Our next Civil War will be over abortion

No. Not even a top 5 item.

1. Gun Confiscation
2. Suppression of Free Speech
3. Voter Fraud
4. Motherfuckers trying to shove communism down our throats
5. Declaration of an Emergency for Any Reason not related to WAR
None of which is actually happening except in dupe world. Meanwhile,GOP give away to the rich tax rates continuing to ruin the middle class and the country. Which you brainwashed uninformed dupes know nothing about it.... You're obsessed with imaginary scandals and fear mongered idiocy.
If Roe v. Wade is overturned, our states will be the new battleground, and our nation will be divided between pro-life and pro-abort, just as before the Civil War the states were divided between slave and free.
Perhaps a Civil War between:
Anti-choice (women slaves) and ...
Pro-choice (freedom).

Unless one wants a dystopia of slavery, freedom should win again.

Sorry, when was it that women elected you their spokes-fool, able to designate "wisdom" what is "slavery" and "freedom" for all women by virtue of whether or not it agrees with your stupid ass? Because I don't recall having cast a vote in that election, or even having been given a ballot, so I will fucking thank you to speak for yourself and not for me. You want a civil war, how about an uprising of women who are sick to death of you arrogant leftist puswads usurping for yourselves power and leadership on our behalf?

Are you even female, puswad?
Our next Civil War will be over abortion

So.....killing your fellow Americans in an effort to protect the "sanctity of life" seems logical to you?

If you don't think your beliefs are worth dying for, then feel free not to fight. I personally don't know how I can say I believe in the sanctity of life without being willing to put my own life on the line for it.

Please do not make the mistake of thinking that "not practicing your beliefs the way I think they should be practiced, although I don't share them" is the same as "therefore, you don't really believe it." The problem isn't our alleged hypocrisy; it's your unrecognized hubris.
No. Not even a top 5 item.

1. Gun Confiscation
2. Suppression of Free Speech
3. Voter Fraud
4. Motherfuckers trying to shove communism down our throats
5. Declaration of an Emergency for Any Reason not related to WAR
Abortion is the linchpin behind all of it.

Abortion is the reason Democrats have gone insane.

The blood of fetuses is the fuel the keeps the Democrats angry.
If they try to grab our guns, the shooting begins immediately.

I don't know how that issue is not #1 for a civil war spark.

Why do so many squirrely SOBs keep fantasizing about "Civil War" all the damn time? Every issue, dispute, or minor irritation will "spark the next Civil War!" to these nuts. Your neighbor voted for someone else to be on the school board? Civil War! Got a hangnail? Civil War! Toilet paper hung on the roll the wrong way? World War!!!!!!!!!!

Well, come on, toilet paper on the roll the wrong way . . . someone IS going to have to die. You can't deny the seriousness there.
Following New York's Gruesome Decision, Meghan McCain Calls Out Abortion As Pivotal Issue

While Iowa is going one way, New York is heading off in the opposite direction, allowing abortion all the way to the moment of birth, and beyond.

With Ruth Bader Ginsburg on death watch, a conservative majority to overthrow Roe v. Wade may be closer than you think.

If Roe v. Wade is overturned, our states will be the new battleground, and our nation will be divided between pro-life and pro-abort, just as before the Civil War the states were divided between slave and free.

This is the great moral issue of our time.
Would we allow the death camps of WWII Europe to exist again? Abortion is infanticide and would I hope responsible adults would stand -up against the murder of innocent children.

Infanticide is infanticide. Abortion is not the murder of babies or children.

You don't value a fetus the same as you do a child and I can prove it to you.

"Abortion is not the murder of babies, because I SAY they aren't babies, and my word makes it reality!"

Uh huh. Thanks for sharing.

Btw, before you even bother with whatever strawman "Aha!" moment you have planned about "valuing", let me point out that I value YOUR life far less than a stray cat's, let alone an unborn child's, and I'm pretty sure I'm not alone in that sentiment. I'm also sure you wouldn't consider that proof that YOU aren't alive.
Following New York's Gruesome Decision, Meghan McCain Calls Out Abortion As Pivotal Issue

While Iowa is going one way, New York is heading off in the opposite direction, allowing abortion all the way to the moment of birth, and beyond.

