Our next Civil War will be over abortion

For accusing other of being snowflakes you sure do seem to be displaying snowflakely like tendencies.

What kind of terrorist warns their target before hand so all the people in the location could be evacuated.

The Jewish militants who bombed the King David Hotel, killing 93 people did. Were they terrorist?

"Terrorist: A person who uses unlawful violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims."

Do you notice how the above definition does not say "UNLESS THEY PROVDE A WARNING OF THEIR INTENT 1ST"?
That's because 'ANYONE who uses unlawful violence in the pursuit of political aims' - such as BOMBING their own country to affect a politican change is a F*ING TERRORIST! The fact that they were lucky enough not to kill anyone - except their own - does not exempt them from, being 'TERRORISTS' .... and HOW the hell you can claim that a group who bombed their own country, targeted their own government, is NOT a 'domestic threat' I have no idea.

'The Jewish militants who bombed the King David Hotel, killing 93 people did. Were they terrorist?'
Again, you seek to engage in SEMANTICS in defense of TERRORISTS! Did they 'use unlawful violence'? Did they target civilians? OF COURSE THEY WERE / ARE TERRORISTS'
For accusing other of being snowflakes you sure do seem to be displaying snowflakely like tendencies.

What kind of terrorist warns their target before hand so all the people in the location could be evacuated.

The Jewish militants who bombed the King David Hotel, killing 93 people did. Were they terrorist?

"Terrorist: A person who uses unlawful violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims."

Do you notice how the above definition does not say "UNLESS THEY PROVDE A WARNING OF THEIR INTENT 1ST"?
That's because 'ANYONE who uses unlawful violence in the pursuit of political aims' - such as BOMBING their own country to affect a politican change is a F*ING TERRORIST! The fact that they were lucky enough not to kill anyone - except their own - does not exempt them from, being 'TERRORISTS' .... and HOW the hell you can claim that a group who bombed their own country, targeted their own government, is NOT a 'domestic threat' I have no idea.

'The Jewish militants who bombed the King David Hotel, killing 93 people did. Were they terrorist?'
Again, you seek to engage in SEMANTICS in defense of TERRORISTS! Did they 'use unlawful violence'? Did they target civilians? OF COURSE THEY WERE / ARE TERRORISTS'!

Democrats not charged = guilty. Trump stooge declines to charge = exonerated. Got it!
Sorry - let me clear up your f*ed up thought process:

Hillary Clinton violated NUMEROUS laws - more than 30,000 criminal counts of violating the FOIA and the Federal Records act alone...the FBI and former FBI Director, in 2 public press conferences, openly admitted she had violated the law. ALL of the evidence needed to indict / convict STILL exists....but because the Obama administration protected her (as exposed evidence now proves) from indictment and / or prosecution snowflakes still falsely claim she never broke the law.

Meanwhile, Democrats / snowflakes have openly declared that a conservative / Republican is 'GUILTY UNTIL PROVEN INNOCENT' and declared 'THE BURDEN OF PROOF IS ON THE ACCUSED, NOT THE ACCUSER' - which has NEVER been part of the US Justice System.
-- They started that shit during their despicable attack against Judge Kavanaugh in an attempt to keep him off of the USSC.

After 4 investigations, 3 years, 100 or so witnesses interviewed, and thousands of documents reviewed, not one incitement or conviction was made of President Trump or anyone associated with him for collusion or obstruction....but yet pathetic, reality-denying, butt-hurt, Trump-Hating, TDS-suffering snowflakes continue to declare 'PRESIDENT TRUMP IS GUILTY!'

Hillary Clinton herself declared that ANYONE who refused to accept the outcome of elections are THREATS to our democracy'...and ever since the night she lost the 2016 election the dormer Obama administration, Democrats, and snowflakes have busted their ass proving she was 100% correct!

Mueller was supposed to be the last in a long line of 'THIS time We GOT him' opportunities to affect the political coup against the President, overturning an election whose results they refuse to accept. When it did not turn out the way they wanted they invented a NEW CONSPIRACY to justify refusing to accept the 2016 election results.

The Democrats went so far off the deep end after Mueller let them down that the Democrats officially (according to the DC Circuit Court and a case they have already ruled on) attempted to FORCED the US AG to BREAK THE LAW by ILLEGALLY releasing Grand Jury information...and when the US AG refused to obey their demand that he BREAK THE LAW, they actually held in Contempt for refusing to BREAK THE LAW.
--- Constitutional Law expert John Turlery broke the news of the DC Circuit Court's ruling and that they had indeed held the US AG in Contempt for refusing to obey their order to BREAK the Law.

