Our President Has Done A Good Job

So you're saying Obama didn't take over a flaming pile of shit?


I'm saying W doesn't deserve the criticisms for making the melt down happen.

Of course he did! It was the direct result of 8 years of neglecting his responsibility for government oversight.

It was an indictment of free market, anything goes Capitalism run wild. Regulations were eliminated, the SEC was de-clawed - not that Christopher Cox was minding the store anyway.
no matter what.....he is still a piss poor leader.....he is as bad as bush was at bringing people together....and we sure can use a strong leader right now....
America has had strong presidents and some of the strong presidents seemed to want to improve America, but the other party has called them dictators, kings, and commies. Commies that get their orders from Stalin or Hitler and don't allow Congress to act and in fact make laws on their own. Check the historian's rating of presidents, the strong presidents that do well for the United States are at the top of the rating charts.
big deal.....it doesnt make Obama a strong leader.....because he is not a strong or good leader.....
The question is, do we want strong presidents of the other party? When Obama threatens to try and solve problems without Congressional imput, is that the sign of a strong president?
No its a sign that the idiot has no clue what he is doing.
Obama took over such a massive, flaming pile of shit that we'll never really know what he would have accomplished in more normal circumstances.

The Lefties will bemoan the fact that the pile of shit he inherited stopped him from "fundamentally transforming" America into the authoritarian Euro-social democracy they so crave, the Righties will be thankful for the same thing.

Either way, we'll never know.



The Financial Crisis Facing the Facts - The Atlasphere

So you're saying Obama didn't take over a flaming pile of shit?


I'm saying W doesn't deserve the criticisms for making the melt down happen.

The cause of the meltdown has nothing to do with my point, which is that Obama inherited a mess of historic proportions.

So you're saying Obama didn't take over a flaming pile of shit?


I'm saying W doesn't deserve the criticisms for making the melt down happen.

Of course he did! It was the direct result of 8 years of neglecting his responsibility for government oversight.

It was an indictment of free market, anything goes Capitalism run wild. Regulations were eliminated, the SEC was de-clawed - not that Christopher Cox was minding the store anyway.

If you and I have any possible future of playing nicely with each other it must be with the provision that when one of us really wants the other to read or watch something important that the other will comply.


And now that I think about it, anyone else who'd like to be included in this informal agreement, let me know.

The 4.2% growth in real GDP reflected growing personal consumption, private inventory investment, exports, both residential and nonresidential fixed investment, as well as local government spending. The gains were partially offset by an increase in imports, which negatively impact GDP, and a 0.9% decline in federal government expenditures.

“I’ll take it,” said Dan North, chief economist at Euler Hermes North America which provides export and trade credit insurance, of the 4.2% growth in a call following the release. But North warns GDP watchers should not get too excited. The revisions reveled “nothing earth shattering.” More importantly, since the economy contracted 2.1% in the first quarter of this year the large jump is payback and in the first half of 2014 the economy gained just 1%. North expects third and fourth quarter GDP to gain around 3% which would round out to an uninspiring roughly 2% growth for the year.

From Forbes

bull United States - Gross domestic product GDP 2014 Statistic
Dishonest partisan obama sheeple. Every sacrifice in Iraq and Afghanistan has been undermined by obama failed foreign policy. Several Watergates and coverups on greater scales. Every US household is out over $8k of net income annually due to obama green energy scam policy and Al Sharpton was named secretary of bigotry in order to keep segregation alive for democrat votes.
This is easily the worst president in my lifetime.

Worst president, period.

But that is what happens when you send a boy to do a man's job.
Dishonest partisan obama sheeple. Every sacrifice in Iraq and Afghanistan has been undermined by obama failed foreign policy. Several Watergates and coverups on greater scales. Every US household is out over $8k of net income annually due to obama green energy scam policy and Al Sharpton was named secretary of bigotry in order to keep segregation alive for democrat votes.
This is easily the worst president in my lifetime.

Worst president, period.

But that is what happens when you send a boy to do a man's job.

If you lose half of the people that were supporting you your enemy would be very happy to see your backers dwindle, leaving you alone to rail at the Obamabots by your lonesome.


That's what COULD happen if you say stupid, self satisfying, racist shit.

I will back away from you and so will other Conservatives.

So, think about how important it is to express your racist sentiments here.

Is it worth giving the libs more ammo to use against us?

You are in the minority but we can look past people's flaws when marching in the same direction.

March with us. Not with the racists.
As I thought. You've got nothing.

And you still think Bush was culpable for the economic crisis and you have not read or viewed the info that establishes that GWB did everything a POTUS could do, short of Obama's illegal overstepping to get his way, to stop the Democrats, Frank & Dodd and the Director of Fannie or Freddy (who can keep them straight, right?) a guy named Raines.
As I thought. You've got nothing.

And you still think Bush was culpable for the economic crisis and you have not read or viewed the info that establishes that GWB did everything a POTUS could do, short of Obama's illegal overstepping to get his way, to stop the Democrats, Frank & Dodd and the Director of Fannie or Freddy (who can keep them straight, right?) a guy named Raines.

Dem's are LIARS and one of the best examples is Frank who is on video tape opposing Bush attempts to deal with the Fannie and Freddie problem, telling everyone everything is just peachy at Fannie and Freddie, then when it blows up in his face he blames everyone else. Dem's LIE and the MSM look the other way, repeat until the uninformed masses come to believe that their lies are true.

You guys always seem to want to believe that BOTH sides must be mirror images of the other and that there is never anyone who is 100% correct when two people or reps from two sides of an issue argue.

