Our poor military needs to be rebuilt !

The military always needs to be rebuilt. It is always a work in progress. That is why we have to most modern and most powerful military in the world. Trump is full of shit and so are the nit wits defending his insulting garbage. Want proof? Lazer weapons on stealth destroyers, Drone technology, improved F-22's, F-35's, practice killing 15,000 ISIS assholes with one American casualties suffered during a special op's rescue of prisoners.
The only thing holding back US military advancement and improvement is a do nothing Republican congress that refuses to make their campaign donators unhappy by raising revenue to fund those advancements and improvements.

Fuck you, your dear leader vetoed the NDAA that tried to do just that.
It did no such thing. He sent it back because it included accounting tricks that kept the sequester limitations in place, obligated the Pentagon to continue a process that prevented needed reforms to eliminate or adjust away from wasteful spending and failed to address Guantanamo. Congress still has not made specific funding for the war against ISIS. Cost related to fighting ISIS relies on funds taken away from other DoD sources and programs. Sending the bill back to Congress may highlight the irresponsible nature of the bill and the refusal of Republicans to eliminate waste or pork projects that strap the DoD with special interest spending.
Instead of saying fuck you, how about saying why no revenue source or bill has been submitted to address the war with ISIS.

The president and Democrats have opposed the 2016 NDAA because it supports a $38 billion plus-up to defense through OCO, which skirts Budget Control Act caps.

Obama Issues 2016 NDAA Veto

Hummmmmmmm, OCO (overseas contingency operations) ie fighting ISIS.

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