'Guilty Until Proven Innocent'
'Burden of Proof on the ACCUSED, Not the ACCUSER'
'Ordering the US AG To BREAJK THE LAW'
'Holding the US AG in 'Contempt' For Refusing To Obey Their Illegal Demand For Him To Break The Law'....

:wtf: The Democrats and snowflakes have lost their damn minds....
30,000??? oh my god Did they try to go for the death penalty???
30,000??? oh my god Did they try to go for the death penalty???
Is this failed sense of humor in an attempt to distract from the FACT that this is true the best you have in defense of Hillary Clinton's proven crimes? Surely you have not spent the last 3 years hating the President, defending traitors, and refusing to accept the results of the 2016 election based on this type of failed reasoning / delusional humor......
30,000??? oh my god Did they try to go for the death penalty???
Is this failed sense of humor in an attempt to distract from the FACT that this is true the best you have in defense of Hillary Clinton's proven crimes? Surely you have not spent the last 3 years hating the President, defending traitors, and refusing to accept the results of the 2016 election based on this type of failed reasoning / delusional humor......
Surely you can't still be up her butt on things your leaders told you ? You have 2 choices imo #1 is your traitors were trying to take a good women down or #2 they were far too stupid to get her on ANYTHING
Surely you can't still be up her butt on things your leaders told you ?
Just because Jonathon Gruber repeatedly pointed out how stupid snowflakes are and how Democrats count on that stupidity to get away with what they actually do get away with does NOT mean everyone else is such a sheep.

The way snowflakes demand to be spoon-fed on this board and repeatedly demonstrate they are incapable of thinking for themselves, it is obvious who needs leaders and faux media to tell them what to think, when to be outraged, when to pee, and even when to breathe.

Surely you can't still be up her butt on things your leaders told you ?
Just because Jonathon Gruber repeatedly pointed out how stupid snowflakes are and how Democrats count on that stupidity to get away with what they actually do get away with does NOT mean everyone else is such a sheep.

The way snowflakes demand to be spoon-fed on this board and repeatedly demonstrate they are incapable of thinking for themselves, it is obvious who needs leaders and faux media to tell them what to think, when to be outraged, when to pee, and even when to breathe.

Your master Trump thinks for himself He definitely needs someone to tell him what to think Maybe Kurshner ot Dump jr?...lol
Ayers bombed his fellow Americans........why wasn't he charged and convicted then?

WHY is that always your defense of despicable, proven criminal liberal extremists / Democrats? Why do you always rabidly defend the terrorists, domestic enemies, and proven criminal pieces of Democratic party refuse? Is it an un-controllable, in-grained, knee-jerk reaction or do you actually support them and what they have done / do?

''I don't regret setting bombs,'' Bill Ayers said. ''I feel we didn't do enough.''
-- BILL AYERS, 2001 Interveiw

"Mr. Ayers, who in 1970 was said to have summed up the Weatherman philosophy as: ''Kill all the rich people. Break up their cars and apartments. Bring the revolution home, kill your parents, that's where it's really at,'' is today distinguished professor of education at the University of Illinois at Chicago."

''Everything was absolutely ideal on the day I bombed the Pentagon,'' he writes.
** Ayers never actually personally conducted the bombing of the Pentagon. He just helped his group, the Weathermen, plan the attack. That fact does not make him any less of a terrorist / domestic enemy of the United States.

Is he a 'hero'? No, he's just another POS radical who bombed his own country / people and then attempted to justify it:

''I don't think you can understand a single thing we did without understanding the violence of the Vietnam War''

Whatever, you f*ing terrorist. Bill Ayers was a phony, a rich kid who wanted to be one of 'the little people' and wanted to 'join the revolution':

"Mr. Ayers has always been known as a ''rich kid radical.'' His father, Thomas, now 86, was chairman and chief executive officer of Commonwealth Edison of Chicago, chairman of Northwestern University and of the Chicago Symphony."

Eventually he realized that bombing your own country was not going to change anything. He realized the best way to truly affect the radical change he wanted was to infect the education system with his disease....so he became a college professor where he could pray upon young impressionable kids through radical indoctrination.

Being a college professor does no / did not change who he was / still is: a POS radical extremist terrorist who bombed his own country and later changed tactics to attempt to destroy his country. Instead of bombs he began using the classroom.

He was never convicted for his ADMITTED CRIMES! To you, that means he never committed a crime and was / is an outstanding citizen.

