Our next Civil War will be over abortion

Vile Leftists Extremists are 'terrorists', not 'soldiers'. Look at Barry's buddy, Bill Ayers. He bombed his fellow Americans, killing 1st responders - he never put himself in jeopardy by actually fighting anyone.
Raving lunatic, Bill Ayers never killed a first responder with a bomb. As always, you're fucking crazed. :cuckoo:

I swear, you right wing freaks are batshit insane.
They sure can't help the lying, can they? No wonder they wanted lying donnie as their king.
Again, the only person proven lying is you, as always. You can't point out where I said I know anyone of them personally because it never happened.

And Bill Ayers bombed his fellow Americans. He and the group he belonged to killed 1st responders. During an interview he actually stated he regretted not perpetrating more bombings.

"Ayers co-founded the Weather Underground, a self-described Communistrevolutionary group with the intent to overthrow imperialism,[3] that conducted a campaign of bombing public buildings (including police stations, the US Capitol Building, and the Pentagon) "
He did not kill any first responders. Neither did the Weather Underground. The only people killed by them were a few of their own members who blew themselves up making a bomb.

You rightards live in an alternate universe where you make up alternative facts. You're truly fucking insane. :cuckoo:
If I didn't know better I'd think some of these posters are posting from insane asylums
Ayers bombed his fellow Americans........why wasn't he charged and convicted then?

WHY is that always your defense of despicable, proven criminal liberal extremists / Democrats? Why do you always rabidly defend the terrorists, domestic enemies, and proven criminal pieces of Democratic party refuse? Is it an un-controllable, in-grained, knee-jerk reaction or do you actually support them and what they have done / do?

''I don't regret setting bombs,'' Bill Ayers said. ''I feel we didn't do enough.''
-- BILL AYERS, 2001 Interveiw

"Mr. Ayers, who in 1970 was said to have summed up the Weatherman philosophy as: ''Kill all the rich people. Break up their cars and apartments. Bring the revolution home, kill your parents, that's where it's really at,'' is today distinguished professor of education at the University of Illinois at Chicago."

''Everything was absolutely ideal on the day I bombed the Pentagon,'' he writes.
** Ayers never actually personally conducted the bombing of the Pentagon. He just helped his group, the Weathermen, plan the attack. That fact does not make him any less of a terrorist / domestic enemy of the United States.

Is he a 'hero'? No, he's just another POS radical who bombed his own country / people and then attempted to justify it:

''I don't think you can understand a single thing we did without understanding the violence of the Vietnam War''

Whatever, you f*ing terrorist. Bill Ayers was a phony, a rich kid who wanted to be one of 'the little people' and wanted to 'join the revolution':

"Mr. Ayers has always been known as a ''rich kid radical.'' His father, Thomas, now 86, was chairman and chief executive officer of Commonwealth Edison of Chicago, chairman of Northwestern University and of the Chicago Symphony."

Eventually he realized that bombing your own country was not going to change anything. He realized the best way to truly affect the radical change he wanted was to infect the education system with his disease....so he became a college professor where he could pray upon young impressionable kids through radical indoctrination.

Being a college professor does no / did not change who he was / still is: a POS radical extremist terrorist who bombed his own country and later changed tactics to attempt to destroy his country. Instead of bombs he began using the classroom.

He was never convicted for his ADMITTED CRIMES! To you, that means he never committed a crime and was / is an outstanding citizen.


No Regrets for a Love Of Explosives; In a Memoir of Sorts, a War Protester Talks of Life With the Weathermen

I ask again...if Ayers bombed his fellow Americans, why wasn't he charged and convicted then? It was during a Republican administration.....can't the GOP do ANYTHING except make stuff up and whine?
Speaking of making up crap ,,look how long they've been on Hillary's butt and haven't laid a glove on her Speaking of inept
Ayers bombed his fellow Americans........why wasn't he charged and convicted then?

WHY is that always your defense of despicable, proven criminal liberal extremists / Democrats? Why do you always rabidly defend the terrorists, domestic enemies, and proven criminal pieces of Democratic party refuse? Is it an un-controllable, in-grained, knee-jerk reaction or do you actually support them and what they have done / do?

''I don't regret setting bombs,'' Bill Ayers said. ''I feel we didn't do enough.''
-- BILL AYERS, 2001 Interveiw

"Mr. Ayers, who in 1970 was said to have summed up the Weatherman philosophy as: ''Kill all the rich people. Break up their cars and apartments. Bring the revolution home, kill your parents, that's where it's really at,'' is today distinguished professor of education at the University of Illinois at Chicago."

