Our President Has Done A Good Job

Bull shit. I'd sooner spit on him than shake his hand. I wouldn't shake his hand for 2million dollars.
That's because you aren't a real American.

Anybody that doesn't agree with you isn't a real American..................LOL

Liberal to the core..........Have your self a bowl full of who gives a rats ass what you think................

Anybody who says they would spit on the President Of The United States is not a real American.
I didn't say I would spit on just any POTUS I said I'd rather spit on Obama than shake his hand. I didn't vote for him, and by his own vile pie hole he does not represent me. If he gave me an order I'd piss on his boots.
Bull shit. I'd sooner spit on him than shake his hand. I wouldn't shake his hand for 2million dollars.
That's because you aren't a real American.

Anybody that doesn't agree with you isn't a real American..................LOL

Liberal to the core..........Have your self a bowl full of who gives a rats ass what you think................

Anybody who says they would spit on the President Of The United States is not a real American.
I didn't say I would spit on just any POTUS I said I'd rather spit on Obama than shake his hand. I didn't vote for him, and by his own vile pie hole he does not represent me. If he gave me an order I'd piss on his boots.

You are one classy ars hole, huh?
I think many of the RWers on USMB would be happy if we went back to the -GDP days of the W administration. They would be happy if they could return to losing job every month instead of gaining them. They would be happy to be fighting two wars without paying for them. All they want is a Republican....wait....a white Republican in the White House. Even another recovering alcoholic puppet like W would do.
Lol. 85 billion a month from the fed propping up wall street for five years will make everything smell like roses.

I wonder if they'll stop pumping money into the stock market as soon as the next President-elect has an (R) next to his name?

I'll bet nothing will be Obama's fault for the first 4 years. :eusa_think:

If a Republican were president with Obama's record the puke liberals would be freaking out and there would be a 24/7 assault underway by the MSM. The left's double standards and hypocrisy is incredible, problem is they don't care they wear their hypocrisy and lies like a badge of honor.

There WAS a Republican President with Obama's record though. His name was Bush. We all remember those days. :laugh:

Yep Nancy Pelosi proclaiming how horrible 5% unemployment was under Bush. :laugh: Remember how they foamed at the mouth claiming Bush lied, then Obama tells us if we like our doctor and plan we can keep them the biggest whopper since the last puke Democrat declared he didn't have sex with an intern.

Bailing out private industries with public tax dollars. Bush did this, Obama did this.
Rushing off to start a new war. Bush did this, Obama did this.
Troop surge to quell an insurgency. Bush did this, Obama did this.
Drone-bombing brown people in the mountains with no regards to civilian bystanders. Bush did this, Obama did this.
Doubling our national debt. Bush did this, Obama did this.

I could easily list more, but I just ate.

Long story short, we have universal healthcare now, so the frothing masses are just fine with Obama's Bush-emulating nature.

Yep Bush gave us Medicare part D, Obama gave us Obamacare. HELLO earth to DC the national debt is now $17 trillion and you have no plan to pay it off let alone pay us back the $2 trillion you borrowed from our Social Security trust fund. America is on the path to financial ruin, already draconian taxes on the wealthy can't even handle the $17 trillion dollar debt let alone the other $100 trillion in unfunded government benefits they have promised us. Channeling Richard Dreyfuss Jaws, DC is going to ignore this problem until it swims up and bites them on the ass.
I think many of the RWers on USMB would be happy if we went back to the -GDP days of the W administration. They would be happy if they could return to losing job every month instead of gaining them. They would be happy to be fighting two wars without paying for them. All they want is a Republican....wait....a white Republican in the White House. Even another recovering alcoholic puppet like W would do.

What happened? You were listing facts or what you believe are facts and then you just lost steam and then completely jumped the shark!

White Republican??? Recovering alcoholic???

Maybe the mere mention of booze sets you off and makes you lose your shit!

