Our President is a Petulant Child

Sounds like an even handed well cited source to me!
says the guy who thinks the Daily stormer is a reliable news source
Never heard of it. Nothing but worthless shit comes off your keyboard. Thanks for polluting the forum.
you literally post nothing but shitty one liners attacking other members of the forum with random interchangeable insults that are so irrelevant to the topic at hand you could actually post them anywhere and they'd make just as much sense.

I shouldn't have said you source the Daily stormer because that implies that youve posted a link to anything... ever... which i dont think you have, its just what I assume a hate filled bigoted mental midget like you reads all the time.
Any search of my posts prove my point. Thank you asshole!
Sounds like an even handed well cited source to me!

The OP sounds like he is talking about himself when he insists that someone else is a petulant child.

If anything, Politico leans right.

When your busy defending the source, you are losing the OP.

You're the one busily bitching about the source because you're incapable of justifying your support of a Cheeto hued man child.
Sounds like an even handed well cited source to me!

The OP sounds like he is talking about himself when he insists that someone else is a petulant child.

If anything, Politico leans right.

When your busy defending the source, you are losing the OP.

You're the one busily bitching about the source because you're incapable of justifying your support of a Cheeto hued man child.

He's president, no justification needed. Presidents do not need to go around 24/7 attending to every little fear of the populous. Adults just deal with issues and have evolved past third grade name calling and rants. Not that I am suggesting you change, very entertaining, please continue.
Sounds like an even handed well cited source to me!

The OP sounds like he is talking about himself when he insists that someone else is a petulant child.

If anything, Politico leans right.

When your busy defending the source, you are losing the OP.

You're the one busily bitching about the source because you're incapable of justifying your support of a Cheeto hued man child.
It isn't bitching to laugh at you for thinking a condescending op-ed from Politico was a legitimate news source.
Geez, ...

... talk about a snowflake ...


President Donald Trump’s former campaign staffers claim they cracked the code for tamping down his most inflammatory tweets, and they say the current West Wing staff would do well to take note.

The key to keeping Trump’s Twitter habit under control, according to six former campaign officials, is to ensure that his personal media consumption includes a steady stream of praise…

The in-person touch is also important to keeping Trump from running too hot. One Trump associate said it’s important to show Trump deference and offer him praise and respect, as that will lead him to more often listen. And If Trump becomes obsessed with a grudge, aides need to try and change the subject, friends say. Leaving him alone for several hours can prove damaging, because he consumes too much television and gripes to people outside the White House.

How Trump’s campaign staffers tried to keep him off Twitter

Another butthurt Leftard thread

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