Our Radical Socialist Marxist Communist President


I notice that many of our usually reliably-conservative friends have somehow managed to "miss" this thread.

My clear and direct question posed in the OP remains.


I notice that many of our usually reliably-conservative friends have somehow managed to "miss" this thread.

My clear and direct question posed in the OP remains.


Maybe they have better things to do.

No offense.

I'm about to find something better to do.
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It ain't about race. It's about politics.

The Right is doing everything it can to scare people into thinking that Obama is a Radical Socialist Marxist Communist. It's dishonest, of course, but I strongly suspect they're having some success with the strategy. Just as the Left is having success with its dishonest tactics.

Sad to see. You'd think if someone were confident about their beliefs, they could just be honest.


It ain't about race. It's about politics.

The Right is doing everything it can to scare people into thinking that Obama is a Radical Socialist Marxist Communist. It's dishonest, of course, but I strongly suspect they're having some success with the strategy. Just as the Left is having success with its dishonest tactics.

Sad to see. You'd think if someone were confident about their beliefs, they could just be honest.


It's not dishonest......just not completely accurate.

I hope you're not an Obama supporter because honesty to him is something to shy-away from.
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It ain't about race. It's about politics.

The Right is doing everything it can to scare people into thinking that Obama is a Radical Socialist Marxist Communist. It's dishonest, of course, but I strongly suspect they're having some success with the strategy. Just as the Left is having success with its dishonest tactics.

Sad to see. You'd think if someone were confident about their beliefs, they could just be honest.


It is? You know nothing of his history, and whom he sought out, do you?

YOU have alot of homework to do.

I'm not easily surprised, but I expected a FLOOD of clear and direct responses to my clear and direct question. Once again:

Given his track record (described in the OP) -- and I forgot to add "Continued Bush's Guantanamo Bay policies" -- why do American Conservatives (including many on this board) call Obama a Radical Socialist Marxist Communist with such regularity?

COME ON folks, let me have it!


Definition of social democracy-
Social democracy is a reformist democratic socialist political ideology. Social democracy supports legal entitlements in social rights for citizens. These are made up of universal access to public services such as: workers' compensation, universal health care, universal education, and other services such as child care and care for the elderly. Social democracy is connected with the trade union labor movement and supports collective bargaining rights for workers. Contemporary social democracy advocates freedom from discrimination based on differences of: ability/disability, age, class, ethnicity, gender, language, race, religion, and sexual orientation. Most social democratic parties are affiliated with the Socialist International.

Social democracy in its current form was originally developed by revisionist Marxist Eduard Bernstein who criticized orthodox Marxism's emphasis on revolution and class conflict, claiming that socialism could be achieved through evolutionary means through representative democracy and through cooperation between people regardless of class.

Under this ideology our Government has grow-en larger over the last 30 years.

We are suppose to be a Republic defined by our constitution as to what type of Republic we are.
What is that?
Limited Federal Government
Powers to each state
Federal General Welfare for all of the people like Roads, Highways, Post Office. Things that benefit for all the people. Not pick and choose programs like for the poor, for blacks in other words entitlement programs. This is why social entitlement programs have gone up in costs to 119 Trillion. Nobody in the world has 119 Trillion dollars to pay for this.
Teachers, Fire and police are the states responsibility.
Maintaining our Military
Lay and collect taxes Thur Imports, Excises and Duties. What are these?
“a tax levied by a government on the import or export of goods,” imposts as “a tax, especially an import duty,” and excise taxes as “taxes on the manufacture, sale, or consumption of goods, or upon licenses to pursue certain occupations, or upon corporate privileges,”
We were never to have personal income taxes because it kept us free from the Federal Government. It limited our Federal Government
To promote the progress of Science and Useful Arts
Congress is limited to the constitution. Congress ignores it now and writes anything they want to and lets the courts to decide. This was never suppose to happen.

We are suppose to be a Republic not a social democracy.
Under a social democracy, we the people, are not free from our federal government.

President Obama and the Democrats are social democracy revisionist Marxists.
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It ain't about race. It's about politics.

The Right is doing everything it can to scare people into thinking that Obama is a Radical Socialist Marxist Communist. It's dishonest, of course, but I strongly suspect they're having some success with the strategy. Just as the Left is having success with its dishonest tactics.