I think many of the RWers on USMB would be happy if we went back to the -GDP days of the W administration. They would be happy if they could return to losing job every month instead of gaining them. They would be happy to be fighting two wars without paying for them. All they want is a Republican....wait....a white Republican in the White House. Even another recovering alcoholic puppet like W would do.

What happened? You were listing facts or what you believe are facts and then you just lost steam and then completely jumped the shark!

White Republican??? Recovering alcoholic???

Maybe the mere mention of booze sets you off and makes you lose your shit!


Oh those fact posted by the OP cannot be refuted. That has to be making you RWers uncomfortable...Facts just get in your way all the time don't they?
Just turn on FOX and return to your make believe world. It will make you feel better.
Lol. 85 billion a month from the fed propping up wall street for five years will make everything smell like roses.

I wonder if they'll stop pumping money into the stock market as soon as the next President-elect has an (R) next to his name?

I'll bet nothing will be Obama's fault for the first 4 years. :eusa_think:

If a Republican were president with Obama's record the puke liberals would be freaking out and there would be a 24/7 assault underway by the MSM. The left's double standards and hypocrisy is incredible, problem is they don't care they wear their hypocrisy and lies like a badge of honor.

What many of you Libs refuse to recognize or admit is that if the POTUS was a Republican and he did what Obama was and is doing to America the Liberals wouldn't get a chance to assail the GOP Chief Executive.

We Republicans would do the job OURSELVES without anyone needing to request it or propose it be done.

We are less party and MORE COUNTRY.

Libs are MORE PARTY but less country.
Just turn on FOX and return to your make believe world. It will make you feel better.

Record number of Americans working two jobs. Food stamps at record highs. Printing money like crazy.

Is this just FOXNews or is this the facts.

Everything is a house of cards because neither party will make the tough decisions to make us solid again.
I think many of the RWers on USMB would be happy if we went back to the -GDP days of the W administration. They would be happy if they could return to losing job every month instead of gaining them. They would be happy to be fighting two wars without paying for them. All they want is a Republican....wait....a white Republican in the White House. Even another recovering alcoholic puppet like W would do.

What happened? You were listing facts or what you believe are facts and then you just lost steam and then completely jumped the shark!

White Republican??? Recovering alcoholic???

Maybe the mere mention of booze sets you off and makes you lose your shit!


Oh those fact posted by the OP cannot be refuted. That has to be making you RWers uncomfortable...Facts just get in your way all the time don't they?

They were refuted before you even learned what refuted means!

From my Post #104

RUSH: Pete Wehner, Commentary Magazine, "Obama’s Staggering Record of Failure." Just some pull quotes here. "It’s not simply that Mr. Obama has fallen short of what he promised; it’s that he has been, in so many respects, a failure. Choose your metrics. Better yet, choose Mr. Obama’s metrics:

Job creation." Failure."

Economic growth." Failure.

"Improving our health-care system." Failure.

"Reducing the debt." Failure.

"Reducing poverty." Failure.

"Reducing income inequality." Failure.

"Slowing the rise of the oceans." Failure.

"Healing the planet." Failure.

"Repairing the world." Failure.

"The Russian 'reset.'" Failure.

"Peace in the Middle East." Failure.

"Red lines in Syria." Failure.

"Renewed focus on Afghanistan." Failure.

"A new beginning with the Arab world." Failure.

"Better relations with our allies." Failure.

"Depolarizing our politics." Big failure.

"Putting an end to the type of politics that 'breeds division and conflict and cynicism.'" Failure.

"Working with the other party." Failure.

"Transparency," i.e., honesty. Failure.

"No lobbyists working in his administration." Failure.

"His commitment to seek public financing in the general election." Failure.

"The list goes on and on.


"Barack Obama was among the least prepared men to ever serve as president. It shows. He has been overmatched by events right from the start. He is an excellent campaigner but unusually inept when it comes to governing."

Man, this is the Limbaugh Theorem, is it not?