''Everything was absolutely ideal on the day I bombed the Pentagon,'' he writes.
** Ayers never actually personally conducted the bombing of the Pentagon. He just helped his group, the Weathermen, plan the attack. That fact does not make him any less of a terrorist / domestic enemy of the United States.

Is he a 'hero'? No, he's just another POS radical who bombed his own country / people and then attempted to justify it:

''I don't think you can understand a single thing we did without understanding the violence of the Vietnam War''

Whatever, you f*ing terrorist. Bill Ayers was a phony, a rich kid who wanted to be one of 'the little people' and wanted to 'join the revolution':

"Mr. Ayers has always been known as a ''rich kid radical.'' His father, Thomas, now 86, was chairman and chief executive officer of Commonwealth Edison of Chicago, chairman of Northwestern University and of the Chicago Symphony."

Eventually he realized that bombing your own country was not going to change anything. He realized the best way to truly affect the radical change he wanted was to infect the education system with his disease....so he became a college professor where he could pray upon young impressionable kids through radical indoctrination.

Being a college professor does no / did not change who he was / still is: a POS radical extremist terrorist who bombed his own country and later changed tactics to attempt to destroy his country. Instead of bombs he began using the classroom.

He was never convicted for his ADMITTED CRIMES! To you, that means he never committed a crime and was / is an outstanding citizen.


No Regrets for a Love Of Explosives; In a Memoir of Sorts, a War Protester Talks of Life With the Weathermen

I ask again...if Ayers bombed his fellow Americans, why wasn't he charged and convicted then? It was during a Republican administration.....can't the GOP do ANYTHING except make stuff up and whine?
That guy's a fucking nut. He read it on wikipedia.
Vile Leftists Extremists are 'terrorists', not 'soldiers'. Look at Barry's buddy, Bill Ayers. He bombed his fellow Americans, killing 1st responders - he never put himself in jeopardy by actually fighting anyone.
Raving lunatic, Bill Ayers never killed a first responder with a bomb. As always, you're fucking crazed. :cuckoo:

I swear, you right wing freaks are batshit insane.
They sure can't help the lying, can they? No wonder they wanted lying donnie as their king.
Again, the only person proven lying is you, as always. You can't point out where I said I know anyone of them personally because it never happened.

And Bill Ayers bombed his fellow Americans. He and the group he belonged to killed 1st responders. During an interview he actually stated he regretted not perpetrating more bombings.

"Ayers co-founded the Weather Underground, a self-described Communistrevolutionary group with the intent to overthrow imperialism,[3] that conducted a campaign of bombing public buildings (including police stations, the US Capitol Building, and the Pentagon) "
He did not kill any first responders. Neither did the Weather Underground. The only people killed by them were a few of their own members who blew themselves up making a bomb.

You rightards live in an alternate universe where you make up alternative facts. You're truly fucking insane. :cuckoo:
If I didn't know better I'd think some of these posters are posting from insane asylums
With some of them, based on their typos, you can tell they have to hunt & peck with their nose because they're arms are strapped inside a straight jacket.
Ayers bombed his fellow Americans........why wasn't he charged and convicted then?

WHY is that always your defense of despicable, proven criminal liberal extremists / Democrats? Why do you always rabidly defend the terrorists, domestic enemies, and proven criminal pieces of Democratic party refuse? Is it an un-controllable, in-grained, knee-jerk reaction or do you actually support them and what they have done / do?

''I don't regret setting bombs,'' Bill Ayers said. ''I feel we didn't do enough.''
-- BILL AYERS, 2001 Interveiw

"Mr. Ayers, who in 1970 was said to have summed up the Weatherman philosophy as: ''Kill all the rich people. Break up their cars and apartments. Bring the revolution home, kill your parents, that's where it's really at,'' is today distinguished professor of education at the University of Illinois at Chicago."

''Everything was absolutely ideal on the day I bombed the Pentagon,'' he writes.
** Ayers never actually personally conducted the bombing of the Pentagon. He just helped his group, the Weathermen, plan the attack. That fact does not make him any less of a terrorist / domestic enemy of the United States.

