Our next Civil War will be over abortion

I am well aware of the mistakes of the United States government; however, all you did just now was attempt to excuse / justify the actions of a domestic terrorist group that bombed its own country because they did not like the choices its government was making.

Let me see if I can get this straight. The US government got us into a war they knew from the outset was unwinnable, killing 56,000 Americans and millions of Vietnamese, Cambodians and Laotians, expended hundreds of billions of dollars, and you minimize that as "mistake". No, no, wearing two different color socks is a mistake.

That's a crime against humanity, and people had every right to be upset about it.

So the weatherman and other groups committed property damage as a protest... and that got people's attention. The same fat dumb middle class white folks who happily sent OTHER people's kids off to war were suddenly horrified their own kids might turn on them and FINALLY demanded answers.

As I pointed out to Bo, so sniveling snowflakes always feel the need to defend and protect the extremists, crazies, and criminals on the Left. If Ayers would have been a white supremacist or a Pro Life activist you would be demanding he be indicted, convicted, and sent to prison for as long as they could possible give him.

Um, yeah, if he were trying to murder minorities or oppress women, damned straight we'd want his ass sent to jail.

A lot of 60's radicals who did murder people DID go to prison, and I have no problem with that. Ayers didn't kill anyone.
And now the moron in chief wants war with Iran???? Let that POS lead the first charge and take his children and henchman with him
Trump said he hoped there wouldn't be a war with Iran. You're a liar.
And Bolten who never saw a war he didn't like is still with him Trump spouts BS He hoped? The AH dropped our treaty with Iran A complete AH and you support him ??
Iran supplies Hamas and Hezbollah with arms and has killed over 1000 US military in the last 15 years. Why do you support Iran?
I am well aware of the mistakes of the United States government; however, all you did just now was attempt to excuse / justify the actions of a domestic terrorist group that bombed its own country because they did not like the choices its government was making.

Let me see if I can get this straight. The US government got us into a war they knew from the outset was unwinnable, killing 56,000 Americans and millions of Vietnamese, Cambodians and Laotians, expended hundreds of billions of dollars, and you minimize that as "mistake". No, no, wearing two different color socks is a mistake.

That's a crime against humanity, and people had every right to be upset about it.

So the weatherman and other groups committed property damage as a protest... and that got people's attention. The same fat dumb middle class white folks who happily sent OTHER people's kids off to war were suddenly horrified their own kids might turn on them and FINALLY demanded answers.

As I pointed out to Bo, so sniveling snowflakes always feel the need to defend and protect the extremists, crazies, and criminals on the Left. If Ayers would have been a white supremacist or a Pro Life activist you would be demanding he be indicted, convicted, and sent to prison for as long as they could possible give him.

Um, yeah, if he were trying to murder minorities or oppress women, damned straight we'd want his ass sent to jail.

A lot of 60's radicals who did murder people DID go to prison, and I have no problem with that. Ayers didn't kill anyone.
And now the moron in chief wants war with Iran???? Let that POS lead the first charge and take his children and henchman with him
Trump said he hoped there wouldn't be a war with Iran. You're a liar.
And Bolten who never saw a war he didn't like is still with him Trump spouts BS He hoped? The AH dropped our treaty with Iran A complete AH and you support him ??
Iran supplies Hamas and Hezbollah with arms and has killed over 1000 US military in the last 15 years. Why do you support Iran?
We made a deal with them A good deal But the moron in our WH ripped it up As an American can you be happy with the problems that will bring now and in the future?
Let me see if I can get this straight. The US government got us into a war they knew from the outset was unwinnable, killing 56,000 Americans and millions of Vietnamese, Cambodians and Laotians, expended hundreds of billions of dollars, and you minimize that as "mistake". No, no, wearing two different color socks is a mistake.

That's a crime against humanity, and people had every right to be upset about it.

So the weatherman and other groups committed property damage as a protest... and that got people's attention. The same fat dumb middle class white folks who happily sent OTHER people's kids off to war were suddenly horrified their own kids might turn on them and FINALLY demanded answers.