Sad to see. You'd think if someone were confident about their beliefs, they could just be honest.


It is? You know nothing of his history, and whom he sought out, do you?

YOU have alot of homework to do.

Great! I don't need to do any homework, as you can provide the answers for me. So, go ahead:

Given his track record -- stuff he has ACTUALLY DONE (described in the OP) -- and I forgot to add "Continued Bush's Guantanamo Bay policies" -- why do American Conservatives (including many on this board) call Obama a Radical Socialist Marxist Communist with such regularity?

If you want, you can begin by explaining how a 39.6% top marginal tax rate is communist, then continue from there.


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It ain't about race. It's about politics.

The Right is doing everything it can to scare people into thinking that Obama is a Radical Socialist Marxist Communist. It's dishonest, of course, but I strongly suspect they're having some success with the strategy. Just as the Left is having success with its dishonest tactics.

Sad to see. You'd think if someone were confident about their beliefs, they could just be honest.


It's not dishonest......just not completely accurate.

I hope you're not an Obama supporter because honesty to him is something to shy-away from.

Nope, not an Obama supporter. I'll be voting alternate party because I have strong and intractable differences with both "major" parties. Embarrassed and ashamed to admit I voted for McCain, despite Palin's presence. Ouch. Won't make that mistake again.

My humble little crusade is, as outlined in my sig, to inject honesty into American politics. For a change. Crazy me, I think it would help.

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It ain't about race. It's about politics.

The Right is doing everything it can to scare people into thinking that Obama is a Radical Socialist Marxist Communist. It's dishonest, of course, but I strongly suspect they're having some success with the strategy. Just as the Left is having success with its dishonest tactics.

Sad to see. You'd think if someone were confident about their beliefs, they could just be honest.


It's not dishonest......just not completely accurate.

I hope you're not an Obama supporter because honesty to him is something to shy-away from.

Nope, not an Obama supporter. I'll be voting alternate party because I have strong and intractable differences with both "major" parties. Embarrassed and ashamed to admit I voted for McCain, despite Palin's presence. Ouch. Won't make that mistake again.

My humble little crusade is, as outlined in my sig, to inject honesty into American politics. For a change. Crazy me, I think it would help.


You think you're making a statement about your intelligence by throwing it away on a 3rd party.

You might as well slam you're dick in the door. You'll get more result from that than voting for Stanley Fuck-nuts of the Green Astro-turf party.....or that nimb-rod Ron Paul of the Libertarian party.....but I don't think he's running anymore. But if it makes you feel better keep to your principled stand and merely become half a vote not for Obama.
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It's not dishonest......just not completely accurate.

I hope you're not an Obama supporter because honesty to him is something to shy-away from.

Nope, not an Obama supporter. I'll be voting alternate party because I have strong and intractable differences with both "major" parties. Embarrassed and ashamed to admit I voted for McCain, despite Palin's presence. Ouch. Won't make that mistake again.

My humble little crusade is, as outlined in my sig, to inject honesty into American politics. For a change. Crazy me, I think it would help.


You think you're making a statement about your intelligence by throwing it away on a 3rd party.

You might as well slam you're dick in the door. You'll get more result from that than voting for Stanley Fuck-nuts of the Green Astro-turf party.....or that nimb-rod Ron Paul of the Libertarian party.....but I don't think he's running anymore. But if it makes you feel better keep to your principled stand and merely become half a vote not for Obama.

Well, if you're going to question my intelligence, you'll have to get in line.

That said, I've thought a lot about this. And it boils down to two things: Those "strong and intractable differences" are exactly that, and I can't in good conscience bend over (that far, anyway) in either direction; and secondly, no one's one individual vote counts any more than mine. Not one bit.

I don't like being lied to. I'll be able to walk out of the voting booth knowing that I stuck to my guns.

For whatever that's worth...

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Nope, not an Obama supporter. I'll be voting alternate party because I have strong and intractable differences with both "major" parties. Embarrassed and ashamed to admit I voted for McCain, despite Palin's presence. Ouch. Won't make that mistake again.

My humble little crusade is, as outlined in my sig, to inject honesty into American politics. For a change. Crazy me, I think it would help.


You think you're making a statement about your intelligence by throwing it away on a 3rd party.