Is he a 'hero'? No, he's just another POS radical who bombed his own country / people and then attempted to justify it:

''I don't think you can understand a single thing we did without understanding the violence of the Vietnam War''

Whatever, you f*ing terrorist. Bill Ayers was a phony, a rich kid who wanted to be one of 'the little people' and wanted to 'join the revolution':

"Mr. Ayers has always been known as a ''rich kid radical.'' His father, Thomas, now 86, was chairman and chief executive officer of Commonwealth Edison of Chicago, chairman of Northwestern University and of the Chicago Symphony."

Eventually he realized that bombing your own country was not going to change anything. He realized the best way to truly affect the radical change he wanted was to infect the education system with his disease....so he became a college professor where he could pray upon young impressionable kids through radical indoctrination.

Being a college professor does no / did not change who he was / still is: a POS radical extremist terrorist who bombed his own country and later changed tactics to attempt to destroy his country. Instead of bombs he began using the classroom.

He was never convicted for his ADMITTED CRIMES! To you, that means he never committed a crime and was / is an outstanding citizen.


No Regrets for a Love Of Explosives; In a Memoir of Sorts, a War Protester Talks of Life With the Weathermen


And nothing in there says he killed anyone. Just how rightarded are you??
Pretending to be ignorant of history again I see. The real killer of Americans was the Federal Government and the War they were conducting in SE Asia.

I am well aware of the mistakes of the United States government; however, all you did just now was attempt to excuse / justify the actions of a domestic terrorist group that bombed its own country because they did not like the choices its government was making. As I pointed out to Bo, so sniveling snowflakes always feel the need to defend and protect the extremists, crazies, and criminals on the Left. If Ayers would have been a white supremacist or a Pro Life activist you would be demanding he be indicted, convicted, and sent to prison for as long as they could possible give him.

The Weathermen always warned about their targets and never planted second devices to target responding units. In fact the only people who died because of their bombs were members of the group.

Well hell, why didn't you say so? If they only planted ONE BOMB, destroyed private / government property, chose not to set up a second bomb, and only managed to f* up and kill themselves then that was PERFECTLY FINE (with snowflakes) and means they were NOT 'domestic terrorists'....

I ask again...if Ayers bombed his fellow Americans, why wasn't he charged and convicted then? It was during a Republican administration.....can't the GOP do ANYTHING except make stuff up and whine?
Perhaps because, like Hillary, he had some pretty powerful friends. I mean its not every day a domestic terrorist becomes friends with a Senator and has a politician or has a politician declare their intent to run for President from their living room.

Funny how you always blame the GOP when it is usually the Democrats who are protecting the proven criminals, whether they be violent illegals and human traffickers coming across our borders or a POS who perpetrated numerous crimes to include Espionage, mishandling classified, Obstruction, and over 15,000 criminal counts of violating the FOIA and Federal Records Act.

And I ask again...WHY do you constantly defend proven Leftist extremist terrorists and Democrat criminals?
So...back to the topic at hand...when will the pro-forced birth people start this civil war? I want to make sure I have popcorn in stock.
Why would THEY start a 'Civil War'? If you have paid attention at all to the news you would have seen Conservatives / Republicans / Pro Birth activists addressing the insanity of the Far Left Extremists - like calling for legalizing the murder of babies AFTER they have been born - calmly and without violence through LEGISLATION.

What’s Wrong With “After-Birth Abortion”?

After-birth abortion” is a term invented by two philosophers, Alberto Giubilini and Francesca Minerva. In the Journal of Medical Ethics, they propose:

"When circumstances occur after birth such that they would have justified abortion, what we call after-birth abortion should be permissible. … [W]e propose to call this practice ‘after-birth abortion’, rather than ‘infanticide,’ to emphasize that the moral status of the individual killed is comparable with that of a fetus … rather than to that of a child. Therefore, we claim that killing a newborn could be ethically permissible..."

Virginia Gov. Just Called For Legalizing Murder Of Newborn Babies

“If a mother is in labor…the infant would be delivered. The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated if that’s what the mother and the family desired, and then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and mother"

:wtf: This blood-thirsty soul-less dumbass is talking about DELIVERING A BABY, keeping it comfortable, then HAVING A DISCUSSION WHETHER TO KILL THE BABY OR NOT....

The Leftist Extremist freaks know EXACTLY what they are proposing - legalizing the MURDER of a newborn baby ... and attempting to use the same BS argument, in part, they have used to justify all abortions - It's still just a fetus...

Leftist freaks even entertaining the idea of murdering a CHILD after it has been born is just SICK, mentally unstable....their ideology has rendered them incapable of truly valuing life.