Um, yeah, if he were trying to murder minorities or oppress women, damned straight we'd want his ass sent to jail.

A lot of 60's radicals who did murder people DID go to prison, and I have no problem with that. Ayers didn't kill anyone.
And now the moron in chief wants war with Iran???? Let that POS lead the first charge and take his children and henchman with him
Trump said he hoped there wouldn't be a war with Iran. You're a liar.
And Bolten who never saw a war he didn't like is still with him Trump spouts BS He hoped? The AH dropped our treaty with Iran A complete AH and you support him ??
Iran supplies Hamas and Hezbollah with arms and has killed over 1000 US military in the last 15 years. Why do you support Iran?
We made a deal with them A good deal But the moron in our WH ripped it up As an American can you be happy with the problems that will bring now and in the future?
Iran is arming terrorist organizations and killing American soldiers with the money Obungo gave them. Nothing good about that. Why do you hate America?
Um, Democrats are responsible for Vietnam. Kennedy and especially Johnson.

Take off the partisan filters, buddy. BOTH parties got us into that mess.

While Truman had the good sense to NOT intervene when the French were being driven out, Ike pretty much jumped into supporting the quisling regime in Saigon with both feet. JFK, LBJ and Tricky Dick all escalated the war, knowing it was unwinnable.

Until the people who were being asked to fight it rose up. Good on them.
Iran is arming terrorist organizations and killing American soldiers with the money Obungo gave them. Nothing good about that. Why do you hate America?

1) It was their money, not ours. We should have returned that money decades ago.

2) American soldiers are being killed because they are in someone else's country fighting someone else's civil war.

3) I love America. I don't think we should be pissing away trillions of dollars fighting unwinnable wars when we have so many hungry people and crumbling bridges in this country.
And if there is another civil war, you will see the same division between the two sides: one side will fight to preserve an abusive, immoral practice, and the other side will fight to end it. Abortion makes slavery look like child's play. Pro-abortion advocates and the nineteenth-century slavery apologists use the same core argument: they refuse to acknowledge the victim's humanity and usually refuse to even acknowledge that the victim is a victim at all.
And if there is another civil war, you will see the same division between the two sides: one side will fight to preserve an abusive, immoral practice, and the other side will fight to end it. Abortion makes slavery look like child's play. Pro-abortion advocates and the nineteenth-century slavery apologists use the same core argument: they refuse to acknowledge the victim's humanity and usually refuse to even acknowledge that the victim is a victim at all.

Quite honestly, that's the most retarded anti-choice argument I've heard yet.

Seriously, do you wear a helmet before you get on the short bus?

The underlying problem with this argument is that the slave could live without imposing on the plantation owner.

In order to give fetuses the 'humanity' you want, you have to give them MORE rights than the women they are inside.

A woman should be forced to have her rapist's baby, even if it has a long term effect on her health, because, shit, that fetus is a person.

To use your analogy, that would be like requiring the plantation owner to go out and work the fields to provide a living for his former slaves.
Um, Democrats are responsible for Vietnam. Kennedy and especially Johnson.

Take off the partisan filters, buddy. BOTH parties got us into that mess.

While Truman had the good sense to NOT intervene when the French were being driven out, Ike pretty much jumped into supporting the quisling regime in Saigon with both feet. JFK, LBJ and Tricky Dick all escalated the war, knowing it was unwinnable.

Until the people who were being asked to fight it rose up. Good on them.
Nixon ended it. Honestly, it was LBJ that escalated it. That's the reason he didn't seek a second term.
Iran is arming terrorist organizations and killing American soldiers with the money Obungo gave them. Nothing good about that. Why do you hate America?

1) It was their money, not ours. We should have returned that money decades ago.

2) American soldiers are being killed because they are in someone else's country fighting someone else's civil war.

3) I love America. I don't think we should be pissing away trillions of dollars fighting unwinnable wars when we have so many hungry people and crumbling bridges in this country.
1. So you believe in supporting terrorist states. Cool.