No Regrets for a Love Of Explosives; In a Memoir of Sorts, a War Protester Talks of Life With the Weathermen


I don't think Ayers is an outstanding citizen. He got off because the government used unlawful methods to gather evidence against him. This was at a time when the government was spying on its own citizens, bombing a third world country into the stone age, and engaging in a lot of other unlawful and immoral conduct.

So I can't get upset that this jackass set a few bombs that damaged property but caused no deaths or injuries.

We just had a case in Chicago where a cop was caught on tape shooting a child sixteen times while he was lying on the ground, and got a whopping 3 years at a club fed. And at least THAT cop was held accountable.

But you are still going to whine about what this hippy did 50 years ago? Really, guy?
I am well aware of the mistakes of the United States government; however, all you did just now was attempt to excuse / justify the actions of a domestic terrorist group that bombed its own country because they did not like the choices its government was making.

Let me see if I can get this straight. The US government got us into a war they knew from the outset was unwinnable, killing 56,000 Americans and millions of Vietnamese, Cambodians and Laotians, expended hundreds of billions of dollars, and you minimize that as "mistake". No, no, wearing two different color socks is a mistake.

That's a crime against humanity, and people had every right to be upset about it.

So the weatherman and other groups committed property damage as a protest... and that got people's attention. The same fat dumb middle class white folks who happily sent OTHER people's kids off to war were suddenly horrified their own kids might turn on them and FINALLY demanded answers.

As I pointed out to Bo, so sniveling snowflakes always feel the need to defend and protect the extremists, crazies, and criminals on the Left. If Ayers would have been a white supremacist or a Pro Life activist you would be demanding he be indicted, convicted, and sent to prison for as long as they could possible give him.

Um, yeah, if he were trying to murder minorities or oppress women, damned straight we'd want his ass sent to jail.

A lot of 60's radicals who did murder people DID go to prison, and I have no problem with that. Ayers didn't kill anyone.
I am well aware of the mistakes of the United States government; however, all you did just now was attempt to excuse / justify the actions of a domestic terrorist group that bombed its own country because they did not like the choices its government was making.

Let me see if I can get this straight. The US government got us into a war they knew from the outset was unwinnable, killing 56,000 Americans and millions of Vietnamese, Cambodians and Laotians, expended hundreds of billions of dollars, and you minimize that as "mistake". No, no, wearing two different color socks is a mistake.

That's a crime against humanity, and people had every right to be upset about it.

So the weatherman and other groups committed property damage as a protest... and that got people's attention. The same fat dumb middle class white folks who happily sent OTHER people's kids off to war were suddenly horrified their own kids might turn on them and FINALLY demanded answers.

As I pointed out to Bo, so sniveling snowflakes always feel the need to defend and protect the extremists, crazies, and criminals on the Left. If Ayers would have been a white supremacist or a Pro Life activist you would be demanding he be indicted, convicted, and sent to prison for as long as they could possible give him.

Um, yeah, if he were trying to murder minorities or oppress women, damned straight we'd want his ass sent to jail.

A lot of 60's radicals who did murder people DID go to prison, and I have no problem with that. Ayers didn't kill anyone.
Neither did Charlie Manson
I am well aware of the mistakes of the United States government; however, all you did just now was attempt to excuse / justify the actions of a domestic terrorist group that bombed its own country because they did not like the choices its government was making.

Let me see if I can get this straight. The US government got us into a war they knew from the outset was unwinnable, killing 56,000 Americans and millions of Vietnamese, Cambodians and Laotians, expended hundreds of billions of dollars, and you minimize that as "mistake". No, no, wearing two different color socks is a mistake.

That's a crime against humanity, and people had every right to be upset about it.

So the weatherman and other groups committed property damage as a protest... and that got people's attention. The same fat dumb middle class white folks who happily sent OTHER people's kids off to war were suddenly horrified their own kids might turn on them and FINALLY demanded answers.

As I pointed out to Bo, so sniveling snowflakes always feel the need to defend and protect the extremists, crazies, and criminals on the Left. If Ayers would have been a white supremacist or a Pro Life activist you would be demanding he be indicted, convicted, and sent to prison for as long as they could possible give him.

Um, yeah, if he were trying to murder minorities or oppress women, damned straight we'd want his ass sent to jail.

A lot of 60's radicals who did murder people DID go to prison, and I have no problem with that. Ayers didn't kill anyone.
Um, Democrats are responsible for Vietnam. Kennedy and especially Johnson.
I am well aware of the mistakes of the United States government; however, all you did just now was attempt to excuse / justify the actions of a domestic terrorist group that bombed its own country because they did not like the choices its government was making.