This is the Limbaugh Theorem to a tee and Mr. Wehner has swerved into it. He survives by constantly campaigning against what he has caused. He makes it look like he is opposed to what's happening, except he is the one making it happen. He does not govern. He cannot be seen as governing. That's the point of the Limbaugh Theorem.

Obama's non-accountability rests on the fact that he's not seen as governing. He's seen as campaigning and being constantly against all of this stuff.

But this line, "Barack Obama was among the least prepared men to ever serve as president."

How did we get here then?

Because I maintain that it was known in 2008 that he was among the least prepared to ever seek the presidency. So why is it that some only now, in 2014, feel comfortable saying so?

Well, there are all kinds of answers for that.

Do you remember David Brooks? David Brooks, one of the learned class, a conservative columnist of the New York Times, remember what he said:

Obama's crease in his slacks told him that he was going to be a great president. And I am not making that up.

We had our own intellectual class fail us by signing on to this, because Obama was one of them.

He was a Harvard man. He was a Columbia man. He was the first African-American president. He could speak. He could articulate. He sounded intellectual. He sounded smart. He sounded erudite. He sounded sophisticated. He sounds like us, they said.

But, if it is safe to say that he was among the least prepared men to ever serve as president today, it was true in 2007 and it was true in 2008, because there has been nothing that has changed. It has only gotten worse. The New York Times has their own version of the Washington Post's. Gotta take a break here, but there's another attempt at Time Magazine: "Obama's Foreign Policy Failures Are Proving His Critics Right."


It s Suddenly Cool to Use the Word Fail - The Rush Limbaugh Show
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Bull shit. I'd sooner spit on him than shake his hand. I wouldn't shake his hand for 2million dollars.
That's because you aren't a real American.

Anybody that doesn't agree with you isn't a real American..................LOL

Liberal to the core..........Have your self a bowl full of who gives a rats ass what you think................

Anybody who says they would spit on the President Of The United States is not a real American.
I didn't say I would spit on just any POTUS I said I'd rather spit on Obama than shake his hand. I didn't vote for him, and by his own vile pie hole he does not represent me. If he gave me an order I'd piss on his boots.

You are one classy ars hole, huh?
Not when it comes to an arch enemy.
The laundry list of Kline's supposed 'crimes' is nothing more than the mark of a stalwart and responsible Conservative.

I was responding to your original accusation. I THOUGHT that's what we were discussing.

You and Maher say these things about him as though they were bad things!

They're not.

Repeal Obamacare. Check.

Against raising the minimum wage. Check.

For defunding Obamacare which led the POTUS to shut down the Govt. Check.

Against stem cell research. Check.

Against Gay marriage. Being decided.

Against Abortion. Check.

Voted to deny funds to study climate change. Check.

Almost every one of these bullet points represents a reason to vote FOR Kline.

And when Maher mentioned the University of Phoenix graduation rate is lower than that of regular colleges, he failed to mention that the U of Phoe is a different kind of college. Home or distance study by working people with families and matriculating at night and weekends and online to get better equipped for one's current job or to qualify for the next job or promotion, students aren't expecting the same graduation rate as a normal college.

And the U of Phoe is a well respected institution. Why use their name to demonize Kline. It just happened to be a handy fact to include, right?


A hatchhet job is being done on Kline from what I see here.

but that still doesn't mean I have completed whatever research this subject might demand.

research i doubt I'll ever do, now. Why not?

I've lost interest in Mr. Kline's particular situation.

Let's not fall victim to the typically Liberal's obsessive descent into a pursuit of the inane and mundane and the irrelevant particulars of Kline's situation.

We aren't here to discuss him.

We're here to convey to you the reality that millions face desperate economic situations all because of Obama's policies.

Let's not be distracted by tangential attractions.
Far from it. It's a joke of a school.

So, you are arguing that not helping college students with a new College Debt bill, and instead looking to raise their debt is a conservative principle?

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