2. If Iraq was a Civil war, then Iran is at fault just as much as we are.

3. Again, so you support terrorists. I disagree that you love America. Supporting terrorist states that hate us and wish to destroy us and our allies is some weird kind of love.
If Roe v. Wade is overturned, our states will be the new battleground, and our nation will be divided between pro-life and pro-abort, just as before the Civil War the states were divided between slave and free.
Perhaps a Civil War between:
Anti-choice (women slaves) and ...
Pro-choice (freedom).

Unless one wants a dystopia of slavery, freedom should win again.
I don't think it will result in actual war, but will be a mess - no doubt. Much worse than Prohibition.
No, it won’t. Besides, most of the assholes pushing for a civil war won’t ever be on the frontlines. They are either far too lazy or old.
Watching constant calls for civil war on this website is like watching a group of toddlers fight over a pacifier.

Utterly ridiculous & juvenile

War is what you do when you’re fighting for something that you would die for.
You don’t put your life on the line fighting for something you would squat on.
And that’s what Republicans do with children once they’re born. They squat on them.
No healthcare.
No education.
No good nutrition.
Republican squat on children.
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War is what you do when you’re fighting for something that you would die for.
You don’t put your life on the line fighting for something you would squat on.
And that’s what Republicans do with children once they’re born. They squat on them.
No healthcare.
No education.
No good nutrition.
Republican squat on children.
So we should abort babies to prevent them from collecting welfare.
Kill old people to prevent them from collecting Medicare.
1. So you believe in supporting terrorist states. Cool.

2. If Iraq was a Civil war, then Iran is at fault just as much as we are.

3. Again, so you support terrorists. I disagree that you love America. Supporting terrorist states that hate us and wish to destroy us and our allies is some weird kind of love.

Again, "Terrorist" was a point of view. When Bin Laden was killing Russians in Afghanistan, Ronnie Reagan called him a "Freedom Fighter".

Our next Civil War will be over abortion

So.....killing your fellow Americans in an effort to protect the "sanctity of life" seems logical to you?
No. Not even a top 5 item.

1. Gun Confiscation
2. Suppression of Free Speech
3. Voter Fraud
4. Motherfuckers trying to shove communism down our throats
5. Declaration of an Emergency for Any Reason not related to WAR
Abortion is the linchpin behind all of it.

Abortion is the reason Democrats have gone insane.

The blood of fetuses is the fuel the keeps the Democrats angry.
If they try to grab our guns, the shooting begins immediately.

I don't know how that issue is not #1 for a civil war spark.

Why do so many squirrely SOBs keep fantasizing about "Civil War" all the damn time? Every issue, dispute, or minor irritation will "spark the next Civil War!" to these nuts. Your neighbor voted for someone else to be on the school board? Civil War! Got a hangnail? Civil War! Toilet paper hung on the roll the wrong way? World War!!!!!!!!!!
No. Not even a top 5 item.

1. Gun Confiscation
2. Suppression of Free Speech
3. Voter Fraud
4. Motherfuckers trying to shove communism down our throats
5. Declaration of an Emergency for Any Reason not related to WAR
Abortion is the linchpin behind all of it.

Abortion is the reason Democrats have gone insane.

The blood of fetuses is the fuel the keeps the Democrats angry.
If they try to grab our guns, the shooting begins immediately.

I don't know how that issue is not #1 for a civil war spark.

Why do so many squirrely SOBs keep fantasizing about "Civil War" all the damn time? Every issue, dispute, or minor irritation will "spark the next Civil War!" to these nuts. Your neighbor voted for someone else to be on the school board? Civil War! Got a hangnail? Civil War! Toilet paper hung on the roll the wrong way? World War!!!!!!!!!!

Let's be clear, it's coming from only one side.
Why do so many squirrely SOBs keep fantasizing about "Civil War" all the damn time? Every issue, dispute, or minor irritation will "spark the next Civil War!" to these nuts. Your neighbor voted for someone else to be on the school board? Civil War! Got a hangnail? Civil War! Toilet paper hung on the roll the wrong way? World War!!!!!!!!!!


I suspect it's the gun nuts itching at a chance to shoot somebody and get away with it.

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