Obama is the WORST liar in White House history, to my knowledge.

Why is his lying worse than all the other POTUS' who lied?

Where some POTUS' would lie for their country or for Americans and friends, Obama's lies tend to be in defense of HIM and to benefit HIM and his interests (things, people & situations HE is interested in) or to allow him to get something he didn't deserve or honestly qualify for.

Obama's lies are to US.

He lies to the American people and he is supposed to be REPRESENTING US!!!

In the Band of Brothers mini-series, Maj. Dick Winters made a point of cautioning one of his junior officers about gambling with the enlisted men.

Richard Winters: These men have been through the toughest training the Army has to offer, under the worst possible circumstances, and they volunteered for it.

'Buck' Compton: Christ, Dick, I was just shooting craps with them.

Richard Winters: You know why they volunteered? Because they knew that the man in the foxhole next to them would be the best, not some draftee who's going to get them killed.

'Buck' Compton: Are you ticked because they like me? Because I'm spending time to get to know my soldiers? I mean, c'mon, you've been with them for two years? I've been here for six days.

Richard Winters: You were gambling, Buck.

'Buck' Compton: So what? Soldiers do that. I don't deserve a reprimand for it.

Richard Winters: What if you'd won?

'Buck' Compton: What?

Richard Winters: What if you'd won? Don't ever put yourself in the position where you can take from these men.

That describes Obama perfectly.

He seems never to shy away from opportunities to take from his fellow Americans and lie to his fellow Americans in order to benefit himself or his administration or friends.

All False statements involving Barack Obama

Says his comment about extremists being a JV team "wasn’t specifically referring to" Islamic State.
The JV team is now varsity

"Most young Americans right now, they’re not covered" by health insurance.
"Between Two Ferns" was a hit, but this factoid is wrong

Well under half that
"We’ve got close to 7 million Americans who have access to health care for the first time because of Medicaid expansion."
Barack Obama
Barack Obama
Admininstration's reports say otherwise
The "most realistic estimates" for jobs created by Keystone XL are "maybe 2,000 jobs during the construction of the pipeline."
Barack Obama
Barack Obama
Doubled ... in 2025
"We have doubled the distance our cars will go on a gallon of gas."
Barack Obama
Barack Obama
Lots of Members of Congress don't think so
"Throughout, we have kept Congress fully informed of our efforts" to create a legal framework on counterterrorism.
Barack Obama
Barack Obama
It's households, not families
"If the House of Representatives fails to extend the middle-class tax cuts, 400,000 middle-class Rhode Island families will see their federal income taxes increase."
Barack Obama
Barack Obama
A widely spread misquote
Says Mitt Romney "called the Arizona law a model for the nation."
Barack Obama
Barack Obama
Don't hold your breath for those SBA loans, Mr. Trump
"Under Gov. Romney's definition ... Donald Trump is a small business."
Barack Obama
Barack Obama
Credit the economy, not Obamacare
Because of Obamacare, "over the last two years, health care premiums have gone up -- it's true -- but they've gone up slower than any time in the last 50 years."
Barack Obama
Barack Obama
Using a method tilted in Obama's favor
"Over the last four years, the deficit has gone up, but 90 percent of that is as a consequence of" President George W. Bush’s policies and the recession.
Barack Obama
Barack Obama
'Fast and Furious' born in 2009
"Fast and Furious" began under the Bush administration.
Barack Obama
Barack Obama
Romney touted a different law
Mitt Romney "says the Arizona immigration law should be a model for the nation."
Barack Obama
Barack Obama
Romney's own words say otherwise
Says Mitt Romney would deny gay people the right to adopt children.
Barack Obama
Barack Obama
In some ways, losses were bigger under Reagan
"The only time government employment has gone down during a recession has been under me."
Barack Obama
Barack Obama
Wrong or misleading from several angles
"Under the Romney/Ryan budget, interest rates on federal student loans would be allowed to double."
Barack Obama
Barack Obama
Slim majority, not unprecedented
If the Supreme Court throws out the federal health care law, it "would be an unprecedented, extraordinary step of overturning a law that was passed by a strong majority of a democratically elected Congress."
Barack Obama
Barack Obama
Better to stick to the script
"For the first time since 1990, American manufacturers are creating new jobs."
Barack Obama
Barack Obama
Wrong in 2009, and wrong today
"Preventive care … saves money, for families, for businesses, for government, for everybody."
Barack Obama
Barack Obama
Not so fast, Mr. President
"Thirty million Americans, including a lot of people in Florida, are going to be able to get healthcare next year because of that law."

Page 1 of 4 nextnext

All False statements involving Barack Obama PolitiFact

I tried to post this table but it is slowing me down trying to clean it up for posting. So I'll just leave this as is and point you all to the 4 pages of documented Obama lies at the link which show him to be a much bigger liar than any of us could believe.

And, again, it's not so much the number of lies he tells but who he lies to and what he lies about that is revealing.

He lies for his own personal benefit and at the expense, too often, of a trusting American people.

Why did you change who said what in your reply to make it out like I was the libtard?
So you're saying Obama didn't take over a flaming pile of shit?


I'm saying W doesn't deserve the criticisms for making the melt down happen.

Of course he did! It was the direct result of 8 years of neglecting his responsibility for government oversight.

It was an indictment of free market, anything goes Capitalism run wild. Regulations were eliminated, the SEC was de-clawed - not that Christopher Cox was minding the store anyway.
You're a dumb ass POS liar.

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