With Ruth Bader Ginsburg on death watch, a conservative majority to overthrow Roe v. Wade may be closer than you think.

If Roe v. Wade is overturned, our states will be the new battleground, and our nation will be divided between pro-life and pro-abort, just as before the Civil War the states were divided between slave and free.

This is the great moral issue of our time.
Would we allow the death camps of WWII Europe to exist again? Abortion is infanticide and would I hope responsible adults would stand -up against the murder of innocent children.

Infanticide is infanticide. Abortion is not the murder of babies or children.

You don't value a fetus the same as you do a child and I can prove it to you.
You are wrong. Living human being in the womb is a human being and deserve the protection of the Constitution you Nazi bastard.

A house is on fire. In one room there are two 6 week old fetuses and in the other a 6 month old baby. You only have enough time to go into one room before the house collapses, who do you save?

A house is on fire. In one room there are two 6-week-old fetuses and in the other is Happy. You only have enough time to go into one room before the house collapses. Who do you save?

The fetuses, and then I roast marshmallows. What's your frigging point?

If you had a functioning brain and even the glimmer of a hope of one day having a moral structure, you would understand that "some lives have more of a claim on us than others do" is not the same as "therefore, that lesser claim means they aren't alive at all", ass napkin.
Following New York's Gruesome Decision, Meghan McCain Calls Out Abortion As Pivotal Issue

While Iowa is going one way, New York is heading off in the opposite direction, allowing abortion all the way to the moment of birth, and beyond.

With Ruth Bader Ginsburg on death watch, a conservative majority to overthrow Roe v. Wade may be closer than you think.

If Roe v. Wade is overturned, our states will be the new battleground, and our nation will be divided between pro-life and pro-abort, just as before the Civil War the states were divided between slave and free.

This is the great moral issue of our time.
Would we allow the death camps of WWII Europe to exist again? Abortion is infanticide and would I hope responsible adults would stand -up against the murder of innocent children.

Infanticide is infanticide. Abortion is not the murder of babies or children.

You don't value a fetus the same as you do a child and I can prove it to you.
You are wrong. Living human being in the womb is a human being and deserve the protection of the Constitution you Nazi bastard.
Many Americans believe differently. Why should your opinion trump theirs?

Many Americans believe differently from you. Why should YOUR opinion trump theirs? And may I point out that that question has a lot more relevancy directed at you, since YOUR opinion was forced onto others without their consent and overriding their wishes as expressed in the laws?
Our next Civil War will be over abortion

So.....killing your fellow Americans in an effort to protect the "sanctity of life" seems logical to you?

If you don't think your beliefs are worth dying for, then feel free not to fight. I personally don't know how I can say I believe in the sanctity of life without being willing to put my own life on the line for it.

Please do not make the mistake of thinking that "not practicing your beliefs the way I think they should be practiced, although I don't share them" is the same as "therefore, you don't really believe it." The problem isn't our alleged hypocrisy; it's your unrecognized hubris.
That's the dumbest shit I've ever heard of.
The idea of killing to protect the "sanctity of life" is simply retarded. Obviously life isn't sacred to you if you're willing to kill.
Destroying tard communism will be the next reason for any civil war to start. Everything else on the list is directly related to the left wanting to destroy America.
Estimated deaths during the 1860-1865 Civil War...Approx 700,000. Estimated deaths of unborn Americans since Roe v Wade....65 million. What civil war?
Our next Civil War will be over abortion

So.....killing your fellow Americans in an effort to protect the "sanctity of life" seems logical to you?

If you don't think your beliefs are worth dying for, then feel free not to fight. I personally don't know how I can say I believe in the sanctity of life without being willing to put my own life on the line for it.

Please do not make the mistake of thinking that "not practicing your beliefs the way I think they should be practiced, although I don't share them" is the same as "therefore, you don't really believe it." The problem isn't our alleged hypocrisy; it's your unrecognized hubris.
That's the dumbest shit I've ever heard of.
The idea of killing to protect the "sanctity of life" is simply retarded. Obviously life isn't sacred to you if you're willing to kill.

Is there some part of "We don't live our beliefs to make sense to someone who doesn't share them" which is just not soaking through the solid rock of your skull?
Following New York's Gruesome Decision, Meghan McCain Calls Out Abortion As Pivotal Issue

While Iowa is going one way, New York is heading off in the opposite direction, allowing abortion all the way to the moment of birth, and beyond.

