Our problem is how we're raising our kids

We can dance around this subject and pretend all sorts of things are REALLY the problem but I think what it all ultimately boils down to is how we're raising our children. In order to examine the problem we have to go back in time.

Several generations ago, we fought and won a world war. Those who returned, settled down and started building their families. Children were raised to respect their elders. There were expectations and consequences if those expectations weren't met. There were daily responsibilities. Children were expected to do their homework and excel in education. They were also expected to pull their own weight in the household. As most of their fathers were in the military at some point, they were expected to follow the rules and obey the laws. Any stepping out of line was met with disciplinary action and nipped in the bud.

That generation grew up and came into their own in the 1960s, where they began to raise their children. They rebelled against the harsh discipline and bucked the authority of their parents by taking a more relaxed view on their parenting role. Dr. Benjamin Spock who had released largely ignored and panned books on parenting in the late 40s became popularized in the radical 60s. It became the "in thing" to not punish your children by spanking. As we rolled into the free-love 70s, parents became "friends" with their children instead of parenting.

That generation grew up with virtually no discipline, at least not the kind their grandparents knew. They began to raise their children in much the way they were raised but with even more liberation. We're now into the 90s and children are hardly ever disciplined and when they are, cries of "child abuse" abound. Laws are passed which effectively prohibit corporal punishment by authority figures in schools and eventually even parents themselves. Yet another generation grows up with this being the "norm" and begin to raise their families in the same manner. Those children are coming of age today and we're seeing the results of several generations with no discipline in upbringing. No expectations. No responsibilities.

Furthermore, the problems are exponentially worse in black families because of a 75% illegitimacy rate. Black children are more likely raised in homes without a father figure. By the time the black male reaches age 13~14, they are essentially the authority figure in their household. Their mothers can't handle them anymore, if they ever could. And anyone who mentions this crisis is decried as "racist" and hooted down by the liberal left.

The generation who knew how to raise children to be upstanding citizens are dying off. What we are left with is a society that is totally clueless about personal responsibility because this was never instilled in them as children. How can we turn this around? I haven't got a clue. It seems hopeless to me at this point. Each generation seems to get further and further away from the principles of decency and the parental diligence of raising their kids properly.

And the brainwashing all started in the schools. I still remember when a teacher started that bs of " if your parents yell to loud that is abuse" you need to tell on them. Liberal democratic jackass as usual.
Dumbing down America is working quite well , forget about getting sheep to learn that information though their brainwashing runs so deep when they don't bother to step out of their msm comfort zone all they hear or believe is what they are comfortable with.
That's how it was done the first couple of years when my daughter played softball.

The funny thing was, all the kids kept score themselves, and so did we parents in the stands.


Right. The first couple of years. While 5-9 year olds are learning the game, score is kept but not emphasized. By age 8....there are competitive TRAVEL TEAMS for softball, baseball,basketball and soccer. If your kid is any good and wants to play the best competition, he or she will be RECRUITED. Practice three times per week....tournaments on weekends and holidays. Hotel stays....the works. He or she will then compete for playing time with other kids. And for some, that takes precedence over he score of the game.

The rec ball rules ( 5 runs per inning per side ) and not emphasizing the score are put in place to allow kids the chance to love the game without crazed parents fucking up the fun.

Learn, then type.
Score was not kept.

Hardcore partisan ideologues are a HOOT.

"If I can't defend it, it doesn't exist."

Stop lying, then type. If you can.

Score was kept. You said as much yourself. Did the fact that you had to keep it detract from your kids' experience?

Did your kid turn out to be a loser due to this horrible PC culture infecting her tee ball career?
No, we all laughed at it.

Better yet, more and more people are laughing at it, every day.


Right. You never gave it a moment's serious thought! Yiu just bitch about it years later because it was so cute and funny. I believe you.

Check this out. My daughter is home for the holidays. She's 20 and went through that travel ball experience with softball. She's as tough as nails and extremely competitive. Well....the other day, I presented her with a very nice folding pocket knife ( ask G.T. , he has one ) for her to give to one of her guy friends. Well....she scoffed at me and said dismissively..."or one of my girl friends, right?" She was reprimanding me for being a sexist.