You might as well slam you're dick in the door. You'll get more result from that than voting for Stanley Fuck-nuts of the Green Astro-turf party.....or that nimb-rod Ron Paul of the Libertarian party.....but I don't think he's running anymore. But if it makes you feel better keep to your principled stand and merely become half a vote not for Obama.

Well, if you're going to question my intelligence, you'll have to get in line.

That said, I've thought a lot about this. And it boils down to two things: Those "strong and intractable differences" are exactly that, and I can't in good conscience bend over (that far, anyway) in either direction; and secondly, no one's one individual vote counts any more than mine. Not one bit.

I don't like being lied to. I'll be able to walk out of the voting booth knowing that I stuck to my guns.

For whatever that's worth...


Well, it's worthless.....because voting that way is throwing your vote away.......and is exactly what Obama wants. So you're doing the predictable thing by casting a protest vote. This is why he spent so much time trying to ridicule the Republican debates.


You just took what I said and twisted it.

I didn't question your intelligence as much as make fun of your desire to show it to others.

But if you want me to I can easily say you pretty much fell for a stunt that was hatched by the left.

You see they know that some of us have principles, and they decided if they couldn't trick you into voting for him.....at least they could keep you from voting for the only other person in the race that could beat him.

So.....are you really that smart after all????

That's it? I'd think people would be jumping all over this opportunity!

Hasn't Rush covered this?


Mainly it's because they don't have any idea what Marxism really is..and it's basically a term used by theocrats and fascists to insult their enemies.

That's it? I'd think people would be jumping all over this opportunity!

Hasn't Rush covered this?


Mainly it's because they don't have any idea what Marxism really is..and it's basically a term used by theocrats and fascists to insult their enemies.

Wow.....we're not smart enough to look it up. Not one of us ever thought of that.

It's one thing to be a Marxist.....and another to use Marxist tactics.

We don't know what Obama is. We do know he's B.A.D. for this country in every sense of the word.
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You think you're making a statement about your intelligence by throwing it away on a 3rd party.

You might as well slam you're dick in the door. You'll get more result from that than voting for Stanley Fuck-nuts of the Green Astro-turf party.....or that nimb-rod Ron Paul of the Libertarian party.....but I don't think he's running anymore. But if it makes you feel better keep to your principled stand and merely become half a vote not for Obama.

Well, if you're going to question my intelligence, you'll have to get in line.

That said, I've thought a lot about this. And it boils down to two things: Those "strong and intractable differences" are exactly that, and I can't in good conscience bend over (that far, anyway) in either direction; and secondly, no one's one individual vote counts any more than mine. Not one bit.

I don't like being lied to. I'll be able to walk out of the voting booth knowing that I stuck to my guns.

For whatever that's worth...


Well, it's worthless.....because voting that way is throwing your vote away.......and is exactly what Obama wants. So you're doing the predictable thing by casting a protest vote. This is why he spent so much time trying to ridicule the Republican debates.


You just took what I said and twisted it.

I didn't question your intelligence as much as make fun of your desire to show it to others.

But if you want me to I can easily say you pretty much fell for a stunt that was hatched by the left.

You see they know that some of us have principles, and they decided if they couldn't trick you into voting for him.....at least they could keep you from voting for the only other person in the race that could beat him.

So.....are you really that smart after all????

Am I really that smart? Dunno. I haven't made any claims on that topic, but people who disagree with me on stuff certainly have voiced their opinions with great verve. If you go by their opinion, I have the intellectual capacity and mental agility of the typical medium-sized household appliance. I guess I can live with that. But am I more honest than the average partisan ideologue? Yeah, I'd claim that one. Doesn't take a lot of brains to be honest.

The Democrats haven't done anything to keep me away from the the GOP, the GOP has done a fine job on their own. On my list of issues, war is #1, and the GOP's constant assertion that it's our responsibility and right to play the world's policeman is a strong and intractable difference for me. The economy is #3 for me, and the influence of the Tea Party and their inane "pledges" will keep me away as well. I cannot and will not side with the party when they're behaving as they are, all absolutism, all the time. They're making the Democrats look reasonable on the economy right now, and I didn't think that was even possible.

#2 on my list of issues is the wide range of factors that surround Political Correctness, Freedom of Expression, and the Soft Bigotry of Reduced Expectations. That's the Democrats' turf, and there's no freakin' way I'm going to play on a team that depends so much on their control of those issues. Strong and intractable difference. Period.