With Ruth Bader Ginsburg on death watch, a conservative majority to overthrow Roe v. Wade may be closer than you think.

If Roe v. Wade is overturned, our states will be the new battleground, and our nation will be divided between pro-life and pro-abort, just as before the Civil War the states were divided between slave and free.

This is the great moral issue of our time.
Overturning Rowe V Wade would simply set the clock back to the old state abortion laws. Most states would modify those. Blue states would protect a women's right to abortion. Red states would probably tighten up their state laws similar to the Alabama law forcing victims of rape and incest to give birth. Pink states which are red today would go somewhere in between with tighter restrictions on abortions.

Residents of red states would have to hop on a bus or plane to get an abortion or resort to a coat hanger, just like they did in the good old days of back alley abortions.
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Following New York's Gruesome Decision, Meghan McCain Calls Out Abortion As Pivotal Issue

While Iowa is going one way, New York is heading off in the opposite direction, allowing abortion all the way to the moment of birth, and beyond.

With Ruth Bader Ginsburg on death watch, a conservative majority to overthrow Roe v. Wade may be closer than you think.

If Roe v. Wade is overturned, our states will be the new battleground, and our nation will be divided between pro-life and pro-abort, just as before the Civil War the states were divided between slave and free.

This is the great moral issue of our time.
Overturning Rowe V Wade would simple set the clock back to the old state abortion laws. Most states would modify those. Blue states would protect a women's right to abortion. Red states would probably tighten up their state laws similar Alabama law forcing victims of rape and incest to give birth. Pink states would go somewhere in between.

Residents of red states would have to hop on a bus or plane to get an abortion or resort to a coat hanger, just like they did in the good old day.

Yeah, and Bloody Mary will scratch your eyes out if you say her name three times in the mirror. Any other scary urban legends you want to share with us?
Our next Civil War will be over abortion

So.....killing your fellow Americans in an effort to protect the "sanctity of life" seems logical to you?

If you don't think your beliefs are worth dying for, then feel free not to fight. I personally don't know how I can say I believe in the sanctity of life without being willing to put my own life on the line for it.

Please do not make the mistake of thinking that "not practicing your beliefs the way I think they should be practiced, although I don't share them" is the same as "therefore, you don't really believe it." The problem isn't our alleged hypocrisy; it's your unrecognized hubris.
That's the dumbest shit I've ever heard of.
The idea of killing to protect the "sanctity of life" is simply retarded. Obviously life isn't sacred to you if you're willing to kill.
They aren't pro-life....they are pro-control.
it will be over the fact we hate each other for whatever current reasons are cited.

War is what you do when you’re fighting for something that you would die for.
You don’t put your life on the line fighting for something you would squat on.
And that’s what Republicans do with children once they’re born. They squat on them.
No healthcare.
No education.
No good nutrition.
Republican squat on children.
So we should abort babies to prevent them from collecting welfare.
Kill old people to prevent them from collecting Medicare.
Funny, that’s how Republicans talk.
it will be over the fact we hate each other for whatever current reasons are cited.
Or to protect us from Republicans. A nearly all white party that has a very long list of people they hate and despise.
When there’s violence between Republicans and normal people, generally it’s Republicans looking to attack somebody and normal people looking to defend themselves.
it will be over the fact we hate each other for whatever current reasons are cited.
Or to protect us from Republicans. A nearly all white party that has a very long list of people they hate and despise.
When there’s violence between Republicans and normal people, generally it’s Republicans looking to attack somebody and normal people looking to defend themselves.
Remember the KKK? Those were Democrats.

How about Black Lives Matters? Democrats.

Antifa? Democrats.

Name even one violent group organized by Republicans.

You can't.
it will be over the fact we hate each other for whatever current reasons are cited.
Or to protect us from Republicans. A nearly all white party that has a very long list of people they hate and despise.
When there’s violence between Republicans and normal people, generally it’s Republicans looking to attack somebody and normal people looking to defend themselves.
dude - your one sided pouty faced WAH I DON'T GET MY WAY shit is one of the biggest issues in this country.

go the fuck away.

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