defined as "being the arogant dumbass on the Internet who thinks people answer to him".

I could explain what it is you're not understanding about this, but your posts make clear that you don't want to know the truth; you just want to congratulate yourself on making up your own version of "truth".

you sound like such a pleasant person!

always calm and rational!

and you NEVER mock or ridicule anyone! so respectful....

you must be a conservative christian....

You sound like such an egomaniac!

Always assuming that expressing your disapproval of someone will upset them!

And you NEVER engage in activity which you feel free to disapprove of in others!

You must be a non-Christian who nevertheless ASSumes that God put him in charge of judging people.

I answer to God, my family, and myself. You aren't any of those people. And I view your disapproval as a sign that I should continue doing what I'm doing, but even more so.
That's the dumbest shit I've ever heard of.
The idea of killing to protect the "sanctity of life" is simply retarded. Obviously life isn't sacred to you if you're willing to kill.
They aren't pro-life....they are pro-control.


View attachment 261894

One more time: Just because YOU don't think life is sacred, yet are convinced that you know much more about how this belief you don't hold SHOULD be interpreted, is important only to you. Hypocrisy is not defined as "thinking and acting differently than arrogant dumbass on the Internet thinks you should." But hubris is defined as "being the arogant dumbass on the Internet who thinks people answer to him".

I could explain what it is you're not understanding about this, but your posts make clear that you don't want to know the truth; you just want to congratulate yourself on making up your own version of "truth".

you sound like such a pleasant person!

always calm and rational!

and you NEVER mock or ridicule anyone! so respectful....

you must be a conservative christian....

You sound like such an egomaniac!

Always assuming that expressing your disapproval of someone will upset them!

And you NEVER engage in activity which you feel free to disapprove of in others!

You must be a non-Christian who nevertheless ASSumes that God put him in charge of judging people.

I answer to God, my family, and myself. You aren't any of those people. And I view your disapproval as a sign that I should continue doing what I'm doing, but even more so.

I'm not disapproving. I'm laughing at you.
Infanticide is infanticide. Abortion is not the murder of babies or children.

You don't value a fetus the same as you do a child and I can prove it to you.
You are wrong. Living human being in the womb is a human being and deserve the protection of the Constitution you Nazi bastard.
Many Americans believe differently. Why should your opinion trump theirs?

Many Americans believe differently from you. Why should YOUR opinion trump theirs? And may I point out that that question has a lot more relevancy directed at you, since YOUR opinion was forced onto others without their consent and overriding their wishes as expressed in the laws?
Mine shouldn't trump anyone's. Neither should yours. That's entirely my point. Thanks for agreeing.

Everyone should get to make up their own mind on this topic.

Sorry, but that's not how it works in any society that's actually a society, rather than anarchy. Your attempt to pretend that the highest, most desirable state is one in which everyone does exactly as they fucking feel like at the moment, without any constraints put upon them by those around them, is not only horseshit, but hypocrisy, since you're the first to jump to imposing rules requiring others to conform to YOUR wishes when it suits your agenda.

The reality is that there ARE going to be laws, there ARE going to be decisions in favor of one opinion or another, and so pretending that pro-lifers are "outrageously" imposing their opinions on you by trying to change the laws, but YOU are innocent of all imposition on others from when YOUR side of the argument not only changed the laws, but did so by judicial fiat against the will of the voters, is not going to fly.
The way it works in our society is that we elect representatives to be our voice. Those representatives appoint judges to federal benches and those justices are constitutionally empowered to decide on cases in their respective courts. So if you want to lean on society to decide this matter -- it has in Roe v. Wade.

And that ruling decided women have a right to privacy tol get an abortion if they so choose. Your opinion is meaningless to pregnant women who get to choose for themselves whether or not to terminate their pregnancy. That is what we, as a society, decided.

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