Again, the Dems don't influence my opinions any more than the GOP does. It's a nice excuse, but it's not true.

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I'm not easily surprised, but I expected a FLOOD of clear and direct responses to my clear and direct question. Once again:

Given his track record (described in the OP) -- and I forgot to add "Continued Bush's Guantanamo Bay policies" -- why do American Conservatives (including many on this board) call Obama a Radical Socialist Marxist Communist with such regularity?

COME ON folks, let me have it!


Definition of social democracy-
Social democracy is a reformist democratic socialist political ideology. Social democracy supports legal entitlements in social rights for citizens. These are made up of universal access to public services such as: workers' compensation, universal health care, universal education, and other services such as child care and care for the elderly. Social democracy is connected with the trade union labor movement and supports collective bargaining rights for workers. Contemporary social democracy advocates freedom from discrimination based on differences of: ability/disability, age, class, ethnicity, gender, language, race, religion, and sexual orientation. Most social democratic parties are affiliated with the Socialist International.

Social democracy in its current form was originally developed by revisionist Marxist Eduard Bernstein who criticized orthodox Marxism's emphasis on revolution and class conflict, claiming that socialism could be achieved through evolutionary means through representative democracy and through cooperation between people regardless of class.

Under this ideology our Government has grow-en larger over the last 30 years.

We are suppose to be a Republic defined by our constitution as to what type of Republic we are.
What is that?
Limited Federal Government
Powers to each state
Federal General Welfare for all of the people like Roads, Highways, Post Office. Things that benefit for all the people. Not pick and choose programs like for the poor, for blacks in other words entitlement programs. This is why social entitlement programs have gone up in costs to 119 Trillion. Nobody in the world has 119 Trillion dollars to pay for this.
Teachers, Fire and police are the states responsibility.
Maintaining our Military
Lay and collect taxes Thur Imports, Excises and Duties. What are these?
“a tax levied by a government on the import or export of goods,” imposts as “a tax, especially an import duty,” and excise taxes as “taxes on the manufacture, sale, or consumption of goods, or upon licenses to pursue certain occupations, or upon corporate privileges,”
We were never to have personal income taxes because it kept us free from the Federal Government. It limited our Federal Government
To promote the progress of Science and Useful Arts
Congress is limited to the constitution. Congress ignores it now and writes anything they want to and lets the courts to decide. This was never suppose to happen.

We are suppose to be a Republic not a social democracy.
Under a social democracy, we the people, are not free from our federal government.

President Obama and the Democrats are social democracy revisionist Marxists.

Basically..you've misread the Constitution.

But overall what you don't understand is that the "limits" on Federal power are in relation to what government can do to citizens.

Something you and your ilk undermine completely every chance you guys get.
Well, if you're going to question my intelligence, you'll have to get in line.

That said, I've thought a lot about this. And it boils down to two things: Those "strong and intractable differences" are exactly that, and I can't in good conscience bend over (that far, anyway) in either direction; and secondly, no one's one individual vote counts any more than mine. Not one bit.

I don't like being lied to. I'll be able to walk out of the voting booth knowing that I stuck to my guns.

For whatever that's worth...


Well, it's worthless.....because voting that way is throwing your vote away.......and is exactly what Obama wants. So you're doing the predictable thing by casting a protest vote. This is why he spent so much time trying to ridicule the Republican debates.


You just took what I said and twisted it.

I didn't question your intelligence as much as make fun of your desire to show it to others.

But if you want me to I can easily say you pretty much fell for a stunt that was hatched by the left.

You see they know that some of us have principles, and they decided if they couldn't trick you into voting for him.....at least they could keep you from voting for the only other person in the race that could beat him.

So.....are you really that smart after all????

Am I really that smart? Dunno. I haven't made any claims on that topic, but people who disagree with me on stuff certainly have voiced their opinions with great verve. If you go by their opinion, I have the intellectual capacity and mental agility of the typical medium-sized household appliance. I guess I can live with that. But am I more honest than the average partisan ideologue? Yeah, I'd claim that one. Doesn't take a lot of brains to be honest.