But you seek to project your own twisted, hate-driven, pro-death cult ideology onto a people who value life, who are fighting to defend that life through the courts.

If ANYONE will take up violence start a civil war it will be the Leftist Extremists who are frustrated that they are losing the battle to push abortion to the most extreme - to the point where they actually want to MURDER NEWBORN BABIES. Only freaks who have drifted that far, who no longer value life, would start a war and be willing to take more lives to further their ever sickeningly growing ideology.
Pretending to be ignorant of history again I see. The real killer of Americans was the Federal Government and the War they were conducting in SE Asia.

I am well aware of the mistakes of the United States government; however, all you did just now was attempt to excuse / justify the actions of a domestic terrorist group that bombed its own country because they did not like the choices its government was making. As I pointed out to Bo, so sniveling snowflakes always feel the need to defend and protect the extremists, crazies, and criminals on the Left. If Ayers would have been a white supremacist or a Pro Life activist you would be demanding he be indicted, convicted, and sent to prison for as long as they could possible give him.

The Weathermen always warned about their targets and never planted second devices to target responding units. In fact the only people who died because of their bombs were members of the group.

Well hell, why didn't you say so? If they only planted ONE BOMB, destroyed private / government property, chose not to set up a second bomb, and only managed to f* up and kill themselves then that was PERFECTLY FINE (with snowflakes) and means they were NOT 'domestic terrorists'....


Militants, not terrorist. Terrorist target innocent and helpless victims to use fear as a political weapon.

Pointing out your lies about them is not excusing or justifying their actions. Just clarifying that they did not target innocent people or set up traps for those who showed up either.

But you and your Discordians' will continue to spread divisive lies to one side or the other, huh?
Easy What's your score?
Our Score So Far: Republicans 89, Democrats 1
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This comes via a 4th-grade friend, who got it from some guy on Facebook, who probably got it from Daily Kos, who got it from Wikipedia:


In the criminal convictions contest, the score is Republicans 89, Democrats 1. And that’s not even counting all the high-level Iran-Contra folks who probably would have been convicted of various felonies if they hadn’t been pardoned by GHW Bush.

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Advertise with Mother Jones

Among Democrats, there’s been only one criminal conviction in the past 50 years. The unlucky schmoe is Ron Blackley, who was collateral damage from a special prosecutor who even Ken Starr thought was kind of nuts. The guy ran amuck in a futile attempt to pin something on Secretary of Agriculture Mike Espy,1 and in the process he managed to win a perjury conviction against Blackley, who served as Espy’s chief of staff, for failing to disclose a pittance in consulting fees from a former consulting business in Mississippi.

I wonder if Donald Trump can break Nixon’s record? One thing going against Trump is that he’s barely able to hire anyone these days, and you can’t garner lots of corruption convictions if you don’t have anyone working for you. On the other hand, he’s Trump. You never know.

1He got a grand jury to hand down a bunch of indictments, but his case was so thin that Espy didn’t even bother mounting a defense. The jury acquitted Espy of everything.

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The more we thought about how MoJo's journalism can have the most impact heading into the 2020 election, the more we realized that so many of today's stories come down to corruption: democracy and the rule of law being undermined by the wealthy and powerful for their own gain.

So we're launching a new Mother Jones Corruption Project to do deep, time-intensive reporting on systemic corruption. We aim to hire, build a team, and give them the time and space needed to understand how we got here and how we might get out. We'll publish what we find as a major series in the summer of 2020, including a special issue of our magazine, a dedicated online portal, and video and podcast series so it doesn't get lost in the daily deluge of breaking news.

It's unlike anything we've done before and we've got seed funding to get started, but we're asking readers to help crowdfund this new beat with an additional $500,000 so we can go even bigger. You can read why we're taking this approach and what we want to accomplish in "Corruption Isn't Just Another Scandal. It's the Rot Beneath All of Them," and if you like how it sounds, please help fund it with a tax-deductible donation today.


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Copyright © 2019 Mother Jones and the Foundation for National Progress. All Rights Reserved.

Vile Leftists Extremists are 'terrorists', not 'soldiers'. Look at Barry's buddy, Bill Ayers. He bombed his fellow Americans, killing 1st responders - he never put himself in jeopardy by actually fighting anyone.
Raving lunatic, Bill Ayers never killed a first responder with a bomb. As always, you're fucking crazed. :cuckoo:

I swear, you right wing freaks are batshit insane.
They sure can't help the lying, can they? No wonder they wanted lying donnie as their king.
Again, the only person proven lying is you, as always. You can't point out where I said I know anyone of them personally because it never happened.