The horror!!!! I immediately went into a furor over this terrible affront to my character!!!!

No....that's what you might have done. I thought about it and determined that she was right. She had exposed my implicit bias. And....I'm still alive!!!!!

We can dance around this subject and pretend all sorts of things are REALLY the problem but I think what it all ultimately boils down to is how we're raising our children. In order to examine the problem we have to go back in time.

Several generations ago, we fought and won a world war. Those who returned, settled down and started building their families. Children were raised to respect their elders. There were expectations and consequences if those expectations weren't met. There were daily responsibilities. Children were expected to do their homework and excel in education. They were also expected to pull their own weight in the household. As most of their fathers were in the military at some point, they were expected to follow the rules and obey the laws. Any stepping out of line was met with disciplinary action and nipped in the bud.

That generation grew up and came into their own in the 1960s, where they began to raise their children. They rebelled against the harsh discipline and bucked the authority of their parents by taking a more relaxed view on their parenting role. Dr. Benjamin Spock who had released largely ignored and panned books on parenting in the late 40s became popularized in the radical 60s. It became the "in thing" to not punish your children by spanking. As we rolled into the free-love 70s, parents became "friends" with their children instead of parenting.

That generation grew up with virtually no discipline, at least not the kind their grandparents knew. They began to raise their children in much the way they were raised but with even more liberation. We're now into the 90s and children are hardly ever disciplined and when they are, cries of "child abuse" abound. Laws are passed which effectively prohibit corporal punishment by authority figures in schools and eventually even parents themselves. Yet another generation grows up with this being the "norm" and begin to raise their families in the same manner. Those children are coming of age today and we're seeing the results of several generations with no discipline in upbringing. No expectations. No responsibilities.

Furthermore, the problems are exponentially worse in black families because of a 75% illegitimacy rate. Black children are more likely raised in homes without a father figure. By the time the black male reaches age 13~14, they are essentially the authority figure in their household. Their mothers can't handle them anymore, if they ever could. And anyone who mentions this crisis is decried as "racist" and hooted down by the liberal left.

The generation who knew how to raise children to be upstanding citizens are dying off. What we are left with is a society that is totally clueless about personal responsibility because this was never instilled in them as children. How can we turn this around? I haven't got a clue. It seems hopeless to me at this point. Each generation seems to get further and further away from the principles of decency and the parental diligence of raising their kids properly.

It was engineered that way for black families. Keep the father out get them on welfare and it keeps them in the state's system, and if they aren't in the system via welfare they are in the system through prison. The engineering of this is exactly why they need to stop and wake up.
Every generation has a complaint.

People in the 1920s complained about the youth because they were going to clubs and dancing the charleston and women were wearing short hair cuts and knee length skirts.

In the 60's old geezers complained about youth having sex and smoking weed.

In the 80s and 90s they complained about gen x being

Now folks are complaining about discipline.

Older generations will never be satisfied with younger ones.
You couldn't hit the side of a barn from the inside. It isn't just a matter of complaining about the newest generation, there is a marked lack of discipline, self reliance and self control these days. Many kids are not taught the work ethic or even right or wrong. Moral relativity has taken over moral character. Independence has given way to dependence and group think.

I'll trot out the post election snowflake meltdown as exhibit A. Exhibit B is college safe spaces. Previous generations would be shocked, horrified or greatly amused at the necessity of finding a place where disagreeable thought was not allowed.

Kids do have a work ethic. I am 28 years old. Everyone my age has a job working full time. Of course there are some bums, but you'll find bums in every age group.

What does safe spaces have to do independence? Talking about your feelings is the right thing to do. Older generations winded up being drunks and druggies because they didn't talk about their issues.

It also goes back to who raise them? The good ole days like you admire generated a generation of youth that were rebellious because of their uber strict parenting. Baby boomers are closer to their kids than they were with their parents.

A safe space can a lot to do with it, if we have a bunch of weak minded panzies who get offended at someone wearing a black shirt how the hell can these weak minded snowflakes function in the real world when everything offends these idiots. and that's just what they are delicate little flowers who want to hide in the corner over anything that doesn't fit their gentle world of false reality.

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