The Democrats haven't done anything to keep me away from the the GOP, the GOP has done a fine job on their own. On my list of issues, war is #1, and the GOP's constant assertion that it's our responsibility and right to play the world's policeman is a strong and intractable difference for me. The economy is #3 for me, and the influence of the Tea Party and their inane "pledges" will keep me away as well. I cannot and will not side with the party when they're behaving as they are, all absolutism, all the time. They're making the Democrats look reasonable on the economy right now, and I didn't think that was even possible.

#2 on my list of issues is the wide range of factors that surround Political Correctness, Freedom of Expression, and the Soft Bigotry of Reduced Expectations. That's the Democrats' turf, and there's no freakin' way I'm going to play on a team that depends so much on their control of those issues. Strong and intractable difference. Period.

Again, the Dems don't influence my opinions any more than the GOP does. It's a nice excuse, but it's not true.


I agree both sides have their bullshit artists. The difference being when we discover ours we get rid of them, not look the other way.

My main motivation is to get that unqualified individual out of the Oval Office before he does too much damage. Once that's done I'll let into the GOP establishment. The key is to get politics back to something manageable. And another thing I'd like to do is end the constant character assassination and demonizing. Every day it's something more ridiculous than the one before. "Dirty Air.....Dirty Water"........"Tax The (Invisible) Rich"....."He's not paying his fair share"......."We need equitable income distribution"......all of that happy horseshit. Total rubbish intended for the weak-minded.

I'm not easily surprised, but I expected a FLOOD of clear and direct responses to my clear and direct question. Once again:

Given his track record (described in the OP) -- and I forgot to add "Continued Bush's Guantanamo Bay policies" -- why do American Conservatives (including many on this board) call Obama a Radical Socialist Marxist Communist with such regularity?

COME ON folks, let me have it!


Definition of social democracy-
Social democracy is a reformist democratic socialist political ideology. Social democracy supports legal entitlements in social rights for citizens. These are made up of universal access to public services such as: workers' compensation, universal health care, universal education, and other services such as child care and care for the elderly. Social democracy is connected with the trade union labor movement and supports collective bargaining rights for workers. Contemporary social democracy advocates freedom from discrimination based on differences of: ability/disability, age, class, ethnicity, gender, language, race, religion, and sexual orientation. Most social democratic parties are affiliated with the Socialist International.

Social democracy in its current form was originally developed by revisionist Marxist Eduard Bernstein who criticized orthodox Marxism's emphasis on revolution and class conflict, claiming that socialism could be achieved through evolutionary means through representative democracy and through cooperation between people regardless of class.

Under this ideology our Government has grow-en larger over the last 30 years.

We are suppose to be a Republic defined by our constitution as to what type of Republic we are.
What is that?
Limited Federal Government
Powers to each state
Federal General Welfare for all of the people like Roads, Highways, Post Office. Things that benefit for all the people. Not pick and choose programs like for the poor, for blacks in other words entitlement programs. This is why social entitlement programs have gone up in costs to 119 Trillion. Nobody in the world has 119 Trillion dollars to pay for this.
Teachers, Fire and police are the states responsibility.
Maintaining our Military
Lay and collect taxes Thur Imports, Excises and Duties. What are these?
“a tax levied by a government on the import or export of goods,” imposts as “a tax, especially an import duty,” and excise taxes as “taxes on the manufacture, sale, or consumption of goods, or upon licenses to pursue certain occupations, or upon corporate privileges,”
We were never to have personal income taxes because it kept us free from the Federal Government. It limited our Federal Government
To promote the progress of Science and Useful Arts
Congress is limited to the constitution. Congress ignores it now and writes anything they want to and lets the courts to decide. This was never suppose to happen.

We are suppose to be a Republic not a social democracy.
Under a social democracy, we the people, are not free from our federal government.

President Obama and the Democrats are social democracy revisionist Marxists.

Basically..you've misread the Constitution.

But overall what you don't understand is that the "limits" on Federal power are in relation to what government can do to citizens.

Something you and your ilk undermine completely every chance you guys get.

No I haven't, you have been brain washed and taught wrong by the socialists.
Our Federal Government is not suppose to run our lives or take care of us from cradle to grave.
The limits on the Fed's is listed in the Constitution period.

Mac1958 asked the question I answered It .
You libs have a real problem with the truth and facts.
If you didn't like a correct answer to the question that was asked, it's your problem.
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