And Bill Ayers bombed his fellow Americans. He and the group he belonged to killed 1st responders. During an interview he actually stated he regretted not perpetrating more bombings.

"Ayers co-founded the Weather Underground, a self-described Communistrevolutionary group with the intent to overthrow imperialism,[3] that conducted a campaign of bombing public buildings (including police stations, the US Capitol Building, and the Pentagon) "
Ayers bombed his fellow Americans........why wasn't he charged and convicted then?

Learn why he was never convicted, dumbass! Don't assume!
Militants, not terrorist. Terrorist target innocent and helpless victims to use fear as a political weapon.
So now your sorry terrorist-supporting snowflake ass wants to play Bill Clinton's 'The Definition of the word 'IS'' Semantics BS game... :p

"Terrorism is, in the broadest sense, the use of intentionally indiscriminate violence as a means to create terror among masses of people; or fear to achieve a religious or political aim."

"Terrorist: A person who uses unlawful violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims."


'Militant': "A soldier, a combatant."

'Militant': "A person who uses, or is willing to use, force or strong pressure to achieve their aims, especially to achieve social or political change
--- 'Student militants were fighting with the police.' (NOT perpetrating BOMBINGS...THAT would be a f*ing TERRORIST!)

You are SERIOUSLY trying to claim Ayers and the Weatherman never went after civilian targets and never perpetrated bombings as a Political weapon against the US govt for the Viet Nam War?

AGAIN, you snowflakes are proving my point -- you go out of your way - lie / spin - to defend LEFTIST Extremist TERRORISTS, TRAITORS, AND CRIMINALS.
Easy What's your score?
Our Score So Far: Republicans 89, Democrats 1
Advertise with Mother Jones
This comes via a 4th-grade friend, who got it from some guy on Facebook, who probably got it from Daily Kos, who got it from Wikipedia:


In the criminal convictions contest, the score is Republicans 89, Democrats 1. And that’s not even counting all the high-level Iran-Contra folks who probably would have been convicted of various felonies if they hadn’t been pardoned by GHW Bush.

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Advertise with Mother Jones

Among Democrats, there’s been only one criminal conviction in the past 50 years. The unlucky schmoe is Ron Blackley, who was collateral damage from a special prosecutor who even Ken Starr thought was kind of nuts. The guy ran amuck in a futile attempt to pin something on Secretary of Agriculture Mike Espy,1 and in the process he managed to win a perjury conviction against Blackley, who served as Espy’s chief of staff, for failing to disclose a pittance in consulting fees from a former consulting business in Mississippi.

I wonder if Donald Trump can break Nixon’s record? One thing going against Trump is that he’s barely able to hire anyone these days, and you can’t garner lots of corruption convictions if you don’t have anyone working for you. On the other hand, he’s Trump. You never know.

1He got a grand jury to hand down a bunch of indictments, but his case was so thin that Espy didn’t even bother mounting a defense. The jury acquitted Espy of everything.

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The more we thought about how MoJo's journalism can have the most impact heading into the 2020 election, the more we realized that so many of today's stories come down to corruption: democracy and the rule of law being undermined by the wealthy and powerful for their own gain.

So we're launching a new Mother Jones Corruption Project to do deep, time-intensive reporting on systemic corruption. We aim to hire, build a team, and give them the time and space needed to understand how we got here and how we might get out. We'll publish what we find as a major series in the summer of 2020, including a special issue of our magazine, a dedicated online portal, and video and podcast series so it doesn't get lost in the daily deluge of breaking news.

It's unlike anything we've done before and we've got seed funding to get started, but we're asking readers to help crowdfund this new beat with an additional $500,000 so we can go even bigger. You can read why we're taking this approach and what we want to accomplish in "Corruption Isn't Just Another Scandal. It's the Rot Beneath All of Them," and if you like how it sounds, please help fund it with a tax-deductible donation today.


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Copyright © 2019 Mother Jones and the Foundation for National Progress. All Rights Reserved.