Let me see if I can get this straight. The US government got us into a war they knew from the outset was unwinnable, killing 56,000 Americans and millions of Vietnamese, Cambodians and Laotians, expended hundreds of billions of dollars, and you minimize that as "mistake". No, no, wearing two different color socks is a mistake.

That's a crime against humanity, and people had every right to be upset about it.

So the weatherman and other groups committed property damage as a protest... and that got people's attention. The same fat dumb middle class white folks who happily sent OTHER people's kids off to war were suddenly horrified their own kids might turn on them and FINALLY demanded answers.

As I pointed out to Bo, so sniveling snowflakes always feel the need to defend and protect the extremists, crazies, and criminals on the Left. If Ayers would have been a white supremacist or a Pro Life activist you would be demanding he be indicted, convicted, and sent to prison for as long as they could possible give him.

Um, yeah, if he were trying to murder minorities or oppress women, damned straight we'd want his ass sent to jail.

A lot of 60's radicals who did murder people DID go to prison, and I have no problem with that. Ayers didn't kill anyone.
And now the moron in chief wants war with Iran???? Let that POS lead the first charge and take his children and henchman with him
Abortion is the linchpin behind all of it.

Abortion is the reason Democrats have gone insane.

The blood of fetuses is the fuel the keeps the Democrats angry.

Not near as insane as having a war over Pro-Life .
That's like saying that life is so precious, I'll kill you to protect it.

Kind of defeats the purpose.
I am well aware of the mistakes of the United States government; however, all you did just now was attempt to excuse / justify the actions of a domestic terrorist group that bombed its own country because they did not like the choices its government was making.

Let me see if I can get this straight. The US government got us into a war they knew from the outset was unwinnable, killing 56,000 Americans and millions of Vietnamese, Cambodians and Laotians, expended hundreds of billions of dollars, and you minimize that as "mistake". No, no, wearing two different color socks is a mistake.

That's a crime against humanity, and people had every right to be upset about it.

So the weatherman and other groups committed property damage as a protest... and that got people's attention. The same fat dumb middle class white folks who happily sent OTHER people's kids off to war were suddenly horrified their own kids might turn on them and FINALLY demanded answers.

As I pointed out to Bo, so sniveling snowflakes always feel the need to defend and protect the extremists, crazies, and criminals on the Left. If Ayers would have been a white supremacist or a Pro Life activist you would be demanding he be indicted, convicted, and sent to prison for as long as they could possible give him.

Um, yeah, if he were trying to murder minorities or oppress women, damned straight we'd want his ass sent to jail.

A lot of 60's radicals who did murder people DID go to prison, and I have no problem with that. Ayers didn't kill anyone.
And now the moron in chief wants war with Iran???? Let that POS lead the first charge and take his children and henchman with him
Trump said he hoped there wouldn't be a war with Iran. You're a liar.
I am well aware of the mistakes of the United States government; however, all you did just now was attempt to excuse / justify the actions of a domestic terrorist group that bombed its own country because they did not like the choices its government was making.

Let me see if I can get this straight. The US government got us into a war they knew from the outset was unwinnable, killing 56,000 Americans and millions of Vietnamese, Cambodians and Laotians, expended hundreds of billions of dollars, and you minimize that as "mistake". No, no, wearing two different color socks is a mistake.

That's a crime against humanity, and people had every right to be upset about it.

So the weatherman and other groups committed property damage as a protest... and that got people's attention. The same fat dumb middle class white folks who happily sent OTHER people's kids off to war were suddenly horrified their own kids might turn on them and FINALLY demanded answers.

As I pointed out to Bo, so sniveling snowflakes always feel the need to defend and protect the extremists, crazies, and criminals on the Left. If Ayers would have been a white supremacist or a Pro Life activist you would be demanding he be indicted, convicted, and sent to prison for as long as they could possible give him.

Um, yeah, if he were trying to murder minorities or oppress women, damned straight we'd want his ass sent to jail.

A lot of 60's radicals who did murder people DID go to prison, and I have no problem with that. Ayers didn't kill anyone.
And now the moron in chief wants war with Iran???? Let that POS lead the first charge and take his children and henchman with him
Trump said he hoped there wouldn't be a war with Iran. You're a liar.
And Bolten who never saw a war he didn't like is still with him Trump spouts BS He hoped? The AH dropped our treaty with Iran A complete AH and you support him ??

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