Vile Leftists Extremists are 'terrorists', not 'soldiers'. Look at Barry's buddy, Bill Ayers. He bombed his fellow Americans, killing 1st responders - he never put himself in jeopardy by actually fighting anyone.
Raving lunatic, Bill Ayers never killed a first responder with a bomb. As always, you're fucking crazed. :cuckoo:

I swear, you right wing freaks are batshit insane.
They sure can't help the lying, can they? No wonder they wanted lying donnie as their king.
Again, the only person proven lying is you, as always. You can't point out where I said I know anyone of them personally because it never happened.

And Bill Ayers bombed his fellow Americans. He and the group he belonged to killed 1st responders. During an interview he actually stated he regretted not perpetrating more bombings.

"Ayers co-founded the Weather Underground, a self-described Communistrevolutionary group with the intent to overthrow imperialism,[3] that conducted a campaign of bombing public buildings (including police stations, the US Capitol Building, and the Pentagon) "
Ayers bombed his fellow Americans........why wasn't he charged and convicted then?

Learn why he was never convicted, dumbass! Don't assume!
He wasn't charged, no less convicted, of murdering any first responders because he never did. easyt65 is an idiot for thinking he did.
Easy What's your score?
Our Score So Far: Republicans 89, Democrats 1
Advertise with Mother Jones
This comes via a 4th-grade friend, who got it from some guy on Facebook, who probably got it from Daily Kos, who got it from Wikipedia:


In the criminal convictions contest, the score is Republicans 89, Democrats 1. And that’s not even counting all the high-level Iran-Contra folks who probably would have been convicted of various felonies if they hadn’t been pardoned by GHW Bush.

Advertise with Mother Jones
Advertise with Mother Jones

Among Democrats, there’s been only one criminal conviction in the past 50 years. The unlucky schmoe is Ron Blackley, who was collateral damage from a special prosecutor who even Ken Starr thought was kind of nuts. The guy ran amuck in a futile attempt to pin something on Secretary of Agriculture Mike Espy,1 and in the process he managed to win a perjury conviction against Blackley, who served as Espy’s chief of staff, for failing to disclose a pittance in consulting fees from a former consulting business in Mississippi.

I wonder if Donald Trump can break Nixon’s record? One thing going against Trump is that he’s barely able to hire anyone these days, and you can’t garner lots of corruption convictions if you don’t have anyone working for you. On the other hand, he’s Trump. You never know.

1He got a grand jury to hand down a bunch of indictments, but his case was so thin that Espy didn’t even bother mounting a defense. The jury acquitted Espy of everything.

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The more we thought about how MoJo's journalism can have the most impact heading into the 2020 election, the more we realized that so many of today's stories come down to corruption: democracy and the rule of law being undermined by the wealthy and powerful for their own gain.

So we're launching a new Mother Jones Corruption Project to do deep, time-intensive reporting on systemic corruption. We aim to hire, build a team, and give them the time and space needed to understand how we got here and how we might get out. We'll publish what we find as a major series in the summer of 2020, including a special issue of our magazine, a dedicated online portal, and video and podcast series so it doesn't get lost in the daily deluge of breaking news.

It's unlike anything we've done before and we've got seed funding to get started, but we're asking readers to help crowdfund this new beat with an additional $500,000 so we can go even bigger. You can read why we're taking this approach and what we want to accomplish in "Corruption Isn't Just Another Scandal. It's the Rot Beneath All of Them," and if you like how it sounds, please help fund it with a tax-deductible donation today.


Independent. In print. In your mailbox.
Inexpensive, too! Subscribe today and get a full year of Mother Jones for just $12.

June 2019
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February 2019

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It's us but for your ears. Listen on Apple Podcasts.

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Copyright © 2019 Mother Jones and the Foundation for National Progress. All Rights Reserved.

When in Rome do what the Romans do
Vile Leftists Extremists are 'terrorists', not 'soldiers'. Look at Barry's buddy, Bill Ayers. He bombed his fellow Americans, killing 1st responders - he never put himself in jeopardy by actually fighting anyone.
Raving lunatic, Bill Ayers never killed a first responder with a bomb. As always, you're fucking crazed. :cuckoo:

I swear, you right wing freaks are batshit insane.
They sure can't help the lying, can they? No wonder they wanted lying donnie as their king.
Again, the only person proven lying is you, as always. You can't point out where I said I know anyone of them personally because it never happened.

And Bill Ayers bombed his fellow Americans. He and the group he belonged to killed 1st responders. During an interview he actually stated he regretted not perpetrating more bombings.

"Ayers co-founded the Weather Underground, a self-described Communistrevolutionary group with the intent to overthrow imperialism,[3] that conducted a campaign of bombing public buildings (including police stations, the US Capitol Building, and the Pentagon) "
Ayers bombed his fellow Americans........why wasn't he charged and convicted then?

Learn why he was never convicted, dumbass! Don't assume!
Haha, yeah, thats how it works. Democrats not charged = guilty. Trump stooge declines to charge = exonerated. Got it!
Militants, not terrorist. Terrorist target innocent and helpless victims to use fear as a political weapon.
So now your sorry terrorist-supporting snowflake ass wants to play Bill Clinton's 'The Definition of the word 'IS'' Semantics BS game... :p

"Terrorism is, in the broadest sense, the use of intentionally indiscriminate violence as a means to create terror among masses of people; or fear to achieve a religious or political aim."

"Terrorist: A person who uses unlawful violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims."


'Militant': "A soldier, a combatant."

'Militant': "A person who uses, or is willing to use, force or strong pressure to achieve their aims, especially to achieve social or political change
--- 'Student militants were fighting with the police.' (NOT perpetrating BOMBINGS...THAT would be a f*ing TERRORIST!)

You are SERIOUSLY trying to claim Ayers and the Weatherman never went after civilian targets and never perpetrated bombings as a Political weapon against the US govt for the Viet Nam War?

AGAIN, you snowflakes are proving my point -- you go out of your way - lie / spin - to defend LEFTIST Extremist TERRORISTS, TRAITORS, AND CRIMINALS.

For accusing other of being snowflakes you sure do seem to be displaying snowflakely like tendencies.

What kind of terrorist warns their target before hand so all the people in the location could be evacuated.

The Jewish militants who bombed the King David Hotel, killing 93 people did. Were they terrorist?
Democrats not charged = guilty. Trump stooge declines to charge = exonerated. Got it!
Sorry - let me clear up your f*ed up thought process:

Hillary Clinton violated NUMEROUS laws - more than 30,000 criminal counts of violating the FOIA and the Federal Records act alone...the FBI and former FBI Director, in 2 public press conferences, openly admitted she had violated the law. ALL of the evidence needed to indict / convict STILL exists....but because the Obama administration protected her (as exposed evidence now proves) from indictment and / or prosecution snowflakes still falsely claim she never broke the law.

Meanwhile, Democrats / snowflakes have openly declared that a conservative / Republican is 'GUILTY UNTIL PROVEN INNOCENT' and declared 'THE BURDEN OF PROOF IS ON THE ACCUSED, NOT THE ACCUSER' - which has NEVER been part of the US Justice System.
-- They started that shit during their despicable attack against Judge Kavanaugh in an attempt to keep him off of the USSC.

After 4 investigations, 3 years, 100 or so witnesses interviewed, and thousands of documents reviewed, not one incitement or conviction was made of President Trump or anyone associated with him for collusion or obstruction....but yet pathetic, reality-denying, butt-hurt, Trump-Hating, TDS-suffering snowflakes continue to declare 'PRESIDENT TRUMP IS GUILTY!'

Hillary Clinton herself declared that ANYONE who refused to accept the outcome of elections are THREATS to our democracy'...and ever since the night she lost the 2016 election the dormer Obama administration, Democrats, and snowflakes have busted their ass proving she was 100% correct!

Mueller was supposed to be the last in a long line of 'THIS time We GOT him' opportunities to affect the political coup against the President, overturning an election whose results they refuse to accept. When it did not turn out the way they wanted they invented a NEW CONSPIRACY to justify refusing to accept the 2016 election results.

The Democrats went so far off the deep end after Mueller let them down that the Democrats officially (according to the DC Circuit Court and a case they have already ruled on) attempted to FORCED the US AG to BREAK THE LAW by ILLEGALLY releasing Grand Jury information...and when the US AG refused to obey their demand that he BREAK THE LAW, they actually held in Contempt for refusing to BREAK THE LAW.
--- Constitutional Law expert John Turlery broke the news of the DC Circuit Court's ruling and that they had indeed held the US AG in Contempt for refusing to obey their order to BREAK the Law.

'Guilty Until Proven Innocent'
'Burden of Proof on the ACCUSED, Not the ACCUSER'
'Ordering the US AG To BREAJK THE LAW'
'Holding the US AG in 'Contempt' For Refusing To Obey Their Illegal Demand For Him To Break The Law'....

:wtf: The Democrats and snowflakes have lost their damn minds....

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